* *Biometrics: The Personal Identification in Networked Society
* *Document Recognition and Retrieval VI
* *Nonlinear Image Processing X
* 2D object recognition based on curvature functions obtained from local histograms of the contour chain code
* Active Vision for Complete Scene Reconstruction and Exploration
* adaptive fuzzy C-means algorithm for image segmentation in the presence of intensity inhomogeneities, An
* Adaptive Nonlocal Filtering: A Fast Alternative to Anisotropic Diffusion for Image Enhancement
* Algebraic and Geometric Tools to Compute Projective and Permutation Invariants
* Analysis and Design of Panoramic Stereo Vision Using Equi-Angular Pixel Cameras
* Anomaly Detection through Registration
* Apparatus for implementing a block matching algorithm for motion estimation in video image processing
* Apparatus for processing an image of a face
* Automated B-Spline Curve Representation Incorporating MDL and Error-Minimizing Control Point Insertion Strategies
* Autonomous Cross-Country Navigation Using Stereo Vision
* Binary text image compression using overlapping rectangular partitioning
* C-Bezier Curves and Surfaces
* Calibration of the Meteosat-5 sensor visible channel
* Cartographic Modeling Approach for Surface Orientation-Related Applications
* Character recognition methods and apparatus for locating and extracting predetermined data from a document
* Circle recognition through a 2D Hough Transform and radius histogramming
* Classical Construction for the Digital Fundamental Group, A
* Coarse to Fine 3D Registration Method Based on Robust Fuzzy Clustering, A
* Coherence Estimation for SAR Imagery
* Color and spatial feature for content-based image retrieval
* Comments on Subband Coding of Images Using Asymmetrical Filterbanks
* Comparative Study of Neural Network Based Feature Extraction Paradigms
* Compression of Color Facial Images Using Feature Correction Two-Stage Vector Quantization
* Connected Morphological Operators for Binary Images
* Contour simplification for segmented still image and video coding: algorithms and experimental results
* Convexity Analysis of Active Contour Problems
* Development of a graph-based approach for building detection
* Efficient algorithms for robust feature matching
* Efficient hybrid search for visual reconstruction problems
* efficient memory allocation scheme for Huffman coding of multiple sources, An
* Ellipse detection based on symmetry
* Euclidean Paths: A New Representation of Boundary of Discrete Regions
* evolutionary algorithm for the registration of 3-d surface representations, An
* Extracting Group Transformations from Image Moments
* Extraction of 3d anatomical point landmarks based on invariance principles
* Family of Regularizing Kernels for Averaging in the Presence of Template Jitter
* fast matching criterion for VLSI implementation of block-based motion estimation, A
* fast vector quantization encoding algorithm using multiple projection axes, A
* Feature Extraction from Wavelet Coefficients for Pattern Recognition Tasks
* Feature-Based Mapping in Real Large Scale Environments Using an Ultrasonic Array
* Feature-Based Object Recognition and Localization in 3D-Space, Using a Single Video Image
* Figure-Ground Separation by a Dynamical System
* Fitting Curves and Surfaces With Constrained Implicit Polynomials
* Fractal Characterization of Hyperspectral Imagery
* Game-Theoretic Integration for Image Segmentation
* Generalized Feature Extraction Using Expansion Matching
* Genetic Algorithm for the Extraction of Nonanalytic Objects from Multiple Dimensional Parameter Space
* Hidden Digital Watermarks in Images
* Hilbert-space Karhunen-Loeve transform with application to image analysis
* Image compression and decompression using predictive coding and error diffusion
* Image motion detection device
* Image Segmentation and Analysis via Multiscale Gradient Watershed Hierarchies
* Image-Based Robot Task Planning and Control Using a Compact Visual Representation
* Index compressed tree-structured vector quantisation
* Inverting a canopy reflectance model using a neural network
* Iterative Pose Computation from Line Correspondences
* JPEG-Compliant Perceptual Coding for a Grayscale Image Printing Pipeline
* Kalman Filtering Approach to Multispectral Image Classification and Detection of Changes in Signature Abundance
* Laser Intensity-Based Obstacle Detection and Tracking
* Learning in a self-organising pattern formation system
