Index for bida

Bidani, A. * 2006: Nonlinear multiscale wavelet diffusion for speckle suppression and edge enhancement in ultrasound images

Bidard, C.[Catherine] * 2023: Online Toolkit for Applications Featuring Collaborative Robots Across Different Domains, An

Bidarra, R.[Rafael] * 2009: Collision Avoidance between Avatars of Real and Virtual Individuals
* 2009: Semantic Navigation Model for Video Games, A

Bidart, R.[Rene] * 2019: Affine Variational Autoencoders
* 2019: TriResNet: A Deep Triple-Stream Residual Network for Histopathology Grading
* 2020: Squeeze-and-Attention Networks for Semantic Segmentation
Includes: Bidart, R.[Rene] Bidart, R.

Bidarte, U.[Unai] * 2005: Hardware implementation of optical flow constraint equation using FPGAs

Bidasaria, H.B. * 1986: Method for Almost Exact Histogram Matching for Two Digitized Images, A
* 1987: Least desirable feature elimination in a general pattern recognition problem
* 1991: Method for Ray Tracing a Wide Class of Generalized Cylinders with Straight Line Trajectories, A
* 1992: Defining and Rendering of Textured Objects Through the Use of Exponential Functions

Bidaut, L.[Luc] * 2020: Advanced Non-linear Generative Model with a Deep Classifier for Immunotherapy Outcome Prediction: A Bladder Cancer Case Study
* 2020: Unified deep learning approach for prediction of Parkinson's disease

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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