Update Dates 9804

9804 * *Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing XII
* 3-Dimensional Object Recognition from 2-Dimensional Images Using Wavelet Transforms and Neural Networks
* 3-Dimensional Target Recognition and Tracking Using Neural Networks Trained on Optimal Views
* 3-Dimensional Vector Estimation for Subcomponents of Space Object Imagery
* Accurate Modeling of Region Data
* Active Scene Analysis-Based Approach for Pseudoconstant Bit-Rate Video Coding, An
* Adaptive Deformable Model for Mouth Boundary Detection
* Adaptive Image-Coding Using Spectral Classification
* Adaptive Multialphabet Arithmetic Coding for Video Compression, An
* Adaptive Pattern-Recognition System for Scene Segmentation
* Advanced Ultra-High-Capacity Optical Random-Access Memory and Pattern-Recognition Techniques
* Advances In Recognition Techniques, Part 2
* Affine Matching of Planar Sets
* Analysis Of Low Bit-Rate Image Transform Coding
* Antialiasing with grey masking techniques
* Antiextensive Connected Operators for Image And Sequence Processing
* Apparatus and method for generating a screen reproduction of a color image including dot shape rotation
* Application of Multiscale Characterization of Edges to Motion Determination
* Automatic Recognition of Facial Expressions Using Hidden Markov Models and Estimation of Expression Intensity
* Biorthogonal and Nonuniform Lapped Transforms for Transform Coding with Reduced Blocking and Ringing Artifacts
* Cellular-Automata for Image-Analysis of Damage in Large Structures
* Chirality
* Classification of Sets of Mixed Pixels with the Hypothesis-Testing Hough Transform
* Color Image Compression and Limited Display Using Self-Organization Kohonen Map
* Combinative Motion Estimation Algorithm and the Corresponding Architecture for Complex Motion Phenomenon
* Combining Neural Networks and Context-Driven Search for Online, Printed Handwriting Recognition in the Newton
* Comments on Fast Algorithms and Implementation of 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform
* Comparison of Experimental Results with an Evolution Strategy and Competitive Neural Networks for Near Real-Time Color Quantization of Image Sequences, A
* Composite Classifiers for Automatic Target Recognition
* Computationally-efficient method for estimating image motion
* Construction Of Biorthogonal Wavelets Starting from Any 2 Multiresolutions
* Content-Based Image Retrieval-System, A
* Contour Matching: A Curvature-Based Approach
* Copyright Labeling of Digitized Image Data
* DCT-Based Watermarking for Video
* Deictically Controlled Wheelchair, The
* Dempster-Shafer Theory For Sensor Fusion In Autonomous Mobile Robots
* Dense Nonrigid Motion Estimation in Sequences of Medical Images Using Differential Constraints
* Design of IIR Notch Filters with Different Passband Gains
* Design Of Regular Nonseparable Bidimensional Wavelets Using Grobner Basis Techniques
* Detection and Characterization of Isolated and Overlapping Spots
* Detection and Correction of Transmission Errors in JPEG Images
* Detection Of Linear Features In SAR Images: Application To Road Network Extraction
* Detection of Subpixel Anomalies in Multispectral Infrared Imagery Using an Adaptive Bayesian Classifier
* Determination of Aircraft Orientation for a Vision-Based System Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Device for estimation of movement
* Differential and Numerically Invariant Signature Curves Applied to Object Recognition
* Directional Filtering in Edge-Detection
* Directions of Motion Fields Are Hardly Ever Ambiguous
* Discrete Frequency Warped Wavelets: Theory and Applications
* Divide-and-Conquer 2-D Phase Retrieval Using Subband Decomposition and Filter Banks
* Document Analysis Systems II
* Document Identification for Copyright Protection Using Centroid Detection
* Dynamic and Multiresolution Model of Visual Attention and Its Application to Facial Landmark Detection, A
* Edge and Depth from Focus
* Edge-Preserving MRF Model for the Detection of Missing Data in Image Sequences, An
* Efficient Invariant Representations
