Journals starting with biom

Biomass and Bioenergy(46) * Estimation of biomass and volume of shrub vegetation using LiDAR and spectral data in a Mediterranean environment

Biomatrics(28) * Plots of high-dimensional data

BiomedEng( Vol No. ) * *IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering

BiomedEng(22) * Localization of cellular structures

BiomedEng(28) * Special Issue on Computerized Medical Imaging

BiomedEng(42) * Live cell image segmentation
* Live cell image segmentation

BiomedEng(46) * Automatic cardiac LV boundary detection and tracking using hybrid fuzzy temporal and fuzzy multiscale edge detection

BiomedEng(51) * Modeling and decoding motor cortical activity using a switching Kalman filter
* On the variability of manual spike sorting

Biometrics(21) * Cluster Analysis of Multivariate Data: Efficiency vs. Interpretability of Classification

Biometrics(28) * Covariance Selection

Biometrics06 * *Biometrics
* Analysis of Local Appearance-Based Face Recognition: Effects of Feature Selection and Feature Normalization
* Automatic Image Quality Assessment with Application in Biometrics
* Biometric Verification: Looking Beyond Raw Similarity Scores
* Block Selection in the Local Appearance-based Face Recognition Scheme
* Classifier Combination Types for Biometric Applications
* Comparison of 3D Biometric Modalities, A
* Comparison of Feature Space Methods for Face Recognition
* Empirical Mode Decomposition Liveness Check in Fingerprint Time Series Captures
* Empirical Studies of the Existence of the Biometric Menagerie in the FRGC 2.0 Color Image Corpus
* Ensemble Approach to Robust Biometrics Fusion, An
* Estimating Mixing Factors Simultaneously in Multilinear Tensor Decomposition for Robust Face Recognition and Synthesis
* Estimating Sample Size Requirements for Reliable Personal Authentication Using User-Specific Samples
* Fingerprint Authentication Device Based on Optical Characteristics Inside a Finger
* Human Face Modeling and Recognition Through Multi-View High Resolution Stereopsis
* Illumination Invariant Elastic Bunch Graph Matching for Efficient Face Recognition
* Image Intensification for Low-Light Face Recognition
* Incorporating Generic Learning to Design Discriminative Classifier Adaptable for Unknown Subject in Face Verification
* Indoor and Outdoor, Multimodal, Multispectral and Multi-Illuminant Database for Face Recognition, An
* Integrating Face and Gait for Human Recognition
* Keystroke Biometric Recognition Studies on Long-Text Input under Ideal and Application-Oriented Conditions
* Liveness Detection for Fingerprint Scanners Based on the Statistics of Wavelet Signal Processing
* Model Selection Within a Bayesian Approach to Extraction of Walker Motion
* Multi-Sensory Face Biometric Fusion (for Personal Identification)
* Multispectral Iris Analysis: A Preliminary Study51
* On the Use of SIFT Features for Face Authentication
* Partial and Holistic Face Recognition on FRGC-II data using Support Vector Machine
* Particle Dynamics Warping Approach for Offline Signature Recognition
* Peg-Free Hand Shape Verification Using High Order Zernike Moments
* Person Verification by Lip-Motion
* Pose-Invariant Physiological Face Recognition in the Thermal Infrared Spectrum
* Protecting Face Biometric Data on Smartcard with Reed-Solomon Code
* Wavelet Kernel Construction for Kernel Discriminant Analysis on Face Recognition
* Which Reference View is Effective for Gait Identification Using a View Transformation Model?
34 for Biometrics06

