Index for ulla

Ullagaddi, V.[Vishwanath] Co Author Listing * Symmetric synchronous stream encryption using images

Ullah Khan, H. Co Author Listing * Real-time vehicle distance estimation using single view geometry

ullah Yasin, U.[Ubaid] Co Author Listing * Detection of Hemorrhages in Colored Fundus Images Using Non Uniform Illumination Estimation

Ullah, A. Co Author Listing * Advances in Position Based Routing Towards ITS Enabled FoG-Oriented VANET: A Survey
* Classification of Arrhythmia by Using Deep Learning with 2-D ECG Spectral Image Representation
* Comprehensive Review on Vision-Based Violence Detection in Surveillance Videos, A
* Deep Learning for Safe Autonomous Driving: Current Challenges and Future Directions
* Feature selection and learning for graphlet kernel
* modified multi-grid algorithm for a novel variational model to remove multiplicative noise, A
* Multi-Stream Sequence Learning Framework for Human Interaction Recognition, A
* Survey on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Driving, A
* Traffic Anomaly Prediction System Using Predictive Network
Includes: Ullah, A. Ullah, A.[Amin] Ullah, A.[Afan] Ullah, A.[Asmat] Ullah, A.[Ata] Ullah, A.[Asif]
9 for Ullah, A.

Ullah, B.[Barkat] Co Author Listing * Snow Avalanche Hazard Mapping Using a GIS-Based AHP Approach: A Case of Glaciers in Northern Pakistan from 2012 to 2022

Ullah, F.[Farman] Co Author Listing * Charging Support Communication System Based on Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication for Electric Vehicles
* Urban Overheating Assessment through Prediction of Surface Temperatures: A Case Study of Karachi, Pakistan
* Using orientation codes for rotation-invariant template matching
* VP-CAST: Velocity and Position-Based Broadcast Suppression for VANETs
Includes: Ullah, F.[Farman] Ullah, F.[Fahim] Ullah, F.[Farhan]

Ullah, F.U.M.[Fath U Min] Co Author Listing * Comprehensive Review on Vision-Based Violence Detection in Surveillance Videos, A

Ullah, H. Co Author Listing * adjustable window function to design an FIR filter, An
* Analysis of Green Spaces by Utilizing Big Data to Support Smart Cities and Environment: A Case Study About the City Center of Shanghai
* Analyzing the Spatiotemporal Patterns in Green Spaces for Urban Studies Using Location-Based Social Media Data
* Classification of normal and abnormal brain MRI slices using Gabor texture and support vector machines
* Comparison of Main Approaches for Extracting Behavior Features from Crowd Flow Analysis
* Crowd behavior identification
* Disam: Density Independent and Scale Aware Model for Crowd Counting and Localization
* Dominant Motion Analysis in Regular and Irregular Crowd Scenes
* ECG arrhythmia classification using artificial intelligence and nonlinear and nonstationary decomposition
* Efficient Fire Segmentation for Internet-of-Things-Assisted Intelligent Transportation Systems
* High-Accuracy Gesture Recognition using Mm-Wave Radar Based on Convolutional Block Attention Module
* Image Based Prediction Model for Sleep Stage Identification, An
* IR-SSL: Improved Regularization Based Semi-Supervised Learning for Land Cover Classification
* Light-DehazeNet: A Novel Lightweight CNN Architecture for Single Image Dehazing
* Sea Ice Classification of SAR Imagery Based on Convolution Neural Networks
* Social Modeling Meets Virtual Reality: An Immersive Implication
* Structured learning for crowd motion segmentation
* survey of advances in vision-based vehicle re-identification, A
* Traffic accident detection through a hydrodynamic lens
* Vision-Based Semantic Segmentation in Scene Understanding for Autonomous Driving: Recent Achievements, Challenges, and Outlooks
Includes: Ullah, H. Ullah, H.[Hidayat] Ullah, H.[Hafeez] Ullah, H.[Habib] Ullah, H.[Hikmat] Ullah, H.[Hayat]
20 for Ullah, H.

Ullah, I.[Irfan] Co Author Listing * Assessing Impacts of Flood and Drought over the Punjab Region of Pakistan Using Multi-Satellite Data Products
* Bayesian approach for user aware peer-to-peer video streaming systems, A
* Comparison of Multi-Year Reanalysis, Models, and Satellite Remote Sensing Products for Agricultural Drought Monitoring over South Asian Countries
* EmoP3D: A Brain Like Pyramidal Deep Neural Network for Emotion Recognition
* Enhancing Semantic Segmentation of Aerial Images with Inhibitory Neurons
* Gender Recognition from Face Images with Dyadic Wavelet Transform and Local Binary Pattern
* Investigating Drought and Flood Evolution Based on Remote Sensing Data Products over the Punjab Region in Pakistan
* Recent Changes in Drought Events over South Asia and Their Possible Linkages with Climatic and Dynamic Factors
* Remote Sensing Indices for Spatial Monitoring of Agricultural Drought in South Asian Countries
* Semantic Intensity: Objects Contributions Towards Image Annotation
* Smoothing Linear Multi-Target Tracking Using Integrated Track Splitting Filter
* Spatio-temporal Feature Learning Approach for Dynamic Scene Recognition, A
* Spatiotemporal Features Learning with 3DPyraNet
* Strict Pyramidal Deep Neural Network for Action Recognition, A
* Unsupervised End-to-End Transformer based approach for Video Anomaly Detection
* Visionary vigilance: Optimized YOLOV8 for fallen person detection with large-scale benchmark dataset
Includes: Ullah, I.[Irfan] Ullah, I.[Ihsan] Ullah, I.[Inam]
16 for Ullah, I.

