Index for hoqu

Hoque, E.[Enamul] * 2010: Organizing and Browsing Image Search Results Based on Conceptual and Visual Similarities
* 2020: Leveraging Shared and Divergent Facial Expression Behavior Between Genders in Deception Detection
* 2020: Spatio-Temporal Attention and Magnification for Classification of Parkinson's Disease from Videos Collected via the Internet
* 2022: Are You Really Looking at Me? A Feature-Extraction Framework for Estimating Interpersonal Eye Gaze From Conventional Video
* 2023: DBATES: Dataset for Discerning Benefits of Audio, Textual, and Facial Expression Features in Competitive Debate Speeches
* 2023: Novel Computational Linguistic Measures, Dialogue System and the Development of SOPHIE: Standardized Online Patient for Healthcare Interaction Education
Includes: Hoque, E.[Enamul] Hoque, E. Hoque, E.[Ehsan]

Hoque, F.[Farah] * 2020: Generalized Linear Mixed Model Approach to Assess Emerald Ash Borer Diffusion, A

Hoque, F.A.[Farhana Afrin] * 2014: Scale-Space Decomposition and Nearest Linear Combination Based Approach for Face Recognition

Hoque, H.M.S.[Hossain Mohammed Syedul] * 2020: Primary Evaluation of the GCOM-C Aerosol Products at 380 nm Using Ground-Based Sky Radiometer Observations
* 2021: Variabilities in PM2.5 and Black Carbon Surface Concentrations Reproduced by Aerosol Optical Properties Estimated by In-Situ Data, Ground Based Remote Sensing and Modeling

Hoque, M. * 2000: Face Recognition using the Moving Window Classifier
* 2020: Estimation of GPS Differential Code Biases Based on Independent Reference Station and Recursive Filter
* 2022: Airborne Coherent GNSS Reflectometry and Zenith Total Delay Estimation over Coastal Waters
* 2023: Characterizing Ionospheric Effects on GNSS Reflectometry at Grazing Angles from Space
* 2023: Real-Time Tomographic Inversion of Truncated Ionospheric GNSS Radio Occultations
Includes: Hoque, M. Hoque, M.[Mainul]

Hoque, M.E.[Mohammed Ehsan] * 2011: Acted vs. natural frustration and delight: Many people smile in natural frustration
* 2012: Exploring Temporal Patterns in Classifying Frustrated and Delighted Smiles
* 2014: Rich Nonverbal Sensing Technology for Automated Social Skills Training
* 2015: Predicting video-conferencing conversation outcomes based on modeling facial expression synchronization
* 2018: Analyzing the Impact of Gender on the Automation of Feedback for Public Speaking
* 2018: Automated Analysis and Prediction of Job Interview Performance
* 2018: Say CHEESE: Common Human Emotional Expression Set Encoder and Its Application to Analyze Deceptive Communication
* 2018: What, When, and Why of Facial Expressions: An Objective Analysis of Conversational Skills in Speed-Dating Videos, The
* 2020: Retinal image blood vessel extraction and quantification with Euclidean distance transform approach
* 2022: Deep learning in the grading of diabetic retinopathy: A review
Includes: Hoque, M.E.[Mohammed Ehsan] Hoque, M.E. Hoque, M.E.[Mohammed Enamul]
10 for Hoque, M.E.

Hoque, M.M.[Mohammed Moshiul] * 2010: Empirical Framework to Control Human Attention by Robot, An
* 2019: Evaluation of Ionospheric Delay Effects on Multi-GNSS Positioning Performance
* 2019: New Empirical Model of NmF2 Based on CHAMP, GRACE, and COSMIC Radio Occultation, A
* 2020: E Layer Dominated Ionosphere Occurrences as a Function of Geophysical and Space Weather Conditions
* 2020: Evaluation of E Layer Dominated Ionosphere Events Using COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 and CHAMP Ionospheric Radio Occultation Data
* 2020: SBAS Integrity Model to Overbound Residuals of Higher-Order Ionospheric Effects in the Ionosphere-Free Linear Combination, An
* 2021: High Latitude Model for the E Layer Dominated Ionosphere, A
* 2021: Neural Network-Based TEC Model Capable of Reproducing Nighttime Winter Anomaly, A
* 2021: Topside Ionosphere and Plasmasphere Modelling Using GNSS Radio Occultation and POD Data
* 2022: Evaluation of the Mid-Latitude Ionospheric trough Using GRACE Data
* 2022: Storm-Time Relative Total Electron Content Modelling Using Machine Learning Techniques
* 2023: Assessment of GRAS Ionospheric Measurements for Ionospheric Model Assimilation
* 2023: New Method of Electron Density Retrieval from MetOp-A's Truncated Radio Occultation Measurements, A
* 2023: Study of Ionospheric Bending Angle and Scintillation Profiles Derived by GNSS Radio-Occultation with MetOp-A Satellite
* 2023: Topside Ionospheric Tomography Exclusively Based on LEO POD GPS Carrier Phases: Application to Autonomous LEO DCB Estimation
Includes: Hoque, M.M.[Mohammed Moshiul] Hoque, M.M. Hoque, M.M.[Mohammed M.] Hoque, M.M.[M. Mainul] Hoque, M.M.[Mohammed Mainul]
15 for Hoque, M.M.

Hoque, M.S. * 2000: Novel multiple-stage approach to the recognition of handwritten words extracted from British cheques
* 2001: improved learning scheme for the moving window classifier, An

Hoque, M.T.[Md Tamjidul] * 2023: Depth-Wise Separable U-Net Architecture with Multiscale Filters to Detect Sinkholes, A

Hoque, M.Z.[Md Ziaul] * 2022: Patch-Based Discriminative Learning for Remote Sensing Scene Classification

Hoque, O.B.[Oishee Bintey] * 2020: Bdsl36: A Dataset for Bangladeshi Sign Letters Recognition

Hoque, R.[Reshad] * 2021: Converting Optical Videos to Infrared Videos Using Attention GAN and Its Impact on Target Detection and Classification Performance

Hoque, S. * 2001: autonomous document object (ADO) model, The
* 2001: Identification of Shapes Using A Nonlinear Dynamic System
* 2002: Bit plane decomposition and the scanning n-tuple classifier
* 2002: effect of the inhibition-compensation learning scheme on n-tuple based classifier performance, The
* 2002: Novel approaches to optimized self-configuration in high performance multiple-expert classifiers
* 2003: new chain-code quantization approach enabling high performance handwriting recognition based on multi-classifier schemes, A
* 2003: SAGENT: a novel technique for document modeling for secure access and distribution
* 2017: Biometric Counter-Spoofing for Mobile Devices Using Gaze Information
Includes: Hoque, S. Hoque, S.[Sanaul]
8 for Hoque, S.

Index for "h"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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