Escada, M.[Maria]
Co Author Listing * Forest Fragmentation in the Lower Amazon Floodplain: Implications for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Provision to Riverine Populations
Escada, M.I.S.[Maria Isabel S.]
Co Author Listing * Examining Multi-Legend Change Detection in Amazon with Pixel and Region Based Methods
* Identifying Precarious Settlements and Urban Fabric Typologies Based on GEOBIA and Data Mining in Brazilian Amazon Cities
Includes: Escada, M.I.S.[Maria Isabel S.] Escada, M.I.S.[Maria Isabel Sobral]
Escalada Imaz, G.
Co Author Listing * Phonetic Unification of Multiple Accents for Spanish and Arabic Languages
* Problem Solving Environment Based on Knowledge Based System Principles
Includes: Escalada Imaz, G. Escalada-Imaz, G.
Escalante Ramirez, B.[Boris]
Co Author Listing * Advanced modeling of visual information processing: A multi-resolution directional-oriented image transform based on Gaussian derivatives
* Advances in Rotation-Invariant Texture Analysis
* Advances in Texture Analysis for Emphysema Classification
* Characterization of hematologic malignancies based on discrete orthogonal moments
* Hermite Transform: An Alternative Image Representation Model for Iris Recognition, The
* Image fusion with the hermite transform
* Lesion Detection in Breast Ultrasound Images Using a Machine Learning Approach and Genetic Optimization
* Multiscale Hermite Transform for Local Orientation Analysis, The
* Optic-flow Information Extraction with Directional Gaussian-derivatives
* Optical flow estimation in cardiac CT images using the steered Hermite transform
* Rotation-invariant texture features from the steered Hermite transform
* Texture Image Retrieval Based on Log-Gabor Features
Includes: Escalante Ramirez, B.[Boris] Escalante-Ramírez, B.[Boris] Escalante-Ramirez, B.[Boris] Escalante-Ramírez, B. Escalante-Ramirez, B.
12 for Escalante Ramirez, B.
Escalante, B.
Co Author Listing * AMOVIP: advanced modeling of visual information processing
Escalante, H.J.[Hugo Jair]
Co Author Listing * 3D High-Fidelity Mask Face Presentation Attack Detection Challenge
* Analysis of systems' performance in natural language processing competitions
* Automated Detection of Hummingbirds in Images: A Deep Learning Approach
* Bias and Variance Multi-objective Optimization for Support Vector Machines Model Selection
* CASIA-SURF CeFA: A Benchmark for Multi-modal Cross-Ethnicity Face Anti-spoofing
* ChaLearn gesture challenge: Design and first results
* ChaLearn gesture dataset (CGD 2011), The
* ChaLearn Joint Contest on Multimedia Challenges Beyond Visual Analysis: An overview
* ChaLearn LAP 2016: First Round Challenge on First Impressions: Dataset and Results
* ChaLearn Looking at People 2015 challenges: Action spotting and cultural event recognition
* ChaLearn Looking at People 2015: Apparent Age and Cultural Event Recognition Datasets and Results
* ChaLearn Looking at People and Faces of the World: Face Analysis Workshop and Challenge 2016
* ChaLearn Looking at People Challenge 2014: Dataset and Results
* comparative study of object-level spatial context techniques for semantic image analysis, A
* Cross-ethnicity face anti-spoofing recognition challenge: A review
* CSMMI: Class-Specific Maximization of Mutual Information for Action and Gesture Recognition
* energy-based model for region-labeling, An
* Enhanced Fuzzy-Relational Neural Network with Alternative Relational Products
* Enhancing abusive language detection: A domain-adapted approach leveraging BERT pre-training tasks
* Evaluation of Detection Approaches for Road Anomalies Based on Accelerometer Readings: Addressing Who's Who
* Evolutionary Multi-Objective Approach for Prototype Generation and Feature Selection
* First Impressions: A Survey on Vision-Based Apparent Personality Trait Analysis
* Flexible Framework for the Evaluation of Unsupervised Image Annotation, A
* From neighbors to strengths-the k-strongest strengths (kSS) classification algorithm
* From Text to Speech: A Multimodal Cross-Domain Approach for Deception Detection
* Genetic Programming of Heterogeneous Ensembles for Classification
* Genetic Programming of Prototypes for Pattern Classification
* Gesture and Action Recognition by Evolved Dynamic Subgestures
* Guest Editorial: Apparent Personality Analysis
* Guest Editorial: Automated Machine Learning
