Index for koen

Koenderink, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: van Doorn, A.: nature of the visual field, a phenomenological analysis...
     with: Wagemans, J.: nature of the visual field, a phenomenological analysis,...

Koenderink, J.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bel, A.: Spatial Derivatives and the Propagation of Noise in Gaussian ...
     with: Blom, J.: Spatial Derivatives and the Propagation of Noise in Gaussian...
     with: Christou, C.G.: Perturbation study of shading in pictures
     with: Christou, C.G.: Shape Constancy in Pictorial Relief
     with: Dana, K.J.: Bidirectional Reflection Distribution Function of Thorough...
     with: Dana, K.J.: Reflectance and Texture of Real-World Surfaces
     with: Dana, K.J.: Texture histograms as a function of irradiation and viewin...
     with: de la Fortelle, A.: REALISE: Reconstruction of REALity from Image SEqu...
     with: Erens, R.G.F.: Estimating local shape from shading in the presence of ...
     with: Faugeras, O.D.: REALISE: Reconstruction of REALity from Image SEquences
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: Cartesian Differential Invariants in Scale-Space
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: complete and irreducible set of local orthogonally in...
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: Families of Tuned Scale-Space Kernels
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: Gaussian Scale-Space Paradigm and the Multiscale Loca...
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: General Intensity Transformations and Differential In...
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: Images: Regular Tempered Distributions
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: Linear Scale-Space
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: Nonlinear Scale-Space
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: Scale and the Differential Structure of Images
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: Scale-Space: Its Natural Operators and Differential I...
     with: Geusebroek, J.M.: Color differential structure
     with: Gevers, T.: Color Measurement by Imaging Spectrometry
     with: Hoffman, D.D.: Inferring 3D Shapes from 2D Codons
     with: Kappers, A.M.L.: Detection of Second-Order Structure in Optical-Flow F...
     with: Kappers, A.M.L.: Estimating local shape from shading in the presence o...
     with: Kappers, A.M.L.: Illumination direction from texture shading
     with: Kappers, A.M.L.: REALISE: Reconstruction of REALity from Image SEquences
     with: Kappers, A.M.L.: Specularities on Surfaces with Tangential Hairs or Gr...
     with: Kappers, A.M.L.: Surface Perception in Pictures
     with: Karlsson, S.M.: Illuminance Flow Estimation by Regression
     with: Karlsson, S.M.: Illuminance flow over anisotropic surfaces with arbitr...
     with: Krake, K.: REALISE: Reconstruction of REALity from Image SEquences
     with: Lappin, J.S.: Perturbation study of shading in pictures
     with: Lappin, J.S.: Shape Constancy in Pictorial Relief
     with: Laveau, S.: REALISE: Reconstruction of REALity from Image SEquences
     with: Leymarie, F.F.: REALISE: Reconstruction of REALity from Image SEquences
     with: Lu, R.: Specularities on Surfaces with Tangential Hairs or Grooves
     with: Muller, S.: REALISE: Reconstruction of REALity from Image SEquences
     with: Nayar, S.K.: Bidirectional Reflection Distribution Function of Thoroug...
     with: Nayar, S.K.: Reflectance and Texture of Real-World Surfaces
     with: Pas, S.F.T.: Detection of Second-Order Structure in Optical-Flow Fields
     with: Pont, S.C.: Bidirectional Texture Contrast Function
     with: Pont, S.C.: Gestalt and phenomenal transparency
     with: Pont, S.C.: Illuminance Flow
     with: Pont, S.C.: Illuminance Flow Estimation by Regression
     with: Pont, S.C.: Illuminance flow over anisotropic surfaces with arbitrary ...
     with: Pont, S.C.: Illumination direction from texture shading
     with: Pont, S.C.: Irradiation direction from texture
     with: Pont, S.C.: Reflectance from locally glossy thoroughly pitted surfaces
     with: Pont, S.C.: secret of velvety skin, The
     with: Pont, S.C.: shading twist, a dynamical shape cue, The
     with: Pont, S.C.: Surface Illuminance Flow
     with: Pont, S.C.: Texture at the terminator
     with: Richards, W.: Gestalt and phenomenal transparency
     with: Richards, W.A.: Inferring 3D Shapes from 2D Codons
     with: Robert, L.: REALISE: Reconstruction of REALity from Image SEquences
     with: Rosenholtz, R.: Affine Structure and Photometry
     with: Salden, A.H.: complete and irreducible set of local orthogonally invar...
     with: Salden, A.H.: Nonlinear Scale-Space
     with: Snippe, H.P.: Metrics for the Strength of Low-Level Motion Perception
     with: Stavridi, M.: REALISE: Reconstruction of REALity from Image SEquences
     with: Stavridi, M.: Studies of 3D Model Textures
     with: Stokman, H.M.G.: Color Measurement by Imaging Spectrometry
     with: te Pas, S.F.: Illumination direction from texture shading
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: Cartesian Differential Invariants in Scale-Space
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: Color differential structure
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: complete and irreducible set of local orthogona...
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: Families of Tuned Scale-Space Kernels
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: Gaussian Scale-Space Paradigm and the Multiscal...
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: General Intensity Transformations and Different...