* Efficient Linear 3-Dimensional Camera Motion Estimation Method with Applications to Video Coding
* EigenTracking: Robust Matching and Tracking of Articulated Objects Using a View-Based Representation
* Energy-Minimization-Based Approach to Image Modification for Assembling Subpictures
* Enhanced error-diffusion method for color or black-and-white reproduction
* Enhancing Recognition of Lesions in Radiographic Images Using Perceptual Feedback
* Error Resilient Scheme for Image Transmission over Noisy Channels with Memory, An
* Example-based image analysis and synthesis using pixelwise correspondence
* Extended Attributed String Matching for Shape Recognition
* Fast, Accurate and Consistent Modeling of Drainage and Surrounding Terrain
* Feature Space Trajectory Distorted Object Representation for Classification and Pose Estimation
* Filters and Filter Banks for Periodic Signals, the Zak Transform, and Fast Wavelet Decomposition
* Focused Detection via Multiresolution Analysis
* Fractal Coding of Video Sequence Using Circular Prediction Mapping and Noncontractive Interframe Mapping
* Fusion of Images on Affine Sampling Grids
* Fuzzy Soft Mathematical Morphology
* General Methodology for Simultaneous Representation and Discrimination of Multiple Object Classes
* Geometric Information Criterion for Model Selection
* Global Motion Estimation in Model-Based Image-Coding by Tracking 3-Dimensional Contour Feature Points
* Hierarchical Motion Estimation Algorithms with Especially Low Hardware Costs
* High-Precision X-Ray Stereo for Automated 3-D Cad-Based Inspection
* Holographic Implementation of a Binary Associative Memory for Improved Recognition
* Human Identification Technique Using Images of the Iris and Wavelet Transform, A
* Image to Image Registration to Produce High Resolution Images
* Image-Coding Using Robust Quantization for Noisy Digital Transmission
* Information Fusion Method for Multispectral Image Classification Postprocessing, An
* Information-Based Image Dissimilarity Measure
* Interpreting a Dynamic and Uncertain World: Task-Based Control
* Inversion of Large-Support Ill-Posed Linear-Operators Using a Piecewise Gaussian MRF
* Java-Based MPEG-4 Like Video Codec, A
* Joint Invariants of a Triplet of Coplanar Conics: Stability and Discriminating Power for Object Recognition
* Lattice Labeling Algorithms for Vector Quantization
* Length Estimation in 3-D Using Cube Quantization
* Low Bit-Rate Hybrid Coding Scheme For Progressive Image Transmission, A
* Low-Cost System Using Sparse Vision for Navigation In the Urban-Environment, A
* M-Channel Compactly Supported Biorthogonal Cosine-Modulated Wavelet Bases
* Machine synthesis of a virtual video camera/image of a scene from multiple video cameras/images
* Method and apparatus for creation of three-dimensional wire frames
* Method and apparatus for fast two-dimensional cosine transform filtering
* Method and apparatus for the resolution enhancement of gray-scale images that include text and line art
* Method for Encoding Region Boundaries Based on Transition Points, A
* Method of Predicting the Probability of Human Observers Recognizing Targets in Simulated Thermal Images
* Minimum Entropy Restoration of Star Field Images
* Mita: An Information Extraction Approach to the Analysis of Free-Form Text in Life-Insurance Applications
* Modeling of the Fusion of Imaging Spectrometer and Multispectral Scanner Data with a Different Spatial-Resolution
* Morphology On Convolution Lattices with Applications to the Slope Transform and Random Set-Theory
* Motion and Disparity Field Estimation Using Rate-Distortion Optimization
* Motion Estimation Using A Complex-Valued Wavelet Transform
* Motion Optimization of Ordered Blocks for Overlapped Block Motion Compensation
* Motion Perception Using Analog VLSI
* Motion Segmentation for a Binocular Observer
* Motion-Model-Based Boundary Extraction and a Real-Time Implementation
* Multiobject Detection of Targets with Fine Details, Scale and Translation Variations
* Navigating through Triangle Meshes Implemented as Linear Quadtrees
* Neural-Network-Based Target Tracking State-of-the-Art Survey
