Index for kant

Kant, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, M.: Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Deep Le...
     with: Jolfaei, A.: Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Deep...
     with: Kumar, N.: Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Deep L...
     with: Kumar, P.P.: C-FAR: A Compositional Framework for Anomaly Resolution i...
     with: Pal, A.: C-FAR: A Compositional Framework for Anomaly Resolution in In...
     with: Zucker, S.W.: Multiple Level Representations for Texture Description
7 for Kant, K.

Kant, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Banerjee, B.P.: Fusion of Spectral and Structural Information from Aer...
     with: Banerjee, B.P.: Machine Learning Regression Analysis for Estimation of...
     with: Jain, V.K.: Magnetic optimization algorithm for data clustering
     with: Koh, J.C.O.: Automated Machine Learning for High-Throughput Image-Base...
     with: Kushwaha, N.: Magnetic optimization algorithm for data clustering
     with: Pant, M.: Magnetic optimization algorithm for data clustering
     with: Sharma, V.: Machine Learning Regression Analysis for Estimation of Cro...
     with: Spangenberg, G.: Automated Machine Learning for High-Throughput Image-...
     with: Spangenberg, G.: Fusion of Spectral and Structural Information from Ae...
     with: Spangenberg, G.: Machine Learning Regression Analysis for Estimation o...
     with: Srivastava, M.M.: Benchmark for Generic Product Detection: A Low Data ...
     with: Varadarajan, S.: Benchmark for Generic Product Detection: A Low Data B...
     with: Verma, N.: Effective Source Recognition Algorithm: Extraction of Signi...
13 for Kant, S.

Kant, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agrawal, H.: Contrast and Classify: Training Robust VQA Models
     with: Agrawal, H.: Housekeep: Tidying Virtual Households Using Commonsense R...
     with: Agrawal, H.: Spatially Aware Multimodal Transformers for TextVQA
     with: Anderson, P.: Spatially Aware Multimodal Transformers for TextVQA
     with: Batra, D.: Contrast and Classify: Training Robust VQA Models
     with: Batra, D.: Housekeep: Tidying Virtual Households Using Commonsense Rea...
     with: Batra, D.: Spatially Aware Multimodal Transformers for TextVQA
     with: Chai, M.L.: Invertible Neural Skinning
     with: Ghanem, B.: SPAD: Spatially Aware Multi-View Diffusers
     with: Gilitschenski, I.: AvatarOne: Monocular 3D Human Animation
     with: Gilitschenski, I.: CAMM: Building Category-Agnostic and Animatable 3D ...
     with: Gilitschenski, I.: Housekeep: Tidying Virtual Households Using Commons...
     with: Gilitschenski, I.: Invertible Neural Skinning
     with: Gilitschenski, I.: LaTeRF: Label and Text Driven Object Radiance Fields
     with: Gilitschenski, I.: SPAD: Spatially Aware Multi-View Diffusers
     with: Guler, R.A.: Invertible Neural Skinning
     with: Guler, R.A.: SPAD: Spatially Aware Multi-View Diffusers
     with: Karthikeyan, A.: AvatarOne: Monocular 3D Human Animation
     with: Karthikeyan, A.: CAMM: Building Category-Agnostic and Animatable 3D Mo...
     with: Kelly, J.: LaTeRF: Label and Text Driven Object Radiance Fields
     with: Kuai, T.S.: CAMM: Building Category-Agnostic and Animatable 3D Models ...
     with: Lu, J.: Spatially Aware Multimodal Transformers for TextVQA
     with: Mirzaei, A.: CAMM: Building Category-Agnostic and Animatable 3D Models...
     with: Mirzaei, A.: LaTeRF: Label and Text Driven Object Radiance Fields
     with: Moudgil, A.: Contrast and Classify: Training Robust VQA Models
     with: Parikh, D.: Contrast and Classify: Training Robust VQA Models
     with: Parikh, D.: Spatially Aware Multimodal Transformers for TextVQA
     with: Qian, G.C.: SPAD: Spatially Aware Multi-View Diffusers
     with: Ramachandran, A.: Housekeep: Tidying Virtual Households Using Commonse...
     with: Ren, J.: Invertible Neural Skinning
     with: Ren, J.: SPAD: Spatially Aware Multi-View Diffusers
     with: Ren, R.: AvatarOne: Monocular 3D Human Animation
     with: Schwing, A.: Spatially Aware Multimodal Transformers for TextVQA
     with: Siarohin, A.: Invertible Neural Skinning
     with: Siarohin, A.: SPAD: Spatially Aware Multi-View Diffusers
     with: Szot, A.: Housekeep: Tidying Virtual Households Using Commonsense Reas...
     with: Tulyakov, S.: Invertible Neural Skinning
     with: Tulyakov, S.: SPAD: Spatially Aware Multi-View Diffusers
     with: Vasilkovsky, M.: SPAD: Spatially Aware Multi-View Diffusers
     with: Wu, Z.: SPAD: Spatially Aware Multi-View Diffusers
     with: Yenamandra, S.: Housekeep: Tidying Virtual Households Using Commonsens...
41 for Kant, Y.

