Index for ambe

Ambeck Madsen, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bialkowski, A.: Predicting the Perceptual Demands of Urban Driving wit...
     with: Brostow, G.J.: Predicting the Perceptual Demands of Urban Driving with...
     with: Lavie, N.: Predicting the Perceptual Demands of Urban Driving with Vid...
     with: Palmer, L.: Predicting the Perceptual Demands of Urban Driving with Vi...

Ambegoda, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kanagarajah, S.: SATHUR: Self Augmenting Task Hallucinal Unified Repre...
     with: Rodrigo, R.: SATHUR: Self Augmenting Task Hallucinal Unified Represent...

Ambekar, O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alba Castro, J.L.: Distance Measures for Gabor Jets-Based Face Authent...
     with: Bicego, M.: Distance Measures for Gabor Jets-Based Face Authentication...
     with: Gonzalez Jimenez, D.: Distance Measures for Gabor Jets-Based Face Auth...
     with: Grosso, E.: Distance Measures for Gabor Jets-Based Face Authentication...
     with: Schouten, B.A.M.: Distance Measures for Gabor Jets-Based Face Authenti...
     with: Tangelder, J.W.H.: Distance Measures for Gabor Jets-Based Face Authent...
     with: Tistarelli, M.: Distance Measures for Gabor Jets-Based Face Authentica...
7 for Ambekar, O.

Ambekar, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alence, M.: Skdcgn: Source-free Knowledge Distillation of Counterfactu...
     with: Ankit, A.: Skdcgn: Source-free Knowledge Distillation of Counterfactua...
     with: Athanasiadis, C.: Skdcgn: Source-free Knowledge Distillation of Counte...
     with: Pandey, P.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation o...
     with: Prathosh, A.P.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentati...
     with: Tafuro, M.: Skdcgn: Source-free Knowledge Distillation of Counterfactu...
     with: Tyagi, A.K.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation ...
     with: van der Mast, D.: Skdcgn: Source-free Knowledge Distillation of Counte...
8 for Ambekar, S.

Ambellan, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: von Tycowicz, C.: As-invariant-as-possible Gl+(3)-based Statistical Sh...
     with: Zachow, S.: As-invariant-as-possible Gl+(3)-based Statistical Shape Mo...

Ambellouis, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Moreau, J.: Equisolid Fisheye Stereovision Calibration and Point Cloud...
     with: Ruichek, Y.: Equisolid Fisheye Stereovision Calibration and Point Clou...

Ambellouis, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Achard, C.: Exploiting 3D geometric primitives for multicamera pedestr...
     with: Ahmed, A.T.: Vehicles Tracking by Combining Convolutional Neural Netwo...
     with: Bachalany, Y.: Altered Image Alignment Technique for 3D Motion Estimat...
     with: Barcelo, A.C.: Audio-video surveillance system for public transportation
     with: Baudry, C.: Audio-video surveillance system for public transportation
     with: Boonaert, J.: Vehicles Tracking by Combining Convolutional Neural Netw...
     with: Cabestaing, F.: 1D approach to correlation-based stereo matching, A
     with: Cabestaing, F.: Altered Image Alignment Technique for 3D Motion Estima...
     with: Cabestaing, F.: Data Association in Multi-Target Tracking Using Belief...
     with: Cabestaing, F.: Joint audio-video people tracking using belief theory
     with: Cabestaing, F.: Velocity Selective Filters Recursively Implemented in ...
     with: Cabestaing, F.: Velocity selective spatio-temporal filters for motion ...
     with: Colot, O.: Data Association in Multi-Target Tracking Using Belief Theo...
     with: Colot, O.: Joint audio-video people tracking using belief theory
     with: Delcourt, V.: Audio-video surveillance system for public transportation
     with: Flancquart, A.: Audio-video surveillance system for public transportat...
     with: Ganansia, F.: Audio-video surveillance system for public transportation
     with: Heer, F.: Audio-video surveillance system for public transportation
     with: Lapeyronnie, A.: Audio-video surveillance system for public transporta...
     with: Lefebvre, S.: 1D approach to correlation-based stereo matching, A
     with: Lucat, L.: Audio-video surveillance system for public transportation
     with: Megherbi, N.: Data Association in Multi-Target Tracking Using Belief T...
     with: Megherbi, N.: Joint audio-video people tracking using belief theory
     with: Mehmood, M.O.: Exploiting 3D geometric primitives for multicamera pede...
     with: Miguet, S.: HHMM-Based Approach for Robust Fall Detection, A
     with: Miguet, S.: Real-Time, Multiview Fall Detection System: A LHMM-Based A...
     with: Miguet, S.: robust appearance model for tracking human motions, A
     with: Pham, Q.C.: Audio-video surveillance system for public transportation
     with: Postaire, J.G.: Velocity Selective Filters Recursively Implemented in ...
     with: Postaire, J.G.: Velocity selective spatio-temporal filters for motion ...
     with: Sayd, P.: Audio-video surveillance system for public transportation
     with: Sodoyer, D.: Audio-video surveillance system for public transportation
     with: Thome, N.: bottom-up, view-point invariant human detector, A
     with: Thome, N.: HHMM-Based Approach for Robust Fall Detection, A
     with: Thome, N.: Real-Time, Multiview Fall Detection System: A LHMM-Based Ap...
     with: Thome, N.: robust appearance model for tracking human motions, A
     with: Vieren, C.: Altered Image Alignment Technique for 3D Motion Estimation...
     with: Vu, T.H.: Vehicles Tracking by Combining Convolutional Neural Network ...
38 for Ambellouis, S.

