Index for byrn

Byrn, P.[Peter] * 2009: 3D city GIS for sustaining city infrastructure: the Bentley approach

Byrne, A.[Aengus] * 2023: SatelliteSkill5: An Augmented Reality Educational Experience Teaching Remote Sensing through the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Byrne, C. * 2001: Likelihood maximization for list-mode emission tomographic image reconstruction

Byrne, C.A. * 2015: Managing Wandering Risk in People With Dementia

Byrne, C.L. * 1984: Linear and Nonlinear Estimators for One- and Two-Dimensional Fourier Transforms
* 1993: Iterative image reconstruction algorithms based on cross-entropy minimization
* 1996: Block-iterative methods for image reconstruction from projections
* 1997: Choice of initial conditions in the ML reconstruction of fan-beam transmission with truncated projection data
* 1997: Convergent Block-Iterative Algorithms for Image-Reconstruction from Inconsistent Data
* 1998: Accelerating the EMML Algorithm and Related Iterative Algorithms by Rescaled Block-Iterative Methods
* 2000: Improved image quality and computation reduction in 4-D reconstruction of cardiac-gated SPECT images
* 2000: Noise characterization of block-iterative reconstruction algorithms: I. Theory
* 2001: interior point iterative maximum-likelihood reconstruction algorithm incorporating upper and lower bounds with application to SPECT transmission imaging, An
* 2005: Choosing Parameters in Block-Iterative or Ordered Subset Reconstruction Algorithms
* 2005: Signal Processing: A Mathematical Approach
* 2006: Image reconstruction from limited Fourier data
* 2006: Image reconstruction: a unifying model for resolution enhancement and data extrapolation. Tutorial
* 2006: Iterative image reconstruction using prior knowledge
* 2010: Resolution enhancement of imaging small-scale portions in a compactly supported function
Includes: Byrne, C.L. Byrne, C.L.[Charles L.]
15 for Byrne, C.L.

Byrne, D.[Daragh] * 2008: iBingo mobile collaborative search
* 2008: Investigating keyframe selection methods in the novel domain of passively captured visual lifelogs
* 2008: K-Space Interactive Search
* 2008: Measuring the impact of temporal context on video retrieval
* 2009: User variance and its impact on video retrieval benchmarking

Byrne, E.[Eugene] * 2022: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video

Byrne, G.[Guy] * 2023: Choice of Solar Spectral Irradiance Model for Current and Future Remote Sensing Satellite Missions
* 2024: Validating Digital Earth Australia NBART for the Landsat 9 Underfly of Landsat 8

Byrne, I.[Isabel] * 2023: Mapping Malaria Vector Habitats in West Africa: Drone Imagery and Deep Learning Analysis for Targeted Vector Surveillance

Byrne, J. * 1998: Precise Image Segmentation for Forest Inventory
* 2008: Unsupervised image compression-by-synthesis within a JPEG framework
* 2009: Unsupervised image compression using graphcut texture synthesis
* 2013: Nested Shape Descriptors
* 2015: Nested motion descriptors
* 2017: Template adaptation for face verification and identification
* 2018: Template adaptation for face verification and identification
* 2018: Visualizing and Quantifying Discriminative Features for Face Recognition
* 2020: Explainable Face Recognition
* 2020: Tree Annotations in LiDAR Data Using Point Densities and Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2021: Optimizing Urban LiDAR Flight Path Planning Using a Genetic Algorithm and a Dual Parallel Computing Framework
* 2021: VPU Specific CNNs through Neural Architecture Search
* 2023: Fine-grained Activities of People Worldwide
Includes: Byrne, J. Byrne, J.[James] Byrne, J.[Jeffrey] Byrne, J.[Jonathan]
13 for Byrne, J.

Byrne, J.G.[John G.] * 2004: Trinity College Dublin 1872 Online Catalogue, The

Byrne, J.V. * 1999: Determining X-ray projections for coil treatments of intracranial aneurysms
* 2003: Intensity-based 2-D-3-D registration of cerebral angiograms
* 2005: Comparison of a Similarity-Based and a Feature-Based 2-D to 3-D Registration Method for Neurointerventional Use, A
* 2008: Haemodynamics of Endovascular Aneurysm Treatment: A Computational Modelling Approach for Estimating the Influence of Multiple Coil Deployment, The

Byrne, K.A.[Kenneth A.] * 2021: Investigating the Effects of k and Area Size on Variance Estimation of Multiple Pixel Areas Using a k-NN Technique for Forest Parameters

Byrne, M.[Maria] * 2015: Accuracy and Precision of Habitat Structural Complexity Metrics Derived from Underwater Photogrammetry
* 2019: Optimising Sampling Strategies in Coral Reefs Using Large-Area Mosaics
* 2020: Remote Sensing Method to Monitor Water, Aquatic Vegetation, and Invasive Water Hyacinth at National Extents, A
Includes: Byrne, M.[Maria] Byrne, M.[Marcus]

Byrne, M.D. * 2014: Identifying Successful Motor Task Completion via Motion-Based Performance Metrics
* 2016: Smoothness of Surgical Tool Tip Motion Correlates to Skill in Endovascular Tasks
* 2019: Expert Surgeons Can Smoothly Control Robotic Tools With a Discrete Control Interface

Byrne, M.J. * 1996: Application of Model Based Image Interpretation Methods of Diabetic Neuropathy

Byrne, N.[Nicholas] * 2022: Topological Loss Function for Deep-Learning Based Image Segmentation Using Persistent Homology, A
* 2023: Persistent Homology-Based Topological Loss for CNN-Based Multiclass Segmentation of CMR, A
Includes: Byrne, N.[Nicholas] Byrne, N.[Nick]

Byrne, N.J. * 1994: Using Shape and Intensity to Track Non-Rigid Objects

Byrne, S. * 2018: Bayesian Approach to Subkilometer Crater Shape Analysis Using Individual HiRISE Images, A
* 2022: Revealing Active Mars with HiRISE Digital Terrain Models
Includes: Byrne, S. Byrne, S.[Shane]

Byrnes, J.[Jim] * 2007: Imaging for Detection and Identification
* 2009: Unexploded Ordnance Detection and Mitigation
Includes: Byrnes, J.[Jim] Byrnes, J.[James]

Byrns, D.[David] * 2007: Real-time eye blink detection with GPU-based SIFT tracking
* 2010: computer-vision-assisted system for Video Description Scripting, A
* 2017: Are You Smiling as a Celebrity? Latent Smile and Gender Recognition
Includes: Byrns, D.[David] Byrns, D.

Index for "b"

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