Journals starting with fg08

FG08 * *FG
* 2D-3D face matching using CCA
* 3D face recognition from multiple images: A shape-from-motion approach
* 3D facial expression recognition based on properties of line segments connecting facial feature points
* 3D facial geometry recovery via group-wise optical flow
* 3D Morphable Model fitting from multiple views
* Acceptability ratings by humans and automatic gesture recognition for variations in sign productions
* Accurate eye localization in low and standard definition content
* Accurate single view model-based head pose estimation
* active boosting-based learning framework for real-time hand detection, An
* Activity detection in conversational sign language video for mobile telecommunication
* adaptive learning method for face hallucination using Locality Preserving Projections, An
* Adaptive particle filter with body part segmentation for full body tracking
* Aligned Cluster Analysis for temporal segmentation of human motion
* Ambient intelligence as the bridge to the future of pervasive computing
* ASM fitting method based on machine learning that provides a robust parameter initialization for AAM fitting, An
* Auto Associative Neural Network based Active Shape Models
* Automatic 3D face reconstruction from single images or video
* Automatic bi-modal emotion recognition system based on fusion of facial expressions and emotion extraction from speech
* Automatic estimation of the dynamics of facial expression using a three-level model of intensity
* Automatic hand trajectory segmentation and phoneme transcription for sign language
* Bi-channel sensor fusion for automatic sign language recognition
* Biased discriminant analysis using composite vectors for eye detection
* Bilinear elastically deformable models with application to 3D face and facial expression recognition
* Biometric enhancements: Template aging error score analysis
* Boosting EigenActions: A new algorithm for human action categorization
* bottom-up framework for robust facial feature detection, A
* Building the databases needed to understand rich, spontaneous human behaviour
* Children's sensitivity to configural cues in faces undergoing rotational motion
* Classifier fusion for robust ICAO compliant face analysis
* collaborative face recognition framework on a social network platform, A
* Colour invariants for machine face recognition
* Communicating with a virtual human or a skin-based robot head
* Complementary computing for visual tasks: Meshing computer vision with human visual processing
* Complex human motion estimation using visibility
* Component-based registration with curvature descriptors for expression insensitive 3d face recognition
* Computer Expression Recognition Toolbox
* Confidence assessment on eyelid and eyebrow expression recognition
* Deformable Face Fitting with Soft Correspondence Constraints
* Demo: Robust face recognition via sparse representation
* Design sparse features for age estimation using hierarchical face model
* Discriminant analysis for perceptionally comparable classes
* discriminative approach to frame-by-frame head pose tracking, A
* Discriminative human action recognition using pairwise CSP classifiers
* Dominance modulates the effects of eye gaze on the perception of threatening facial expressions
* efficient and accurate hierarchical ICIA fitting method for 3D Morphable Models, An
* Efficient approximations to model-based joint tracking and recognition of continuous sign language
* Emotional contagion for unseen bodily expressions: Evidence from facial EMG
* Emotional entrainment in music performance
* Emotionally aware automated portrait painting demonstration
* Evaluating the performance of face-aging algorithms
* Evaluation of face recognition techniques for application to facebook
* Exploratory factor analysis of gait recognition
* Expression invariant 3D face recognition with a Morphable Model
* Face detection by cascade of Gaussian derivates classifiers calculated with a half-octave pyramid
* Face recognition and alignment using support vector machines
* Face recognition for smart interactions
* Face recognition using multiple interest point detectors and SIFT descriptors
* Face recognition with Neighboring Discriminant Analysis
* Face recognition with occlusions in the training and testing sets
* Face recognition with temporal invariance: A 3D aging model
* Face reconstruction using fixation positions and foveated imaging
* Facial and bodily expressions for control and adaptation of games (ECAG'08)
* Facial feature detection with optimal pixel reduction SVM
* Facial feature localization using weighted vector concentration approach
* Facial image analysis using local feature adaptation prior to learning
* fast and robust 3D head pose and gaze estimation system, A
* Fast viewpoint-invariant articulated hand detection combining curve and graph matching
* Feature subspace determination in video-based mismatched face recognition
* Focus on quality, predicting FRVT 2006 performance
* Gabor volume based local binary pattern for face representation and recognition
* Gait Analysis using Independent Components of image motion
* Generalized adaptive view-based appearance model: Integrated framework for monocular head pose estimation
* Generation of emotional feature space based on topological characteristics of facial expression images
* Gesture stroke recognition using computer vision and linear accelerometer
* high-resolution 3D dynamic facial expression database, A
* HMM parameter reduction for practical gesture recognition
* Human action recognition using discriminative models in the learned hierarchical manifold space
* Humans versus algorithms: Comparisons from the Face Recognition Vendor Test 2006
* Identifying dominant people in meetings from audio-visual sensors
* Illumination transfer using homomorphic wavelet filtering and its application to light-insensitive face recognition
* Illumination-robust face recognition using tensor-based active appearance model
* Image-set matching using a geodesic distance and cohort normalization
* Inverse mapping the neuronal correlates of facial expression processing