Amberg, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Albrecht, T.: Face Reconstruction from Skull Shapes and Physical Attri...
     with: Benlalah, A.: Neural Face Video Compression using Multiple Views
     with: Blake, A.: On compositional Image Alignment, with an application to Ac...
     with: Blake, A.: Reconstructing High Quality Face-Surfaces using Model Based...
     with: Brugger, S.: Neural Face Video Compression using Multiple Views
     with: Fitzgibbon, A.W.: Reconstructing High Quality Face-Surfaces using Mode...
     with: Knothe, R.: 3D Face Model for Pose and Illumination Invariant Face Rec...
     with: Knothe, R.: Expression invariant 3D face recognition with a Morphable ...
     with: Lerch, A.: Face Reconstruction from Skull Shapes and Physical Attributes
     with: Luthi, M.: Face Reconstruction from Skull Shapes and Physical Attributes
     with: Martin, S.: Neural Face Video Compression using Multiple Views
     with: Paysan, P.: 3D Face Model for Pose and Illumination Invariant Face Rec...
     with: Paysan, P.: Face Reconstruction from Skull Shapes and Physical Attribu...
     with: Paysan, P.: Weight, Sex, and Facial Expressions: On the Manipulation o...
     with: Romdhani, S.: 3D Face Model for Pose and Illumination Invariant Face R...
     with: Romdhani, S.: Optimal Step Nonrigid ICP Algorithms for Surface Registr...
     with: Romdhani, S.: Reconstructing High Quality Face-Surfaces using Model Ba...
     with: Santini, F.: Face Reconstruction from Skull Shapes and Physical Attrib...
     with: Tschannen, M.: Neural Face Video Compression using Multiple Views
     with: Vetter, T.: 3D Face Model for Pose and Illumination Invariant Face Rec...
     with: Vetter, T.: Expression invariant 3D face recognition with a Morphable ...
     with: Vetter, T.: Face Reconstruction from Skull Shapes and Physical Attribu...
     with: Vetter, T.: GraphTrack: Fast and globally optimal tracking in videos
     with: Vetter, T.: On compositional Image Alignment, with an application to A...
     with: Vetter, T.: Optimal landmark detection using shape models and branch a...
     with: Vetter, T.: Optimal Step Nonrigid ICP Algorithms for Surface Registrat...
     with: Vetter, T.: Reconstructing High Quality Face-Surfaces using Model Base...
     with: Vetter, T.: Weight, Sex, and Facial Expressions: On the Manipulation o...
     with: Volokitin, A.: Neural Face Video Compression using Multiple Views
29 for Amberg, B.