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: Images: Regular Tempered Distributions
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: Linear Scale-Space
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: Nonlinear Scale-Space
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: Scale and the Differential Structure of Images
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: Scale-Space: Its Natural Operators and Differen...
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: Spatial Derivatives and the Propagation of Nois...
     with: Toet, A.: Displacement Estimates Through Adaptive Affinities
     with: van den Boomgaard, R.: Color differential structure
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Affine Structure from Motion
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Bidirectional Reflection Distribution Function Expres...
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Bidirectional Reflection Distribution Function of Tho...
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Blur and Disorder
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Dynamic Shape
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Exterospecific Component of the Motion Parallax Field
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Gauge Fields in Pictorial Space
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Generic Bilinear Calibration-Estimation Problem, The
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Generic Neighborhood Operators
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Geometrical Modes as a General Method to Treat Diffus...
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Geometry of Binocular Vision and a Model for Stereopsis
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Gestalt and phenomenal transparency
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Illuminance critical points on generic smooth surfaces
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Illuminance Texture Due to Surface Mesostructure
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Illumination direction from texture shading
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Image Processing Done Right
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Internal Representation of Solid Shape with Respect t...
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Invariant Features of Contrast Detection: An Explanat...
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Invariant Properties of the Motion Parallax Field Due...
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Local Features of Smooth Shapes: Ridges and Courses
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Local Image Structure and Procrustes Metrics
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Local Structure of Movement Parallax of the Plane
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Metamerism in Complete Sets of Image Operators
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Perturbation study of shading in pictures
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Photometric Invariants Related to Solid Shape
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Receptive Field Assembly Pattern Specificity
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Relief: Pictorial and Otherwise
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: shading twist, a dynamical shape cue, The
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Shape Constancy in Pictorial Relief
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Shape from Chebyshev nets
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Shape of Smooth Objects and the Way Contours End, The
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Singularities of the Visual Mapping, The
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Structure of Locally Orderless Images, The
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Structure of Visual Spaces, The
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Surface Perception in Pictures
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Surface Shape and Curvature Scales
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Two-Plus-One-Dimensional Differential Geometry
     with: van Doorn, A.J.: Visibility of Movement Gradients
     with: van Ginneken, B.: REALISE: Reconstruction of REALity from Image SEquen...
     with: van Ginneken, B.: Reflectance and Texture of Real-World Surfaces
     with: van Ginneken, B.: Texture histograms as a function of irradiation and ...
     with: van Osta, P.: Color differential structure
     with: Viergever, M.A.: Cartesian Differential Invariants in Scale-Space
     with: Viergever, M.A.: complete and irreducible set of local orthogonally in...
     with: Viergever, M.A.: Families of Tuned Scale-Space Kernels
     with: Viergever, M.A.: Gaussian Scale-Space Paradigm and the Multiscale Loca...
     with: Viergever, M.A.: General Intensity Transformations and Differential In...
     with: Viergever, M.A.: Images: Regular Tempered Distributions
     with: Viergever, M.A.: Linear Scale-Space
     with: Viergever, M.A.: Nonlinear Scale-Space
     with: Viergever, M.A.: Scale and the Differential Structure of Images
     with: Viergever, M.A.: Scale-Space: Its Natural Operators and Differential I...
     with: Werkhoveh, P.: Displacement Estimates Through Adaptive Affinities
     with: Werkhoven, P.: Metrics for the Strength of Low-Level Motion Perception
     with: Zeller, C.: REALISE: Reconstruction of REALity from Image SEquences
     with: Zisserman, A.: Illuminance Flow Estimation by Regression
152 for Koenderink, J.J.