* Investigating the production of emotional facial expressions: A combined electroencephalographic (EEG) and electromyographic (EMG) approach
* Large scale learning and recognition of faces in web videos
* learning environment for sign language, A
* Learning image alignment without local minima for face detection and tracking
* Learning to recognize a sign from a single example
* Local Features Based Facial Expression Recognition with Face Registration Errors
* Logit-RankBoost with pruning for face recognition
* looking back screens, The
* Markerless view independent gait analysis with self-camera calibration
* Markov random field models for hair and face segmentation
* Markovian mixture face recognition with discriminative face alignment
* Meeting behavior detection in smart environments: Nonverbal cues that help to obtain natural interaction
* method of multi-factorization for recognizing emotions from gestures, A
* Model-based reconstruction for illumination variation in face images
* Modeling shape and textural variations in aging faces
* Modelling human perception of static facial expressions
* More robust face recognition by considering occlusion information
* Motion image segmentation using global criteria and DP
* Motion recognition approach to solve overwriting in complex actions
* Multi Subspaces Active Appearance Models
* Multi-attribute robust facial feature localization
* Multi-PIE
* Multi-Scale Dynamic Human Fatigue Detection with Feature Level Fusion
* Multi-view facial expression recognition
* Multimodal preserving embedding for face recognition
* MVAAM (multi-view active appearance model) optimized by multi-objective genetic algorithm
* Nearest-Subspace Patch Matching for face recognition under varying pose and illumination
* non-intrusive method for user focus of attention estimation in front of a computer monitor, A
* Non-linear fusion of local matching scores for face verification
* Non-rigid registration using free-form deformations for recognition of facial actions and their temporal dynamics
* Normalized LDA for semi-supervised learning
* Omni-directional multiperson tracking in meeting scenarios combining simulated annealing and particle filtering
* On the sustained tracking of human motion
* Person-independent face tracking based on dynamic AAM selection
* Person-specific face recognition in unconstrained environments: A combination of offline and online learning
* Personalized facial attractiveness prediction
* Pixel selection in a face image based on discriminant features for face recognition
* POSTECH face database (PF07) and performance evaluation, The
* Predicting driver operations inside vehicles
* Profile-based face recognition
* Qualification of arm gestures using hidden Markov models
* RBF shape histograms and their application to 3D face processing
* real time system for model-based interpretation of the dynamics of facial expressions, A
* Real-time 3D pointing gesture recognition in mobile space
* Real-time face blending by automatic facial feature point detection
* Real-time face blending by automatic facial feature point detection
* Real-time face recognition for human-robot interaction
* real-time facial expression recognition system based on Active Appearance Models using gray images and edge images, A
* Real-time facial expression recognition with illumination-corrected image sequences
* Recognizing hand gestures using dynamic Bayesian network
* Recognizing human actions based on silhouette energy image and global motion description
* Recognizing partial facial action units based on 3D dynamic range data for facial expression recognition
* Recognizing talking faces from acoustic Doppler reflections
* Recovering 3D facial shape via coupled 2D/3D space learning
* Recovering face shape and reflectance properties from single images
* Reducing the other-race effect through caricatures
* Regularized active shape model for shape alignment
* Robust face tracking with occlusion detection and varying intensity
* Robust facial expression recognition based on 3-d supported feature extraction and SVM classification
* Robust hand tracking using a skin tone and depth joint probability model
* Robust real-time 3D time-of-flight based gesture navigation
* Robustly classifying facial components using a set of adjusted pixel features
* Rotated Profile Signatures for robust 3D feature detection
* significance of facial features for automatic sign language recognition, The
* Simultaneous tracking and facial expression recognition using multiperson and multiclass autoregressive models
* Spatiotemporal pyramid representation for recognition of facial expressions and hand gestures
* Spontaneous facial expression classification with facial motion vectors
* Statistical appearance models for automatic pose invariant face recognition
* Statistical body height estimation from a single image
* Subsurface scattering deconvolution for improved NIR-visible facial image correlation
* Symmetry-based face pose estimation from a single uncalibrated view
* system for teaching sign language using live gesture feedback, A
* Towards more accurate 3D face registration under the guidance of prior anatomical knowledge on human faces
* Towards understanding the uniqueness of gait biometric
* Tracking a walking person using activity-guided annealed particle filtering
* Tracking facial features under occlusions and recognizing facial expressions in sign language
* Tracking identities and attention in smart environments: Contributions and progress in the CHIL project
* Training high dimension ternary features with GA in boosting cascade detector for object detection
* Unsupervised clustering for google searches of celebrity images
* Unsupervised Learning from Local Features for Video-Based Face Recognition
* Using an adaptive VAR Model for motion prediction in 3D hand tracking
* Using targeted statistics for face regeneration
* View-invariant human-body detection with extension to human action recognition using component-wise HMM of body parts
* Workshop on psychology of face and gesture recognition
168 for FG08

Index for "f"

Last update:28-Sep-24 19:12:52
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