Index for klin

Klinck, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fleishman, E.: Learning Stage-Wise GANs for Whistle Extraction in Time...
     with: Gillespie, D.: Learning Stage-Wise GANs for Whistle Extraction in Time...
     with: Li, P.: Learning Stage-Wise GANs for Whistle Extraction in Time-Freque...
     with: Liu, X.B.: Learning Stage-Wise GANs for Whistle Extraction in Time-Fre...
     with: Nosal, E.M.: Learning Stage-Wise GANs for Whistle Extraction in Time-F...
     with: Roch, M.A.: Learning Stage-Wise GANs for Whistle Extraction in Time-Fr...
     with: Shiu, Y.: Learning Stage-Wise GANs for Whistle Extraction in Time-Freq...
7 for Klinck, H.

Klinder, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barschdorf, H.: Hybrid Method for Automatic Anatomical Variant Detecti...
     with: Bystrov, D.: Local motion analysis in 4D lung CT using fast groupwise ...
     with: Dossel, O.: Hybrid Method for Automatic Anatomical Variant Detection a...
     with: Hanna, R.: Hybrid Method for Automatic Anatomical Variant Detection an...
     with: Kabus, S.: Functional Non-rigid Registration Validation: A CT Phantom ...
     with: Krueger, M.W.: Hybrid Method for Automatic Anatomical Variant Detectio...
     with: Lorenz, C.: Functional Non-rigid Registration Validation: A CT Phantom...
     with: Lorenz, C.: Hybrid Method for Automatic Anatomical Variant Detection a...
     with: Schmidt, S.: Local motion analysis in 4D lung CT using fast groupwise ...
     with: Schulz, H.: Local motion analysis in 4D lung CT using fast groupwise r...
     with: Vik, T.: Local motion analysis in 4D lung CT using fast groupwise regi...
     with: von Berg, J.: Functional Non-rigid Registration Validation: A CT Phant...
     with: Weber, F.M.: Hybrid Method for Automatic Anatomical Variant Detection ...
13 for Klinder, T.

Klindzic, R.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kalafatic, H.: Multiscale and Multitemporal Remote Sensing for Neolith...
     with: Siljeg, B.: Multiscale and Multitemporal Remote Sensing for Neolithic ...

Kline, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Deveaux, N.: TikTok for good: Creating a diverse emotion expression da...
     with: Dunlap, K.: TikTok for good: Creating a diverse emotion expression dat...
     with: Husic, A.: TikTok for good: Creating a diverse emotion expression data...
     with: Leblanc, E.: TikTok for good: Creating a diverse emotion expression da...
     with: Liu, B.: TikTok for good: Creating a diverse emotion expression database
     with: McNealis, M.: TikTok for good: Creating a diverse emotion expression d...
     with: Mohite, P.: TikTok for good: Creating a diverse emotion expression dat...
     with: Mutlu, O.C.: TikTok for good: Creating a diverse emotion expression da...
     with: Shah, B.: TikTok for good: Creating a diverse emotion expression datab...
     with: Sleiman, E.: TikTok for good: Creating a diverse emotion expression da...
     with: Surabhi, S.: TikTok for good: Creating a diverse emotion expression da...
     with: Wall, D.P.: TikTok for good: Creating a diverse emotion expression dat...
     with: Washington, P.: TikTok for good: Creating a diverse emotion expression...
13 for Kline, A.

Kline, A.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gutierrez, J.B.: Geometric invariants for classification of cortical s...
     with: Hurdal, M.K.: Geometric invariants for classification of cortical sulci
     with: Laing, C.: Geometric invariants for classification of cortical sulci
     with: Smith, D.A.: Geometric invariants for classification of cortical sulci

Kline, D.E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Araman, P.A.: Machine Vision Technology for the Forest Products Industry
     with: Araman, P.A.: Real-Time Algorithm for Color Sorting Edge-Glued Panel P...
     with: Conners, R.W.: Machine Vision Technology for the Forest Products Indus...
     with: Conners, R.W.: Real-Time Algorithm for Color Sorting Edge-Glued Panel ...
     with: Drayer, T.H.: Machine Vision Technology for the Forest Products Industry
     with: Lu, Q.: Real-Time Algorithm for Color Sorting Edge-Glued Panel Parts, A

Kline, D.I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Beijbom, O.: Automated annotation of coral reef survey images
     with: Edmunds, P.J.: Automated annotation of coral reef survey images
     with: Kriegman, D.: Automated annotation of coral reef survey images
     with: Mitchell, B.G.: Automated annotation of coral reef survey images

Kline, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Babu, R.: KABR: In-Situ Dataset for Kenyan Animal Behavior Recognition...
     with: Banerji, N.: KABR: In-Situ Dataset for Kenyan Animal Behavior Recognit...
     with: Berger Wolf, T.: KABR: In-Situ Dataset for Kenyan Animal Behavior Reco...
     with: Bessa, E.: KABR: In-Situ Dataset for Kenyan Animal Behavior Recognitio...
     with: Campolongo, E.: KABR: In-Situ Dataset for Kenyan Animal Behavior Recog...
     with: Duporge, I.: KABR: In-Situ Dataset for Kenyan Animal Behavior Recognit...
     with: Kholiavchenko, M.: KABR: In-Situ Dataset for Kenyan Animal Behavior Re...
     with: Miliko, J.: KABR: In-Situ Dataset for Kenyan Animal Behavior Recogniti...
     with: Ramirez, M.: KABR: In-Situ Dataset for Kenyan Animal Behavior Recognit...
     with: Rubenstein, D.: KABR: In-Situ Dataset for Kenyan Animal Behavior Recog...
     with: Sheets, A.: KABR: In-Situ Dataset for Kenyan Animal Behavior Recogniti...
     with: Stevens, S.: KABR: In-Situ Dataset for Kenyan Animal Behavior Recognit...
     with: Stewart, C.: KABR: In-Situ Dataset for Kenyan Animal Behavior Recognit...
     with: Thompson, M.: KABR: In-Situ Dataset for Kenyan Animal Behavior Recogni...
     with: van Tiel, N.: KABR: In-Situ Dataset for Kenyan Animal Behavior Recogni...
15 for Kline, J.