Biometrics07 * *Biometrics
* Active Illumination and Appearance (AIA) Model for Face Alignment, An
* Anonymous and Revocable Fingerprint Recognition
* Are Digraphs Good for Free-Text Keystroke Dynamics?
* Automated Individualization of Deformable Eye Region Model and Its Application to Eye Motion Analysis
* Biometric Authentication using Finger-Back Surface
* Component-Based Approach to Hand Verification, A
* Face Recognition in Video: Adaptive Fusion of Multiple Matchers
* Facial Expression Biometrics Using Tracker Displacement Features
* Fusion of Palmprint and Palm Vein Images for Person Recognition Based on Laplacianpalm Feature
* Improving Iris Identification using User Quality and Cohort Information
* Improving Variance Estimation in Biometric Systems
* Kernel Fukunaga-Koontz Transform Subspaces For Enhanced Face Recognition
* Multi-modal Person Identification in a Smart Environment
* Non-intrusive Iris Image Capturing System Using Light Stripe Projection and Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera
* Novel Approach to Improve Biometric Recognition Using Rank Level Fusion, A
* On the Efficacy of Correcting for Refractive Effects in Iris Recognition
* Online Appearance Model Learning for Video-Based Face Recognition
* Pose and Illumination Invariant Face Recognition in Video
* Real-time Automatic Deceit Detection from Involuntary Facial Expressions
* Recognizing Faces of Moving People by Hierarchical Image-Set Matching
* Robust Face Alignment for Illumination and Pose Invariant Face Recognition
* Robust Warping Method for Fingerprint Matching, A
* Robustness of the New Owner-Tester Approach for Face Identification Experiments
* Secure Biometric Templates from Fingerprint-Face Features
* Using Genetic Algorithms to Improve Matching Performance of Changeable biometrics from Combining PCA and ICA Methods
26 for Biometrics07

Biometrics08 * *Biometrics
* 3D face reconstruction from a single 2D face image
* 3D Spatio-Temporal face recognition using dynamic range model sequences
* Biometric binary string generation with detection rate optimized bit allocation
* Capturing large intra-class variations of biometric data by template co-updating
* Comparison and combination of iris matchers for reliable personal identification
* Comparison of combination methods utilizing T-normalization and second best score model
* Curvature preserving fingerprint ridge orientation smoothing using Legendre polynomials
* Decision-level fusion strategies for correlated biometric classifiers
* Estimating pose and illumination direction for frontal face synthesis
* Evaluating the quality of super-resolved images for face recognition
* Face verification on color images using local features
* Feature transformation of biometric templates for secure biometric systems based on error correcting codes
* Fuzzy extractors for asymmetric biometric representations
* Gender classification from hand shape
* HMM-based geometric signatures for compact 3D face representation and matching
* Hybrid fusion for biometrics: Combining score-level and decision-level fusion
* Likelihood ratio in a SVM framework: Fusing linear and non-linear face classifiers
* Multi-parts and multi-feature fusion in face verification
* new approach for iris segmentation, A
* Non-ideal iris segmentation using graph cuts
* On matching latent fingerprints
* Predicting biometric facial recognition failure with similarity surfaces and support vector machines
* Projected texture for hand geometry based authentication
* Reliable detection of core and delta in fingerprints by using singular candidate method
* Spectral minutiae: A fixed-length representation of a minutiae set
* Template protection for HMM-based on-line signature authentication
* Verifying liveness by multiple experts in face biometrics
28 for Biometrics08

Biometrics09 * *Biometrics
* Audio-visual speech synchronization detection using a bimodal linear prediction model
* Biometric data hiding: A 3 factor authentication approach to verify identity with a single image using steganography, encryption and matching
* case for the average-half-face in 2D and 3D for face recognition, A
* coding scheme for indexing multimodal biometric databases, A
* Combining 2D and 3D hand geometry features for biometric verification
* Effect of plastic surgery on face recognition: A preliminary study
* Evaluation of spatio-temporal regional features For 3D face analysis
* Face recognition at-a-distance based on sparse-stereo reconstruction
* Face recognition by fusion of local and global matching scores using DS theory: An evaluation with uni-classifier and multi-classifier paradigm
* Global and local quality measures for NIR iris video
* Identifying sensors from fingerprint images
* Impact of involuntary subject movement on 3D face scans
* Improving face recognition with a quality-based probabilistic framework
* In between 3D Active Appearance Models and 3D Morphable Models
* Measuring changes in face appearance through aging
* method for selecting and ranking quality metrics for optimization of biometric recognition systems, A
* On conversion from color to gray-scale images for face detection
* Posture invariant gender classification for 3D human models
* Recognition of walking humans in 3D: Initial results
* Remote audio/video acquisition for human signature detection
* Square Loss based regularized LDA for face recognition using image sets
22 for Biometrics09

