Index for amor

Amor Martin, A.[Adrian] * 2017: Training Support Vector Machines with privacy-protected data
Includes: Amor Martin, A.[Adrian] Amor-Martín, A.[Adrián]

Amor, A. * 2016: Design and implementation of wireless sensor network-monitoring system for leak detection

Amor, B.B.[Boulbaba Ben] * 2005: 3D Face Modeling Based on Structured-Light Assisted Stereo Sensor
* 2006: New Experiments on ICP-Based 3D Face Recognition and Authentication
* 2010: Elastic radial curves to model 3D facial deformations
* 2013: Gender and 3D facial symmetry: What's the relationship?
* 2016: Action Recognition Using Rate-Invariant Analysis of Skeletal Shape Trajectories
* 2016: Magnifying subtle facial motions for 4D Expression Recognition
* 2018: 3D Gait Recognition based on Functional PCA on Kendall's Shape Space
* 2018: Coding Kendall's Shape Trajectories for 3D Action Recognition
* 2018: Spontaneous Expression Detection from 3D Dynamic Sequences by Analyzing Trajectories on Grassmann Manifolds
* 2019: Magnifying Subtle Facial Motions for Effective 4D Expression Recognition
* 2020: Geometric ConvNet on 3D Shape Manifold for Gait Recognition, A
Includes: Amor, B.B.[Boulbaba Ben] Amor, B.B.[B. Ben] Amor, B.B.
11 for Amor, B.B.

Amor, M. * 2002: Concentric strips: algorithms and architecture for the compression/decompression of triangle meshes
* 2002: Meshing Scheme for Real Time Surface Subdivision, A
* 2007: Unified Hybrid Terrain Representation Based on Local Convexifications
* 2020: Big Data Geospatial Processing for Massive Aerial LiDAR Datasets
Includes: Amor, M. Amor, M.[Margarita]

Amor, N. * 2017: On the Convergence of Constrained Particle Filters

Amor, N.B.[Nader Ben] * 2008: HW/SW Interface Impact on an Adaptive Multimedia System Performance: Case study
* 2014: embedded real-time hands free control of an electrical wheelchair, An
Includes: Amor, N.B.[Nader Ben] Amor, N.B.[N. Ben]

Amor, R. * 2018: Hand Gesture Set for Navigating and Interacting with 3D Virtual Environments, A

Amora, A.M. * 2016: Academe-local Government Partnership Towards Effective Application Of Geospatial Technologies For Smarter Flood Disaster Management At The Local Level: An Example From Mindanao, Philippines
* 2016: Assessing The Impacts Of Flooding Caused By Extreme Rainfall Events Through A Combined Geospatial And Numerical Modeling Approach

Amora, K.K.[Kathleen Kay] * 2020: Investigating the Effect of Inter-letter Spacing Modulation on Data-driven Detection of Developmental Dyslexia Based on Eye-movement Correlates of Reading: A Machine Learning Approach
* 2020: Predicting Reading Speed from Eye-movement Measures

Amore, R. * 2017: Material/historic Reality: Catching the Transformation. From A Case Of Applied Research to the Trans-disciplinary Approach to Preserve Architecture

Amores, J.[Jaume] * 2005: Efficient Object-Class Recognition by Boosting Contextual Information
* 2005: Fast Spatial Pattern Discovery Integrating Boosting with Constellations of Contextual Descriptors
* 2005: Registration and retrieval of highly elastic bodies using contextual information
* 2006: Boosting the distance estimation: Application to the K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier
* 2006: Toward Robust Distance Metric Analysis for Similarity Estimation
* 2007: Class-Specific Binary Correlograms for Object Recognition
* 2007: Context-Based Object-Class Recognition and Retrieval by Generalized Correlograms
* 2008: Distance Learning for Similarity Estimation
* 2010: Vocabulary-Based Approaches for Multiple-Instance Data: A Comparative Study
* 2013: Random Forests of Local Experts for Pedestrian Detection
* 2014: Occlusion Handling via Random Subspace Classifiers for Human Detection
* 2015: Spatiotemporal Stacked Sequential Learning for Pedestrian Detection
* 2017: On-Board Object Detection: Multicue, Multimodal, and Multiview Random Forest of Local Experts
* 2018: Improving detection speed in video by exploiting frame correlation
Includes: Amores, J.[Jaume] Amores, J.
14 for Amores, J.