Kline, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Rahman, A.: First Automatic Method for Mapping the Pothole in Seagrass...
     with: Rahnemoonfar, M.: First Automatic Method for Mapping the Pothole in Se...
     with: Yari, M.: First Automatic Method for Mapping the Pothole in Seagrass, ...

Kline, T.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bian, J.: Algorithm-Enabled Low-Dose Micro-CT Imaging
     with: Eaker, D.R.: Algorithm-Enabled Low-Dose Micro-CT Imaging
     with: Han, X.: Algorithm-Enabled Low-Dose Micro-CT Imaging
     with: Pan, X.C.: Algorithm-Enabled Low-Dose Micro-CT Imaging
     with: Ritman, E.L.: Algorithm-Enabled Low-Dose Micro-CT Imaging
     with: Sidky, E.Y.: Algorithm-Enabled Low-Dose Micro-CT Imaging

Kling, O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lee, D.T.L.: On surface curvature computation from level set contours
     with: Tanaka, H.T.: On surface curvature computation from level set contours

Klingbeil, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Burkart, A.: Quantifying Lodging Percentage and Lodging Severity Using...
     with: Dehbi, Y.: UAV Mission Planning for Automatic Exploration and Semantic...
     with: Dreier, A.: Quality Analysis of Direct Georeferencing in Aspects of Ab...
     with: Eling, C.: Development and Evaluation of a UAV Based Mapping System fo...
     with: Eling, C.: Direct Georeferencing of Micro Aerial Vehicles - System Des...
     with: Eling, C.: Precise Position and Attitude Determination System for Ligh...
     with: Esser, F.: Quality Analysis of a High-Precision Kinematic Laser Scanni...
     with: Frimpong, F.: Quantifying Lodging Percentage, Lodging Development and ...
     with: Heinemann, S.: Quantifying Lodging Percentage and Lodging Severity Usi...
     with: Heinz, E.: Design and Evaluation of a Permanently Installed Plane-Base...
     with: Hess, C.: Development and Evaluation of a UAV Based Mapping System for...
     with: Holst, C.: Design and Evaluation of a Permanently Installed Plane-Base...
     with: Janßen, J.: Quality Analysis of Direct Georeferencing in Aspects of Ab...
     with: Jost, B.: 3D Surface Reconstruction Pipeline for Plant Phenotyping, A
     with: Kicherer, A.: Counting of grapevine berries in images via semantic seg...
     with: Kraska, T.: Quantifying Lodging Percentage and Lodging Severity Using ...
     with: Kuhlmann, H.: 3D Surface Reconstruction Pipeline for Plant Phenotyping...
     with: Kuhlmann, H.: Counting of grapevine berries in images via semantic seg...
     with: Kuhlmann, H.: Design and Evaluation of a Permanently Installed Plane-B...
     with: Kuhlmann, H.: Development and Evaluation of a UAV Based Mapping System...
     with: Kuhlmann, H.: Direct Georeferencing of Micro Aerial Vehicles - System ...
     with: Kuhlmann, H.: Precise Position and Attitude Determination System for L...
     with: Kuhlmann, H.: Quality Analysis of a High-Precision Kinematic Laser Sca...
     with: Kuhlmann, H.: Quality Analysis of Direct Georeferencing in Aspects of ...
     with: Muller, O.: Quantifying Lodging Percentage and Lodging Severity Using ...
     with: Muller, O.: Quantifying Lodging Percentage, Lodging Development and Lo...
     with: Plumer, L.: UAV Mission Planning for Automatic Exploration and Semanti...
     with: Rascher, U.: Quantifying Lodging Percentage and Lodging Severity Using...
     with: Rascher, U.: Quantifying Lodging Percentage, Lodging Development and L...
     with: Roscher, R.: Counting of grapevine berries in images via semantic segm...
     with: Siegmann, B.: Quantifying Lodging Percentage and Lodging Severity Usin...
     with: Siegmann, B.: Quantifying Lodging Percentage, Lodging Development and ...
     with: Stausberg, L.: 3D Surface Reconstruction Pipeline for Plant Phenotypin...
     with: Topfer, R.: Counting of grapevine berries in images via semantic segme...
     with: van Doorn, A.: Quantifying Lodging Percentage and Lodging Severity Usi...
     with: Wieland, M.: Development and Evaluation of a UAV Based Mapping System ...
     with: Wieland, M.: Direct Georeferencing of Micro Aerial Vehicles - System D...
     with: Wieland, M.: Precise Position and Attitude Determination System for Li...
     with: Wilke, N.: Quantifying Lodging Percentage and Lodging Severity Using a...
     with: Wilke, N.: Quantifying Lodging Percentage, Lodging Development and Lod...
     with: Zabawa, L.: Counting of grapevine berries in images via semantic segme...
     with: Zabawa, L.: Quality Analysis of a High-Precision Kinematic Laser Scann...
42 for Klingbeil, L.

Klingbeil, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dollner, J.: Locally controllable neural style transfer on mobile devi...
     with: Pasewaldt, S.: Locally controllable neural style transfer on mobile de...
     with: Reimann, M.: Locally controllable neural style transfer on mobile devi...
     with: Semmo, A.: Locally controllable neural style transfer on mobile devices
     with: Trapp, M.: Locally controllable neural style transfer on mobile devices

Klingbeil, X.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Andert, J.: Centralized model-predictive cooperative and adaptive crui...
     with: Herrmann, F.: Centralized model-predictive cooperative and adaptive cr...
     with: Wegener, M.: Centralized model-predictive cooperative and adaptive cru...
     with: Zhou, H.B.: Centralized model-predictive cooperative and adaptive crui...