Biometrics10 * *Biometrics
* Block based texture analysis for iris classification and matching
* Boosting dense SIFT descriptors and shape contexts of face images for gender recognition
* Complex spectral minutiae representation for fingerprint recognition
* Ethnicity classification based on gait using multi-view fusion
* FACE-GRAB: Face recognition with General Region Assigned to Binary operator
* Group-specific score normalization for biometric systems
* Handling high dimensionality in biometric classification with multiple quality measures using Locality Preserving Projection
* HERO: Human Ear Recognition against Occlusions
* Human hand identification with 3D hand pose variations
* Illumination invariant representation for privacy preserving face identification
* Improving biometric identification through quality-based face and fingerprint biometric fusion
* Learning from summaries of videos: Applying batch mode active learning to face-based biometrics
* Multilinear projection for face recognition via canonical decomposition
* Obtaining cryptographic keys using feature level fusion of iris and face biometrics for secure user authentication
* Occlusion detection for ICAO compliant facial photographs
* On the utility of extended fingerprint features: A study on pores
* Ordinary preserving manifold analysis for human age estimation
* Periocular region appearance cues for biometric identification
* QPLC: A novel multimodal biometric score fusion method
* Quantifying how lighting and focus affect face recognition performance
* Redundancy and diversity measure inspired biometrics fusion
* Respiratory rate estimation via simultaneously tracking and segmentation
* Scenario-based score fusion for face recognition at a distance
* Similarity of iris texture between identical twins
* Spatio-temporal alignment and hyperspherical radon transform for 3D gait recognition in multi-view environments
* Spectral Regression based age determination
27 for Biometrics10

Biometrics11 * *Biometrics
* Automated segmentation of iris images using visible wavelength face images
* Biometric score fusion through discriminative training
* Combination of user- and enrollee-specific statistical information in verification systems
* computationally efficient approach to 3D ear recognition employing local and holistic features, A
* Contactless fingerprint identification using level zero features
* cross-sensor evaluation of three commercial iris cameras for iris biometrics, A
* Face recognition in video with closed-loop super-resolution
* Face recognition system using Extended Curvature Gabor classifier bunch for low-resolution face image
* Face recognizability evaluation for ATM applications with exceptional occlusion handling
* Facial curves between keypoints for recognition of 3D faces with missing parts
* Facial marks as biometric signatures to distinguish between identical twins
* Genealogical face recognition based on UB KinFace database
* Indexing fingerprints using minutiae quadruplets
* Is there a connection between face symmetry and face recognition?
* Making impostor pass rates meaningless: A case of snoop-forge-replay attack on continuous cyber-behavioral verification with keystrokes
* Multiple-sample fusion of matching scores in biometric systems
* Patch-based probabilistic image quality assessment for face selection and improved video-based face recognition
* Photoface database, The
* Predicting performance of face recognition systems: An image characterization approach
* Quality assessment based denoising to improve face recognition performance
* Statistical attack against iris-biometric fuzzy commitment schemes
* Textured 3D face recognition using biological vision-based facial representation and optimized weighted sum fusion
23 for Biometrics11

Biometrics12 * *Biometrics
* Analysis of template aging in iris biometrics
* Analysis of user-specific score characteristics for spoof biometric attacks
* Biometric match score fusion using RVM: A case study in multi-unit iris recognition
* Cascaded filtering for fingerprint identification using random projections
* Data insufficiency in sketch versus photo face recognition
* Effects of dominance and laterality on iris recognition
* Face detection at a distance using saliency maps
* Face verification using sparse representations
* Features and fusion for expression recognition: A comparative analysis
* Fingerprint indexing based on local arrangements of minutiae neighborhoods
* Ground truth and evaluation for latent fingerprint matching
* Has this person been encountered before?: Modeling an anonymous identification system
* Iris recognition using quaternionic sparse orientation code (QSOC)
* Keystroke dynamics for user authentication
* Lip-motion events analysis and lip segmentation using optical flow
* passive stereo system for 3D human face reconstruction and recognition at a distance, A
* Preliminary studies on the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly face recognition challenge problem
* PRIVV: Private remote iris-authentication with Vaulted Verification
* Restoring occluded regions using FW-PCA for face recognition
* Soft biometric trait classification from real-world face videos conditioned on head pose estimation
* Utilization of matching score vector similarity measures in biometric systems
* Vulnerabilities in binary face template
23 for Biometrics12