Koenders, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akdim, N.: Evaluating MERIS-Based Aquatic Vegetation Mapping in Lake V...
     with: Cheruiyot, E.K.: Evaluating MERIS-Based Aquatic Vegetation Mapping in ...
     with: Gorte, B.: Evaluating MERIS-Based Aquatic Vegetation Mapping in Lake V...
     with: Menenti, M.: Evaluating MERIS-Based Aquatic Vegetation Mapping in Lake...
     with: Mito, C.: Evaluating MERIS-Based Aquatic Vegetation Mapping in Lake Vi...

Koenen, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alpert, T.: Subjective evaluation of MPEG-4 video codec proposals: Met...
     with: Avaro, O.: Introduction to the special issue on object-based video cod...
     with: Baroncini, V.: Subjective evaluation of MPEG-4 video codec proposals: ...
     with: Chang, S.F.: Introduction to the special issue on object-based video c...
     with: Chiariglione, L.: MPEG-4: Context and objectives
     with: Choi, D.: Subjective evaluation of MPEG-4 video codec proposals: Metho...
     with: Contin, L.: Subjective evaluation of MPEG-4 video codec proposals: Met...
     with: Etoh, M.: MPEG-4, Part 1: Invited papers
     with: Etoh, M.: MPEG-4, Part 2: Submitted papers
     with: O'Connell, K.J.: MPEG-4, Part 1: Invited papers
     with: O'Connell, K.J.: MPEG-4, Part 2: Submitted papers
     with: Pereira, F.: Introduction to the special issue on object-based video c...
     with: Pereira, F.: MPEG-4, Part 1: Invited papers
     with: Pereira, F.: MPEG-4, Part 2: Submitted papers
     with: Pereira, F.: MPEG-4: Context and objectives
     with: Pereira, F.: Mpeg-7: A Standard For Multimedia Content Description
     with: Pereira, F.: MPEG-7: A standardised description of audiovisual content
     with: Pereira, F.: Subjective evaluation of MPEG-4 video codec proposals: Me...
     with: Pereira, F.: Very low bit-rate audio-visual applications
     with: Peterson, H.: Subjective evaluation of MPEG-4 video codec proposals: M...
     with: Puri, A.: Introduction to the special issue on object-based video codi...
21 for Koenen, R.

Koenen, R.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Beerends, J.G.: PVQM: A perceptual video quality measure
     with: de Caluwe, F.E.: PVQM: A perceptual video quality measure
     with: Ehrsam, M.: PVQM: A perceptual video quality measure
     with: Hekstra, A.P.: PVQM: A perceptual video quality measure
     with: Kohler, S.: PVQM: A perceptual video quality measure
     with: Ledermann, D.: PVQM: A perceptual video quality measure
     with: Rihs, S.: PVQM: A perceptual video quality measure
     with: Schlauss, D.: PVQM: A perceptual video quality measure
8 for Koenen, R.H.