* Guest Editorial: Image and Video Inpainting and Denoising
* Guest editorial: special issue on human abnormal behavioural analysis
* Guest Editorial: The Computational Face
* Improved Learning Rule for LVQ Based on Granular Computing
* Learning Roadway Surface Disruption Patterns Using the Bag of Words Representation
* Looking at People Special Issue
* Modeling, Recognizing, and Explaining Apparent Personality From Videos
* Multi-source Transfer Learning for Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Multimodal First Impression Analysis with Deep Residual Networks
* naïve Bayes baseline for early gesture recognition, A
* Object Recognition with Näive Bayes-NN via Prototype Generation
* One-Shot DTW-Based Method for Early Gesture Recognition, A
* Overview of the Multimedia Information Processing for Personality and Social Networks Analysis Contest
* Particle Swarm Model Selection for Authorship Verification
* Perceptual and Pixel-Wise Information for Visual Novelty Detection
* Recognition of Apparent Personality Traits from Text and Handwritten Images
* Results and Analysis of ChaLearn LAP Multi-modal Isolated and Continuous Gesture Recognition, and Real Versus Fake Expressed Emotions Challenges
* Scalable multi-label annotation via semi-supervised kernel semantic embedding
* segmented and annotated IAPR TC-12 benchmark, The
* Semi-supervised Online Kernel Semantic Embedding for Multi-label Annotation
* Surveillance Face Presentation Attack Detection Challenge
* Survey on Deep Learning Based Approaches for Action and Gesture Recognition in Image Sequences, A
* Transductive non-linear semantic embedding for multi-class classification
* Unified Physical-Digital Attack Detection Challenge
* Visualizing Apparent Personality Analysis with Deep Residual Networks
* Wild Face Anti-Spoofing Challenge 2023: Benchmark and Results
* Word Co-occurrence and Markov Random Fields for Improving Automatic Image Annotation
Includes: Escalante, H.J.[Hugo Jair] Escalante, H.J. Escalante, H.J.[Hugo J.]
57 for Escalante, H.J.
Escalante, P.A.A.[Pablo Andres Arbelaez]
Co Author Listing * Combinatorial Approach for Hyperspectral Image Segmentation, A
Includes: Escalante, P.A.A.[Pablo Andres Arbelaez] Escalante, P.A.A.[Pablo Andrés Arbeláez]
Escalera, S.[Sergio]
Co Author Listing * 3D High-Fidelity Mask Face Presentation Attack Detection Challenge
* Action detection fusing multiple Kinects and a WIMU: an application to in-home assistive technology for the elderly
* Action Recognition from RGB-D Data: Comparison and Fusion of Spatio-Temporal Handcrafted Features and Deep Strategies
* Adding Classes Online in Error Correcting Output Codes Framework
* Agglomerative Token Clustering
* Apparent and Real Age Estimation in Still Images with Deep Residual Regressors on Appa-Real Database
* Articulated motion and deformable objects
* Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition in Video Clips
* Automatic Access Control Based on Face and Hand Biometrics in a Non-cooperative Context
* Automatic Internal Segmentation of Caudate Nucleus for Diagnosis of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
* Automatic Recognition of Facial Displays of Unfelt Emotions
* Automatic Sleep System Recommendation by Multi-modal RBG-Depth-Pressure Anthropometric Analysis
* Automatic user interaction correction via Multi-label Graph cuts
* Back-dropout transfer learning for action recognition
* BeLFusion: Latent Diffusion for Behavior-Driven Human Motion Prediction
* Beyond AUROC and co. for evaluating out-of-distribution detection performance
* Beyond one-hot encoding: Lower dimensional target embedding
* Bi-Directional ConvLSTM U-Net with Densley Connected Convolutions
* Blowing in the Wind: CycleNet for Human Cinemagraphs from Still Images
* Blurred Shape Model for Binary and Grey-Level Symbol Recognition
* Boosted Landmarks of Contextual Descriptors and Forest-ECOC: A novel framework to detect and classify objects in cluttered scenes
* BoVDW: Bag-of-Visual-and-Depth-Words for gesture recognition
* Brain Responses to Emotional Avatars Challenge: Dataset and Results
* CASIA-SURF CeFA: A Benchmark for Multi-modal Cross-Ethnicity Face Anti-spoofing
* CFPL-FAS: Class Free Prompt Learning for Generalizable Face Anti-Spoofing
* ChaLearn Joint Contest on Multimedia Challenges Beyond Visual Analysis: An overview