Amberg, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Luthi, M.: Local Regression Based Statistical Model Fitting
     with: Vetter, T.: Local Regression Based Statistical Model Fitting

Amberg, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arino, O.: Geolocation Assessment of MERIS GlobCover Orthorectified Pr...
     with: Artigues, S.: Attitude Assessment Using Pleiades-HR Capabilities
     with: Bernard, L.: Attitude Assessment Using Pleiades-HR Capabilities
     with: Bicheron, P.: Geolocation Assessment of MERIS GlobCover Orthorectified...
     with: Blanchet, G.: Pleiades HR in Flight Geometrical Calibration: Location ...
     with: Blanchet, G.: Pleiades-HR Image Quality Commissioning
     with: Bourg, L.: Geolocation Assessment of MERIS GlobCover Orthorectified Pr...
     with: Brockmann, C.: Geolocation Assessment of MERIS GlobCover Orthorectifie...
     with: de Lussy, F.: Attitude Assessment Using Pleiades-HR Capabilities
     with: de Lussy, F.: Pleiades HR in Flight Geometrical Calibration: Location ...
     with: de Lussy, F.: Pleiades-HR Image Quality Commissioning
     with: de Lussy, F.: Pleiades-HR Innovative Techniques For Geometric Image Qu...
     with: Dechoz, C.: Attitude Assessment Using Pleiades-HR Capabilities
     with: Dechoz, C.: Pleiades HR in Flight Geometrical Calibration: Location an...
     with: Dechoz, C.: Pleiades-HR Image Quality Commissioning
     with: Dechoz, C.: Pleiades-HR Innovative Techniques For Geometric Image Qual...
     with: Delevit, J.M.: Attitude Assessment Using Pleiades-HR Capabilities
     with: Delvit, J.M.: Pleiades HR in Flight Geometrical Calibration: Location ...
     with: Delvit, J.M.: Pleiades-HR Image Quality Commissioning
     with: Delvit, J.M.: Pleiades-HR Innovative Techniques For Geometric Image Qu...
     with: Delwart, S.: Geolocation Assessment of MERIS GlobCover Orthorectified ...
     with: Fourest, S.: Pleiades HR in Flight Geometrical Calibration: Location a...
     with: Fourest, S.: Pleiades-HR Image Quality Commissioning
     with: Greslou, D.: Attitude Assessment Using Pleiades-HR Capabilities
     with: Greslou, D.: Pleiades HR in Flight Geometrical Calibration: Location a...
     with: Greslou, D.: Pleiades-HR Image Quality Commissioning
     with: Greslou, D.: Pleiades-HR Innovative Techniques For Geometric Image Qua...
     with: Hagolle, O.: Geolocation Assessment of MERIS GlobCover Orthorectified ...
     with: Huc, M.: Geolocation Assessment of MERIS GlobCover Orthorectified Prod...
     with: Kubik, P.: Pleiades-HR Image Quality Commissioning
     with: Lacherade, L.: Pleiades-HR Image Quality Commissioning
     with: Latry, C.: Attitude Assessment Using Pleiades-HR Capabilities
     with: Latry, C.: Pleiades-HR Image Quality Commissioning
     with: Lebegue, L.: Attitude Assessment Using Pleiades-HR Capabilities
     with: Lebegue, L.: Pleiades HR in Flight Geometrical Calibration: Location a...
     with: Lebegue, L.: Pleiades-HR Image Quality Commissioning
     with: Leroy, M.: Geolocation Assessment of MERIS GlobCover Orthorectified Pr...
     with: Miras, B.: Geolocation Assessment of MERIS GlobCover Orthorectified Pr...
     with: Petit, D.: Geolocation Assessment of MERIS GlobCover Orthorectified Pr...
     with: Porez Nadal, F.: Pleiades-HR Image Quality Commissioning
     with: Ranera, F.: Geolocation Assessment of MERIS GlobCover Orthorectified P...
41 for Amberg, V.

Amberker, B.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dharwadkar, N.V.: Steganographic Scheme For Gray-level Image Using Pix...

Index for "a"

Last update:26-Nov-24 17:09:01
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