Kantamaneni, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Balasubramani, K.: Comprehensive Assessment of Climate Change and Coas...
     with: Christie, D.: Comprehensive Assessment of Climate Change and Coastal I...
     with: Huang, P.: Comprehensive Assessment of Climate Change and Coastal Inun...
     with: Lyddon, C.E.: Comprehensive Assessment of Climate Change and Coastal I...
     with: Nizar, M.: Comprehensive Assessment of Climate Change and Coastal Inun...
     with: Panneer, S.: Comprehensive Assessment of Climate Change and Coastal In...
     with: Prasad, K.A.: Comprehensive Assessment of Climate Change and Coastal I...
     with: Pushparaj, R.R.B.: Comprehensive Assessment of Climate Change and Coas...
     with: Ravichandran, V.: Comprehensive Assessment of Climate Change and Coast...
     with: Robins, P.: Comprehensive Assessment of Climate Change and Coastal Inu...
10 for Kantamaneni, K.

Kantanen, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Varpula, T.: Road-Condition Recognition Using 24-GHz Automotive Radar
     with: Viikari, V.V.: Road-Condition Recognition Using 24-GHz Automotive Radar

Kantarci, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arslan, S.: Offline Signature Verification on Real-World Documents
     with: Damer, N.: survey on computer vision based human analysis in the COVID...
     with: Dertli, H.: Deep patch-wise supervision for presentation attack detect...
     with: Ekenel, H.K.: Deep patch-wise supervision for presentation attack dete...
     with: Ekenel, H.K.: Offline Signature Verification on Real-World Documents
     with: Ekenel, H.K.: survey on computer vision based human analysis in the CO...
     with: Engin, D.: Offline Signature Verification on Real-World Documents
     with: Erakin, M.E.: survey on computer vision based human analysis in the CO...
     with: Eyiokur, F.I.: survey on computer vision based human analysis in the C...
     with: Imran, M.: survey on computer vision based human analysis in the COVID...
     with: Krizaj, J.: survey on computer vision based human analysis in the COVI...
     with: Ofli, F.: survey on computer vision based human analysis in the COVID-...
     with: Ozbek, N.: Rate adaptive video streaming under lossy network conditions
     with: Salah, A.A.: survey on computer vision based human analysis in the COV...
     with: Struc, V.: survey on computer vision based human analysis in the COVID...
     with: Tunali, T.: Rate adaptive video streaming under lossy network conditions
     with: Waibel, A.: survey on computer vision based human analysis in the COVI...
17 for Kantarci, A.

Kantarci, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Boukerche, A.: Smart City System Design: A Comprehensive Study of the ...
     with: Habibzadeh, H.: Smart City System Design: A Comprehensive Study of the...
     with: Hijazi, S.: Machine Learning in Cardiac Health Monitoring and Decision...
     with: Kaptan, C.: Smart City System Design: A Comprehensive Study of the App...
     with: Page, A.: Machine Learning in Cardiac Health Monitoring and Decision S...
     with: Soyata, T.: Machine Learning in Cardiac Health Monitoring and Decision...
     with: Soyata, T.: Smart City System Design: A Comprehensive Study of the App...
7 for Kantarci, B.

Kantarcioglu, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bertino, E.: Approximate and exact hybrid algorithms for private neare...
     with: Ghinita, G.: Approximate and exact hybrid algorithms for private neare...
     with: Kalnis, P.: Approximate and exact hybrid algorithms for private neares...

Kanter, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kettering, G.L.: Confirmed boundary pattern matching II
     with: Long, A.H.: Confirmed boundary pattern matching III
     with: Peregrim, T.J.: Confirmed boundary pattern matching II
     with: Peregrim, T.J.: Confirmed boundary pattern matching III

Kanter, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Clemens, C.: gradient based approach for stereoscopic error concealmen...
     with: Knorr, S.: gradient based approach for stereoscopic error concealment, A
     with: Sikora, T.: gradient based approach for stereoscopic error concealment...