* ChaLearn LAP 2016: First Round Challenge on First Impressions: Dataset and Results
* ChaLearn LAP 2020 Challenge on Identity-preserved Human Detection: Dataset and Results
* ChaLearn LAP Large Scale Signer Independent Isolated Sign Language Recognition Challenge: Design, Results and Future Research
* Chalearn LAP Seasons in Drift Challenge: Dataset, Design and Results
* ChaLearn Looking at People 2015 challenges: Action spotting and cultural event recognition
* ChaLearn Looking at People 2015: Apparent Age and Cultural Event Recognition Datasets and Results
* ChaLearn Looking at People and Faces of the World: Face Analysis Workshop and Challenge 2016
* ChaLearn Looking at People Challenge 2014: Dataset and Results
* ChaLearn Looking at People RGB-D Isolated and Continuous Datasets for Gesture Recognition
* ChaLearn Looking at People: IsoGD and ConGD Large-Scale RGB-D Gesture Recognition
* Changes in Facial Expression as Biometric: A Database and Benchmarks of Identification
* Circular Blurred Shape Model for Multiclass Symbol Recognition
* Circular Blurred Shape Model for symbol spotting in documents
* Cloth3D: Clothed 3D Humans
* Complex Salient Regions for Computer Vision Problems
* Computing the Testing Error Without a Testing Set
* Context-Aware Personality Inference in Dyadic Scenarios: Introducing the UDIVA Dataset
* Contextual Rescoring for Human Pose Estimation
* Contextual-Guided Bag-of-Visual-Words Model for Multi-class Object Categorization
* Continuous Generalized Procrustes analysis
* Continuous procrustes analysis to learn 2D shape models from 3D objects
* Continuous Supervised Descent Method for Facial Landmark Localisation
* Convolutional Neural Network Super Resolution for Face Recognition in Surveillance Monitoring
* CR-Net: A Deep Classification-Regression Network for Multimodal Apparent Personality Analysis
* Cross-ethnicity face anti-spoofing recognition challenge: A review
* Darwintrees for Action Recognition
* Dataset and Benchmark for Large-Scale Multi-Modal Face Anti-Spoofing, A
* Decoding of Ternary Error Correcting Output Codes
* Deep Frequency Re-calibration U-Net for Medical Image Segmentation
* Deep Multimodal Pain Recognition: A Database and Comparison of Spatio-Temporal Visual Modalities
* Deep Parametric Surfaces for 3D Outfit Reconstruction from Single View Image
* Deep Structure Inference Network for Facial Action Unit Recognition
* Deep Unsupervised 3D Human Body Reconstruction from a Sparse set of Landmarks
* DeePSD: Automatic Deep Skinning And Pose Space Deformation For 3D Garment Animation
* Depth-Based 3D Hand Pose Estimation: From Current Achievements to Future Goals
* Dominance detection in face-to-face conversations
* Dominant and Complementary Multi-Emotional Facial Expression Recognition Using C-Support Vector Classification
* DualH: A Dual Hierarchical Model for Temporal Action Localization
* Dyadformer: A Multi-modal Transformer for Long-Range Modeling of Dyadic Interactions
* Dynamic 3D Hand Gesture Recognition by Learning Weighted Depth Motion Maps
* ECCV 2022 Sign Spotting Challenge: Dataset, Design and Results
* ECOC-ONE: A Novel Coding and Decoding Strategy
* Emotional Features of Interactions with Empathic Agents
* End-to-end global to local convolutional neural network learning for hand pose recovery in depth data
* Error-Correcting Factorization
* Error-Correcting output coding for chagasic patients characterization
* Explainable Early Stopping for Action Unit Recognition
* Exploiting feature Representations Through Similarity Learning and Ranking Aggregation for Person Re-identification
* Exploiting feature representations through similarity learning, post-ranking and ranking aggregation for person re-identification
* Feature-weighting in dynamic time-warping for gesture recognition in depth data
* First Impressions: A Survey on Vision-Based Apparent Personality Trait Analysis
* Folded Recurrent Neural Networks for Future Video Prediction
* Forest Extension of Error Correcting Output Codes and Boosted Landmarks
* Framework of Multi-classifier Fusion for Human Action Recognition, A
* From Apparent to Real Age: Gender, Age, Ethnic, Makeup, and Expression Bias Analysis in Real Age Estimation
* Fusion of classifier predictions for audio-visual emotion recognition
* Gate-Shift Networks for Video Action Recognition