Koenhardono, E.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jaelani, L.M.: Ocean Wave Energy Estimation Using Active Satellite Ima...
     with: Jaelani, L.M.: Retrieval of Sea Surface Temperature over Poteran Islan...
     with: Karondia, L.A.: Ocean Wave Energy Estimation Using Active Satellite Im...
     with: Nadzir, Z.A.: Ocean Wave Energy Estimation Using Active Satellite Imag...
     with: Pamungkas, A.: Ocean Wave Energy Estimation Using Active Satellite Ima...
     with: Pamungkas, A.: Retrieval of Sea Surface Temperature over Poteran Islan...
     with: Subehi, L.: Retrieval of Sea Surface Temperature over Poteran Island W...
     with: Sulaiman, A.: Ocean Wave Energy Estimation Using Active Satellite Imag...
     with: Sulisetyono, A.: Ocean Wave Energy Estimation Using Active Satellite I...
     with: Sulisetyono, A.: Retrieval of Sea Surface Temperature over Poteran Isl...
     with: Syariz, M.A.: Retrieval of Sea Surface Temperature over Poteran Island...
11 for Koenhardono, E.S.

Koenig, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bonnet, S.: Dynamic X-ray computed tomography
     with: Chanel, G.: Guest Editorial: Toward Commercial Applications of Affecti...
     with: Dinten, J.M.: X-rays image analysis for defects detection and characte...
     with: Dziopa, P.: X-rays image analysis for defects detection and characteri...
     with: Grangeat, P.: Dynamic X-ray computed tomography
     with: Gross, H.M.: Robust omniview-based probabilistic self-localization for...
     with: Guillemaud, R.: Dynamic X-ray computed tomography
     with: Guillotel, P.: Guest Editorial: Toward Commercial Applications of Affe...
     with: Hugonnard, P.: Dynamic X-ray computed tomography
     with: Novak, D.: Guest Editorial: Toward Commercial Applications of Affectiv...
     with: Otterbach, J.: Uncovering the Inner Workings of STEGO for Safe Unsuper...
     with: Roux, S.: Dynamic X-ray computed tomography
     with: Schambach, M.: Uncovering the Inner Workings of STEGO for Safe Unsuper...
13 for Koenig, A.

Koenig, B.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fan, S.: Emotional Attention: A Study of Image Sentiment and Visual At...
     with: Fan, S.J.: Automated Estimator of Image Visual Realism Based on Human ...
     with: Fan, S.J.: Emotional Attention: From Eye Tracking to Computational Mod...
     with: Fan, S.J.: Image Visual Realism: From Human Perception to Machine Comp...
     with: Fan, S.J.: Paradigm for Building Generalized Models of Human Image Per...
     with: Fan, S.J.: When and Why Static Images Are More Effective Than Videos
     with: Herberg, J.S.: Automated Estimator of Image Visual Realism Based on Hu...
     with: Herberg, J.S.: Image Visual Realism: From Human Perception to Machine ...
     with: Jiang, M.: Emotional Attention: A Study of Image Sentiment and Visual ...
     with: Jiang, M.: Emotional Attention: From Eye Tracking to Computational Mod...
     with: Jiang, M.: Image Visual Realism: From Human Perception to Machine Comp...
     with: Jiang, M.: Paradigm for Building Generalized Models of Human Image Per...
     with: Kankanhalli, M.S.: Emotional Attention: A Study of Image Sentiment and...
     with: Kankanhalli, M.S.: Emotional Attention: From Eye Tracking to Computati...
     with: Kankanhalli, M.S.: When and Why Static Images Are More Effective Than ...
     with: Ng, T.T.: Automated Estimator of Image Visual Realism Based on Human C...
     with: Ng, T.T.: Image Visual Realism: From Human Perception to Machine Compu...
     with: Ng, T.T.: Paradigm for Building Generalized Models of Human Image Perc...
     with: Ng, T.T.: When and Why Static Images Are More Effective Than Videos
     with: Shen, Z.: Emotional Attention: A Study of Image Sentiment and Visual A...
     with: Shen, Z.: Image Visual Realism: From Human Perception to Machine Compu...
     with: Shen, Z.: When and Why Static Images Are More Effective Than Videos
     with: Shen, Z.Q.: Emotional Attention: From Eye Tracking to Computational Mo...
     with: Tan, C.Y.C.: Automated Estimator of Image Visual Realism Based on Huma...
     with: Wang, R.D.: Automated Estimator of Image Visual Realism Based on Human...
     with: Xu, J.: Emotional Attention: A Study of Image Sentiment and Visual Att...
     with: Zhao, Q.: Emotional Attention: A Study of Image Sentiment and Visual A...
     with: Zhao, Q.: Emotional Attention: From Eye Tracking to Computational Mode...
     with: Zhao, Q.: Image Visual Realism: From Human Perception to Machine Compu...
     with: Zhao, Q.: Paradigm for Building Generalized Models of Human Image Perc...
30 for Koenig, B.L.