Biometrics13 * *Biometrics
* Anti-spoofing in Action: Joint Operation with a Verification System
* Augmented Linear Discriminant Analysis Approach for Identifying Identical Twins with the Aid of Facial Asymmetry Features, An
* Bacteria Foraging Fusion for Face Recognition across Age Progression
* Can Combining Demographics and Biometrics Improve De-Duplication Performance?
* Computationally Efficient Face Spoofing Detection with Motion Magnification
* Continuous 3D Face Authentication Using RGB-D Cameras
* Fixation and Saccade Based Face Recognition from Single Image per Person with Various Occlusions and Expressions
* General Regression and Representation Model for Face Recognition
* Histogram of Weighted Local Directions for Gait Recognition
* Image Set-Based Face Recognition: A Local Multi-Keypoint Descriptor-Based Approach
* Issues in Rotational (Non-)invariance and Image Preprocessing
* Minutiae-Based Matching State Model for Combinations in Fingerprint Matching System
* New Metric for Latent Fingerprint Image Preprocessing, A
* New Protocol to Evaluate the Resistance of Template Update Systems against Zero-Effort Attacks, A
* On Controlling Genuine Reject Rate in Multi-stage Biometric Verification
* Quality Assessment for Fingerprints Collected by Smartphone Cameras
* Self-Organizing Maps for Fingerprint Image Quality Assessment
* Shape and Texture Based Countermeasure to Protect Face Recognition Systems against Mask Attacks
* Similarity Measure Using Local Phase Features and Its Application to Biometric Recognition
* Texture Modeling for Synthetic Fingerprint Generation
* What Is a Good Periocular Region for Recognition?
22 for Biometrics13

Biometrics14 * *Biometrics
* Can We Use Second Minor Finger Knuckle Patterns to Identify Humans?
* Context-Aware Active Authentication Using Smartphone Accelerometer Measurements
* Effect of Pupil Dilation and Constriction on the Distribution of Bit Errors within the Iris
* Face Biometrics Under Spoofing Attacks: Vulnerabilities, Countermeasures, Open Issues, and Research Directions
* Globality-Locality Preserving Projections for Biometric Data Dimensionality Reduction
* Hallucinating the Full Face from the Periocular Region via Dimensionally Weighted K-SVD
* Improving 3D Face Details Based on Normal Map of Hetero-source Images
* Landmark Based Facial Component Reconstruction for Recognition across Pose
* Learning Minutiae Neighborhoods: A New Binary Representation for Matching Fingerprints
* Natural vs. Artificial Face Classification Using Uniform Local Directional Patterns and Wavelet Uniform Local Directional Patterns
* Optimization of Iris Codes for Improved Recognition
* Performance Improvement of Phase-Based Correspondence Matching for Palmprint Recognition
* Reliable Posterior Probability Estimation for Streaming Face Recognition
* Robust Approach for Singular Point Extraction Based on Complex Polynomial Model, A
* Robust Low-Rank Regularized Regression for Face Recognition with Occlusion
* Secure Fingerprint Matching with Generic Local Structures
* Value of Multiple Viewpoints in Gesture-Based User Authentication, The
18 for Biometrics14

Biometrics15 * *Biometrics
* Electromyograph and keystroke dynamics for spoof-resistant biometric authentication
* emperor's new masks: On demographic differences and disguises, The
* Evaluation of combined visible/NIR camera for iris authentication on smartphones
* Exploratory analysis of an operational iris recognition dataset from a CBSA border-crossing application
* facial features detector integrating holistic facial information and part-based model, A
* Genetic algorithm attack on minutiae-based fingerprint authentication and protected template fingerprint systems
* Latent max-margin metric learning for comparing video face tubes
* Locality-constrained discriminative learning and coding
* multiple server scheme for fingerprint fuzzy vaults, A
* Person identification from action styles
* Perspective distortion modeling, learning and compensation
* Pore-based ridge reconstruction for fingerprint recognition
* preliminary investigation on the sensitivity of COTS face recognition systems to forensic analyst-style face processing for occlusions, A
* preliminary study on identifying sensors from iris images, A
* TAEF: A cross-distance/environment face recognition method
* Unsupervised learning of overcomplete face descriptors
17 for Biometrics15