* New Closed-Form Solution for Kinematic Parameter-Identification of a Binocular Head Using Point Measurements
* New Geometric Methods for Computer Vision: An Application to Structure and Motion Estimation
* New Motion-Compensated Reduced-Order Model Kalman Filter for Space Varying Restoration of Progressive and Interlaced Video, A
* Novel Block Matching Algorithm for Motion Estimation, A
* On Fuzzy Nonlinear-Regression For Image-Enhancement
* On the Design of Selective Coefficient DCT Module
* Optical Diffraction Inspection of Periodic Structures Using Neural Networks
* Optimal Image-Restoration with the Fractional Fourier-Transform
* Optimal Pyramidal Decomposition for Progressive Multidimensional Signal Coding Using Optimal Quantizers
* Optimal Segmentation of Cell Images
* Optoelectronic Implementation of Adaptive Image Preprocessing Using Hybrid Modulations of Epson Liquid-Crystal Television: Applications to Smoothing and Edge Enhancement
* Orthogonal Multiwavelets with Optimum Time-Frequency Resolution
* Panoramic viewing apparatus
* Parallelizing a Set of 2-D Frequency Transforms in a Flexible Manner
* Passive velocity measuring device
* Past, Present, and Future of Image and Multidimensional Signal-Processing, The
* Pattern Classification with Compact Distribution Maps
* Prediction of Image Partitions Using Fourier Descriptors: Application to Segmentation Based Coding Schemes
* Rate-Distortion Optimal Motion Estimation Algorithms for Motion-Compensated Transform Video Coding
* Real-Time Object Tracking from Corners
* Recognition of Handprinted Chinese Characters by Constrained Graph Matching
* Recursive Minimum Energy Algorithm For Image Interpolation
* Reduced Storage VQ via Secondary Quantization
* Resolution enhancement and thinning method for printing pixel images
* Restoration-Based Loop Filtering in Hybrid Motion-Compensated Differential-Pulse Code Modulation Discrete Cosine Transform Video Coding
* Robust Image Transmission over Energy-Constrained Time-Varying Channels Using Multiresolution Joint Source-Channel Coding
* Robust Technique for Image Descreening Based on the Wavelet Transform
* ROI Search Method for Still Images Based on Set Descriptions, An
* SAR Image Understanding: High-speed Target Detection and Site Model Based Exploitation
* Segmentation of Color Images Based on the Gravitational Clustering Concept
* Segmentation of MR-Images With Intensity Inhomogeneities
* Segmentation of Printed Circuit Board Images into Basic Patterns
* Shape from Shading with Variable Albedo
* Spatiotemporal Coding for Wireless Communication
* Special Issue on Theory and Application of Filter Banks and Wavelet Transforms
* Spectral Band Selection and Classifier Design for a Multispectral Imaging Laser-Radar
* Statistical Models of Face Images: Improving Specificity
* Stereo and Specular Reflection
* Stereo Image-Coding: A Projection Approach
* Stereo Vision-Based Aid for the Visually-Impaired, A
* Study of a Convex Variational Diffusion Approach for Image Segmentation and Feature-Extraction, A
* Subpattern Level Inspection System for Printed Circuit Boards, A
* System and method for focusing, imaging and measuring areas on a workpiece engraved by an engraver
* Targeting and Intelligence Electro-optical Recognition Modeling: A Juxtaposition of the Probabilities of Discrimination and the General Image Quality Equation
* Technique for Fractal Image Compression Using Genetic Algorithm
* Tracking Features with Camera Maneuvering for Vision-Based Navigation
* Tracking Ill-Conditioning for the RLS-Lattice Algorithms
* Tree Coding of Bilevel Images
* Two Pixel-Preselection Methods For Median-Type Filtering
* Unsupervised Interference Rejection Approach To Target Detection and Classification for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Vehicle Recognition in Infrared Images Using Shared Weight Neural Networks
* Wavelet Functions To Estimate Velocity In Spatiotemporal Signals
* Wavelet-Based Statistical Signal-Processing Using Hidden Markov-Models
164 for 9804

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.