Klingelhoefer, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bamidis, P.: Motion Analysis on Depth Camera Data to Quantify Parkinso...
     with: Bostantzopoulou, S.: Motion Analysis on Depth Camera Data to Quantify ...
     with: Dias, S.B.: Motion Analysis on Depth Camera Data to Quantify Parkinson...
     with: Dimitropoulos, K.: Motion Analysis on Depth Camera Data to Quantify Pa...
     with: Diniz, J.A.: Motion Analysis on Depth Camera Data to Quantify Parkinso...
     with: Grammalidis, N.: Motion Analysis on Depth Camera Data to Quantify Park...
     with: Grammatikopoulou, A.: Motion Analysis on Depth Camera Data to Quantify...
     with: Hadjileontiadis, L.J.: Motion Analysis on Depth Camera Data to Quantif...
     with: Katsarou, Z.: Motion Analysis on Depth Camera Data to Quantify Parkins...
     with: Konstantinidis, E.: Motion Analysis on Depth Camera Data to Quantify P...
     with: Savvidis, T.: Motion Analysis on Depth Camera Data to Quantify Parkins...
     with: Stadtschnitzer, M.: Motion Analysis on Depth Camera Data to Quantify P...
     with: Trivedi, D.: Motion Analysis on Depth Camera Data to Quantify Parkinso...
13 for Klingelhoefer, L.

Klingenbeck Regn, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Flohr, T.: Spatial domain filtering for fast modification of the trade...
     with: Niethammer, M.: Spatial domain filtering for fast modification of the ...
     with: Raupach, R.: Spatial domain filtering for fast modification of the tra...
     with: Schaller, S.: Spatial domain filtering for fast modification of the tr...
     with: Wildberger, J.E.: Spatial domain filtering for fast modification of th...

Klingenbeck, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Flohr, T.: Spiral interpolation algorithm for multislice spiral CT. I....
     with: Fuchs, T.O.J.: Spiral interpolation algorithm for multislice spiral CT...
     with: Kalender, W.A.: Spiral interpolation algorithm for multislice spiral C...
     with: Krause, J.: Spiral interpolation algorithm for multislice spiral CT. I...
     with: Schaller, S.: Spiral interpolation algorithm for multislice spiral CT....

Klingenberg, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Curry, J.: Non-negative matrix factorization: Ill-posedness and a geom...
     with: Dougherty, A.: Non-negative matrix factorization: Ill-posedness and a ...

Klingenberg, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Achille, A.: Interpretable Measures of Conceptual Similarity by Comple...
     with: Liu, T.Y.: Interpretable Measures of Conceptual Similarity by Complexi...
     with: Soatto, S.: Interpretable Measures of Conceptual Similarity by Complex...
     with: Steeg, G.V.: Interpretable Measures of Conceptual Similarity by Comple...
     with: Trager, M.: Interpretable Measures of Conceptual Similarity by Complex...

Klingenberg, C.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Palaniswamy, S.: Automatic identification of landmarks in digital images
     with: Palaniswamy, S.: Automatic Identification of Morphometric Landmarks in...
     with: Thacker, N.A.: Automatic identification of landmarks in digital images
     with: Thacker, N.A.: Automatic Identification of Morphometric Landmarks in D...

Klingensmith, J.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Shekhar, R.: Evaluation of three-dimensional segmentation algorithms f...
     with: Vince, D.G.: Evaluation of three-dimensional segmentation algorithms f...

Klinger, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alexandridis, N.A.: Computer Analysis of Chromosome Patterns
     with: Alexandridis, N.A.: Picture Decomposition, Tree Data-Structures, and i...
     with: Bourbakis, N.G.: Hierarchical Picture Coding Scheme, A
     with: Cardenas, A.F.: Database Structure and Manipulation Capabilities of a ...
     with: Cardenas, A.F.: Manipulating Data Structures in Pictorial Information ...
     with: Cardenas, A.F.: Specification of Spatial Integrity Constraints in Pict...
     with: Chock, M.: Database Structure and Manipulation Capabilities of a Pictu...
     with: Chock, M.: Manipulating Data Structures in Pictorial Information Systems
     with: Dyer, C.R.: Experiments on Picture Representation Using Regular Decomp...
     with: Kochman, A.: Computer Analysis of Chromosome Patterns
     with: Pizano, A.: Specification of Spatial Integrity Constraints in Pictoria...
     with: Rhodes, M.L.: Organization and Access of Image Data by Areas
     with: Tanimoto, S.L.: Structured Computer Vision: Machine Perception through...
13 for Klinger, A.

Klinger, J.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bianco, F.: Unexpected Expansion of Rare-Earth Element Mining Activiti...
     with: Chinkaka, E.: Unexpected Expansion of Rare-Earth Element Mining Activi...
     with: Davis, K.F.: Unexpected Expansion of Rare-Earth Element Mining Activit...