Biometrics16 * *Biometrics
* CALIPER: Continuous Authentication Layered with Integrated PKI Encoding Recognition
* Comparison of Human and Automated Face Verification Accuracy on Unconstrained Image Sets, A
* Comprehensive Analysis of Deep Learning Based Representation for Face Recognition, A
* Deep Secure Encoding for Face Template Protection
* Deep Tattoo Recognition
* DeepGender: Occlusion and Low Resolution Robust Facial Gender Classification via Progressively Trained Convolutional Neural Networks with Attention
* Feature Vector Compression Based on Least Error Quantization
* Frequency Map by Structure Tensor in Logarithmic Scale Space and Forensic Fingerprints
* Gaussian Conditional Random Fields for Face Recognition
* GMM-SVM Fingerprint Verification Based on Minutiae Only
* Grouper: Optimizing Crowdsourced Face Annotations
* Heterogeneous Face Recognition Using Inter-Session Variability Modelling
* Implementation of Fixed-Length Template Protection Based on Homomorphic Encryption with Application to Signature Biometrics
* Latent Fingerprint Image Segmentation Using Fractal Dimension Features and Weighted Extreme Learning Machine Ensemble
* Offline Signature Verification Based on Bag-of-VisualWords Model Using KAZE Features and Weighting Schemes
* PARAPH: Presentation Attack Rejection by Analyzing Polarization Hypotheses
* Polarimetric Thermal Database for Face Recognition Research, A
* Pooling Faces: Template Based Face Recognition with Pooled Face Images
* Real-Time Face Identification via CNN and Boosted Hashing Forest
* Simultaneous Semi-Coupled Dictionary Learning for Matching RGBD Data
* Soft-Margin Learning for Multiple Feature-Kernel Combinations with Domain Adaptation, for Recognition in Surveillance Face Datasets
* Two-Stream CNNs for Gesture-Based Verification and Identification: Learning User Style
* Weakly Supervised Facial Analysis with Dense Hyper-Column Features
* What Do You Do When You Know That You Don't Know?
25 for Biometrics16

Biometrics17 * *Biometrics
* Adaptive Deep Metric Learning for Identity-Aware Facial Expression Recognition
* Age Estimation Guided Convolutional Neural Network for Age-Invariant Face Recognition
* Analysis, Comparison, and Assessment of Latent Fingerprint Image Preprocessing
* Component Biologically Inspired Features with Moving Segmentation for Age Estimation
* Deep Convolutional Neural Network Using Triplets of Faces, Deep Ensemble, and Score-Level Fusion for Face Recognition
* Deep LDA-Pruned Nets for Efficient Facial Gender Classification
* Efficient Image Set Classification Using Linear Regression Based Image Reconstruction
* Face Presentation Attack Detection by Exploring Spectral Signatures
* Face Recognition Performance under Aging
* GaitGAN: Invariant Gait Feature Extraction Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* IARPA Janus Benchmark-B Face Dataset
* Investigating Nuisance Factors in Face Recognition with DCNN Representation
* Iris Liveness Detection by Relative Distance Comparisons
* Iris Super-Resolution Using Iterative Neighbor Embedding
* Parsimonious Coding and Verification of Offline Handwritten Signatures
* Person Re-identification for Improved Multi-person Multi-camera Tracking by Continuous Entity Association
* Predicting Face Recognition Performance in Unconstrained Environments
* Robust Verification With Subsurface Fingerprint Recognition Using Full Field Optical Coherence Tomography
* Toward Open-Set Face Recognition
* Transfer Learning Based Evolutionary Algorithm for Composite Face Sketch Recognition
21 for Biometrics17

