Update Dates 0500

0500 * *LTI-Lib
* *Mathematical Morphology: 40 Years On
* *VolMorph Documentation
* Advanced Performance Achievement Using Multi- Algorithmic Approach of Video Transcoder For Low Bitrate Wireless Communication
* Analog Fault Detection And Classification Using Genetic Algorithm
* Animating pictures with stochastic motion textures
* Apparent Diffusion Coefficients from High Angular Resolution Diffusion Images: Estimation and Applications
* Application of Wavelet Footprints for Fingerprint Compression
* Apply Neural Schemes To Deformation Objects
* Approximations of shape metrics and application to shape warping and empirical shape statistics
* Automatic Detection of Microcalcification in Mammograms: A Review
* Automatic Relevance Feedback for Distributed Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Bayesian population coding of motor cortical activity using a Kalman filter
* Biometric Inverse Problems
* Biometric Systems: Technology, Design and Performance Evaluation
* Brush Tool for Interactive Texture Synthesis, A
* Cerebral blood flow recorded at high sensitivity in two dimensions using high resolution optical imaging
* Color Image Compression Based On Generic Codebook Using Surface Fitting And Geometric Transformations
* Color Image Compression Using Feed Forward Fuzzy Neural Network
* Color Image Segmentation Based Upon a New Statistical Pattern Classification Approach
* Color2Gray: salience-preserving color removal
* Colour Image Restoration Using Morphological Neural Network
* Computerized real-time analysis of football games
* Correlation Pattern Recognition
* Design And Implementation of a Novel Video Coding Algorithm Using Wavelet Footprints and Nonlinear Approximation
* Detection of Breast Cancer Tumor Based on Morphological Watershed Algorithm
* Dictionary of Computer Vision and Image Processing
* Do we know what the early visual system does?
* Document Image Dewarping using Robust Estimation of Curled Text Lines
* EEG-fMRI fusion of non-triggered data using Kalman filtering
* Effective Parameters in Search Space Reduction Used in a Fast Edge-Based Stereo Matching
* Efficient Energy Recovery for Positive Feedback Adiabatic Logic
* efficient method to determine the intended solution for a system of geometric constraints, An
* Efficient Secured Lossless Coding Of Medical Images: Using Region Based Modified Spiht and Modified Run Length Coding for Character Representation
* Efficient Text Segmentation Technique Based on Naive Bayes Classifier, An
* EGT: A toolbox for multiple view geometry and visual servoing
* Face Processing: Advanced Modeling and Methods
* Fast Global Reflectional Symmetry Detection for Robotic Grasping and Visual Tracking
* Fast Trigonometric Polynomial Approach for Computing the Shape from Shading
* Feature Extraction for Improved Effcacy and Precision of a Robust and Automatic Registration Method
* Flexible Hardware Architecture for 2D Seprable Scaling Using Convolution Interpolation
* Foundation of Computational Visualistics
* Frontal Geometry from Sketches of Engineering Objects: Is Line Labelling Necessary
* general criterion for image similarity detection, A
* Generalized Separable Kernel Family with Compact Support, to Improve Visual Data Quality of Gray Level Images, in Scale Space, A
* Graph cuts in vision and graphics: Theories and applications
* H.264/AVC Refrence Software
* Handbook of Astronomical Image Processing
* Handbook of Image and Video Processing
* Handbook of Mathematical Models in Computer Vision
* Heuristics for Whitehead Minimization Problem
* High-Confidence Registration of Binary Imagery
* High-Resolution, Real-Time 3-D Shape Measurement
* Highdynamic-range still-image encoding in JPEG 2000
* How visual salience wins the battle for awareness
* Human Retinotopic Mapping Using fMRI
* Hybrid Feature Extraction Approach for Face Recognition Systems, A
* Image Compression Using Coding of Wavelet Coefficients: A Survey
* Image Compression Using Wavelet Packet Tree
* Image Database
* Image Engineering: Processing, Analysis, and Understanding
* Image Processing And Analysis: Variational, PDE, Wavelet, and Stochastic Methods
* Image Processing: Principles and Application
* Improved Defect Detection In Textile Visual Inspection Using Wavelet Analysis and Support Vector Machines
* INRIA Person Dataset
* Invitation to 3-D Vision: From Images to Geometric Models, An
