Index for khai

Khaidem, L.[Luckyson] * 2022: Uncertainty Learning towards Unsupervised Deformable Medical Image Registration

Khaidem, S.[Sally] * 2022: Hybrid Tucker-VQ Tensor Sketch decomposition model for coding and streaming real world light fields using stack of differently focused images, A
* 2023: Data-Driven Approach based on Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Efficient Encoding of Dynamic Light Fields, A

Khaikin, V.B.[Vladimir B.] * 2022: Atmospheric Conditions within Big Telescope Alt-Azimuthal Region and Possibilities of Astronomical Observations
* 2022: Precipitable Water Vapor and Fractional Clear Sky Statistics within the Big Telescope Alt-Azimuthal Region

Khaing, M.M. * 2012: Yangon River Geomorphology Identification And Its Enviromental Imapacts Analsysis by Optical and Radar Sensing Techniques

Khaing, Z.Z. * 2021: Super-Resolution Ultrasound Localization Microscopy Through Deep Learning

Khaira, U.[Ummul] * 2023: Exploring the Real-Time WRF Forecast Skill for Four Tropical Storms, Isaias, Henri, Elsa and Irene, as They Impacted the Northeast United States

Khairallah, M.Z.[Mahmoud Z.] * 2022: Flow-Based Line Detection and Segmentation for Neuromorphic Vision Sensors
* 2022: PCA Event-Based Optical Flow: A Fast and Accurate 2D Motion Estimation

Khairat, A.[Ali] * 2014: Adaptive cross-component prediction for 4:4:4 high efficiency video coding

Khaire, P.[Pushpajit] * 2018: Combining CNN streams of RGB-D and skeletal data for human activity recognition
* 2022: Deep learning and RGB-D based human action, human-human and human-object interaction recognition: A survey

Khairiah, R.N. * 2019: Agroforestry Tree Density Estimation Based On Hemispherical Photos and Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS Image: A Case Study at Cidanau Watershed, Banten-indonesia

Khairir, M.I.[Muhammad Ihsan] * 2009: Vision-Based Mobile Robot Navigation Using Image Processing and Cell Decomposition

Khairnar, P.[Pushkar] * 2022: Explanation and Use of Uncertainty Quantified by Bayesian Neural Network Classifiers for Breast Histopathology Images

Khairuddin, A.S.M.[Anis Salwa Mohd] * 2013: Fuzzy logic-based pre-classifier for tropical wood species recognition system
* 2019: Systematic review on vehicular licence plate recognition framework in intelligent transport systems
* 2020: Connected component analysis integrated edge based technique for automatic vehicular license plate recognition framework
* 2021: optimized YOLO-based object detection model for crop harvesting system, An

Khairuddin, U.[Uswah] * 2019: Systematic review on vehicular licence plate recognition framework in intelligent transport systems

Khairul, I.M.[Islam M.] * 2018: Inter-Comparison of Gauge-Corrected Global Satellite Rainfall Estimates and Their Applicability for Effective Water Resource Management in a Transboundary River Basin: The Case of the Meghna River Basin
* 2018: Inter-Comparison of Gauge-Corrected Global Satellite Rainfall Estimates and Their Applicability for Effective Water Resource Management in a Transboundary River Basin: The Case of the Meghna River Basin

Khairullin, R.[Rustam] * 2018: Microrelief Associated with Gas Emission Craters: Remote-Sensing and Field-Based Study

Khairunissa, M.[Maryam] * 2022: Hybrid Metaheuristic-Based Spatial Modeling and Analysis of Logistics Distribution Center

Khairunniza Bejo, S.[Siti] * 2021: Plot-Based Classification of Macronutrient Levels in Oil Palm Trees with Landsat-8 Images and Machine Learning
Includes: Khairunniza Bejo, S.[Siti] Khairunniza-Bejo, S.[Siti]

Khaitov, M.[Michael] * 2019: Domain Intersection and Domain Difference

Index for "k"

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