Biometrics18 * *Biometrics
* Attribute-Centered Loss for Soft-Biometrics Guided Face Sketch-Photo Recognition
* Deep Face Identification Network Enhanced by Facial Attributes Prediction, A
* Dict Layer: A Structured Dictionary Layer
* Face Template Protection Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Fusion of Handcrafted and Deep Learning Features for Large-Scale Multiple Iris Presentation Attack Detection
* Gait Recognition by Deformable Registration
* GenLR-Net: Deep Framework for Very Low Resolution Face and Object Recognition with Generalization to Unseen Categories
* Hierarchical Dictionary Learning and Sparse Coding for Static Signature Verification
* Hierarchical Network for Facial Palsy Detection
* Hybrid User-Independent and User-Dependent Offline Signature Verification with a Two-Channel CNN
* Identity Aware Synthesis for Cross Resolution Face Recognition
* Incorporating Touch Biometrics to Mobile One-Time Passwords: Exploration of Digits
* It Takes Two to Tango: Cascading off-the-Shelf Face Detectors
* Latent Fingerprint Image Quality Assessment Using Deep Learning
* Multi-frame Super Resolution for Ocular Biometrics
* Realtime Quality Assessment of Iris Biometrics Under Visible Light
* Time Analysis of Pulse-Based Face Anti-Spoofing in Visible and NIR
* Toward More Realistic Face Recognition Evaluation Protocols for the YouTube Faces Database
* Unconstrained Fingerphoto Database
20 for Biometrics18

Biometrics20 * *Biometrics
* a-contrario Biometric Fusion Approach, An
* Adversarial Light Projection Attacks on Face Recognition Systems: A Feasibility Study
* Class-Balanced Training for Deep Face Recognition
* Comprehensive Study on Loss Functions for Cross-Factor Face Recognition, A
* Defending Black Box Facial Recognition Classifiers Against Adversarial Attacks
* Domain Agnostic Feature Learning for Image and Video Based Face Anti-spoofing
* FEHash: Full Entropy Hash for Face Template Protection
* Fold Electrocardiogram Into a Fingerprint
* Latent Fingerprint Image Enhancement Based on Progressive Generative Adversarial Network
* Offline Signature Verification on Real-World Documents
* On Improving the Generalization of Face Recognition in the Presence of Occlusions
* Plastic Surgery: An Obstacle for Deep Face Recognition?
* Quality Guided Sketch-to-Photo Image Synthesis
* Seamless Payment System Using Face And Low-Energy Bluetooth
* Seeing Red: PPG Biometrics Using Smartphone Cameras
* Triple-GAN: Progressive Face Aging with Triple Translation Loss
* When Person Re-identification Meets Changing Clothes
18 for Biometrics20

Biometrics21 * *Biometrics
* Deep Adversarial Framework for Visually Explainable Periocular Recognition, A
* Differential Morph Face Detection using Discriminative Wavelet Sub-bands
* Group Leakage Overestimates Performance: A Case Study in Keystroke Dynamics
* Indirect synthetic attack on thermal face biometric systems via visible-to-thermal spectrum conversion
* Multistage Fusion of Face Matchers
* Toe Prints: An Application Study for Biometric Verification in Adults
7 for Biometrics21

Biometrics22 * *Biometrics
* ElasticFace: Elastic Margin Loss for Deep Face Recognition
* MinNet: Minutia Patch Embedding Network for Automated Latent Fingerprint Recognition
* On the Effect of Atmospheric Turbulence in the Feature Space of Deep Face Recognition
* Privacy-friendly Synthetic Data for the Development of Face Morphing Attack Detectors
* Residual Feature Pyramid Network for Enhancement of Vascular Patterns
* Towards a Deeper Understanding of Skeleton-based Gait Recognition
* True Black-Box Explanation in Facial Analysis
8 for Biometrics22

Biometrics23 * *Biometrics
* BeCAPTCHA-Type: Biometric Keystroke Data Generation for Improved Bot Detection
* Closer Look at Geometric Temporal Dynamics for Face Anti-Spoofing, A
* Exposing Fine-Grained Adversarial Vulnerability of Face Anti-Spoofing Models
* Face Recognition Accuracy Across Demographics: Shining a Light Into the Problem
* Gait Recognition from Fisheye Images
* PIC-Score: Probabilistic Interpretable Comparison Score for Optimal Matching Confidence in Single- and Multi-Biometric Face Recognition
* Robust Partial Fingerprint Recognition
* SynthASpoof: Developing Face Presentation Attack Detection Based on Privacy-friendly Synthetic Data
* Universal Face Encoder: Learning Disentangled Representations Across Different Attributes, The
10 for Biometrics23

Biometrika(58) * Nonparametric Roughness Penalties for Preobability Densities

Biometrika(81) * Ideal spatial adaptation via wavelets shrinkage

Index for "b"

Last update:28-Sep-24 19:12:52
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