Koenig, D.E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hofer, H.J.: Do color appearance judgments interfere with detection of...

Koenig, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Albouy, B.: Accurate 3D Structure Measurements from Two Uncalibrated V...
     with: Albouy, B.: Volume Estimation from Uncalibrated Views Applied to Wound...
     with: Lucas, Y.: Accurate 3D Structure Measurements from Two Uncalibrated Vi...
     with: Lucas, Y.: Volume Estimation from Uncalibrated Views Applied to Wound ...
     with: Treuillet, S.: Accurate 3D Structure Measurements from Two Uncalibrate...
     with: Treuillet, S.: Volume Estimation from Uncalibrated Views Applied to Wo...

Koenig, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alvara, M.: Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Power Plant Water...
     with: Couture, H.D.: Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Power Plant Wa...
     with: Dalisay, C.: Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Power Plant Wate...
     with: Davitt, A.: Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Power Plant Water...
     with: Ferreira, A.: Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Power Plant Wat...
     with: Freeman, J.: Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Power Plant Wate...
     with: Gray, M.: Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Power Plant Water V...
     with: Jeyaratnam, J.: Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Power Plant W...
     with: Kargar, A.R.: Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Power Plant Wat...
     with: Lewis, C.: Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Power Plant Water ...
     with: Lewis, J.: Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Power Plant Water ...
     with: McCormick, C.: Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Power Plant Wa...
     with: McCormick, G.: Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Power Plant Wa...
     with: Nakano, T.: Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Power Plant Water...
     with: O'Connor, J.: Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Power Plant Wat...
     with: Soldner Rembold, I.: Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Power Pl...
     with: Volpato, G.: Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Power Plant Wate...
17 for Koenig, H.

Koenig, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Follett, F.: Review of Remote Sensing Methods to Map Coffee Production...
     with: Groom, G.: Local-scale flood mapping on vegetated floodplains from rad...
     with: Hammerle, M.: Comparative classification analysis of post-harvest grow...
     with: Heckrath, G.: Local-scale flood mapping on vegetated floodplains from ...
     with: Hewson, J.H.: Review of Remote Sensing Methods to Map Coffee Productio...
     with: Hofle, B.: Comparative classification analysis of post-harvest growth ...
     with: Hofle, B.: Local-scale flood mapping on vegetated floodplains from rad...
     with: Hunt, D.A.: Review of Remote Sensing Methods to Map Coffee Production ...
     with: Jarmer, T.: Comparative classification analysis of post-harvest growth...
     with: Lilienthal, H.: Comparative classification analysis of post-harvest gr...
     with: Malinowski, R.: Local-scale flood mapping on vegetated floodplains fro...
     with: Reymondin, L.: Review of Remote Sensing Methods to Map Coffee Producti...
     with: Schmitt Harsh, M.: Review of Remote Sensing Methods to Map Coffee Prod...
     with: Schwanghart, W.: Local-scale flood mapping on vegetated floodplains fr...
     with: Siegmann, B.: Comparative classification analysis of post-harvest grow...
     with: Tabor, K.: Review of Remote Sensing Methods to Map Coffee Production S...
     with: Wood, M.A.: Review of Remote Sensing Methods to Map Coffee Production ...
17 for Koenig, K.