Klinger, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hausler, G.: In process 3D-sensing for laser material processing
     with: Hermann, J.M.: In process 3D-sensing for laser material processing
     with: Spellenberg, B.: In process 3D-sensing for laser material processing

Klinger, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Brenner, C.: Analysis Of Spatio-temporal Traffic Patterns Based On Ped...
     with: Busch, S.: Analysis Of Spatio-temporal Traffic Patterns Based On Pedes...
     with: Feuerhake, U.: Qtrajectories: Improving the Quality of Object Tracking...
     with: Haehner, J.: Qtrajectories: Improving the Quality of Object Tracking U...
     with: Heipke, C.: Antarctic Coastline Detection using Snakes
     with: Heipke, C.: Dynamic Bayes Network for visual Pedestrian Tracking, A
     with: Heipke, C.: Probabilistic multi-person localisation and tracking in im...
     with: Heipke, C.: Qtrajectories: Improving the Quality of Object Tracking Us...
     with: Heipke, C.: Stereoscopic Approach for the Association of People Tracks...
     with: Jaenen, U.: Qtrajectories: Improving the Quality of Object Tracking Us...
     with: Menze, M.: Stereoscopic Approach for the Association of People Tracks ...
     with: Metzler, J.: Stereoscopic Approach for the Association of People Track...
     with: Muhle, D.: Persistent Object Tracking With Randomized Forests
     with: Muhle, D.: Qtrajectories: Improving the Quality of Object Tracking Usi...
     with: Muhle, D.: Stereoscopic Approach for the Association of People Tracks ...
     with: Ott, N.: Antarctic Coastline Detection using Snakes
     with: Rottensteiner, F.: Dynamic Bayes Network for visual Pedestrian Trackin...
     with: Rottensteiner, F.: Probabilistic multi-person localisation and trackin...
     with: Schenke, H.W.: Antarctic Coastline Detection using Snakes
     with: Schindler, T.: Analysis Of Spatio-temporal Traffic Patterns Based On P...
     with: Sester, M.: Qtrajectories: Improving the Quality of Object Tracking Us...
     with: Ziems, M.: Antarctic Coastline Detection using Snakes
22 for Klinger, T.

Klinger, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Binet, R.: Measurement of ground displacement from optical satellite i...
     with: Delorme, A.: Measurement of ground displacement from optical satellite...
     with: Pierrot Deseilligny, M.: Measurement of ground displacement from optic...
     with: Rosu, A.M.: Measurement of ground displacement from optical satellite ...

Klinghoffer, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agrawalla, B.: DISeR: Designing Imaging Systems with Reinforcement Lea...
     with: Alvarez, J.M.: Towards Viewpoint Robustness in Bird's Eye View Segment...
     with: Behari, N.: DISeR: Designing Imaging Systems with Reinforcement Learning
     with: Behari, N.: ORCa: Glossy Objects as Radiance-Field Cameras
     with: Brattain, L.J.: Self-Supervised Feature Extraction for 3D Axon Segment...
     with: Chen, W.Z.: Towards Viewpoint Robustness in Bird's Eye View Segmentation
     with: Chung, K.: Self-Supervised Feature Extraction for 3D Axon Segmentation
     with: Dave, A.: ORCa: Glossy Objects as Radiance-Field Cameras
     with: Evans, N.: Self-Supervised Feature Extraction for 3D Axon Segmentation
     with: Fan, Y.C.: PlatoNeRF: 3D Reconstruction in Plato's Cave via Single-Vie...
     with: Fidler, S.: Towards Viewpoint Robustness in Bird's Eye View Segmentation
     with: Gojcic, Z.: Towards Viewpoint Robustness in Bird's Eye View Segmentation
     with: Joo, J.: Towards Viewpoint Robustness in Bird's Eye View Segmentation
     with: Litany, O.: Towards Viewpoint Robustness in Bird's Eye View Segmentation
     with: Morales, P.: Self-Supervised Feature Extraction for 3D Axon Segmentation
     with: Park, Y.: Self-Supervised Feature Extraction for 3D Axon Segmentation
     with: Philion, J.: Towards Viewpoint Robustness in Bird's Eye View Segmentat...
     with: Ranjan, R.: PlatoNeRF: 3D Reconstruction in Plato's Cave via Single-Vi...
     with: Raskar, R.: DISeR: Designing Imaging Systems with Reinforcement Learning
     with: Raskar, R.: ORCa: Glossy Objects as Radiance-Field Cameras
     with: Raskar, R.: PlatoNeRF: 3D Reconstruction in Plato's Cave via Single-Vi...
     with: Raskar, R.: Towards Learning Neural Representations from Shadows
     with: Raskar, R.: Towards Viewpoint Robustness in Bird's Eye View Segmentation
     with: Richardt, C.: PlatoNeRF: 3D Reconstruction in Plato's Cave via Single-...
     with: Somasundaram, S.: PlatoNeRF: 3D Reconstruction in Plato's Cave via Sin...
     with: Tiwary, K.: DISeR: Designing Imaging Systems with Reinforcement Learning
     with: Tiwary, K.: ORCa: Glossy Objects as Radiance-Field Cameras
     with: Tiwary, K.: Towards Learning Neural Representations from Shadows
     with: Veeraraghavan, A.: ORCa: Glossy Objects as Radiance-Field Cameras
     with: Xiang, X.Y.: PlatoNeRF: 3D Reconstruction in Plato's Cave via Single-V...
30 for Klinghoffer, T.

Klingler, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barta, N.: Spectral-Based Classification of Plant Species Groups and F...
     with: Bauer, A.: Spectral-Based Classification of Plant Species Groups and F...
     with: Britz, R.: Spectral-Based Classification of Plant Species Groups and F...
     with: Gronauer, A.: Spectral-Based Classification of Plant Species Groups an...
     with: Motsch, V.: Spectral-Based Classification of Plant Species Groups and ...
     with: Potsch, E.M.: Spectral-Based Classification of Plant Species Groups an...
     with: Schaumberger, A.: Spectral-Based Classification of Plant Species Group...
7 for Klingler, A.

Klingmyr, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jamali, S.: Global-Scale Patterns and Trends in Tropospheric NO2 Conce...
     with: Tagesson, T.: Global-Scale Patterns and Trends in Tropospheric NO2 Con...

