Index for vaud

Vaudaux Ruth, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Achard, C.: ActionSpotter: Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for T...
     with: Achard, C.: SALAD: Self-Assessment Learning for Action Detection
     with: Tong, A.C.H.: ActionSpotter: Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for...
     with: Tong, A.C.H.: SALAD: Self-Assessment Learning for Action Detection

Vaudin, G.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Atherton, T.J.: Hierarchical Multiple-SIMD Architecture for Image Anal...
     with: Francis, N.D.: Hierarchical Multiple-SIMD Architecture for Image Analy...
     with: Howarth, R.M.: Hierarchical Multiple-SIMD Architecture for Image Analy...
     with: Kerbyson, D.J.: Hierarchical Multiple-SIMD Architecture for Image Anal...
     with: Nudd, G.R.: Hierarchical Multiple-SIMD Architecture for Image Analysis
     with: Packwood, R.A.: Hierarchical Multiple-SIMD Architecture for Image Anal...
11 for Vaudin, G.J.

Vaudin, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Atherton, T.J.: Performance evaluation of the hierarchical Hough trans...
     with: Franics, N.D.: Performance evaluation of the hierarchical Hough transf...
     with: Kerbyson, D.J.: Performance evaluation of the hierarchical Hough trans...
     with: Nudd, G.R.: Performance evaluation of the hierarchical Hough transform...
     with: Packwood, R.A.: Performance evaluation of the hierarchical Hough trans...

Vaudour, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ali, L.: Impact of Acquisition Date on the Prediction Performance of T...
     with: Arrouays, D.: Impact of Acquisition Date on the Prediction Performance...
     with: Arrouays, D.: Remote Sensing Data for Digital Soil Mapping in French R...
     with: Arrouays, D.: Satellite Imagery to Map Topsoil Organic Carbon Content ...
     with: Arrouays, D.: Using Sentinel-2 Images for Soil Organic Carbon Content ...
     with: Baghdadi, N.: Impact of Acquisition Date on the Prediction Performance...
     with: Baghdadi, N.: Remote Sensing Data for Digital Soil Mapping in French R...
     with: Baghdadi, N.: Using Sentinel-2 Images for Soil Organic Carbon Content ...
     with: Biney, J.: Satellite Imagery to Map Topsoil Organic Carbon Content ove...
     with: Boruvka, L.: Satellite Imagery to Map Topsoil Organic Carbon Content o...
     with: Castaldi, F.: Assessing the capability of Sentinel-2 time-series to es...
     with: Castaldi, F.: Satellite Imagery to Map Topsoil Organic Carbon Content ...
     with: Ceschia, E.: Using Sentinel-2 Images for Soil Organic Carbon Content M...
     with: Chen, Q.Q.: Remote Sensing Data for Digital Soil Mapping in French Res...
     with: Chen, S.C.: Remote Sensing Data for Digital Soil Mapping in French Res...
     with: Dodin, M.: Potential of Sentinel-2 Satellite Images for Monitoring Gre...
     with: Fouad, Y.: Satellite Imagery to Map Topsoil Organic Carbon Content ove...
     with: Gholizadeh, A.: Satellite Imagery to Map Topsoil Organic Carbon Conten...
