Update Dates 9403

9403 * Analog VLSI System for Stereoscopic Vision, An
* Apparatus and methods for detecting number of people waiting in an elevator hall using plural image processing means with overlapping fields of view
* Application of Elliptic Fourier Descriptors to Symmetry Detection under Parallel Projection
* Arrangement of encoding motion image signals using motion compensation and orthogonal transformation
* Automatic Initial Estimation of the left Ventricular Myocardial Midwall in Emission Tomograms Using Kohonen Maps
* Binocular Stereopsis and Lane Marker Flow for Vehicle Navigation: Lateral and Longitudinal Control
* Biometric personal identification system based on iris analysis
* Calibration of a Computer-Controlled Robotic Vision Sensor with a Zoom Lens
* Can the Fractal Dimension of Images Be Measured
* Catalog of 1-D Features in Natural Images, A
* Circle detection for extracting eddy size and position from satellite imagery of the ocean
* comparison of different block truncation coding algorithms for image compression, A
* Computer Vision Applications
* Connectionist Approach for Clustering with Applications in Image-Analysis, A
* Deterministic Algorithm for Reconstructing Images with Interacting Discontinuities, A
* Discontinuity Preserving Regularization of Inverse Visual Problems
* Dynamic finite state VQ of colour images using stochastic learning
* Edge-Region-Based Segmentation of Range Images
* Estimation of Linear Parametric Models of Non-Gaussian Discrete Random Fields with Application to Texture Synthesis
* Estimation of noise using burst gate response to video signal
* Evaluation of multiresolution block matching techniques for motion and disparity estimation
* Extracting Topographic Terrain Features from Elevation Maps
* Family of Normalized LMS Algorithms, A
* Fast Implementation of a Perfect Hash Function for Picture Objects, A
* Filter Considerations in Color Correction
* Geometric Hashing with Line Features
* High Level Language for Parallel Image Processing, A
* Human Face Recognition and Face Image Set's Topology
* Image area discriminating system for an image processing apparatus
* Image Warping by Radial Basis Functions: Application to Facial Expressions
* Inverting an Illumination Model from Range and Intensity Maps
* Isolating Symbols from Connection Lines in a Class of Engineering Drawings
* Localization of Objects with Circular Symmetry in a Noisy Image Using Wavelet Transforms and Adapted Correlation
* Lossless compression of multispectral image data
* Method and apparatus for generating a screened reproduction of an image using stored dot portions
* Method and apparatus for monitoring traffic flow
* Minimal Consistent Subset (MCS) Identification for Optimal Nearest Neighbor Decision Systems Design
* Modeling a Dynamic Environment Using a Multiple Hypothesis Approach
* moment-based approach to registration of images with affine geometric distortion, A
* Motion Estimation from Scaled Orthographic Projections without Correspondences
* Multi-Primitive Hierarchical (MPH) Stereo System
* Multiresolution Adaptive Image Smoothing
* Multiscale Random Field Model for Bayesian Image Segmentation, A
* New Technologies and Applications in Robotics
* Nonorthogonal Image Expansion Related to Optimal Template Matching in Complex Images
* On Edge and Line Linking with Connectionist Models
* Optimal Brightness Functions for Optical Flow Estimation of Deformable Motion
* Optimal Template Matching by Non-Orthogonal Image Expansion Using Restoration
* Orientation-Based Differential Geometric Representations for Computer Vision Applications
* Parameterized Families of Polynomials for Bounded Algebraic Curve and Surface Fitting
* Partitioning Graph Matching with Constraints
* Radiometric CCD Camera Calibration and Noise Estimation
* Rank Conditioned Rank Selection Filters for Signal Restoration
* Recognition-Based Segmentation of Online Run-On Handprinted Words: Input vs. Output Segmentation
* Reconstructing Ellipsoids from Projections
* Reconstruction of 3-D Binary Tree-Like Structures from Three Mutually Orthogonal Projections
* Recovering 3D Shape and Motion from Image Streams Using Non-Linear Least Squares
* Recursive-Batch Estimation of Motion and Structure from Monocular Image Sequences
* Robust Consensus Based Edge-Detection
* Shadow Segmentation and Classification in a Constrained Environment
* Shape from Shading with Perspective Projection
* Statistical Bias of Conic Fitting and Renormalization
* Three-Dimensional Elastic Matching of Volumes
* Token Tracking in a Cluttered Scene
* Using Marching Cubes on Small Machines
* Zero-Crossing-Based Optimal 3-Dimensional Edge Detector, A
66 for 9403

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.