Klingner, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Martin, D.: Street View Motion-from-Structure-from-Motion
     with: Roseborough, J.: Street View Motion-from-Structure-from-Motion

Klingner, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Almuzairee, A.: X-Align: Cross-Modal Cross-View Alignment for Bird's-E...
     with: Ayache, M.: Continual BatchNorm Adaptation (CBNA) for Semantic Segment...
     with: Bach, M.: SVDistNet: Self-Supervised Near-Field Distance Estimation on...
     with: Bar, A.: Improved Noise and Attack Robustness for Semantic Segmentatio...
     with: Bar, A.: Improving Online Performance Prediction for Semantic Segmenta...
     with: Bar, A.: Performance Prediction for Semantic Segmentation by a Self-Su...
     with: Bar, A.: Robust Semantic Segmentation by Redundant Networks With a Lay...
     with: Bar, A.: Unsupervised Temporal Consistency (TC) Loss to Improve the Pe...
     with: Borse, S.: X-Align: Cross-Modal Cross-View Alignment for Bird's-Eye-Vi...
     with: Borse, S.: X3KD: Knowledge Distillation Across Modalities, Tasks and S...
     with: Breitenstein, J.: On the Choice of Data for Efficient Training and Val...
     with: Cai, H.: X-Align: Cross-Modal Cross-View Alignment for Bird's-Eye-View...
     with: Etzkorn, M.: Super-Resolution Training Paradigm Based on Low-Resolutio...
     with: Fehrling, J.: Self-Supervised Domain Mismatch Estimation for Autonomou...
     with: Fingscheidt, T.: Continual BatchNorm Adaptation (CBNA) for Semantic Se...
     with: Fingscheidt, T.: Improved Noise and Attack Robustness for Semantic Seg...
     with: Fingscheidt, T.: Improving Online Performance Prediction for Semantic ...
     with: Fingscheidt, T.: On the Choice of Data for Efficient Training and Vali...
     with: Fingscheidt, T.: Online Performance Prediction of Perception DNNs by M...
     with: Fingscheidt, T.: Performance Prediction for Semantic Segmentation by a...
     with: Fingscheidt, T.: Robust Semantic Segmentation by Redundant Networks Wi...
     with: Fingscheidt, T.: Self-Supervised Domain Mismatch Estimation for Autono...
     with: Fingscheidt, T.: Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation: Solving t...
     with: Fingscheidt, T.: Super-Resolution Training Paradigm Based on Low-Resol...
     with: Fingscheidt, T.: SVDistNet: Self-Supervised Near-Field Distance Estima...
     with: Fingscheidt, T.: SynDistNet: Self-Supervised Monocular Fisheye Camera ...
     with: Fingscheidt, T.: Unsupervised BatchNorm Adaptation (UBNA): A Domain Ad...
     with: Fingscheidt, T.: Unsupervised Temporal Consistency (TC) Loss to Improv...
     with: Gujamagadi, S.: Unsupervised Temporal Consistency (TC) Loss to Improve...
     with: Huger, F.: Performance Prediction for Semantic Segmentation by a Self-...
     with: Huger, F.: Robust Semantic Segmentation by Redundant Networks With a L...
     with: Huger, F.: Self-Supervised Domain Mismatch Estimation for Autonomous P...
     with: Huger, F.: Unsupervised Temporal Consistency (TC) Loss to Improve the ...
     with: Kapoor, N.: Unsupervised Temporal Consistency (TC) Loss to Improve the...
     with: Kasten, P.: Super-Resolution Training Paradigm Based on Low-Resolution...
     with: Kumar, V.R.: SVDistNet: Self-Supervised Near-Field Distance Estimation...
     with: Kumar, V.R.: SynDistNet: Self-Supervised Monocular Fisheye Camera Dist...
     with: Kumar, V.R.: X-Align: Cross-Modal Cross-View Alignment for Bird's-Eye-...
     with: Kumar, V.R.: X3KD: Knowledge Distillation Across Modalities, Tasks and...
     with: Lohdefink, J.: Performance Prediction for Semantic Segmentation by a S...
     with: Lohdefink, J.: Self-Supervised Domain Mismatch Estimation for Autonomo...
     with: Maag, K.: Unsupervised Temporal Consistency (TC) Loss to Improve the P...
     with: Mader, P.: SVDistNet: Self-Supervised Near-Field Distance Estimation o...
     with: Mader, P.: SynDistNet: Self-Supervised Monocular Fisheye Camera Distan...
     with: Mikolajczyk, J.: Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation: Solving t...
     with: Milz, S.: SVDistNet: Self-Supervised Near-Field Distance Estimation on...
     with: Milz, S.: SynDistNet: Self-Supervised Monocular Fisheye Camera Distanc...
     with: Mirzaie, M.: On the Choice of Data for Efficient Training and Validati...
     with: Moller, B.: Super-Resolution Training Paradigm Based on Low-Resolution...
     with: Mross, M.: Improving Online Performance Prediction for Semantic Segmen...
     with: Muller, K.: On the Choice of Data for Efficient Training and Validatio...
     with: Narayanan, V.: X3KD: Knowledge Distillation Across Modalities, Tasks a...
     with: Pirklbauer, J.: Super-Resolution Training Paradigm Based on Low-Resolu...
     with: Porikli, F.M.: X-Align: Cross-Modal Cross-View Alignment for Bird's-Ey...
     with: Porikli, F.M.: X3KD: Knowledge Distillation Across Modalities, Tasks a...
     with: Rezaei, B.: X3KD: Knowledge Distillation Across Modalities, Tasks and ...
     with: Ritterbach, J.: Unsupervised BatchNorm Adaptation (UBNA): A Domain Ada...
     with: Schlicht, P.: Performance Prediction for Semantic Segmentation by a Se...
     with: Schlicht, P.: Robust Semantic Segmentation by Redundant Networks With ...
     with: Schlicht, P.: Self-Supervised Domain Mismatch Estimation for Autonomou...
     with: Schlicht, P.: Unsupervised Temporal Consistency (TC) Loss to Improve t...
     with: Schlickum, U.: Super-Resolution Training Paradigm Based on Low-Resolut...
     with: Schmidt, N.M.: Self-Supervised Domain Mismatch Estimation for Autonomo...
     with: Schneider, J.D.: Unsupervised Temporal Consistency (TC) Loss to Improv...
     with: Seifert, T.J.: Super-Resolution Training Paradigm Based on Low-Resolut...
     with: Termohlen, J.A.: On the Choice of Data for Efficient Training and Vali...
     with: Termohlen, J.A.: Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation: Solving t...
     with: Termohlen, J.A.: Unsupervised BatchNorm Adaptation (UBNA): A Domain Ad...
     with: Varghese, S.: Robust Semantic Segmentation by Redundant Networks With ...
     with: Varghese, S.: Unsupervised Temporal Consistency (TC) Loss to Improve t...
     with: Yogamani, S.: SVDistNet: Self-Supervised Near-Field Distance Estimatio...
     with: Yogamani, S.: SynDistNet: Self-Supervised Monocular Fisheye Camera Dis...
     with: Yogamani, S.: X-Align: Cross-Modal Cross-View Alignment for Bird's-Eye...
     with: Yogamani, S.: X3KD: Knowledge Distillation Across Modalities, Tasks an...
74 for Klingner, M.

