11 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing

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Keywords found in this Chapter: 3-D Editing. Active Shape Model. Active Volumes. Adaptive Reconstructions. Adversarial Networks. Aesthetic Quality. Algebraic and Geometric Invariants. Animation. Appearance Based. Application, Gesture. Application, Heart. Application, Inspection. Application, Medical. Aritstic Interpretation. Artistic Interpretation. Artitstic Interpretation. Aspects. Augmented Reality. Autonomous Vehicle. Avatars. Award, CVPR. Award, CVPR, Student. Award, ECCV. Award, ECCV, HM. Award, GCPR. Award, GCPR, HM. Award, ICPR. Award, IET IPR Premium. Award, ISPRS. Award, Longuet-Higgins. Award, Marr Price, ICCV. Award, Marr Prize. Award, Marr Prize, HM. Award, Pattern Recognition, Honorable Mention. Balloons. Baseball. Brushstroke. CAD. CAD, Survey. CNN. Calibration. Camera Calibration. Camera Calibration, Laser. Cardiac. Caves. Classification, 3-D Data. Cloth Rendering. Code, 3-D Shape. Code, 3D. Code, 3D Data. Code, 3D Fly Through. Code, 3D Reconstruction. Code, Active Blobs. Code, Artistic. Code, CAD. Code, Computational Geometry. Code, Convolutional Neural Networks. Code, Curvature. Code, Curve Detection. Code, Depth Denoising. Code, Generative Adversarial Networks. Code, Image Editing. Code, Inpainting. Code, Interest Pointe. Code, Matting. Code, Mesh Compression. Code, Mesh Generation. Code, Mesh Models. Code, Object Detection. Code, Point Cloud. Code, Point Cloud Convolutions. Code, Poisson. Code, RGB-D. Code, Registration. Code, Relighting. Code, Rendering. Code, Restoration. Code, Saliency. Code, Scene Graph. Code, Space Envelope. Code, Structure from Motion. Code, Style Transfer. Code, Symmetry. Code, View Syntheses. Color Correction. Comparisons. Computation. Cultural Heritage. Curvature Analysis. Curvature Three-Dimensional. Curvature, Surfaces. Cylinders. Data Fusion. Data Visualization. Database. Dataset, 3-D Data. Dataset, Content Analysis. Dataset, Humor. Dataset, Image Matting. Dataset, Instructional Video. Dataset, Matting. Dataset, Outdoor Secens. Dataset, Point Cloud. Dataset, Pottery. Dataset, RBG-D. Dataset, Sentinment. Dataset, Surface Reconstruction. Dataset, Symmetry Images. Deep Fakes. Deepfakes. Deformable Models. Deformable Motion. Deformable Solids. Deformable Surfaces. Deformable Template. Delaunay Tetrahedrization. Depth. Depth Completion. Depth Denoising. Depth Hole Filling. Depth Image Based Rendering. Depth Inpainting. Descriptions, CAD. Descriptions, EGI. Descriptions, Facet. Descriptions, General. Descriptions, Generalized Cylinders. Descriptions, Geons. Descriptions, Meshes. Descriptions, Occupancy Grids. Descriptions, Octree. Descriptions, Parametric. Descriptions, Parts. Descriptions, Planar Patches. Descriptions, Range and Regions. Descriptions, Relational Network. Descriptions, Superquadrics. Descriptions, Surface Curvature. Descriptions, Surface Patches. Descriptions, Three-Dimensional. Descriptions, Voxels. Differential Geometry. Diffusion Models. Discontinuities in Surfaces. E57 Format. Edge, 3-D. Editing. Education. Eigen Snakes. Emotion. Evaluation, Deformable Models. Evaluation, Face Verification. Evaluation, Range Segmentation. Evaluation, Reconstruction. Evaluation, Video Analysis. Exemplar Methods. Extended Gaussian Image. Extrapolation. Face Animation. Face Completion. Face Editing. Face Forgery. Face Inpainting. Face Models. Face Recognition. Face Swapping. Face Synthesis. Faces. Faces, Locating. Facet Model. Facial Animation. Facial Expressions. Facial Features. Fake News. Fakes. Fast Marching Methods. Feature Extraction. Football. Forgery. Free-Viewpoint Video. Frescoes. Functional Minimization. Fundamental Matrix. GAN. GPU. Gaussian Sphere. Generalized Cone. Generalized Cylinder. Generalized Cylinder Generation. Generative Adversarial Network. Generative Networks. Geometry. Geons. Gesture. Gesture Recognition. Graphics. Heart. Heritage. Hough Transform. How-To. Hyperquadrics. IBR. Image Based Rendering. Image Composition. Image Editing. Image Extrapolation. Image Generation. Image Matching. Image Matting. Image Synthesis. Image Translation. Image-to-Image. Immersion. Immersive Systems. Implicit Description. Implicit Model. Inpainting. Instance Segmentation. Instructional. Instructional Video. Interactive 3D. Interest Points, 3D. Intrinsic Images. Invariants. Laser. Layout to Image. Learning. Left Ventricle. Level Set. Level Set Methods. LiDAR. LiDAR Calibration. Lidar Inpainting. Light Field. Lighting Model. Line Labels. MAT, Three Dimensional. Matching, Aspect Graphs. Matching, Surfaces. Matting. Medial Axis. Medical Applications. Memotion Dataset. Mesh Coding. Mesh Models. Missing Data. Model Based