Index for cole

Cole McLaughlin, K.[Kree] * 2023: MovieCLIP: Visual Scene Recognition in Movies
Includes: Cole McLaughlin, K.[Kree] Cole-McLaughlin, K.[Kree]

Cole Rhodes, A.A. * 2003: Multiresolution registration of remote sensing imagery by optimization of mutual information using a stochastic gradient
Includes: Cole Rhodes, A.A. Cole-Rhodes, A.A.

Cole, A.J. * 1991: Halftoning Without Dither or Edge Enhancement

Cole, B.[Beth] * 2014: Empirical Modelling of Vegetation Abundance from Airborne Hyperspectral Data for Upland Peatland Restoration Monitoring
* 2014: Spectral monitoring of moorland plant phenology to identify a temporal window for hyperspectral remote sensing of peatland
* 2015: Mapping CORINE Land Cover from Sentinel-1A SAR and SRTM Digital Elevation Model Data using Random Forests
* 2016: Methods to Quantify Regional Differences in Land Cover Change

Cole, B.E. * 2007: Detection of Concealed Explosives at a Distance Using Terahertz Technology

Cole, C.[Christina] * 2023: Hamming Similarity and Graph Laplacians for Class Partitioning and Adversarial Image Detection

Cole, C.L. * 1988: Automatic Solder Joint Inspection

Cole, D.G.[Daniel G.] * 2021: Importance of Indigenous Cartography and Toponymy to Historical Land Tenure and Contributions to Euro/American/Canadian Cartography, The

Cole, D.J. * 2015: Game-Theoretic Modeling of the Steering Interaction Between a Human Driver and a Vehicle Collision Avoidance Controller
* 2017: Application of Open-Loop Stackelberg Equilibrium to Modeling a Driver's Interaction with Vehicle Active Steering Control in Obstacle Avoidance
* 2023: Experimental Evaluation of a Game-Theoretic Human Driver Steering Control Model
Includes: Cole, D.J. Cole, D.J.[David J.]

Cole, E. * 2018: Statistical Models of Signal and Noise and Fundamental Limits of Segmentation Accuracy in Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography
* 2019: Presence-Only Geographical Priors for Fine-Grained Image Classification
* 2021: Benchmarking Representation Learning for Natural World Image Collections
* 2021: Multi-Label Learning from Single Positive Labels
* 2022: Learned Compression of High Dimensional Image Datasets
* 2022: On Label Granularity and Object Localization
* 2022: When Does Contrastive Visual Representation Learning Work?
Includes: Cole, E. Cole, E.[Elijah] Cole, E.[Elizabeth]
7 for Cole, E.

Cole, E.B. * 2012: Automated Delineation of Calcified Vessels in Mammography by Tracking With Uncertainty and Graphical Linking Techniques

Cole, E.K.[Elizabeth K.] * 2021: Fast Unsupervised MRI Reconstruction Without Fully-Sampled Ground Truth Data Using Generative Adversarial Networks

Cole, F.[Forrester] * 2011: Microgeometry Capture using an Elastomeric Sensor
* 2012: Shapecollage: Occlusion-Aware, Example-Based Shape Interpretation
* 2012: Where Do People Draw Lines?
* 2017: Synthesizing Normalized Faces from Facial Identity Features
* 2018: Unsupervised Training for 3D Morphable Model Regression
* 2019: Learning Shape Templates With Structured Implicit Functions
* 2019: Learning the Depths of Moving People by Watching Frozen People
* 2020: Local Deep Implicit Functions for 3D Shape
* 2021: Differentiable Surface Rendering via Non-Differentiable Sampling
* 2021: Learning 3D Semantic Segmentation with only 2D Image Supervision
* 2021: MannequinChallenge: Learning the Depths of Moving People by Watching Frozen People
* 2021: Omnimatte: Associating Objects and Their Effects in Video
* 2022: Structure and Motion from Casual Videos
* 2023: DynIBaR: Neural Dynamic Image-Based Rendering
* 2023: Omnimatte3D: Associating Objects and Their Effects in Unconstrained Monocular Video
* 2023: SCOOP: Self-Supervised Correspondence and Optimization-Based Scene Flow
Includes: Cole, F.[Forrester] Cole, F.
16 for Cole, F.