Amorese, T. * 2020: Seniors' ability to decode differently aged facial emotional expressions
* 2022: Synthetic vs Human Emotional Faces: What Changes in Humans' Decoding Accuracy
Includes: Amorese, T. Amorese, T.[Terry]

Amoretti, M.[Michele] * 2021: Proximal Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy: An Effective Tool to Discern Rain from Irrigation

Amorim, A. * 2019: Urban Scene Classification Using Features Extracted From Photogrammetric Point Clouds Acquired by UAV

Amorim, G.F.[Glauco F.] * 2016: XTemplate 4.0: Providing Adaptive Layouts and Nested Templates for Hypermedia Documents

Amorim, J. * 2019: Adaptive Feature Recombination and Recalibration for Semantic Segmentation With Fully Convolutional Networks

Amorim, M. * 2018: Combining Facial Expression and Touch for Perceiving Emotional Valence
* 2018: Smart Tourism Routes Based on Real Time Data and Evolutionary Algorithms
* 2022: Understanding Drivers' Stress and Interactions With Vehicle Systems Through Naturalistic Data Analysis
Includes: Amorim, M. Amorim, M.[Mário] Amorim, M.[Marco]

Amorim, P.[Paulo] * 2015: InVesalius: An Interactive Rendering Framework for Health Care Support

Amorim, R.S.S.[Ricardo Santos Silva] * 2022: Characterizing and Modeling Tropical Sandy Soils through VisNIR-SWIR, MIR Spectroscopy, and X-ray Fluorescence

Amorim, S.[Sandro] * 2008: Monitoring of Height Changes in Urban Areas from Multi-Temporal, Multi-Scale and Multi-Platform Remotely Sensed Data

Amorim, W.P.[Willian P.] * 2014: Active Semi-supervised Learning Using Optimum-Path Forest
* 2016: Improving semi-supervised learning through optimum connectivity
* 2019: Semi-supervised learning with connectivity-driven convolutional neural networks
Includes: Amorim, W.P.[Willian P.] Amorim, W.P.[Willian Paraguassu]

Amorini, S.[Shaila] * 2024: Implementing the European Space Agency's SentiNel Application Platform's Open-Source Python Module for Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry Coseismic Ground Deformation from Sentinel-1 Data

Amornbunchornvej, C. * 2012: Iterative Neighbor-Joining tree clustering algorithm for genotypic data

Amornraksa, T. * 2006: Enhanced images watermarking based on amplitude modulation
* 2014: Image-based geographical location estimation using web cameras
* 2015: Digital image watermarking based on regularized filter
* 2015: Digital image watermarking on illumination component
* 2018: Digital watermarking for camera-captured images based on just noticeable distortion and Wiener filtering
Includes: Amornraksa, T. Amornraksa, T.[Thumrongrat]

Amoros Lopez, J.[Julia] * 2008: Configurable Passband Imaging Spectrometer Based on Acousto-optic Tunable Filter
* 2011: Gridding Artifacts on Medium-Resolution Satellite Image Time Series: MERIS Case Study
* 2011: Land cover classification of VHR airborne images for citrus grove identification
* 2011: Multitemporal fusion of Landsat and MERIS images
* 2017: Diurnal Cycle Relationships between Passive Fluorescence, PRI and NPQ of Vegetation in a Controlled Stress Experiment
* 2018: Multitemporal Cloud Masking in the Google Earth Engine
Includes: Amoros Lopez, J.[Julia] Amorós-López, J.[Julia] Amoros-Lopez, J. Amoros Lopez, J.