Kanterakis, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Batmanghelich, N.K.: Application of trace-norm and low-rank matrix dec...
     with: Davatzikos, C.: Application of trace-norm and low-rank matrix decompos...
     with: Gooya, A.: Application of trace-norm and low-rank matrix decomposition...
     with: Taskar, B.: Application of trace-norm and low-rank matrix decompositio...

Kanters, F.M.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Balmashnova, E.G.: Stability of Top-Points in Scale Space
     with: Balmashnova, E.G.: Using multiscale top points in image matching
     with: Demirci, M.F.: Discrete Representation of Top Points via Scale Space T...
     with: Denton, T.: Combining Different Types of Scale Space Interest Points U...
     with: Dickinson, S.J.: Discrete Representation of Top Points via Scale Space...
     with: Duits, R.: Linear Image Reconstruction Framework Based on Sobolev Type...
     with: Duits, R.: On Image Reconstruction from Multiscale Top Points
     with: Duits, R.: Towards a New Paradigm for Motion Extraction
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: Combining Different Types of Scale Space Interest Poi...
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: Content Based Image Retrieval Using Multiscale Top Po...
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: Discrete Representation of Top Points via Scale Space...
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: Image Reconstruction from Multiscale Critical Points
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: Linear Image Reconstruction Framework Based on Sobole...
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: On Image Reconstruction from Multiscale Top Points
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: Stability of Top-Points in Scale Space
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: Towards a New Paradigm for Motion Extraction
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: Using multiscale top points in image matching
     with: Janssen, B.J.: Linear Image Reconstruction Framework Based on Sobolev ...
     with: Janssen, B.J.: On Image Reconstruction from Multiscale Top Points
     with: Janssen, B.J.: Towards a New Paradigm for Motion Extraction
     with: Lillholm, M.: On Image Reconstruction from Multiscale Top Points
     with: Platel, B.: Content Based Image Retrieval Using Multiscale Top Points:...
     with: Platel, B.: Discrete Representation of Top Points via Scale Space Tess...
     with: Platel, B.: Image Reconstruction from Multiscale Critical Points
     with: Platel, B.: On Image Reconstruction from Multiscale Top Points
     with: Platel, B.: Stability of Top-Points in Scale Space
     with: Platel, B.: Using multiscale top points in image matching
     with: Shokoufandeh, A.: Combining Different Types of Scale Space Interest Po...
     with: Shokoufandeh, A.: Discrete Representation of Top Points via Scale Spac...
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: Combining Different Types of Scale Space Intere...
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: Content Based Image Retrieval Using Multiscale ...
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: Discrete Representation of Top Points via Scale...
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: Image Reconstruction from Multiscale Critical P...
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: Linear Image Reconstruction Framework Based on ...
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: On Image Reconstruction from Multiscale Top Poi...
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: Stability of Top-Points in Scale Space
40 for Kanters, F.M.W.

Kanters, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fan, H.: 3d City Models for Supporting Simulations In City Densificati...
     with: Harrie, L.: 3d City Models for Supporting Simulations In City Densific...
     with: Kong, G.: 3d City Models for Supporting Simulations In City Densificat...
     with: Mattisson, K.: 3d City Models for Supporting Simulations In City Densi...
     with: Nezval, P.: 3d City Models for Supporting Simulations In City Densific...
     with: Olsson, P.O.: 3d City Models for Supporting Simulations In City Densif...
     with: Pantazatou, K.: 3d City Models for Supporting Simulations In City Dens...
7 for Kanters, J.

Kanth, K.V.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agrawal, D.: Dimensionality Reduction for Similarity Searching in Dyna...
     with: El Abbadi, A.: Dimensionality Reduction for Similarity Searching in Dy...
     with: Singh, A.: Dimensionality Reduction for Similarity Searching in Dynami...

Kanth, R.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Balamuralidhar, P.: STP-Net: Spatio-Temporal Polarization Network for ...
     with: Gubbi, J.: STP-Net: Spatio-Temporal Polarization Network for action re...
     with: Kumar, A.A.: STP-Net: Spatio-Temporal Polarization Network for action ...
     with: Ramaswamy, A.: STP-Net: Spatio-Temporal Polarization Network for actio...

Kanth, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gangodkar, D.: Real time security framework for detecting abnormal eve...
     with: Mittal, A.: Real time security framework for detecting abnormal events...
     with: Tripathi, V.: Real time security framework for detecting abnormal even...

Kantha, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hashiguchi, H.: On the Performance of the Range Imaging Technique Esti...
     with: Lawrence, D.A.: On the Performance of the Range Imaging Technique Esti...
     with: Luce, H.: On the Performance of the Range Imaging Technique Estimated ...
     with: Mixa, T.: On the Performance of the Range Imaging Technique Estimated ...
     with: Tsuda, T.: On the Performance of the Range Imaging Technique Estimated...
     with: Yabuki, M.: On the Performance of the Range Imaging Technique Estimate...