Cole, G.D. * 2014: Automated Aortic Doppler Flow Tracing for Reproducible Research and Clinical Measurements

Cole, I.[Ian] * 2021: IMG2nDSM: Height Estimation from Single Airborne RGB Images with Deep Learning

Cole, J.[Janine] * 2022: Remote Sensing of Forest Burnt Area, Burn Severity, and Post-Fire Recovery: A Review

Cole, J.B. * 1991: Lie Group Theoretical Approach to the Invariance Problem in Feature Extraction and Object Recognition, A
* 2007: Linear Fusion of Image Sets for Display

Cole, J.O. * 2016: Data Integration Acquired From Micro-UAV And Terrestrial Laser Scanner For The 3d Mapping Of Jesuit Ruins Of São Miguel Das Missões

Cole, K.[Kathleen] * 2015: Utilization of the Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (NPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Day/Night Band for Arctic Ship Tracking and Fisheries Management

Cole, M.[Matthew] * 2019: Measuring Marine Plastic Debris from Space: Initial Assessment of Observation Requirements

Cole, P.[Paul] * 2022: Integration of Remote Sensing and Offshore Geophysical Data for Monitoring the Short-Term Morphological Evolution of an Active Volcanic Flank: A Case Study from Stromboli Island

Cole, P.A.R.[Peter A. R.] * 1995: Modelling 3-D rigid solid objects using the view signature II representation scheme

Cole, R. * 1985: Parallel Median Algorithm, A
* 1987: Shape from Probing
* 1994: On The Detection Of Robust Curves
* 2003: Perceptive Animated Interfaces: First steps toward a new paradigm for human-computer interaction
* 2004: Animating visible speech and facial expressions
* 2005: Finding Tree Structures by Grouping Symmetries
* 2006: Lip Detection Using Confidence-Based Adaptive Thresholding
* 2013: Sound source localization for video surveillance camera
Includes: Cole, R. Cole, R.[Ronald] Cole, R.[Richard] Cole, R.[Randy]
8 for Cole, R.

Cole, S. * 2018: Seismic Shift in Scalable Acquisition Demands New Processing: Fiber-Optic Seismic Signal Retrieval in Urban Areas with Unsupervised Learning for Coherent Noise Removal, A
* 2019: Synthesizing Data to Explore the Dynamic Spatial Patterns of Hotel Development
Includes: Cole, S. Cole, S.[Sam]

Cole, T. * 2006: Automated System for Contact Lens Inspection, An

Cole, T.A.[Tony A.] * 2017: Synergistic Use of Nighttime Satellite Data, Electric Utility Infrastructure, and Ambient Population to Improve Power Outage Detections in Urban Areas

Cole, W. * 1987: Detecting Runways in Aerial Images
* 1987: Detecting Runways in Aerial Images
* 1989: Using Generic Knowledge in Analysis of Aerial Scenes: A Case Study
* 1990: Detecting Runways in Complex Airport Scenes

Cole, W.S.[William S.] * 1986: Segmentation of Textured Images Using Gibbs Random Fields

Colefax, A. * 2018: Real-Time Drone Surveillance and Population Estimation of Marine Animals from Aerial Imagery

Colefax, A.P.[Andrew P.] * 2022: Feasibility of Using Small UAVs to Derive Morphometric Measurements of Australian Snubfin (Orcaella heinsohni) and Humpback (Sousa sahulensis) Dolphins

Coleiro, A.[Andre] * 2021: Security Automation Through a Multi-processing Real-Time System for the Re-Identification of Persons

Colella, P.[Phil] * 2024: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation for Scientific Computing

Colella, R. * 2016: Network of Stationary Sensors and Mobile Robots for Distributed Ambient Intelligence, A

Colella, S.[Simone] * 2019: Retrieval of Particulate Backscattering Using Field and Satellite Radiometry: Assessment of the QAA Algorithm
* 2020: European Radiometry Buoy and Infrastructure (EURYBIA): A Contribution to the Design of the European Copernicus Infrastructure for Ocean Colour System Vicarious Calibration
* 2020: Virtual Geostationary Ocean Color Sensor to Analyze the Coastal Optical Variability, A
* 2021: Phytoplankton Bloom Dynamics in the Baltic Sea Using a Consistently Reprocessed Time Series of Multi-Sensor Reflectance and Novel Chlorophyll-a Retrievals

Coleman, A.[Andy] * 2007: Technology, applications and innovations in physical security: A home office perspective

Coleman, A.M.[Andre M.] * 2023: Rapid Spaceborne Mapping of Wildfire Retardant Drops for Active Wildfire Management
Includes: Coleman, A.M.[Andre M.] Coleman, A.M.[André M.]