     with: Gomez, C.: Impact of Acquisition Date on the Prediction Performance of...
     with: Gomez, C.: Remote Sensing Data for Digital Soil Mapping in French Rese...
     with: Hadjar, D.: Potential of Sentinel-2 Satellite Images for Monitoring Gr...
     with: Halil Koparan, M.: Assessing the capability of Sentinel-2 time-series ...
     with: Houot, S.: Potential of Sentinel-2 Satellite Images for Monitoring Gre...
     with: Jacquemoud, S.: Remote Sensing Data for Digital Soil Mapping in French...
     with: Kivrak, C.: Assessing the capability of Sentinel-2 time-series to esti...
     with: Lagacherie, P.: Impact of Acquisition Date on the Prediction Performan...
     with: Lehmann, S.: Using Sentinel-2 Images for Soil Organic Carbon Content M...
     with: Levavasseur, F.: Potential of Sentinel-2 Satellite Images for Monitori...
     with: Loiseau, T.: Impact of Acquisition Date on the Prediction Performance ...
     with: Loubet, B.: Impact of Acquisition Date on the Prediction Performance o...
     with: Malo, D.: Assessing the capability of Sentinel-2 time-series to estima...
     with: Martelet, G.: Remote Sensing Data for Digital Soil Mapping in French R...
     with: Mulder, V.L.: Remote Sensing Data for Digital Soil Mapping in French R...
     with: Obber, S.: Assessing the capability of Sentinel-2 time-series to estim...
     with: Ozge Savas, A.: Assessing the capability of Sentinel-2 time-series to ...
     with: Ragazzi, F.: Assessing the capability of Sentinel-2 time-series to est...
     with: Richer de Forges, A.C.: Remote Sensing Data for Digital Soil Mapping i...
     with: Richer de Forges, A.C.: Satellite Imagery to Map Topsoil Organic Carbo...
     with: Richer de Forges, A.C.: Using Sentinel-2 Images for Soil Organic Carbo...
     with: Saberioon, M.: Satellite Imagery to Map Topsoil Organic Carbon Content...
     with: Smith, H.D.: Potential of Sentinel-2 Satellite Images for Monitoring G...
     with: Tuncay, T.: Assessing the capability of Sentinel-2 time-series to esti...
     with: Urbina Salazar, D.: Remote Sensing Data for Digital Soil Mapping in Fr...
     with: Urbina Salazar, D.: Satellite Imagery to Map Topsoil Organic Carbon Co...
     with: Urbina Salazar, D.: Using Sentinel-2 Images for Soil Organic Carbon Co...
     with: van Wesemael, B.: Satellite Imagery to Map Topsoil Organic Carbon Cont...
     with: Vinci, I.: Assessing the capability of Sentinel-2 time-series to estim...
     with: Volungevicius, J.: Assessing the capability of Sentinel-2 time-series ...
     with: Weiss, M.: Remote Sensing Data for Digital Soil Mapping in French Rese...
     with: Wetterlind, J.: Assessing the capability of Sentinel-2 time-series to ...
     with: Wetterlind, J.: Satellite Imagery to Map Topsoil Organic Carbon Conten...
     with: Wigneron, J.P.: Remote Sensing Data for Digital Soil Mapping in French...
     with: Zydelis, R.: Assessing the capability of Sentinel-2 time-series to est...
53 for Vaudour, E.

