Index for saff

Saffar, M.[Mohammad] * 2022: FindIt: Generalized Localization with Natural Language Queries

Saffar, M.H.[Mohammad Hajizadeh] * 2016: STFCN: Spatio-Temporal Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Semantic Segmentation of Street Scenes

Saffari, A.[Amir] * 2008: Boosting for Model-Based Data Clustering
* 2008: SERBoost: Semi-supervised Boosting with Expectation Regularization
* 2009: Interactive Texture Segmentation using Random Forests and Total Variation
* 2009: On robustness of on-line boosting: a competitive study
* 2009: On-line Random Forests
* 2009: Regularized multi-class semi-supervised boosting
* 2009: Semi-Supervised Random Forests
* 2010: MIForests: Multiple-Instance Learning with Randomized Trees
* 2010: On-Line Multi-view Forests for Tracking
* 2010: On-Line Random Naive Bayes for Tracking
* 2010: On-line semi-supervised multiple-instance boosting
* 2010: Online multi-class LPBoost
* 2010: PROST: Parallel robust online simple tracking
* 2010: Robust Multi-View Boosting with Priors
* 2011: Improving classifiers with unlabeled weakly-related videos
* 2011: Struck: Structured Output Tracking with Kernels
* 2012: Efficient online structured output learning for keypoint-based object tracking
* 2013: Alternating Decision Forests
* 2014: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
* 2016: Struck: Structured Output Tracking with Kernels
Includes: Saffari, A.[Amir] Saffari, A.[Amirreza]
20 for Saffari, A.

Saffari, B. * 2000: Silicon Solutions for Recordable DVD Products: Enabling Storage of Digital Video for Mass Markets

Saffari, E.[Elham] * 2023: Estimation of Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram Solely From Probe Vehicle Trajectories With an Unknown Penetration Rate

Saffarian, M. * 2013: Enhancing Driver Car-Following Performance with a Distance and Acceleration Display

Saffarian, N.[Nader] * 2006: DNA Microarray Image Enhancement Using Conditional Sub-Block Bi-Histogram Equalization

Saffe, J.N.[Jorge N.] * 2018: Migration monitoring of Ascia monuste (Lepidoptera) and Schistocerca cancellata (Orthoptera) in Argentina using RMA1 weather radar

Saffer, J.R. * 1992: Surgical probe design for a coincidence imaging system without a collimator

Saffi, H.[Houda] * 2024: Auto-BPA: An Enhanced Ball-Pivoting Algorithm with Adaptive Radius using Contextual Bandits

Saffih, F. * 2007: Reduced Human Perception of FPN Noise of the Pyramidal Readout CMOS Image Sensor

Saffiotti, A. * 2002: Robust color segmentation for the RoboCup domain
* 2007: Life-Long Optimization of the Symbolic Model of Indoor Environments for a Mobile Robot
* 2009: Multirobot Object Localization: A Fuzzy Fusion Approach
* 2012: Multi-camera head pose estimation
* 2017: Geometric backtracking for combined task and motion planning in robotic systems
* 2019: Robots that maintain equilibrium: Proactivity by reasoning about user intentions and preferences
Includes: Saffiotti, A. Saffiotti, A.[Alessandro]

Saffirio, A.[Alice] * 2022: Complete DC Trolleybus Grid Model With Bilateral Connections, Feeder Cables, and Bus Auxiliaries, A

Safford, B.[Brad] * 2004: Method and apparatus for inspection for under-resolved features in digital images

Safford, S.[Shawn] * 2022: Extended Reality Simulator for Advanced Trauma Life Support Training, An

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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