Klingner, P.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Beanovi, V.: Patterns from the sky
     with: Guillen, J.L.L.: Patterns from the sky
     with: Lindblad, T.: Patterns from the sky
     with: Waldemark, K.: Patterns from the sky

Klingseisen, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Belton, D.: Survey Accuracy Analysis of a Hand-held Mobile LiDAR Devic...
     with: Chan, T.O.: Survey Accuracy Analysis of a Hand-held Mobile LiDAR Devic...
     with: Helmholz, P.: Survey Accuracy Analysis of a Hand-held Mobile LiDAR Dev...
     with: Lichti, D.D.: Survey Accuracy Analysis of a Hand-held Mobile LiDAR Dev...

Klingspohr, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Block, T.: passive real-time gaze estimation system for human-machine ...
     with: Grigat, R.R.: passive real-time gaze estimation system for human-machi...

Klink, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Buck, O.: Image Analysis Methods to Monitor Natura 2000 Habitats at Re...
     with: Groger, G.: Hybrid Automatic Building Interpretation System
     with: Millan, V.E.G.: Image Analysis Methods to Monitor Natura 2000 Habitats...
     with: Muterthies, A.: Hybrid Automatic Building Interpretation System
     with: Muterthies, A.: Image Analysis Methods to Monitor Natura 2000 Habitats...
     with: Pakzad, K.: Hybrid Automatic Building Interpretation System
     with: Pakzad, K.: Image Analysis Methods to Monitor Natura 2000 Habitats at ...
     with: Peyker, J.: Einsatz von Change-Detection-Methoden bei der Fortführung ...
     with: Plumer, L.: Hybrid Automatic Building Interpretation System
     with: Rossmann, H.: Einsatz von Change-Detection-Methoden bei der Fortführun...
     with: Stroh, V.: Hybrid Automatic Building Interpretation System
     with: Volker, A.: Einsatz von Change-Detection-Methoden bei der Fortführung ...
12 for Klink, A.

Klink, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Banerjee, J.: 4D Liver Ultrasound Registration
     with: Banerjee, J.: 4D Ultrasound Tracking of Liver and its Verification for...
     with: Moelker, A.: 4D Liver Ultrasound Registration
     with: Moelker, A.: 4D Ultrasound Tracking of Liver and its Verification for ...
     with: Niessen, W.J.: 4D Liver Ultrasound Registration
     with: Niessen, W.J.: 4D Ultrasound Tracking of Liver and its Verification fo...
     with: Peters, E.D.: 4D Liver Ultrasound Registration
     with: van Walsum, T.: 4D Liver Ultrasound Registration
     with: van Walsum, T.: 4D Ultrasound Tracking of Liver and its Verification f...
9 for Klink, C.

Klink, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Birr, T.: Spatio-Temporal Prediction of the Epidemic Spread of Dangero...
     with: Duttmann, R.: Spatio-Temporal Prediction of the Epidemic Spread of Dan...
     with: Hamer, W.B.: Spatio-Temporal Prediction of the Epidemic Spread of Dang...
     with: Verreet, J.A.: Spatio-Temporal Prediction of the Epidemic Spread of Da...

Klink, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdulsamad, H.: Variational Hierarchical Mixtures for Probabilistic Le...
     with: d'Eramo, C.: On the Benefit of Optimal Transport for Curriculum Reinfo...
     with: Nickl, P.: Variational Hierarchical Mixtures for Probabilistic Learnin...
     with: Pajarinen, J.: On the Benefit of Optimal Transport for Curriculum Rein...
     with: Peters, J.: On the Benefit of Optimal Transport for Curriculum Reinfor...
     with: Peters, J.: Variational Hierarchical Mixtures for Probabilistic Learni...

Klink, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dengel, A.R.: Improving Document Retrieval by Automatic Query Expansio...
     with: Hust, A.: Improving Document Retrieval by Automatic Query Expansion Us...
     with: Jager, T.: MergeLayouts: A Comprehensive Voting of Commercial OCR Devi...
     with: Junker, M.: Improving Document Retrieval by Automatic Query Expansion ...
     with: Kieninger, T.: Rule-based document structure understanding with a fuzz...

Klinke, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Balschbach, G.: Multichannel shape from shading techniques for moving ...
     with: Jahne, B.: Multichannel shape from shading techniques for moving specu...