Vaudrey, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Al Sarraf, A.: approach for evaluating robustness of edge operators us...
     with: Badino, H.: Integrating Disparity Images by Incorporating Disparity Rate
     with: Badino, H.: Stereo-based Free Space Computation in Complex Traffic Sce...
     with: Brox, T.: Efficient Dense Scene Flow from Sparse or Dense Stereo Data
     with: Brox, T.: Stereoscopic Scene Flow Computation for 3D Motion Understand...
     with: Chen, H.: Virtual View Synthesis Based on DIBR and Image Inpainting
     with: Cremers, D.: Efficient Dense Scene Flow from Sparse or Dense Stereo Data
     with: Cremers, D.: Stereoscopic Scene Flow Computation for 3D Motion Underst...
     with: Franke, U.: Efficient Dense Scene Flow from Sparse or Dense Stereo Data
     with: Franke, U.: Stereo-based Free Space Computation in Complex Traffic Sce...
     with: Franke, U.: Stereoscopic Scene Flow Computation for 3D Motion Understa...
     with: Gao, W.S.: Virtual View Synthesis Based on DIBR and Image Inpainting
     with: Gao, Y.H.: Virtual View Synthesis Based on DIBR and Image Inpainting
     with: Gehrig, S.K.: Integrating Disparity Images by Incorporating Disparity ...
     with: Gruber, D.: Space-Time Multi-Resolution Banded Graph-Cut for Fast Segm...
     with: Haeusler, R.: Current work in the ENPEDA project
     with: Hermann, S.: gradient: A powerful and robust cost function for stereo ...
     with: Hermann, S.: Illumination Invariant Cost Functions in Semi-Global Matc...
     with: Jawed, K.: Current work in the ENPEDA project
     with: Jiang, R.: Current work in the ENPEDA project
     with: Jiang, R.: Discrete Driver Assistance
     with: Jiang, R.: Ego-Vehicle Corridors for Vision-Based Driver Assistance
     with: Jiang, R.: Lane detection and tracking using a new lane model and dist...
     with: Jiang, R.: New Lane Model and Distance Transform for Lane Detection an...
     with: Kalarot, R.: Current work in the ENPEDA project
     with: Khan, T.: Current work in the ENPEDA project
     with: Khan, W.: Current work in the ENPEDA project
     with: Klappstein, J.: Evaluation of moving object segmentation comparing 6D-...
     with: Klappstein, J.: Moving Object Segmentation Using Optical Flow and Dept...
     with: Klappstein, J.: Space-Time Multi-Resolution Banded Graph-Cut for Fast ...
     with: Klette, R.: approach for evaluating robustness of edge operators using...
     with: Klette, R.: Current work in the ENPEDA project
     with: Klette, R.: Differences between stereo and motion behaviour on synthet...
     with: Klette, R.: Discrete Driver Assistance
     with: Klette, R.: Ego-Vehicle Corridors for Vision-Based Driver Assistance
     with: Klette, R.: Evaluation of moving object segmentation comparing 6D-visi...
     with: Klette, R.: Fast Trilateral Filtering
     with: Klette, R.: Generalised residual images' effect on illumination artifa...
     with: Klette, R.: Graph-Cut versus Belief-Propagation Stereo on Real-World I...
     with: Klette, R.: Illumination Invariant Cost Functions in Semi-Global Match...
     with: Klette, R.: Lane detection and tracking using a new lane model and dis...
     with: Klette, R.: Methodology for Evaluating Illumination Artifact Removal f...
     with: Klette, R.: Moving Object Segmentation Using Optical Flow and Depth In...
     with: Klette, R.: New Lane Model and Distance Transform for Lane Detection a...
     with: Klette, R.: Residual Images Remove Illumination Artifacts!
     with: Manoharan, S.: Current work in the ENPEDA project
     with: Mester, R.: Stereo-based Free Space Computation in Complex Traffic Sce...
     with: Milburn, J.: Differences between stereo and motion behaviour on synthe...
     with: Morales, S.: Current work in the ENPEDA project
     with: Morales, S.: Discrete Driver Assistance
     with: Morales, S.: Generalised residual images' effect on illumination artif...
     with: Morales, S.: Graph-Cut versus Belief-Propagation Stereo on Real-World ...
     with: Morales, S.: Illumination Invariant Cost Functions in Semi-Global Matc...
     with: Morris, J.: Current work in the ENPEDA project
     with: Penc, J.: Graph-Cut versus Belief-Propagation Stereo on Real-World Ima...
     with: Rabe, C.: Differences between stereo and motion behaviour on synthetic...
     with: Rabe, C.: Efficient Dense Scene Flow from Sparse or Dense Stereo Data
     with: Rabe, C.: Evaluation of moving object segmentation comparing 6D-vision...
     with: Rabe, C.: Moving Object Segmentation Using Optical Flow and Depth Info...
     with: Rabe, C.: Stereoscopic Scene Flow Computation for 3D Motion Understand...
     with: Wang, S.G.: Ego-Vehicle Corridors for Vision-Based Driver Assistance
     with: Wang, S.G.: Lane detection and tracking using a new lane model and dis...
     with: Wang, S.G.: New Lane Model and Distance Transform for Lane Detection a...
     with: Wedel, A.: Efficient Dense Scene Flow from Sparse or Dense Stereo Data
     with: Wedel, A.: Evaluation of moving object segmentation comparing 6D-visio...
     with: Wedel, A.: Generalised residual images' effect on illumination artifac...
     with: Wedel, A.: Methodology for Evaluating Illumination Artifact Removal fo...
     with: Wedel, A.: Moving Object Segmentation Using Optical Flow and Depth Inf...
     with: Wedel, A.: Space-Time Multi-Resolution Banded Graph-Cut for Fast Segme...
     with: Wedel, A.: Stereoscopic Scene Flow Computation for 3D Motion Understan...
     with: Wiest, J.: Current work in the ENPEDA project
     with: Woo, Y.W.: approach for evaluating robustness of edge operators using ...
72 for Vaudrey, T.

Index for "v"

Last update:28-Sep-24 19:10:18
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