Amoros, C.[Claude] * 1993: Modelisation of Spatial Organization of Vegetations in Floodplains
* 1996: Regions Growing with the Stochastic Pyramid: Application in Landscape Ecology

Amoros, F.[Francisco] * 2018: Modeling Environments Hierarchically with Omnidirectional Imaging and Global-Appearance Descriptors
Includes: Amoros, F.[Francisco] Amorós, F.[Francisco]

Amoros, L.[Lot] * 2021: UAV-Supported Forest Regeneration: Current Trends, Challenges and Implications
Includes: Amoros, L.[Lot] Amorós, L.[Lot]

Amoroso, C. * 1999: new technique for color image segmentation, A

Amoroso, N.[Nicola] * 2015: Hippocampal Segmentation Tool Within an Open Cloud Infrastructure, An
* 2020: Machine Learning for Cloud Detection of Globally Distributed Sentinel-2 Images
* 2020: PSI Clustering for the Assessment of Underground Infrastructure Deterioration
* 2023: PSI Spatially Constrained Clustering: The Sibari and Metaponto Coastal Plains
* 2024: Estimation of Daily Ground Level Air Pollution in Italian Municipalities with Machine Learning Models Using Sentinel-5P and ERA5 Data

Amoroso, P.P. * 2021: Remotely Sensed Image Fast Classification and Smart Thematic Map Production
* 2023: Statistical Assessment of Some Interpolation Methods for Building Grid Format Digital Bathymetric Models
Includes: Amoroso, P.P. Amoroso, P.P.[Pier Paolo]

Amoroso, R.[Roberto] * 2021: Assessing the Role of Boundary-Level Objectives in Indoor Semantic Segmentation
* 2022: Investigating Bidimensional Downsampling in Vision Transformer Models
* 2023: Enhancing Open-vocabulary Semantic Segmentation with Prototype Retrieval
* 2024: FOSSIL: Free Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation through Synthetic References Retrieval
* 2024: What's Outside the Intersection? Fine-grained Error Analysis for Semantic Segmentation Beyond IoU

Amoruso, A.[Antonella] * 2022: Clues of Ongoing Deep Magma Inflation at Campi Flegrei Caldera (Italy) from Empirical Orthogonal Function Analysis of SAR Data
* 2022: Spatial Dispersion and Non-Negative Matrix Factorization of SAR Backscattering as Tools for Monitoring Snow Depth Evolution in Mountain Areas: A Case Study at Central Pyrenees (Spain)
* 2023: DInSAR Data Reveal an Intriguing Contemporaneous Onset of Deep Deflation below Vesuvio and the Ongoing Campi Flegrei Uplift

Amoruso, G. * 2019: From the Integrated Survey of Historic Settlements to the Pattern Book Within the BIM

Amoruso, S.[Salvatore] * 2021: Aerosol Characterization during the Summer 2017 Huge Fire Event on Mount Vesuvius (Italy) by Remote Sensing and In Situ Observations
* 2022: Aerosol Monitoring at High Mountains Remote Station: A Case Study on the Yunnan Plateau (China)
* 2024: Lidar Optical and Microphysical Characterization of Tropospheric and Stratospheric Fire Smoke Layers Due to Canadian Wildfires Passing over Naples (Italy)

Amory Mazaudier, C.[Christine] * 2022: Signatures of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles and Ionospheric Scintillations from Magnetometer and GNSS Observations in the Indian Longitudes during the Space Weather Events of Early September 2017
Includes: Amory Mazaudier, C.[Christine] Amory-Mazaudier, C.[Christine]

Amory, A.M. * 2019: RPAS in The Support for Photogrammetry Education: Cases in Topographic Mapping and Documentation of Historical Monuments

Index for "a"

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