Index for kula

Kula, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barina, D.: Accelerating discrete wavelet transforms on GPUS
     with: Barina, D.: Parallel wavelet schemes for images
     with: Matysek, M.: Accelerating discrete wavelet transforms on GPUS
     with: Zemcik, P.: Accelerating discrete wavelet transforms on GPUS
     with: Zemcik, P.: Parallel wavelet schemes for images

Kulaczewski, M.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Berekovic, M.: Hibrid-SoC: a multi-core architecture for image and vid...
     with: Flagel, S.: Hibrid-SoC: a multi-core architecture for image and video ...
     with: Friebe, L.: Hibrid-SoC: a multi-core architecture for image and video ...
     with: Moch, S.: Hibrid-SoC: a multi-core architecture for image and video ap...
     with: Pirsch, P.: Hibrid-SoC: a multi-core architecture for image and video ...
     with: Stolberg, H.J.: Hibrid-SoC: a multi-core architecture for image and vi...

Kulagin, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Suleymanov, A.: Mercury Prediction in Urban Soils by Remote Sensing an...
     with: Suleymanov, R.: Mercury Prediction in Urban Soils by Remote Sensing an...
     with: Yurkevich, M.: Mercury Prediction in Urban Soils by Remote Sensing and...

Kulahcioglu, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akrotirianakis, I.: Diag2graph: Representing Deep Learning Diagrams In...
     with: Canedo, A.: Diag2graph: Representing Deep Learning Diagrams In Researc...
     with: Fradkin, D.: Diag2graph: Representing Deep Learning Diagrams In Resear...
     with: Kannan, A.V.: Diag2graph: Representing Deep Learning Diagrams In Resea...
     with: Koneripalli, K.: Diag2graph: Representing Deep Learning Diagrams In Re...
     with: Roy, A.: Diag2graph: Representing Deep Learning Diagrams In Research P...

Kulaixi, Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, Y.N.: Dynamic Evolution and Scenario Simulation of Ecosystem Ser...
     with: Chen, Y.N.: Increased Compound Droughts and Heatwaves in a Double Pack...
     with: Hou, Y.F.: Increased Compound Droughts and Heatwaves in a Double Pack ...
     with: Li, Y.P.: Dynamic Evolution and Scenario Simulation of Ecosystem Servi...
     with: Li, Y.P.: Increased Compound Droughts and Heatwaves in a Double Pack i...
     with: Li, Z.: Increased Compound Droughts and Heatwaves in a Double Pack in ...
     with: Liu, X.G.: Increased Compound Droughts and Heatwaves in a Double Pack ...
     with: Sun, F.: Increased Compound Droughts and Heatwaves in a Double Pack in...
     with: Wang, C.: Dynamic Evolution and Scenario Simulation of Ecosystem Servi...
     with: Wang, C.: Increased Compound Droughts and Heatwaves in a Double Pack i...
     with: Wang, X.C.: Increased Compound Droughts and Heatwaves in a Double Pack...
19 for Kulaixi, Z.

Kulakci, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ayyildiz, T.K.: Spatial Distrubiton Of Children Treated By Cancer In Z...
     with: Bayram, D.: Spatial Distrubiton Of Children Treated By Cancer In Zongu...
     with: Cam, A.: Spatial Distrubiton Of Children Treated By Cancer In Zongulda...
     with: Ozendi, M.: Spatial Distrubiton Of Children Treated By Cancer In Zongu...
     with: Ozturk, C.: Spatial Distrubiton Of Children Treated By Cancer In Zongu...
     with: Topan, A.: Spatial Distrubiton Of Children Treated By Cancer In Zongul...
     with: Veren, F.: Spatial Distrubiton Of Children Treated By Cancer In Zongul...
7 for Kulakci, H.