* Gate-Shift-Fuse for Video Action Recognition
* Generative Multi-Resolution Pyramid and Normal-Conditioning 3D Cloth Draping, A
* Generative Video Face Reenactment by AUs and Gaze Regularization
* Generic Subclass Ensemble: A Novel Approach to Ensemble Classification
* Genetic Inspired Optimization for ECOC, A
* genetic-based subspace analysis method for improving Error-Correcting Output Coding, A
* Gesture and Action Recognition by Evolved Dynamic Subgestures
* Gesture Recognition System for Detecting Behavioral Patterns of ADHD, A
* Gloss-free Sign Language Translation: Improving from Visual-Language Pretraining
* Graph cuts optimization for multi-limb human segmentation in depth maps
* GRASP-GCN: Graph-Shape Prioritization for Neural Architecture Search under Distribution Shifts
* Guest Editorial: Image and Video Inpainting and Denoising
* Guest editorial: special issue on human abnormal behavioural analysis
* Guest Editorial: The Computational Face
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue on Multimodal Human Pose Recovery and Behavior Analysis
* Handwritten Symbol Recognition by a Boosted Blurred Shape Model with Error Correction
* Human Behavior Analysis from Depth Maps
* Human Body Segmentation with Multi-limb Error-Correcting Output Codes Detection and Graph Cuts Optimization
* Identifying Loitering Behavior with Trajectory Analysis
* Impairments in decoding facial and vocal emotional expressions in high functioning autistic adults and adolescents
* Improved RGB-D-T based face recognition
* in2IN: Leveraging individual Information to Generate Human INteractions
* incremental node embedding technique for error correcting output codes, An
* Integrating Vision and Language for First-Impression Personality Analysis
* Iterative multi-class multi-scale stacked sequential learning: Definition and application to medical volume segmentation
* IVUS tissue characterization with sub-class error-correcting output codes
* Joint Challenge on Dominant and Complementary Emotion Recognition Using Micro Emotion Features and Head-Pose Estimation: Databases
* Keep it accurate and diverse: Enhancing action recognition performance by ensemble learning
* Learning to Recognize Actions on Objects in Egocentric Video With Attention Dictionaries
* Learning to Segment Humans by Stacking Their Body Parts
* LiDAR-Assisted 3D Human Detection for Video Surveillance
* Locality regularized group sparse coding for action recognition
* Looking at People Special Issue
* LSTA: Long Short-Term Attention for Egocentric Action Recognition
* Minimal design of error-correcting output codes
* Mobile ehealth Platform for Home Monitoring of Bipolar Disorder
* Modeling, Recognizing, and Explaining Apparent Personality From Videos
* Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segmentation: The M &Ms Challenge
* Multi-class Binary Object Categorization Using Blurred Shape Models
* Multi-class Binary Symbol Classification with Circular Blurred Shape Models
* Multi-modal laughter recognition in video conversations
* Multi-modal RGB-Depth-Thermal Human Body Segmentation
* Multi-modal user identification and object recognition surveillance system
* Multi-part body segmentation based on depth maps for soft biometry analysis
* Multi-Task Classification of Sewer Pipe Defects and Properties using a Cross-Task Graph Neural Network Decoder
* Multi-varied Cumulative Alignment for Domain Adaptation
* Multimodal First Impression Analysis with Deep Residual Networks
* new retexturing method for virtual fitting room using Kinect 2 camera, A
* Noisy Elephant in the Room: Is Your out-of-Distribution Detector Robust to Label Noise?, A
* Non-verbal communication analysis in Victim-Offender Mediations
* Occlusion Aware Hand Pose Recovery from Sequences of Depth Images
* On the Decoding Process in Ternary Error-Correcting Output Codes
* On the design of an ECOC-Compliant Genetic Algorithm
* On the Effect of Observed Subject Biases in Apparent Personality Analysis From Audio-Visual Signals
* Online error correcting output codes
* Overcoming Calibration Problems in Pattern Labeling with Pairwise Ratings: Application to Personality Traits
* Overview of the Multimedia Information Processing for Personality and Social Networks Analysis Contest
* Person Perception Biases Exposed: Revisiting the First Impressions Dataset