Ullah, J.[Javid] Co Author Listing * Color image segmentation: a novel spatial fuzzy genetic algorithm

Ullah, J.J.[Jaffar Javid] Co Author Listing * Color image segmentation using genetic algorithm with aggregation-based clustering validity index (CVI)

Ullah, K.[Kashif] Co Author Listing * Assessment Analysis of Flood Susceptibility in Tropical Desert Area: A Case Study of Yemen
* Exploiting Structured CNNs for Semantic Segmentation of Unstructured Point Clouds from LiDAR Sensor
* Uncertainty Reduction in Flood Susceptibility Mapping Using Random Forest and eXtreme Gradient Boosting Algorithms in Two Tropical Desert Cities, Shibam and Marib, Yemen
Includes: Ullah, K.[Kashif] Ullah, K.[Khalil]

Ullah, M.[Mukhtar] Co Author Listing * Advancing Electric Vehicle Battery Analysis With Digital Twins in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Bottom-up Approach for Pig Skeleton Extraction Using RGB Data, A
* Crowd behavior identification
* Deep Feature Based End-to-End Transportation Network for Multi-Target Tracking
* DHCAE: Deep Hybrid Convolutional Autoencoder Approach for Robust Supervised Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Directed Sparse Graphical Model for Multi-target Tracking, A
* Disam: Density Independent and Scale Aware Model for Crowd Counting and Localization
* Dominant Motion Analysis in Regular and Irregular Crowd Scenes
* hierarchical feature model for multi-target tracking, A
* HoG based real-time multi-target tracking in Bayesian framework
* Image Based Prediction Model for Sleep Stage Identification, An
* IR-SSL: Improved Regularization Based Semi-Supervised Learning for Land Cover Classification
* Navigating Limitations with Precision: A Fine-Grained Ensemble Approach To Wrist Pathology Recognition on a Limited X-Ray Dataset
* New Video Quality Assessment Dataset for Video Surveillance Applications, A
* Psi-NET: A Novel Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Animal Segmentation
* Self-Supervised Diffusion Framework for Facial Emotion Recognition, A
* Social Modeling Meets Virtual Reality: An Immersive Implication
* Traffic accident detection through a hydrodynamic lens
Includes: Ullah, M.[Mukhtar] Ullah, M.[Mohib] Ullah, M. Ullah, M.[Matee]
18 for Ullah, M.

Ullah, M.A. Co Author Listing * overview of Multimodal Sentiment Analysis research: Opportunities and Difficulties, An

Ullah, M.M.[Muhammad Muneeb] Co Author Listing * Actlets: A novel local representation for human action recognition in video
* Evaluation of local spatio-temporal features for action recognition
* Improving Bag-of-features Action Recognition with Non-local Cues

Ullah, M.Z.[Muhammad Zakir] Co Author Listing * Multi-feature deep information bottleneck network for breast cancer classification in contrast enhanced spectral mammography

Ullah, N.[Nasim] Co Author Listing * Billion Tree Tsunami Forests Classification Using Image Fusion Technique and Random Forest Classifier Applied to Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 Images: A Case Study of Garhi Chandan Pakistan
* Color image segmentation using genetic algorithm with aggregation-based clustering validity index (CVI)
* Efficient Offline/Online Heterogeneous-Aggregated Signcryption Protocol for Edge Computing-Based Internet of Vehicles
* Enhancing explainability in brain tumor detection: A novel DeepEBTDNet model with LIME on MRI images
* Human Activity Classification Based on Dual Micro-Motion Signatures Using Interferometric Radar
* Joint Cross-Attention Model for Audio-Visual Fusion in Dimensional Emotion Recognition, A
* Spatiotemporal Implications of Urbanization for Urban Heat Islands in Beijing: A Predictive Approach Based on CA-Markov Modeling (2004-2050), The
* Thinking Hallucination for Video Captioning
* Variations in the Spatial Distribution of Smart Parcel Lockers in the Central Metropolitan Region of Tianjin, China: A Comparative Analysis before and after COVID-19
Includes: Ullah, N.[Nasim] Ullah, N.[Niamat] Ullah, N.[Naeem] Ullah, N.[Nasib] Ullah, N.[Nadeem]
9 for Ullah, N.