Kulakow, P.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adams, T.: Prediction of Root Biomass in Cassava Based on Ground Penet...
     with: Agbona, A.: Prediction of Root Biomass in Cassava Based on Ground Pene...
     with: Dobreva, I.D.: Prediction of Root Biomass in Cassava Based on Ground P...
     with: Everett, M.E.: Prediction of Root Biomass in Cassava Based on Ground P...
     with: Hays, D.B.: Prediction of Root Biomass in Cassava Based on Ground Pene...
     with: Montesinos Lopez, O.A.: Prediction of Root Biomass in Cassava Based on...
     with: Ruiz Guzman, H.: Prediction of Root Biomass in Cassava Based on Ground...
     with: Teare, B.: Prediction of Root Biomass in Cassava Based on Ground Penet...
8 for Kulakow, P.A.

Kulakowski, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Andrus, R.A.: Effects of Bark Beetle Outbreaks on Forest Landscape Pat...
     with: Butkiewicz, C.L.: Effects of Bark Beetle Outbreaks on Forest Landscape...
     with: Chapman, T.B.: Effects of Bark Beetle Outbreaks on Forest Landscape Pa...
     with: Gill, N.S.: Effects of Bark Beetle Outbreaks on Forest Landscape Patte...
     with: Guz, J.: Influence of Burn Severity on Post-Fire Spectral Recovery of ...
     with: Hart, S.J.: Effects of Bark Beetle Outbreaks on Forest Landscape Patte...
     with: Harvey, B.J.: Effects of Bark Beetle Outbreaks on Forest Landscape Pat...
     with: Rodman, K.C.: Effects of Bark Beetle Outbreaks on Forest Landscape Pat...
     with: Sangermano, F.: Influence of Burn Severity on Post-Fire Spectral Recov...
     with: Tutland, N.J.: Effects of Bark Beetle Outbreaks on Forest Landscape Pa...
     with: Veblen, T.T.: Effects of Bark Beetle Outbreaks on Forest Landscape Pat...
11 for Kulakowski, D.

Kulal, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aiken, A.: Hierarchical Motion Understanding via Motion Programs
     with: Aiken, A.: Programmatic Concept Learning for Human Motion Description ...
     with: Aiken, A.: Putting People in Their Place: Affordance-Aware Human Inser...
     with: Brooks, T.: Putting People in Their Place: Affordance-Aware Human Inse...
     with: Efros, A.A.: Putting People in Their Place: Affordance-Aware Human Ins...
     with: Lu, J.W.: Putting People in Their Place: Affordance-Aware Human Insert...
     with: Mao, J.Y.: Hierarchical Motion Understanding via Motion Programs
     with: Mao, J.Y.: Programmatic Concept Learning for Human Motion Description ...
     with: Singh, K.K.: Putting People in Their Place: Affordance-Aware Human Ins...
     with: Wu, J.J.: Hierarchical Motion Understanding via Motion Programs
     with: Wu, J.J.: Programmatic Concept Learning for Human Motion Description a...
     with: Wu, J.J.: Putting People in Their Place: Affordance-Aware Human Insert...
     with: Yang, J.: Putting People in Their Place: Affordance-Aware Human Insert...
13 for Kulal, S.

Kulandairaj, M.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Balashanmugam, T.: effective model for the iris regional characteristi...
     with: Dang, H.: effective model for the iris regional characteristics and cl...
     with: Sengottaiyan, K.: effective model for the iris regional characteristic...

Kular, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bush, M.: Classifying Frog Calls Using Gaussian Mixture Models
     with: Hollowood, K.: Classifying Frog Calls Using Gaussian Mixture Models
     with: Ommojaro, O.: Classifying Frog Calls Using Gaussian Mixture Models
     with: Ribeiro, E.: Analyzing Activities in Videos Using Latent Dirichlet All...
     with: Ribeiro, E.: Classifying Frog Calls Using Gaussian Mixture Models
     with: Smart, K.: Classifying Frog Calls Using Gaussian Mixture Models

Kulasekara, B.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gonzalez, F.: Predicting Canopy Chlorophyll Content in Sugarcane Crops...
     with: Kumarasiri, U.W.L.M.: Predicting Canopy Chlorophyll Content in Sugarca...
     with: Narmilan, A.: Predicting Canopy Chlorophyll Content in Sugarcane Crops...
     with: Salgadoe, A.S.A.: Predicting Canopy Chlorophyll Content in Sugarcane C...
     with: Weerasinghe, H.A.S.: Predicting Canopy Chlorophyll Content in Sugarcan...

