Index for brah

Braham, M.[Marc] * 2014: physically motivated pixel-based model for background subtraction in 3D images, A
* 2015: Simple Median-Based Method for Stationary Background Generation Using Background Subtraction Algorithms
* 2016: Deep background subtraction with scene-specific convolutional neural networks
* 2017: Semantic background subtraction
* 2020: Real-Time Semantic Background Subtraction
Includes: Braham, M.[Marc] Braham, M.

Braham, Y.[Yosra] * 2020: Parallel computation of Watershed Transform in weighted graphs on shared memory machines

Brahim Belhouari, S.[Sofiane] * 2005: Gas identification using density models
Includes: Brahim Belhouari, S.[Sofiane] Brahim-Belhouari, S.[Sofiane]

Brahim, A. * 2014: Applications of Gaussian mixture models and mean squared error within DatSCAN SPECT imaging
* 2017: Using content-based image retrieval to automatically assess day similarity in visual lifelogs
* 2019: Classification of Autism Spectrum Disorder Through the Graph Fourier Transform of fMRI Temporal Signals Projected on Structural Connectome
* 2019: Knee Osteoarthritis Detection Using Power Spectral Density: Data from the OsteoArthritis Initiative
Includes: Brahim, A. Brahim, A.[Abdelbasset]

Brahim, K.[Khawla] * 2019: Spatio-temporal saliency detection using objectness measure
* 2020: 3D deep learning approach based on Shape Prior for automatic segmentation of myocardial diseases, A
* 2021: deep learning approach for the segmentation of myocardial diseases, A
* 2023: Facsimiles-based deep learning for matching relief-printed decorations on medieval ceramic sherds

Brahim, N.[Nini] * 2020: Fall Detection using Body Geometry in Video Sequences
* 2020: Vision-based Fall Detection Using Body Geometry
* 2021: Vision-Based Multi-Modal Framework for Action Recognition

Brahim, O.[Ouhbi] * 2012: Plugin of Recommendation Based on a Hybrid Method for the Ranking of Documents in the E-Learning Platforms

Brahimi, M.[Mohammed] * 2024: SupeRVol: Super-Resolution Shape and Reflectance Estimation in Inverse Volume Rendering

Brahimi, Z. * 2001: Video Image Compression using Zerotree Wavelets Coding
* 2004: Color image coding based on embedded wavelet zerotree and scalar quantization

Brahm, G. * 2016: Bag-of-shapes descriptor for medical imaging, A
* 2017: Automated segmentation and area estimation of neural foramina with boundary regression model
Includes: Brahm, G. Brahm, G.[Gary]

Brahma, B.[Banalaxmi] * 2023: AI-Based Model for Detection and Classification of Alzheimer Disease

Brahma, D.[Dhanajit] * 2023: Probabilistic Framework for Lifelong Test-Time Adaptation, A

Brahma, P. * 2019: Analyzing the Variety Loss in the Context of Probabilistic Trajectory Prediction

Brahma, P.P. * 2018: Subset Replay Based Continual Learning for Scalable Improvement of Autonomous Systems
* 2021: Reliability of GAN Generated Data to Train and Validate Perception Systems for Autonomous Vehicles
Includes: Brahma, P.P. Brahma, P.P.[Pratik Prabhanjan]

Brahma, S. * 2004: MRF Based Segmentatiom Approach to Classification Using Dempster Shafer Fusion for Multisensor Imagery, A
* 2005: Landcover Classification in MRF Context Using Dempster-Shafer Fusion for Multisensor Imagery
* 2015: Asymptotic Analysis of Distributed Bayesian Detection with Byzantine Data
* 2016: Optimal Auction Design With Quantized Bids

Brahmachari, A.S.[Aveek Shankar] * 2009: BLOGS: Balanced local and global search for non-degenerate two view epipolar geometry
* 2013: Hop-Diffusion Monte Carlo for Epipolar Geometry Estimation between Very Wide-Baseline Images

Brahmantara * 2021: Digital Archive of Borobudur Based on 3d Point Clouds, A
* 2021: Integrated High-Definition Visualization of Digital Archives for Borobudur Temple
* 2022: 3D reconstruction of Borobudur reliefs from 2D monocular photographs based on soft-edge enhanced deep learning
* 2023: Semantic Segmentation for Digital Archives of Borobudur Reliefs Based on Soft-Edge Enhanced Deep Learning

Brahmavar, S.B.[Shreyas Bhat] * 2023: IKD+: Reliable Low Complexity Deep Models for Retinopathy Classification

Brahmbhatt, A. * 1996: VLSI architecture for real time code book generator and encoder of a vector quantizer, A

Brahmbhatt, R.[Rupal] * 2020: Geospatial Assessment of Water-Migration Scenarios in the Context of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 6, 11, and 16

Brahmbhatt, S.[Samarth] * 2015: Occlusion-Aware Object Localization, Segmentation and Pose Estimation
* 2017: DeepNav: Learning to Navigate Large Cities
* 2017: StuffNet: Using Stuff to Improve Object Detection
* 2018: Geometry-Aware Learning of Maps for Camera Localization
* 2019: ContactDB: Analyzing and Predicting Grasp Contact via Thermal Imaging
* 2020: Contactpose: A Dataset of Grasps with Object Contact and Hand Pose
* 2021: ContactOpt: Optimizing Contact to Improve Grasps
* 2022: PressureVision: Estimating Hand Pressure from a Single RGB Image
Includes: Brahmbhatt, S.[Samarth] Brahmbhatt, S.
8 for Brahmbhatt, S.

Brahme, A. * 1997: Towards Inverse Radiation Therapy Planning and Multidimensional Cancer Treatment Optimization
* 2020: Effect of Various Visual Speech Units on Language Identification Using Visual Speech Recognition
Includes: Brahme, A. Brahme, A.[Aparna]

Brahmi, B. * 2019: Cartesian Trajectory Tracking of a 7-DOF Exoskeleton Robot Based on Human Inverse Kinematics

Brahmi, D. * 2004: Combining visual features with semantics for a more effective image retrieval
* 2004: Improving CBIR systems by integrating semantic features

Brahmi, M.[Mondher] * 2022: On the Discovery of a Roman Fortified Site in Gafsa, Southern Tunisia, Based on High-Resolution X-Band Satellite Radar Data

Brahnam, S.[Sheryl] * 2012: Local phase quantization descriptor for improving shape retrieval/classification
* 2012: simple method for improving local binary patterns by considering non-uniform patterns, A
* 2016: Weighted Reward-Punishment Editing
* 2017: Combining visual and acoustic features for audio classification tasks
* 2017: Handcrafted vs. non-handcrafted features for computer vision classification
* 2018: Bird and whale species identification using sound images
Includes: Brahnam, S.[Sheryl] Brahnam, S.

Index for "b"

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