Coleman, D.[David] * 2010: CGDI in action: exploring quality of service
* 2020: Flood Hazard Risk Mapping Using a Pseudo Supervised Random Forest

Coleman, D.J. * 2005: Semi-Automatic Building Extraction utilizing Quickbird Imagery

Coleman, E.N. * 1981: Shape from Shading for Surfaces with Texture and Specularity
* 1982: Obtaining 3-Dimensional Shape of Textured and Specular Surfaces Using Four-Source Photometry
* 1985: Acquisition of Randomly Oriented Workpieces Through Structure Mating
* 1998: Method and system for detecting cuts in a video signal
* 1998: Method and system for detecting transitional markers such as uniform fields in a video signal
* 1999: Method and system for detecting dissolve transitions in a video signal
* 1999: Method and system for detecting fade transitions in a video signal
* 2000: Method and system for detecting uniform images in video signal
Includes: Coleman, E.N. Coleman, Jr., E.N. Coleman, Jr., E.N.[E. North]
8 for Coleman, E.N.

Coleman, G. * 1977: Bottom Up Image Segmentor, A
* 1979: Image Segmentation and Clustering
* 2005: Detection and Explanation of Anomalous Activities: Representing Activities as Bags of Event n-Grams
Includes: Coleman, G. Coleman, G.[Graham]

Coleman, G.B.[Guy B.] * 1988: Target acquisition system and method

Coleman, J.W. * 1954: Specification of Image Properties by Response to a Sine Wave Input, The

Coleman, K.[Kristine] * 2023: OpenMonkeyChallenge: Dataset and Benchmark Challenges for Pose Estimation of Non-human Primates

Coleman, P. * 2018: Audio-Visual System for Object-Based Audio: From Recording to Listening, An

Coleman, R.E. * 1996: Bayesian reconstruction and use of anatomical a priori information for emission tomography
* 1997: Nuclear-Medicine Image Segmentation Using a Connective Network

Coleman, R.W.[Red Willow] * 2020: Comparison of Thermal Infrared-Derived Maps of Irrigated and Non-Irrigated Vegetation in Urban and Non-Urban Areas of Southern California
* 2020: Simplified Framework for High-Resolution Urban Vegetation Classification with Optical Imagery in the Los Angeles Megacity, A

Coleman, S.[Sonya] * 2015: Biologically motivated spiral architecture for fast video processing
* 2015: novel spiral addressing scheme for rectangular images, A
* 2018: Measurement of Capillary Refill Time (CRT) in Healthy Subjects Using a Robotic Hand
* 2020: Post-Stimulus Time-Dependent Event Descriptor
* 2021: Magnifying Spontaneous Facial Micro Expressions for Improved Recognition
* 2021: Object SLAM-Based Active Mapping and Robotic Grasping
* 2021: Reducing-Over-Time Tree for Event-based Data
* 2021: ROT-Harris: A Dynamic Approach to Asynchronous Interest Point Detection
* 2022: CAM-Guided Parameter-Free Attention Network for Person Re-Identification, A
* 2022: Complementary Characteristics Fusion Network for Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection
* 2022: Data Assimilation Network for Generalizable Person Re-Identification
* 2022: Salient Object Detection by Aggregating Contextual Information
* 2023: Object SLAM With Robust Quadric Initialization and Mapping for Dynamic Outdoors
* 2024: Double-Domain Adaptation Semantics for Retrieval-Based Long-Term Visual Localization
Includes: Coleman, S.[Sonya] Coleman, S.
14 for Coleman, S.

