Index for kazm

Kazmar, T.[Toma] * 2013: Drosophila Embryo Stage Annotation Using Label Propagation

Kazmi, I.K.[Ismail K.] * 2017: Hand gesture-based interactive puppetry system to assist storytelling for children

Kazmi, M.[Majida] * 2019: efficient and compact row buffer architecture on FPGA for real-time neighbourhood image processing, An

Kazmi, S.A.[Syed Abbad] * 2023: IoT-based real time clinical healthcare system for aging and underprivileged areas

Kazmi, S.M.A.[S. M. Ahsan] * 2022: Computing on Wheels: A Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Approach
* 2022: Novel Contract Theory-Based Incentive Mechanism for Cooperative Task-Offloading in Electrical Vehicular Networks, A

Kazmi, S.M.A.M. * 2012: Exploiting a scene calibration mechanism for depth estimation
* 2019: Feature-agnostic Low-cost Place Recognition for Appearance-based Mapping
Includes: Kazmi, S.M.A.M. Kazmi, S.M.A.M.[S. M. Ali Musa]

Kazmi, W.[Wajahat] * 2014: Indoor and outdoor depth imaging of leaves with time-of-flight and stereo vision sensors: Analysis and comparison
* 2015: comparison of interest point and region detectors on structured, range and texture images, A
* 2020: Lane detection using lane boundary marker network with road geometry constraints
* 2020: Real-time vehicle distance estimation using single view geometry
* 2021: Efficient Industrial System for Vehicle Tyre (Tire) Detection and Text Recognition Using Deep Learning, An
Includes: Kazmi, W.[Wajahat] Kazmi, W.

Kazmi, Z.A.[Zaheer Abbas] * 2020: Geospatial Assessment of Soil Erosion Intensity and Sediment Yield Using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) Model

Kazmierczak, E.[Ed] * 2010: Erythema detection in digital skin images
* 2013: Automatic Segmentation of Scaling in 2-D Psoriasis Skin Images
Includes: Kazmierczak, E.[Ed] Kazmierczak, E.

Kazmierczak, H. * 1972: Preprocessing of Gray-Scale Pictures

Kazmierczak, R. * 2015: Reliable Technology of Centimeter GPS/GLONASS Surveying in Forest Environments
* 2024: Learning to generate training datasets for robust semantic segmentation
Includes: Kazmierczak, R. Kazmierczak, R.[Rémi]

Kazmierowski, C.[Cezary] * 2018: Shortwave Radiation Affected by Agricultural Practices

Kazmierski, K.[Kamil] * 2018: Weighting of Multi-GNSS Observations in Real-Time Precise Point Positioning

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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