Kanthan, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Co, K.T.: Universal Adversarial Robustness of Texture and Shape-Biased...
     with: Glocker, B.: Universal Adversarial Robustness of Texture and Shape-Bia...
     with: Lupu, E.C.: Universal Adversarial Robustness of Texture and Shape-Bias...
     with: Munoz Gonzalez, L.: Universal Adversarial Robustness of Texture and Sh...

Kanti Bhowmik, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dev Roy, S.: Annotation and Benchmarking of a Video Dataset under Degr...
     with: Dev Roy, S.: Ground Truth Annotated Video Dataset for Moving Object De...
     with: Oakley, J.: Ground Truth Annotated Video Dataset for Moving Object Det...

Kantidakis, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dimitropoulos, K.: Traffic Monitoring using Multiple Cameras, Homograp...
     with: Georgouleas, K.: Traffic Monitoring using Multiple Cameras, Homographi...
     with: Grammalidis, N.: Traffic Monitoring using Multiple Cameras, Homographi...
     with: Koutsia, A.: Traffic Monitoring using Multiple Cameras, Homographies a...
     with: Semertzidis, T.: Traffic Monitoring using Multiple Cameras, Homographi...
     with: Violakis, P.: Traffic Monitoring using Multiple Cameras, Homographies ...

Kantola, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alho, P.: Single tree biomass modelling using airborne laser scanning
     with: Blomqvist, M.: Using UAV-Based Photogrammetry and Hyperspectral Imagin...
     with: Hakala, T.: Using UAV-Based Photogrammetry and Hyperspectral Imaging f...
     with: Holopainen, M.: Area-Based Mapping of Defoliation of Scots Pine Stands...
     with: Holopainen, M.: Automation Aspects for the Georeferencing of Photogram...
     with: Holopainen, M.: Classification of Defoliated Trees Using Tree-Level Ai...
     with: Holopainen, M.: Single tree biomass modelling using airborne laser sca...
     with: Holopainen, M.: Using UAV-Based Photogrammetry and Hyperspectral Imagi...
     with: Honkavaara, E.: Automation Aspects for the Georeferencing of Photogram...
     with: Honkavaara, E.: Using UAV-Based Photogrammetry and Hyperspectral Imagi...
     with: Hyyppa, H.: Area-Based Mapping of Defoliation of Scots Pine Stands Usi...
     with: Hyyppa, H.: Single tree biomass modelling using airborne laser scanning
     with: Hyyppa, J.: Area-Based Mapping of Defoliation of Scots Pine Stands Usi...
     with: Hyyppa, J.: Classification of Defoliated Trees Using Tree-Level Airbor...
     with: Hyyppa, J.: Single tree biomass modelling using airborne laser scanning
     with: Kaasalainen, S.: Classification of Defoliated Trees Using Tree-Level A...
     with: Kankare, V.: Area-Based Mapping of Defoliation of Scots Pine Stands Us...
     with: Kankare, V.: Single tree biomass modelling using airborne laser scanning
     with: Litkey, P.: Automation Aspects for the Georeferencing of Photogrammetr...
     with: Litkey, P.: Using UAV-Based Photogrammetry and Hyperspectral Imaging f...
     with: Lyytikainen Saarenmaa, P.: Area-Based Mapping of Defoliation of Scots ...
     with: Lyytikainen Saarenmaa, P.: Automation Aspects for the Georeferencing o...
     with: Lyytikainen Saarenmaa, P.: Classification of Defoliated Trees Using Tr...
     with: Lyytikainen Saarenmaa, P.: Using UAV-Based Photogrammetry and Hyperspe...
     with: Lyytikainen, M.: Automation Aspects for the Georeferencing of Photogra...
     with: Nasi, R.: Using UAV-Based Photogrammetry and Hyperspectral Imaging for...
     with: Nurminen, K.: Automation Aspects for the Georeferencing of Photogramme...
     with: Raty, M.: Single tree biomass modelling using airborne laser scanning
     with: Solberg, S.: Classification of Defoliated Trees Using Tree-Level Airbo...
     with: Talvitie, M.: Classification of Defoliated Trees Using Tree-Level Airb...
     with: Tanhuanpaa, T.: Using UAV-Based Photogrammetry and Hyperspectral Imagi...
     with: Vastaranta, M.: Area-Based Mapping of Defoliation of Scots Pine Stands...
     with: Vastaranta, M.: Automation Aspects for the Georeferencing of Photogram...
     with: Vastaranta, M.: Classification of Defoliated Trees Using Tree-Level Ai...
     with: Vastaranta, M.: Single tree biomass modelling using airborne laser sca...
     with: Viitala, R.: Single tree biomass modelling using airborne laser scanning
     with: Viljanen, N.: Using UAV-Based Photogrammetry and Hyperspectral Imaging...
     with: Wulder, M.: Area-Based Mapping of Defoliation of Scots Pine Stands Usi...
     with: Yu, X.W.: Classification of Defoliated Trees Using Tree-Level Airborne...
     with: Yu, X.W.: Single tree biomass modelling using airborne laser scanning
40 for Kantola, T.