Kulasekera, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bayer, F.M.: Discrete Tchebichef Transform Approximation for Image and...
     with: Bayer, F.M.: Low-Complexity Image and Video Coding Based on an Approxi...
     with: Bayer, F.M.: multiplierless pruned DCT-like transformation for image a...
     with: Cintra, R.J.: Discrete Tchebichef Transform Approximation for Image an...
     with: Cintra, R.J.: Low-Complexity Image and Video Coding Based on an Approx...
     with: Cintra, R.J.: multiplierless pruned DCT-like transformation for image ...
     with: Coutinho, V.A.: multiplierless pruned DCT-like transformation for imag...
     with: Madanayake, A.: Discrete Tchebichef Transform Approximation for Image ...
     with: Madanayake, A.: Low-Complexity Image and Video Coding Based on an Appr...
     with: Madanayake, A.: multiplierless pruned DCT-like transformation for imag...
     with: Oliveira, P.A.M.: Discrete Tchebichef Transform Approximation for Imag...
     with: Oliveira, P.A.M.: Low-Complexity Image and Video Coding Based on an Ap...
12 for Kulasekera, S.

Kulasiri, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Samarasinghe, S.: Digital image analysis based automated kiwifruit cou...
     with: Samarasinghe, S.: Towards a generalized colour image segmentation for ...
     with: Wijethunga, P.: Digital image analysis based automated kiwifruit count...
     with: Wijethunga, P.: Towards a generalized colour image segmentation for ki...
     with: Woodhead, I.: Digital image analysis based automated kiwifruit countin...
     with: Woodhead, I.: Towards a generalized colour image segmentation for kiwi...

Kulat, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alvarez, F.M.: novel imputation methodology for time series based on p...
     with: Beck, M.W.: novel imputation methodology for time series based on patt...
     with: Bokde, N.: novel imputation methodology for time series based on patte...

Kulat, K.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Keskar, A.G.: Comparative analysis of video compression mechanisms usi...
     with: Satpute, V.R.: Comparative analysis of video compression mechanisms us...

Kulathumani, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Elwarfalli, I.: Real-time drowsiness detection using wearable, lightwe...
     with: Kavi, R.: Real-time drowsiness detection using wearable, lightweight b...
     with: Kecojevic, V.: Real-time drowsiness detection using wearable, lightwei...
     with: Nimbarte, A.: Real-time drowsiness detection using wearable, lightweig...
     with: Rohit, F.: Real-time drowsiness detection using wearable, lightweight ...

Kulathunga, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Klimchik, A.: 3D-SiamMask: Vision-Based Multi-Rotor Aerial-Vehicle Tra...
     with: Klimchik, A.: Survey on Motion Planning for Multirotor Aerial Vehicles...
     with: Mdfaa, M.A.: 3D-SiamMask: Vision-Based Multi-Rotor Aerial-Vehicle Trac...

Kulatunga, U. Standard Author Listing
     with: Nia, S.P.S.: Implementing GIS to Improve Hospital Efficiency in Natura...
     with: Udeaja, C.: Implementing GIS to Improve Hospital Efficiency in Natural...
     with: Valadi, S.: Implementing GIS to Improve Hospital Efficiency in Natural...

Kulawiak, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kulawiak, M.: Integration, Processing and Dissemination of LiDAR Data ...
     with: Lubniewski, Z.: Improving the Accuracy of Automatic Reconstruction of ...
     with: Lubniewski, Z.: Integration, Processing and Dissemination of LiDAR Dat...

Kulawiec, A.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dewa, P.G.: Moire Interfermoter with overlapping illumination and imag...
     with: Lindquist, D.: Moire Interfermoter with overlapping illumination and i...
     with: Platten, J.E.: Moire Interfermoter with overlapping illumination and i...

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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