* Iris Recognition
* Joint Tracking of Pose, Expression, and Texture using Conditionally Gaussian Filters
* Machine Vision: Theory, Algorithms, Practicalities, Third Edition
* Meshing Volumes Bounded by Smooth Surfaces
* Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for Automatic Detection of Microcalcifications In Digital Mammograms
* Minimal Paths and Fast Marching Methods for Image Analysis
* Motion-Free Super-Resolution
* Multimodal Video Characterization and Summarization
* Multiple Detector Approach to Low-Resolution FIR Pedestrian Recognition, A
* Nearest neighbor classification in infinite dimension
* New Approach to the Use of Edge Extremities for Model-based Object Tracking, A
* New Square Scan Algorithm
* Nonrigid Shape Correspondence Using Landmark Sliding, Insertion and Deletion
* Not So Naive Bayes: Aggregating One-Dependence Estimators
* Novel Approach to Improve the Performance of JPEG2000, A
* Novel Iris Recognition System Using Morphological Edge Detector and Wavelet Phase Features, A
* Novel Line Pattern Algorithm for Embedded Fingerprint Authentication System, A
* Novel Method for Supporting Full Interactive Media Stream Over IP Network, A
* Novel Schemes of Trivariate Linear and One-Dimensional Quadratic B-Spline Interpolation Functions Based on the Sub-Pixel Efficacy Region
* Novel Skew Detection Technique for Binary Document Images Based on Character Centroid And Lra, A
* Numerical Geometry of Images: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
* Oblivious Document Capture and Real-Time Retrieval
* On the Approximate Nature of the Bivariate Linear Interpolation Function: A Novel Scheme Based On Intensity-Curvature
* On the Individuality of the Iris Biometric
* On-Line Structural Approach for Recognizing Hand-Written Indian Numbers
* Optimal Morphological Shape Decomposition Scheme
* Optimization of JPEG2000 Image Compression by Incorporating Human Visual System
* Panoramic Video Textures
* Parametric Filtering Algorithms for Edge Detection
* Performance Analysis of Rough Reduct Algorithms in Mammogram
* Performance Evaluation of Neural Tuned Successive Interference Canceller
* Person Tracking with a Mobile Robot using Two Uncalibrated Independently Moving Cameras
* PSU Near-Regular Texture Database
* Quantifying the contribution of low-level saliency to human eye movements in dynamic scenes
* Real-Time Vision for Human-Computer Interaction
* Recognition of Humans and Their Activities Using Video
* Registration and Tracking In the Context of Augmented Reality
* Review: Restoration Approaches, A
* Robust Compressed Domain Object Extraction in MPEG Videos
* Robust regularized tomographic imaging with convex projections
* SCAPE: Shape Completion and Animation of People
* Second Order Spread Spectrum Modulation Scheme for Wavelet Based Low Error Probability Digital Image Watermarking, A
* Secure and Non-Blind Watermarking Scheme for Color Images
* Segmentation d'Images Couleur par partitions de Voronoi
* Self-supervised adaptation for on-line script text recognition
* Signal Processing: A Mathematical Approach
* Smoothing of Coefficients in Wavelet Domain for Speckle Reduction in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Soft Shadow Maps: Efficient Sampling of Light Source Visibility
* Spatially Weighted Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm for Image Thresholding
* Staff Line Removal Toolkit for Gamera
* survey of MPEG-1 audio, video and semantic analysis techniques, A
* survey on tree edit distance and related problems, A
* Swapping of Reflections of Adjacent Subcodevectors for Vector Quantization
* Synthesis of Generalized Vertical-Plane Weather Radar Imagery Along Aircraft Flight Paths
* Theory of Shape Identification, A
* Unified Approach for Digital Image Inpainting Using Bounded Search Space, A
* Unsupervised dimensionality estimation and manifold learning in high-dimensional spaces by tensor voting
* Vertex Chain Code Approach for Image Recognition, A
* Video Image-Based Human Motion Automatic Capturing Architecture
* Wiener Filter In 2d Case Applied To Restored Images
* Wiener Filter In Two Dimensional Case Applied for Distorted Images
* X-Ray Carpal-Bone Image Feature Analysis In Skeletal Age Estimation Application Using Region Feature Based Level Set Method
128 for 0500

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.