Coleman, S.A.[Sonya A.] * 2001: Systematic Design Procedure for Scalable Near-circular Gaussian Operators, A
* 2002: Image feature detection on content-based meshes
* 2003: empirical performance evaluation technique for discrete second derivative edge detectors, An
* 2003: evaluation of mesh model algorithms for direct feature detection on compressed image representations, An
* 2004: Adaptive application of feature detection operators based on image variance
* 2004: Improving angular error by near-circular operator design
* 2004: systematic design procedure for scalable near-circular laplacian of gaussian operators, A
* 2005: Autonomous Operators for Direct Use on Irregular Image Data
* 2005: Content-adaptive feature extraction using image variance
* 2005: Direct feature detection on compressed images
* 2005: Mesh Modelling for Sparse Image Data Sets
* 2006: Graph Theoretic Approach to Direct Processing of Sparse Unwarped Panoramic Images, A
* 2007: Characterising Range Image Features via Gradient Operators
* 2007: Concurrent Edge and Corner Detection
* 2007: Design Procedure for Gradient Operators on Hexagonal Images, A
* 2007: Improving angular error via systematically designed near-circular Gaussian-based feature extraction operators
* 2007: Integrated Edge and Corner Detection
* 2007: Laplacian Operators for Direct Processing of Range Data
* 2007: Near-Circular Corner and Edge Detection Operators
* 2007: Range Image Feature Extraction with Varying Degrees of Data Irregularity
* 2007: validated edge model technique for the empirical performance evaluation of discrete zero-crossing methods, A
* 2008: Combining Gradient Operators and Dihedral Angle for 2D and 3D Feature Extraction
* 2008: Comparing Cornerness Measures for Interest Point Detection
* 2008: Interest point detection on incomplete images
* 2008: Multi-scale Feature Extraction in a Sub-pixel Virtual Hexagonal Environment
* 2008: Multiscale Laplacian Operators for Feature Extraction on Irregularly Distributed 3-D Range Data
* 2008: Processing Sparse Panoramic Images via Space Variant Operators
* 2009: Adaptive Technique for Accurate Feature Extraction from Regular and Irregular Image Data, An
* 2009: Design of Feature Extraction Operators for Use on Biologically Motivated Hexagonal Image Structures
* 2009: Fast Edge Map Pyramids for Hexagonal Image Structures
* 2009: Fast Multiscale Operator Development for Hexagonal Images
* 2009: FESID: Finite Element Scale Invariant Detector
* 2009: Processing Hexagonal Images in a Virtual Environment
* 2010: Adaptive tri-direction edge detection operators based on the spiral architecture
* 2010: Coarse Scale Feature Extraction Using the Spiral Architecture Structure
* 2010: Edge Detecting for Range Data Using Laplacian Operators
* 2010: Gradient operators for feature extraction and characterisation in range images
* 2010: Space Variant Gradient Based Corner Detector for Sparse Omnidirectional Images, A
* 2010: Using Dihedral Angles for Edge Extraction in Range Data
* 2011: Biologically Motivated Feature Extraction
* 2011: Biologically motivated feature extraction using the spiral architecture
* 2011: Corner detection on hexagonal pixel based images
* 2011: Finite Element Blob Detector for Robust Features, A
* 2011: Multi-scale edge detection on range and intensity images
* 2013: Integral Spiral Image for Fast Hexagonal Image Processing
* 2016: Multiscale Edge Detection Using a Finite Element Framework for Hexagonal Pixel-Based Images
* 2016: Square to hexagonal lattice conversion based on one-dimensional interpolation
* 2016: Tri-directional gradient operators for hexagonal image processing
* 2017: Fast low-level multi-scale feature extraction for hexagonal images
* 2017: Square to hexagonal lattice conversion in the frequency domain
* 2021: MFC-Net: Multi-Feature Fusion Cross Neural Network for Salient Object Detection
* 2023: ELWNet: An Extremely Lightweight Approach for Real-Time Salient Object Detection
* 2024: LARNet: Towards Lightweight, Accurate and Real-Time Salient Object Detection
53 for Coleman, S.A.

Coleman, T.F.[Thomas F.] * 2014: Primal explicit max margin feature selection for nonlinear support vector machines

Colemen, D.[David] * 2007: Enhanced Spatio-spectral Template for Automatic Small Recreational Vessel Detection, An

Coleno, E.[Emeline] * 2022: Learning with Minimal Effort: Leveraging in Silico Labeling for Cell and Nucleus Segmentation

Coleou, C. * 2005: Adaptive Estimation of Normals and Surface Area for Discrete 3-D Objects: Application to Snow Binary Data From X-Ray Tomography
* 2021: Monitoring Wet Snow Over an Alpine Region Using Sentinel-1 Observations
Includes: Coleou, C. Coleou, C.[Cécile]

Colesanti, C. * 2000: Ground-Based Parasitic SAR Experiment, A
* 2003: SAR monitoring of progressive and seasonal ground deformation using the permanent scatterers technique

Colestock, M.A. * 1995: Image coding with wavelet representations, edge information and visual masking

Coletta, A.[Alessandro] * 2019: Pre-Collapse Space Geodetic Observations of Critical Infrastructure: The Morandi Bridge, Genoa, Italy
* 2020: Reply to Comments

Coletta, M.[Meredith] * 2013: Computational Photography with Panoramic Sensors that Have Uniform Resolution with Respect to Unwarping Transformations
* 2013: Frobenius Integrability Theorem and the Blind-Spot Problem for Motor Vehicles, The
Includes: Coletta, M.[Meredith] Coletta, M.

Coletta, P.[Paolo] * 2008: Emotional entrainment in music performance
* 2009: Gesture Saliency: A Context-Aware Analysis

Coletta, V.[Virginia] * 2023: Inferring 3D change detection from bitemporal optical images

Coletti, L. * 1985: Image Processing by Simulated Annealing

Index for "c"

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