Index for kaku

Kaku, D.U.[Dawuda Usman] * 2022: Assessment Analysis of Flood Susceptibility in Tropical Desert Area: A Case Study of Yemen

Kaku, I.[Ikou] * 2019: Optimal mathematical programming and variable neighborhood search for k-modes categorical data clustering

Kaku, S.[Shinkyo] * 1985: Method and device for decoding two-dimensional facsimile signals

Kakue, T.[Takashi] * 2016: Random phase-free computer holography

Kakugo, A. * 2014: Tracking single microtubules by using B-spline curves and Hausdorff distance

Kakukou, N. * 2006: Accurate IFS-Based Image Enlargement Method using Line Process, An
* 2008: effective detection method of rotational and divergent structures in still images based on Helmholtz decomposition, An
Includes: Kakukou, N. Kakukou, N.[Norihiro]

Kakumanu, P. * 2007: survey of skin-color modeling and detection methods, A

Kakumoto, S. * 1984: Automatic Recognition of Design Drawings and Maps
* 1998: Map-based Approach to Extracting Object Information from Aerial Images, A

Kakumu, Y.[Yumi] * 2013: High Frequency 3D Reconstruction from Unsynchronized Multiple Cameras

Kakusho, K. * 1992: Computer Vision Based on a Hypothesization and Verification Scheme by Parallel Relaxation
* 1994: Shape Recovery and Error Correction Based on Hypothetical Constraints by Parallel Network for Energy Minimization
* 1996: Recognition of social dancing from auditory and visual information
* 1997: Media Information Processing in Documents: Generation of Manuals of Mechanical Parts Assembling
* 2006: 3D Shape Reconstruction of Trunk Swaying Human Body Segments
* 2007: Light stripe triangulation for multiple of moving rigid objects
* 2007: Silhouette Extraction with Random Pattern Backgrounds for the Volume Intersection Method
* 2008: 3D shape reconstruction from incomplete silhouettes in multiple frames
* 2008: Distortion Correction for 3D Scan of Trunk Swaying Human Body Segments
* 2008: Usage of needle maps and shadows to overcome depth edges in depth map reconstruction
* 2009: Background Estimation Based on Device Pixel Structures for Silhouette Extraction
* 2010: Super-Resolution Texture Mapping from Multiple View Images
Includes: Kakusho, K. Kakusho, K.[Koh]
12 for Kakusho, K.

Kakusho, O.[Osamu] * 1983: new algorithm for non-linear mapping with applications to dimension and cluster analyses, A

Kakuta, S. * 2016: Bathymetry Mapping Using Hyperspectral Data: A Case Study Of Yamada Bay, Northeast Japan

Kakuta, T.[Tetsuya] * 2005: Virtual Kawaradera: Fast Shadow Texture for Augmented Reality
* 2008: Virtual Asukakyo: Real-time Soft Shadows in Mixed Reality using Shadowing Planes

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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