* Poselet-Based Contextual Rescoring for Human Pose Estimation via Pictorial Structures
* Probability-based Dynamic Time Warping and Bag-of-Visual-and-Depth-Words for Human Gesture Recognition in RGB-D
* Re-coding ECOCs without re-training
* REACT 2024: the Second Multiple Appropriate Facial Reaction Generation Challenge
* real-time Human-Robot Interaction system based on gestures for assistive scenarios, A
* Recurrent neural networks for remote sensing image classification
* Residual Stacked RNNs for Action Recognition
* Results and Analysis of ChaLearn LAP Multi-modal Isolated and Continuous Gesture Recognition, and Real Versus Fake Expressed Emotions Challenges
* RGB-D Segmentation of Poultry Entrails
* RGB-D-based human motion recognition with deep learning: A survey
* Robust Complex Salient Regions
* Robust non-blind color video watermarking using QR decomposition and entropy analysis
* Seamless Human Motion Composition with Blended Positional Encodings
* Segmentation of RGB-D indoor scenes by stacking random forests and conditional random fields
* Seniors' ability to decode differently aged facial emotional expressions
* Separability of ternary codes for sparse designs of error-correcting output codes
* Separability of ternary Error-Correcting Output Codes
* Sign Language Production: A Review
* SMPLR: Deep learning based SMPL reverse for 3D human pose and shape recovery
* Spatial codification of label predictions in multi-scale stacked sequential learning: a case study on multi-class medical volume segmentation
* Spatio-Temporal GrabCut human segmentation for face and pose recovery
* Spatiotemporal analysis of RGB-D-T facial images for multimodal pain level recognition
* Spatiotemporal Facial Super-Pixels for Pain Detection
* Spherical Blurred Shape Model for 3-D Object and Pose Recognition: Quantitative Analysis and HCI Applications in Smart Environments
* SSSGAN: Satellite Style and Structure Generative Adversarial Networks
* Sub-class Error-Correcting Output Codes
* Subclass Problem-Dependent Design for Error-Correcting Output Codes
* Subspace Procrustes Analysis
* Subspace Procrustes Analysis
* Support vector machines with time series distance kernels for action classification
* Surveillance Face Presentation Attack Detection Challenge
* Survey on Deep Learning Based Approaches for Action and Gesture Recognition in Image Sequences, A
* Survey on Emotional Body Gesture Recognition
* Swin on Axes: Extending Swin Transformers to Quadtree Image Representations
* Symbol Classification Using Dynamic Aligned Shape Descriptor
* T-DEED: Temporal-Discriminability Enhancer Encoder-Decoder for Precise Event Spotting in Sports Videos
* Temporal Cues from Socially Unacceptable Trajectories for Anomaly Detection
* Top-down model fitting for hand pose recovery in sequences of depth images
* Towards automated computer vision: analysis of the AutoCV challenges 2019
* Traffic sign recognition system with beta-correction
* Traffic Sign Recognition Using Evolutionary Adaboost Detection and Forest-ECOC Classification
* Traffic-Sign Recognition Systems
* Tri-modal Person Re-identification with RGB, Depth and Thermal Features
* Unified Physical-Digital Attack Detection Challenge
* Unsupervised Behavior-Specific Dictionary Learning for Abnormal Event Detection
* UPAR Challenge 2024: Pedestrian Attribute Recognition and Attribute-Based Person Retrieval - Dataset, Design, and Results
* UPAR Challenge: Pedestrian Attribute Recognition and Attribute-based Person Retrieval - Dataset, Design, and Results
* User Identification and Object Recognition in Clutter Scenes Based on RGB-Depth Analysis
* UV-based reconstruction of 3D garments from a single RGB image
* Video Transformers: A Survey
* Visualizing Apparent Personality Analysis with Deep Residual Networks
* What Does It Mean to Learn in Deep Networks? And, How Does One Detect Adversarial Attacks?
* Which Tokens to Use? Investigating Token Reduction in Vision Transformers
* Wild Face Anti-Spoofing Challenge 2023: Benchmark and Results
* Winning Solutions and Post-Challenge Analyses of the ChaLearn AutoDL Challenge 2019
* Wordfence: Text detection in natural images with border awareness
* Your Image Is My Video: Reshaping the Receptive Field via Image-to-Video Differentiable AutoAugmentation and Fusion
Includes: Escalera, S.[Sergio] Escalera, S.