Ullah, O.[Obaid] Co Author Listing * Augmenting CCAM Infrastructure for Creating Smart Roads and Enabling Autonomous Driving

Ullah, R.[Rahat] Co Author Listing * Assessing Impacts of Flood and Drought over the Punjab Region of Pakistan Using Multi-Satellite Data Products
* Disam: Density Independent and Scale Aware Model for Crowd Counting and Localization
* Investigating Drought and Flood Evolution Based on Remote Sensing Data Products over the Punjab Region in Pakistan
* Semantic Intensity: Objects Contributions Towards Image Annotation
Includes: Ullah, R.[Rahat] Ullah, R. Ullah, R.[Rooh]

Ullah, S.[Sehat] Co Author Listing * Analysing the attributes of fiducial markers for robust tracking in augmented reality applications
* Application of Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer (Hytes) Data For Hyspiri Optimal Band Positioning to Characterize Surface Minerals
* cascaded approach for image defogging based on physical and enhancement models, A
* Comparative Analysis of Svm, Ann and Cnn for Classifying Vegetation Species Using Hyperspectral Thermal Infrared Data
* Extraction of Landslide Information Based on Object-Oriented Approach and Cause Analysis in Shuicheng, China
* Generic Approach toward Indoor Navigation and Pathfinding with Robust Marker Tracking, A
* GIS-Based Urban Flood Resilience Assessment Using Urban Flood Resilience Model: A Case Study of Peshawar City, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
* GPM-Based Multitemporal Weighted Precipitation Analysis Using GPM_IMERGDF Product and ASTER DEM in EDBF Algorithm
* Hand gesture recognition for automatic tap system
* Indoor vision-based auditory assistance for blind people in semi controlled environments
* Monitoring of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide over Pakistan Using Satellite Dataset
* Multi-Constrained Optimization Method of Line Segment Extraction Based on Multi-Scale Image Space
* Non-dominated Sorting Evolution Strategy-based K-means clustering algorithm for accent classification
* Optimality of black to white ratio and information complexity for robust marker recognition
* Potential of Modern Photogrammetry Versus Airborne Laser Scanning for Estimating Forest Variables in a Mountain Environment
* Remote Sensing of Ecosystem Water Use Efficiency: A Review of Direct and Indirect Estimation Methods
* Retrieval of leaf water content spanning the visible to thermal infrared spectra
* Self-organizing traffic control using carrying capacity modelling in adjacent weaving sections
* Utilization of Fine Resolution Satellite Data for Landslide Susceptibility Modelling: a Case Study of Kashmir Earthquake Induced Landslides
Includes: Ullah, S.[Sehat] Ullah, S. Ullah, S.[Sami] Ullah, S.[Saleem] Ullah, S.[Safi] Ullah, S.[Sana] Ullah, S.[Sameeh]
19 for Ullah, S.

Ullah, S.M.A.[Shah M. Asik] Co Author Listing * Land Cover Changes after the Massive Rohingya Refugee Influx in Bangladesh: Neo-Classic Unsupervised Approach

Ullah, T.[Tahira] Co Author Listing * Assessing Completeness of OpenStreetMap Building Footprints Using MapSwipe

Ullah, W.[Waheed] Co Author Listing * Comparing Multiple Precipitation Products against In-Situ Observations over Different Climate Regions of Pakistan
* Effective Attention-based CNN Model for Fire Detection in Adverse Weather Conditions, An
* efficient deep learning architecture for effective fire detection in smart surveillance, An
* Interdecadal Changes in Aerosol Optical Depth over Pakistan Based on the MERRA-2 Reanalysis Data during 1980-2018
* Maximizing Temporal Correlations in Long-Term Global Satellite Soil Moisture Data-Merging
* Multi-Stream Sequence Learning Framework for Human Interaction Recognition, A
* Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Active Fires over China during 2003-2016, A
* Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Trend Analysis of Two Evapotranspiration-Based Drought Products and Their Mechanisms in Sub-Saharan Africa
* Towards Consistent Soil Moisture Records from China's FengYun-3 Microwave Observations
Includes: Ullah, W.[Waheed] Ullah, W.[Waseem]
9 for Ullah, W.

Ullah, Z.[Zahid] Co Author Listing * Beacon trust management system and fake data detection in vehicular ad-hoc networks
* MLPF algorithm for tracking fast moving target against light interference
Includes: Ullah, Z.[Zahid] Ullah, Z.

Ulland, A. Co Author Listing * Measurements of Sea Clutter at Low Grazing Angle in Mediterranean Coastal Environment

Ullate, L.G. Co Author Listing * Coarray Synthesis Based on Polynomial Decomposition

Index for "u"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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