Index for jaku

Jakuba, M.V.[Michael V.] * 2020: Scientific Challenges and Present Capabilities in Underwater Robotic Vehicle Design and Navigation for Oceanographic Exploration Under-Ice

Jakubauskas, M.E. * 2003: Using temporal averaging to decouple annual and nonannual information in AVHRR NDVI time series

Jakubek, S.[Stefan] * 2022: Safe and Efficient Cooperative Platooning
* 2022: String Stable and Collision-Safe Model Predictive Platoon Control

Jakubiak, J. * 2008: Polynomial based approach in analysis and detection of surgeon's motions

Jakubovitz, D.[Daniel] * 2018: Improving DNN Robustness to Adversarial Attacks Using Jacobian Regularization
* 2019: Lautum Regularization for Semi-Supervised Transfer Learning
Includes: Jakubovitz, D.[Daniel] Jakubovitz, D.

Jakubowicz, J.[Jeremie] * 2007: Multisegment Detection
* 2008: On Straight Line Segment Detection
* 2010: LSD: A Fast Line Segment Detector with a False Detection Control
* 2012: Detecting Aircraft With a Low-Resolution Infrared Sensor
* 2012: LSD: a Line Segment Detector
* 2013: Aircraft classification with a low resolution infrared sensor
* 2016: FUNNRAR: Hybrid rarity/learning visual saliency
* 2017: Fine-Grained Urban Event Detection and Characterization Based on Tensor Cofactorization
Includes: Jakubowicz, J.[Jeremie] Jakubowicz, J.[Jérémie] Jakubowicz, J.
8 for Jakubowicz, J.

Jakubowski, A.[Adam] * 2014: Feynman-Kac Formula and Restoration of High ISO Images

Jakubowski, M. * 2000: Image Watermarking with Better Resilience
* 2011: Object-Based Image Analysis of Downed Logs in Disturbed Forested Landscapes Using Lidar
* 2013: Adaptive Computationally Scalable Motion Estimation for the Hardware H.264/AVC Encoder
* 2019: Cicero VR - Public Speaking Training Tool and an Attempt to Create Positive Social VR Experience
Includes: Jakubowski, M. Jakubowski, M.[Michal]

Jakubowski, M.K.[Marek K.] * 2013: Delineating Individual Trees from Lidar Data: A Comparison of Vector- and Raster-based Segmentation Approaches
* 2013: FUEGO: Fire Urgency Estimator in Geosynchronous Orbit: A Proposed Early-Warning Fire Detection System
* 2016: Estimating Ladder Fuels: A New Approach Combining Field Photography with LiDAR

Jakubowski, R. * 1990: Decomposition of Complex Shapes for Their Structural Recognition

Index for "j"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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