198 for Escalera, S.
Escallon, F.[Felipe]
Co Author Listing * STRIDE: Street View-based Environmental Feature Detection and Pedestrian Collision Prediction
Includes: Escallon, F.[Felipe] Escallón, F.[Felipe]
Escalon, M.J.
Co Author Listing * technological innovation to safely aid in the spatial orientation of blind people in a complex urban environment, A
Escalona Llaguno, M.I.[Martha Isabel]
Co Author Listing * Increasing the Resolution and Spectral Range of Measured Direct Irradiance Spectra for PV Applications
Includes: Escalona Llaguno, M.I.[Martha Isabel] Escalona-Llaguno, M.I.[Martha Isabel]
Escalona, A.[Alejandro]
Co Author Listing * Holistic 3D Model of an Urban Area in Norway: An Integration of Geophysical, Geotechnical, Remote Sensing, and Geological Methods
Escalona, F.[Felix]
Co Author Listing * COMBAHO: A deep learning system for integrating brain injury patients in society
Escalona, K.[Karen]
Co Author Listing * Assessment of Semi-Automated Techniques for Crop Mapping in Chile Based on Global Land Cover Satellite Data
* Google Earth Engine Application to Retrieve Long-Term Surface Temperature for Small Lakes. Case: San Pedro Lagoons, Chile, A
Escalona, U.[Uriel]
Co Author Listing * Learning an artificial neural network to discover bit-quad-based formulas to compute basic object properties
Escamilla Ambrosio, P.J.
Co Author Listing * multiple-sensor multiple-target tracking approach for the autotaxi system, A
Includes: Escamilla Ambrosio, P.J. Escamilla-Ambrosio, P.J.
Escamochero, I.[Inigo]
Co Author Listing * Operational Framework for Land Cover Classification in the Context of REDD+ Mechanisms. A Case Study from Costa Rica, An
Includes: Escamochero, I.[Inigo] Escamochero, I.[Iñigo]
Escande, P.[Paul]
Co Author Listing * Approximation of Integral Operators Using Product-Convolution Expansions
* Contrast Invariant SNR and Isotonic Regressions
* Sparse Wavelet Representations of Spatially Varying Blurring Operators
* Variational Model for Multiplicative Structured Noise Removal, A
Escanye, J.M.
Co Author Listing * Joint Reconstruction of Multiple Images and Motion in MRI: Application to Free-Breathing Myocardial T_2 Quantification
Escarabajal, R.J.[Rafael J.]
Co Author Listing * Muscle-Targeted Robotic Assistive Control Using Musculoskeletal Model of the Lower Limb
Escarela Perez, R.[Rafael]
Co Author Listing * High-order statistical texture analysis--font recognition applied
Includes: Escarela Perez, R.[Rafael] Escarela-Perez, R.[Rafael]
Escarela, S.[Sergio]
Co Author Listing * SASE: RGB-Depth Database for Human Head Pose Estimation
Escarpinati, M.
Co Author Listing * Method to Contrast Enhancement of Digital Dense Breast Images Aimed to Detect Clustered Microcalcifications, A
Escartin, J.[Javier]
Co Author Listing * Automatic scale estimation of structure from motion based 3D models using laser scalers in underwater scenarios
* Scale Accuracy Evaluation of Image-Based 3D Reconstruction Strategies Using Laser Photogrammetry
Includes: Escartin, J.[Javier] Escartín, J.[Javier]
Escarzaga, S.M.[Stephen M.]
Co Author Listing * Semi-Automated Semantic Segmentation of Arctic Shorelines Using Very High-Resolution Airborne Imagery, Spectral Indices and Weakly Supervised Machine Learning Approaches
Escayo, J.[Joaquin]
Co Author Listing * Geodetic Study of the 2006-2010 Ground Deformation in La Palma (Canary Islands): Observational Results
* Ground Deformation Monitoring over Xinjiang Coal Fire Area by an Adaptive ERA5-Corrected Stacking-InSAR Method
* Radar Interferometry as a Monitoring Tool for an Active Mining Area Using Sentinel-1 C-Band Data, Case Study of Riotinto Mine
* Suitability Assessment of X-Band Satellite SAR Data for Geotechnical Monitoring of Site Scale Slow Moving Landslides
Includes: Escayo, J.[Joaquin] Escayo, J.[Joaquín]