Kantor, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Silwal, A.: Visual 3D Reconstruction and Dynamic Simulation of Fruit T...
     with: Yandun, F.: Visual 3D Reconstruction and Dynamic Simulation of Fruit T...

Kantor, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bai, B.: generalized family of fixed-radius distribution-based distanc...
     with: Cornea, N.: generalized family of fixed-radius distribution-based dist...
     with: Dickinson, S.J.: generalized family of fixed-radius distribution-based...
     with: Novatnack, J.: generalized family of fixed-radius distribution-based d...
     with: Shokoufandeh, A.: generalized family of fixed-radius distribution-base...
     with: Silver, D.: generalized family of fixed-radius distribution-based dist...

Kantor, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Duncan, D.B.: Spectral imaging method and apparatus

Kantorov, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bar, A.: DETReg: Unsupervised Pretraining with Region Priors for Objec...
     with: Chechik, G.: DETReg: Unsupervised Pretraining with Region Priors for O...
     with: Cho, M.S.: ContextLocNet: Context-Aware Deep Network Models for Weakly...
     with: Darrell, T.J.: DETReg: Unsupervised Pretraining with Region Priors for...
     with: Globerson, A.: DETReg: Unsupervised Pretraining with Region Priors for...
     with: Herzig, R.: DETReg: Unsupervised Pretraining with Region Priors for Ob...
     with: Laptev, I.: ContextLocNet: Context-Aware Deep Network Models for Weakl...
     with: Laptev, I.: Efficient Feature Extraction, Encoding, and Classification...
     with: Oquab, M.: ContextLocNet: Context-Aware Deep Network Models for Weakly...
     with: Reed, C.J.: DETReg: Unsupervised Pretraining with Region Priors for Ob...
     with: Rohrbach, A.: DETReg: Unsupervised Pretraining with Region Priors for ...
     with: Wang, X.: DETReg: Unsupervised Pretraining with Region Priors for Obje...
12 for Kantorov, V.

Kantorowicz, W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jastrzebowski, S.: UAV and GIS Based Tool For Collection And Propagati...
     with: Klisz, M.: UAV and GIS Based Tool For Collection And Propagation Of Se...
     with: Krok, G.: UAV and GIS Based Tool For Collection And Propagation Of See...
     with: Lisanczuk, M.: UAV and GIS Based Tool For Collection And Propagation O...
     with: Mroczek, P.: UAV and GIS Based Tool For Collection And Propagation Of ...
     with: Sterenczak, K.: UAV and GIS Based Tool For Collection And Propagation ...

Kantoush, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Binh, D.V.: Novel Method for River Bank Detection from Landsat Satelli...
     with: Cuong, D.H.: Novel Method for River Bank Detection from Landsat Satell...
     with: de Cesare, G.: Novel Method for River Bank Detection from Landsat Sate...
     with: Loc, H.H.: Novel Method for River Bank Detection from Landsat Satellit...
     with: Park, E.: Novel Method for River Bank Detection from Landsat Satellite...
     with: Sumi, T.: Novel Method for River Bank Detection from Landsat Satellite...
     with: Tung, N.X.: Novel Method for River Bank Detection from Landsat Satelli...
     with: Wietlisbach, B.: Novel Method for River Bank Detection from Landsat Sa...
8 for Kantoush, S.

Kantoush, S.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdrabo, K.I.: Integrated Methodology for Urban Flood Risk Mapping at ...
     with: Elboshy, B.: Integrated Methodology for Urban Flood Risk Mapping at th...
     with: Elleithy, D.: Integrated Methodology for Urban Flood Risk Mapping at t...
     with: Habiba, O.M.: Integrated Methodology for Urban Flood Risk Mapping at t...
     with: Saber, M.: Integrated Methodology for Urban Flood Risk Mapping at the ...
     with: Sumi, T.: Integrated Methodology for Urban Flood Risk Mapping at the M...

Kantzavelou, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Katsikas, S.K.: Playing Games with Internal Attackers Repeatedly

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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