Klinke, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Biendl, M.: Automatic Chain Line Segmentation in Historical Prints
     with: Christlein, V.: Automatic Chain Line Segmentation in Historical Prints
     with: Maier, A.: Automatic Chain Line Segmentation in Historical Prints
     with: Sindel, A.: Automatic Chain Line Segmentation in Historical Prints

Klinkenberg, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Albani, M.: Spatial Filter for the Removal of Striping Artifacts in Di...
     with: Johnson, B.A.: Mapping the Individual Trees in Urban Orchards by Incor...
     with: Moskal, L.M.: Mapping the Individual Trees in Urban Orchards by Incorp...
     with: Vahidi, H.: Mapping the Individual Trees in Urban Orchards by Incorpor...
     with: Yan, W.L.: Mapping the Individual Trees in Urban Orchards by Incorpora...

Klinker, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Artinger, E.: Creating Passion for Augmented Reality Applications: A T...
     with: Duschl, M.: Creating Passion for Augmented Reality Applications: A Tea...
     with: Eichhorn, C.: EnvSLAM: Combining SLAM Systems and Neural Networks to I...
     with: Ikeuchi, K.: Special Issue: Celebrating Kanade's Vision
     with: Itoh, Y.: EnvSLAM: Combining SLAM Systems and Neural Networks to Impro...
     with: Itoh, Y.: Interaction-free calibration for optical see-through head-mo...
     with: Keitler, P.: Indirect Tracking to Reduce Occlusion Problems
     with: Marchesi, G.: EnvSLAM: Combining SLAM Systems and Neural Networks to I...
     with: Ohta, Y.: Special Issue: Celebrating Kanade's Vision
     with: Plecher, D.A.: EnvSLAM: Combining SLAM Systems and Neural Networks to ...
     with: Reiners, D.: Use of Reality Models in Augmented Reality Applications, ...
     with: Schlegel, M.: Indirect Tracking to Reduce Occlusion Problems
     with: Stricker, D.: Use of Reality Models in Augmented Reality Applications,...
     with: Szeliski, R.S.: Special Issue: Celebrating Kanade's Vision
     with: Waechter, C.: Creating Passion for Augmented Reality Applications: A T...
15 for Klinker, G.

Klinker, G.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahlers, K.H.: Confluence of Computer Vision and Interactive Graphics f...
     with: Breen, D.E.: Automated camera calibration and 3D egomotion estimation ...
     with: Breen, D.E.: Confluence of Computer Vision and Interactive Graphics fo...
     with: Carlbom, I.: Biomedical Data Exploration Meets Telecollaboration
     with: Chevalier, P.Y.: Confluence of Computer Vision and Interactive Graphic...
     with: Clune, E.: Implementation and Performance of a Complex Vision System o...
     with: Crampton, C.: Confluence of Computer Vision and Interactive Graphics f...
     with: Crisman, J.D.: Implementation and Performance of a Complex Vision Syst...
     with: Greer, D.S.: Confluence of Computer Vision and Interactive Graphics fo...
     with: Hsu, W.: Biomedical Data Exploration Meets Telecollaboration
     with: Kanade, T.: Color Image Analysis with an Intrinsic Reflection Model
     with: Kanade, T.: Image Segmentation and Reflection Analysis Through Color
     with: Kanade, T.: measurement of highlights in color images, The
     with: Kanade, T.: Physical Approach to Color Image Understanding, A
     with: Kanade, T.: Using a Color Reflection Model to Separate Highlights from...
     with: Koller, D.: Automated camera calibration and 3D egomotion estimation f...
     with: Koller, D.: Confluence of Computer Vision and Interactive Graphics for...
     with: Kramer, A.: Confluence of Computer Vision and Interactive Graphics for...
     with: Rose, E.: Automated camera calibration and 3D egomotion estimation for...
     with: Rose, E.: Confluence of Computer Vision and Interactive Graphics for A...
     with: Shafer, S.A.: Color Image Analysis with an Intrinsic Reflection Model
     with: Shafer, S.A.: Image Segmentation and Reflection Analysis Through Color
     with: Shafer, S.A.: measurement of highlights in color images, The
     with: Shafer, S.A.: Physical Approach to Color Image Understanding, A
     with: Shafer, S.A.: Using a Color Reflection Model to Separate Highlights fr...
     with: Terzopoulos, D.: Biomedical Data Exploration Meets Telecollaboration
     with: Tuceryan, M.: Automated camera calibration and 3D egomotion estimation...
     with: Tuceryan, M.: Confluence of Computer Vision and Interactive Graphics f...
     with: Webb, J.A.: Implementation and Performance of a Complex Vision System ...
     with: Whitaker, R.T.: Automated camera calibration and 3D egomotion estimati...
     with: Whitaker, R.T.: Confluence of Computer Vision and Interactive Graphics...
37 for Klinker, G.J.