Koenig, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Deeb, E.: Measurement of glacier geophysical properties from insar wra...
     with: Forster, R.R.: Measurement of glacier geophysical properties from insa...
     with: Jezek, K.C.: Measurement of glacier geophysical properties from insar ...

Koenig, L.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: de Paul Onana, V.: Semiautomated Multilayer Picking Algorithm for Ice-...
     with: Farrell, S.L.: Sea-Ice Lead Detection Algorithm for Use With High-Reso...
     with: Harbeck, J.P.: Sea-Ice Lead Detection Algorithm for Use With High-Reso...
     with: Harbeck, J.P.: Semiautomated Multilayer Picking Algorithm for Ice-Shee...
     with: Kurtz, N.T.: Sea-Ice Lead Detection Algorithm for Use With High-Resolu...
     with: Onana, V.D.P.: Sea-Ice Lead Detection Algorithm for Use With High-Reso...
     with: Ruth, J.: Semiautomated Multilayer Picking Algorithm for Ice-Sheet Rad...
     with: Studinger, M.: Sea-Ice Lead Detection Algorithm for Use With High-Reso...
     with: Studinger, M.: Semiautomated Multilayer Picking Algorithm for Ice-Shee...
9 for Koenig, L.S.

Koenig, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baumann, A.: Review and Comparison of Measures for Automatic Video Sur...
     with: Boltz, M.: Review and Comparison of Measures for Automatic Video Surve...
     with: Ebling, J.: Review and Comparison of Measures for Automatic Video Surv...
     with: Hewison, T.J.: GSICS Inter-Calibration of Infrared Channels of Geostat...
     with: Hu, X.: GSICS Inter-Calibration of Infrared Channels of Geostationary ...
     with: Kim, D.: GSICS Inter-Calibration of Infrared Channels of Geostationary...
     with: Loos, H.S.: Review and Comparison of Measures for Automatic Video Surv...
     with: Merkel, M.: Review and Comparison of Measures for Automatic Video Surv...
     with: Niem, W.: Review and Comparison of Measures for Automatic Video Survei...
     with: Tahara, Y.: GSICS Inter-Calibration of Infrared Channels of Geostation...
     with: Warzelhan, J.K.: Review and Comparison of Measures for Automatic Video...
     with: Wu, X.: GSICS Inter-Calibration of Infrared Channels of Geostationary ...
     with: Yu, F.: GSICS Inter-Calibration of Infrared Channels of Geostationary ...
     with: Yu, J.: Review and Comparison of Measures for Automatic Video Surveill...
14 for Koenig, M.

Koenig, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hijazi, I.: Assessing Essential Qualities of Urban Space with Emotiona...
     with: Li, X.: Assessing Essential Qualities of Urban Space with Emotional an...
     with: Lv, Z.H.: Assessing Essential Qualities of Urban Space with Emotional ...
     with: Schmitt, G.: Assessing Essential Qualities of Urban Space with Emotion...
     with: Zhong, C.: Assessing Essential Qualities of Urban Space with Emotional...