* Lexicon-Driven Handwritten Word Recognition Using Optimal Linear Combinations of Order Statistics
* Linear Algorithm for Motion from Three Weak Perspective Images Using Euler Angles
* Logic filters for resolution conversion of digital images
* Minimal Decomposition of Model-Based Invariants
* Minimal Representation Multisensor Fusion Using Differential Evolution
* Model-Based Vector Quantization with Application to Remotely Sensed Image Data
* Modulated lapped transform method
* Motion compensation using spatial transformations with forward mapping
* MPEG 2 video error resilience experiments: The importance considering the impact of the systems layer
* Multi-modal method for locating objects in images
* Multi-Scale Fractal Analysis of Image Texture and Patterns
* Multi-Scale Image Analysis by Pyramidal Algorithms
* Multiresolution Phase Unwrapping for SAR Interferometry
* Multiresolution probability analysis of random fields
* Multisensor image registration by feature consensus
* Neural networks and fuzzy data fusion. Application to an on-line and real time vehicle detection system
* Noise Reduction of VQ Encoded Images Through Anti-Gray Coding
* note on adaptive 2D-H strings, A
* novel fast fractal decoding algorithm, A
* Object Representation Using Appearance-based Parts and Relations
* On matching brain volumes
* On the Multiscale Representation of 2D and 3D Shapes
* Online Recognition of Handwritten Hiragana Characters Based Upon a Complex Autoregressive Model
* Optimal Biorthogonal Wavelet Decomposition of Wire-Frame Meshes Using Box Splines, and Its Application to the Hierarchical Coding of 3-D Surfaces
* overlap invariant entropy measure of 3D medical image alignment, An
* Pattern recognition by means of the Radon transform and the continuous wavelet transform
* Pattern recognition employing arbitrary segmentation and compound probabilistic evaluation
* Prediction mode selecting device in moving image coder
* Progressively Predictive Image Pyramid for Efficient Lossless Coding
* Projection-space methods to take into account finite beam-width effects in two-dimensional tomography algorithms
* Rate-quality tradeoff MPEG video encoder
* Reflectance and Texture of Real-World Surfaces
* Regular-Texture Image Retrieval Based on Texture-Primitive Extraction
* Regularization of Noisy ISAR Images Containing Extended Features
* role of topographical constraints in face recognition, The
* Sampling of Images for Efficient Model-Based Vision
* Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents
* Segmentation of Cursive Handwriting: An Approach Based on Off-Line Recovery of the Motor-Temporal Information, The
* Segmentation of Medical Images using LEGION
* Segmentation skin cancer images
* Shape from shading for multiple light sources
* Signal Subspace Fusion of Uncalibrated Sensors with Application in SAR and Diagnostic Medicine
* Simultaneous Surface Approximation and Segmentation of Complex Objects
* split and merge procedure for polygonal border detection of dot pattern, A
* Statistical Approach for Topographic Correction of Satellite Images by Using Spatial Context Information
* Statistically Based Methods for Anomaly Characterization in Images from Observations of Scattered Radiation
* Stereoscopic autofocusing based on comparing the left and right eye images
* strategy for satellite data archival. Low noise variable-rate vector quantization with application to AVHRR satellite images: A tutorial review, A
* Structural Shape Indexing with Feature Generation Models
* Surface-based matching using elastic transformations
* survey of hierarchical non-linear medical image registration, A
* syntactic approach applied to materials degradation, A
* System for re-registering a sensor during a live event
* Texture Statistics for Classification of Land Use with Multitemporal JERS-1 SAR Single-Look Imagery
* Three-Dimensional Image Capture and Applications II
* Two-Point Correlation Function: A Measure of Interclass Separability, The
* use of linked line segments for cluster representation and data reduction, The
* Variable tree size fractal compression for wavelet pyramid image coding
* VC-Dimension Analysis of Object Recognition Tasks
* Visual Analysis of Human Movement: A Survey, The
* Visual Data Exploration and Analysis VI
* VLSI Architecture for Real-Time Edge Linking, A
* Weighted boundary matching algorithm for error concealment in the MPEG-2 video bit stream
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