Klinkhammer, B.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Appel, V.: Generative Adversarial Networks for Facilitating Stain-Inde...
     with: Boor, P.: Analysis of automatically generated embedding guides for cel...
     with: Boor, P.: Automatic Embedding Interventions for the Classification of ...
     with: Boor, P.: Do We Need Large Annotated Training Data for Detection Appli...
     with: Boor, P.: Domain Adaptive Classification for Compensating Variability ...
     with: Boor, P.: Generative Adversarial Networks for Facilitating Stain-Indep...
     with: Boor, P.: Guided Representation Learning for the Classification of Hem...
     with: Boor, P.: Quantitative Assessment of Image Normalization for Classifyi...
     with: Boor, P.: Spatial Maturity Regression for the Classification of Hemato...
     with: Brummendorf, T.H.: Analysis of automatically generated embedding guide...
     with: Brummendorf, T.H.: Automatic Embedding Interventions for the Classific...
     with: Brummendorf, T.H.: Guided Representation Learning for the Classificati...
     with: Brummendorf, T.H.: Spatial Maturity Regression for the Classification ...
     with: Cooper, S.S.: Quantitative Assessment of Image Normalization for Class...
     with: Crysandt, M.: Analysis of automatically generated embedding guides for...
     with: Crysandt, M.: Automatic Embedding Interventions for the Classification...
     with: Crysandt, M.: Guided Representation Learning for the Classification of...
     with: Crysandt, M.: Spatial Maturity Regression for the Classification of He...
     with: Djudjaj, S.: Domain Adaptive Classification for Compensating Variabili...
     with: Gadermayr, M.: Do We Need Large Annotated Training Data for Detection ...
     with: Gadermayr, M.: Domain Adaptive Classification for Compensating Variabi...
     with: Gadermayr, M.: Generative Adversarial Networks for Facilitating Stain-...
     with: Gadermayr, M.: Quantitative Assessment of Image Normalization for Clas...
     with: Grabel, P.: Analysis of automatically generated embedding guides for c...
     with: Grabel, P.: Automatic Embedding Interventions for the Classification o...
     with: Grabel, P.: Guided Representation Learning for the Classification of H...
     with: Grabel, P.: Spatial Maturity Regression for the Classification of Hema...
     with: Gupta, L.: Generative Adversarial Networks for Facilitating Stain-Inde...
     with: Merhof, D.: Analysis of automatically generated embedding guides for c...
     with: Merhof, D.: Automatic Embedding Interventions for the Classification o...
     with: Merhof, D.: Do We Need Large Annotated Training Data for Detection App...
     with: Merhof, D.: Domain Adaptive Classification for Compensating Variabilit...
     with: Merhof, D.: Generative Adversarial Networks for Facilitating Stain-Ind...
     with: Merhof, D.: Guided Representation Learning for the Classification of H...
     with: Merhof, D.: Quantitative Assessment of Image Normalization for Classif...
     with: Merhof, D.: Spatial Maturity Regression for the Classification of Hema...
     with: Strauch, M.: Domain Adaptive Classification for Compensating Variabili...
     with: Thull, J.: Analysis of automatically generated embedding guides for ce...
     with: Thull, J.: Automatic Embedding Interventions for the Classification of...
     with: Thull, J.: Spatial Maturity Regression for the Classification of Hemat...
40 for Klinkhammer, B.M.

Klinkigt, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adrian, B.: Handwriting Reconstruction for a Camera Pen Using Random D...
     with: Deng, Z.: MMAct: A Large-Scale Dataset for Cross Modal Human Action Un...
     with: Dengel, A.R.: Handwriting Reconstruction for a Camera Pen Using Random...
     with: Iwamura, M.: Handwriting Reconstruction for a Camera Pen Using Random ...
     with: Kise, K.: From Local Features to Global Shape Constraints: Heterogeneo...
     with: Kise, K.: Handwriting Reconstruction for a Camera Pen Using Random Dot...
     with: Kobayashi, Y.: Hierarchical Disentanglement of Discriminative Latent F...
     with: Kong, Q.: MMAct: A Large-Scale Dataset for Cross Modal Human Action Un...
     with: Murakami, T.: MMAct: A Large-Scale Dataset for Cross Modal Human Actio...
     with: Nonaka, Y.: Hierarchical Disentanglement of Discriminative Latent Feat...
     with: Sperber, M.: Handwriting Reconstruction for a Camera Pen Using Random ...
     with: Tong, B.: Hierarchical Disentanglement of Discriminative Latent Featur...
     with: Tong, B.: MMAct: A Large-Scale Dataset for Cross Modal Human Action Un...
     with: Wang, C.: Hierarchical Disentanglement of Discriminative Latent Featur...
     with: Wu, Z.: MMAct: A Large-Scale Dataset for Cross Modal Human Action Unde...
15 for Klinkigt, M.

Klinkisch, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Girin, L.: Separation of Audio-Visual Speech Sources: A New Approach E...
     with: Jutten, C.: Separation of Audio-Visual Speech Sources: A New Approach ...
     with: Schwartz, J.L.: Separation of Audio-Visual Speech Sources: A New Appro...
     with: Sodoyer, D.: Separation of Audio-Visual Speech Sources: A New Approach...

Klinnert, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: di Miro, A.: Ultrasonic Image Formation Using Wide Angle Sensor Arrays...
     with: Wirnitzer, B.: Ultrasonic Image Formation Using Wide Angle Sensor Arra...
     with: Zott, C.: Ultrasonic Image Formation Using Wide Angle Sensor Arrays an...

Klintstrom, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chowdhury, M.: Granulometry-Based Trabecular Bone Segmentation
     with: Klintstrom, E.: Feature Space Clustering for Trabecular Bone Segmentat...
     with: Klintstrom, E.: Granulometry-Based Trabecular Bone Segmentation
     with: Moreno, R.: Feature Space Clustering for Trabecular Bone Segmentation
     with: Moreno, R.: Granulometry-Based Trabecular Bone Segmentation
     with: Smedby, O.: Feature Space Clustering for Trabecular Bone Segmentation
     with: Smedby, O.: Granulometry-Based Trabecular Bone Segmentation
7 for Klintstrom, B.

Klintstrom, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chowdhury, M.: Granulometry-Based Trabecular Bone Segmentation
     with: Klintstrom, B.: Feature Space Clustering for Trabecular Bone Segmentat...
     with: Klintstrom, B.: Granulometry-Based Trabecular Bone Segmentation
     with: Moreno, R.: Feature Space Clustering for Trabecular Bone Segmentation
     with: Moreno, R.: Granulometry-Based Trabecular Bone Segmentation
     with: Smedby, O.: Feature Space Clustering for Trabecular Bone Segmentation
     with: Smedby, O.: Granulometry-Based Trabecular Bone Segmentation
7 for Klintstrom, E.

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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