Koenig, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ayanian, N.: Overview: A Hierarchical Framework for Plan Generation an...
     with: Bailey, J.P.: Path-length analysis for grid-based path planning
     with: Brunet, M.: Online Cost-Sharing Mechanism Design for Demand-Responsive...
     with: Campos Vargas, C.: Radiometric calibration assessments for UAS-borne m...
     with: Cao, S.: Radiometric calibration assessments for UAS-borne multispectr...
     with: Clare, S.: Radiometric calibration assessments for UAS-borne multispec...
     with: Cohen, L.: Online Cost-Sharing Mechanism Design for Demand-Responsive ...
     with: Cohen, L.: Overview: A Hierarchical Framework for Plan Generation and ...
     with: Daniel, K.: Online Cost-Sharing Mechanism Design for Demand-Responsive...
     with: Danielson, B.: Radiometric calibration assessments for UAS-borne multi...
     with: Dessouky, M.: Online Cost-Sharing Mechanism Design for Demand-Responsi...
     with: Furuhata, M.: Online Cost-Sharing Mechanism Design for Demand-Responsi...
     with: Honig, W.: Overview: A Hierarchical Framework for Plan Generation and ...
     with: Kumar, T.K.S.: Overview: A Hierarchical Framework for Plan Generation ...
     with: Ma, H.: Overview: A Hierarchical Framework for Plan Generation and Exe...
     with: Nash, A.: Path-length analysis for grid-based path planning
     with: Ordonez, F.: Online Cost-Sharing Mechanism Design for Demand-Responsiv...
     with: Sanchez Azofeifa, A.: Radiometric calibration assessments for UAS-born...
     with: Tovey, C.A.: Path-length analysis for grid-based path planning
     with: Uras, T.: Overview: A Hierarchical Framework for Plan Generation and E...
     with: Wang, X.: Online Cost-Sharing Mechanism Design for Demand-Responsive T...
     with: Xu, H.: Overview: A Hierarchical Framework for Plan Generation and Exe...
22 for Koenig, S.

Koenig, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baumbach, T.: Performance of a Medipix3RX Spectroscopic Pixel Detector...
     with: Cecilia, A.: Performance of a Medipix3RX Spectroscopic Pixel Detector ...
     with: Fauler, A.: Performance of a Medipix3RX Spectroscopic Pixel Detector W...
     with: Fiederle, M.: Performance of a Medipix3RX Spectroscopic Pixel Detector...
     with: Hamann, E.: Performance of a Medipix3RX Spectroscopic Pixel Detector W...
     with: Procz, S.: Performance of a Medipix3RX Spectroscopic Pixel Detector Wi...
     with: Tolbanov, O.: Performance of a Medipix3RX Spectroscopic Pixel Detector...
     with: Tyazhev, A.: Performance of a Medipix3RX Spectroscopic Pixel Detector ...
     with: Zuber, M.: Performance of a Medipix3RX Spectroscopic Pixel Detector Wi...
9 for Koenig, T.

Koenigkan, L.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barbedo, J.G.A.: 3D Plant Modeling: Localization, Mapping and Segmenta...
     with: Rodrigues, G.C.: 3D Plant Modeling: Localization, Mapping and Segmenta...
     with: Santos, T.T.: 3D Plant Modeling: Localization, Mapping and Segmentatio...

Koenigstein, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Asher, Y.: Visual Explanations via Iterated Integrated Attributions
     with: Barkan, O.: Efficient Discovery and Effective Evaluation of Visual Per...
     with: Barkan, O.: Visual Explanations via Iterated Integrated Attributions
     with: Dror, G.: Web-Scale Media Recommendation Systems
     with: Elisha, Y.: Visual Explanations via Iterated Integrated Attributions
     with: Eshel, A.: Visual Explanations via Iterated Integrated Attributions
     with: Hirsch, R.: Efficient Discovery and Effective Evaluation of Visual Per...
     with: Katz, O.: Efficient Discovery and Effective Evaluation of Visual Perce...
     with: Koren, Y.: Web-Scale Media Recommendation Systems
     with: Malkiel, I.: Efficient Discovery and Effective Evaluation of Visual Pe...
     with: Reiss, T.: Efficient Discovery and Effective Evaluation of Visual Perc...
     with: Weill, J.: Efficient Discovery and Effective Evaluation of Visual Perc...
12 for Koenigstein, N.

Koeniguer, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Audebert, N.: Flood Detection In Time Series of Optical and Sar Images
     with: Crucianu, M.: Flood Detection In Time Series of Optical and Sar Images
     with: Datcu, M.: Flood Detection In Time Series of Optical and Sar Images
     with: Le Saux, B.: Flood Detection In Time Series of Optical and Sar Images
     with: Rambour, C.: Flood Detection In Time Series of Optical and Sar Images

Koeniguer, E.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Nicolas, J.M.: Change Detection Based on the Coefficient of Variation ...

Koeninger, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bartel, S.: 3D-GIS for Urban Purposes

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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