Recognition. Moments, Three-Dimensional. Morphing. Mosaic. Motion, Nonrigid. Multi-Grid. Multi-Path. Multilevel Reconstruction. Multipath. Murals. NURBS Models. NeRF. Neural Networks. Neural Radiance Fields. Noise. Nonrigid Models. Nonrigid Motion. Nonrigid Tracking. Normal Vector. Object Detection. Object Insertion. Object Removal. Object Segmentation. Occupancy Grids. Oct-tree. Octree. Oil Tanks. Outpainting. Paintings. Part Segmentation. Part-Based. Patch Models. Patch, Inpainting. Perceptual Grouping. Petroglyphs. Ph.D.. Physics Based Vision. Planar Patches. Point Cloud Classification. Point Cloud Completion. Point Cloud Denoising. Point Cloud Generation. Point Cloud Processing. Point Cloud Segmentation. Point Cloud Synthesis. Point Clouds. Polygonal Patches. Portrait Editing. Pose Estimation. Primal Sketch. Quadric Surfaces. Quadtree. RGB-D Segmentation. Radiance Fields. Range Segmentation. Ray Tracing. Real Time Vision. Recognition. Recognition by Function. Recognition by Parts. Recognition, Model Based. Recognize Curved Objects. Recognize Range Data. Recognize Three-Dimensional Objects. Recognize Two-Dimensional Objects. Reconstruction. Reconstruction, 3-D. Reconstruction, Multi-Grid. Registration. Regularization. Relational Descriptions. Relaxation. Relighting. Remeshing. Rendering. Representation by Parts. Representation, Parts -- 3D. Representation, Superquadric. Retargeting. Reverse Engineering. Ridge. Robust Technique. Rotational Symmetric. Rotational Symmetry. Rubber Sheet. Salient Objects. Scale Space. Segmentation, 3-D Data. Segmentation, Edges. Segmentation, Facet Model. Segmentation, Range. Segmentation, Region Growing. Segmented Descriptions. Semantic Object Detection. Semantic Segmentation. Semi-Supervised. Sensor Fusion. Sensor Planning. Sentiment Analysis. Shape from Contours. Shape from Shading. Shape, Three-Dimensional - Evaluation. Simulated Annealing. Skeletons. Skew Symmetry. Snakes. Snakes, 3-D. Sonar. Space Carving. Sparse Data. Speech Synthesis. Spheres. Spline. Sprites. Stereo Image Based Rendering. Stereo, Evaluation. Stereo, Reconstruction. Structure from Motion. Style Transfer. StyleGAN. Superquadric. Support Functions. Surface Completion. Surface Interpolation. Surface Normals. Surface Reconstruction. Surface Reconstruction, Survey. Surfel. Survey, 3-D. Survey, 3-D Description. Survey, 3-D Recognition. Survey, 3-D Representation. Survey, 3-D Research. Survey, 3D Data. Survey, 3D Models. Survey, 3D Tools. Survey, CAD. Survey, Captioning. Survey, Cardiac Segmentation. Survey, Computational Geometry. Survey, Computer Graphics. Survey, Cubics. Survey, Curvature. Survey, Datasets. Survey, Deepfakes. Survey, Deformable Models. Survey, Deformable Registration. Survey, Display. Survey, Edge Detection. Survey, Face Animation. Survey, Face Modeling. Survey, Face Synthesis. Survey, Fake News. Survey, GAN. Survey, Geometric. Survey, Graphics and Vision. Survey, Image Based Rendering. Survey, Image Completion. Survey, Image Matting. Survey, Immersion. Survey, Inpainting. Survey, Matting. Survey, Mesh. Survey, Mesh Compression. Survey, Mesh Models. Survey, Non-Rigid Shape. Survey, Nonrigid Shape. Survey, Object Localization. Survey, Object Representation. Survey, Octree. Survey, Polygonization. Survey, Projective Geometry. Survey, Ray Tracing. Survey, Reconstruction. Survey, Rendering. Survey, Representation. Survey, Sentiment. Survey, Sentiment Analysis. Survey, Sentinment. Survey, Shape. Survey, Shape Analysis. Survey, Shape Description. Survey, Stereo. Survey, Surface Reconstruction. Survey, Surface Reconstrutcion. Survey, Teleoperation. Survey, Tomography. Survey, Triangulation. Survey, Video Conference. Survey, Video Generation. Symmetry. Symmetry, Axial. Symmetry, Rotation. Symmetry, Three-Dimensional. Synthesis. System: ACRONYM. TIN. Talking Heads. Teleoperation. Telepresence. Tensor Completion. Terrain Visualization. Text to Depth. Text to Image. Texture Mapping. Texture Synthesis. Three Dimensional Computations. Topology. Tracking, Nonrigid. Training. Transformers. Transmission. Trees, Sigma. Triangulated Models. Triangulated Surface Models. Triangulation. Trinocular Stereo. Vaulted Structures. Vendor, 3-D Shape. Vendor, 3-D Visualization. Vendor, Avatars. Vendor, CAD. Vendor, Face Models. Vendor, Face Synthesis. Vendor, Mesh Models. Vendor, Model Generation. Vendor, Projection. Vendor, Sports. Vendor, Stereo Sensor. Vendor, Terrain Modeling. Vendor, Tracking. Vendor, Video Conference. Vendor, Virtual Reality. Video Analysis. Video Completion. Video Compression. Video Conferencing. Video Editing. Video Inpainting. Video Matting. Video Phone. Video Synthesis. Videoconference. Videoconferencing. Videophone. View Interpolation. View Synthesis. Vision Transformers. Visual Sentiment. Visualization. Voronoi. Voxels.
Last update:Jul 18, 2024 at 20:50:34