* Adaptive Target Detection in Foliage-Penetrating SAR Images Using Alpha-Stable Models
* Affine Reconstruction of Curved Surfaces from Uncalibrated Views of Apparent Contours
* Arithmetic Coding with Dual Symbol Sets and Its Performance Analysis
* Color and Illuminant Voting
* Color Device Calibration: A Mathematical Formulation
* Combination of Edge Element and Optical Flow Estimates for 3D-Model-Based Vehicle Tracking in Traffic Image Sequences
* Combining rough sets and data-driven fuzzy learning for generation of classification rules
* Comparison of atmospheric correction algorithms for deriving sea surface temperature from AVHRR
* compression of raw SAR and SAR image data, The
* Corner Detection and Interpretation on Planar Curves Using Fuzzy Reasoning
* Correction of the Meteosat-5 and -6 radiometer solar channel spectral response with the Meteosat-7 sensor spectral characteristics
* decision tree approach to graph and subgraph isomorphism detection, A
* Depth Discontinuities by Pixel-to-Pixel Stereo
* Design and Analysis of Robust Binary Filters in the Context of a Prior Distribution for the States of Nature
* Determining Generative Models of Objects Under Varying Illumination: Shape and Albedo from Multiple Images Using SVD and Integrability
* Difference-Stereogram, The
* Document skew estimation without angle range restriction
* Efficient and flexible text extraction from document pages
* Efficient Computation-Constrained Block-Based Motion Estimation Algorithm for Low Bit Rate Video Coding, An
* Embedding Gestalt Laws in Markov Random Fields
* Enhanced fast fourier transform technique on vector processor with operand routing and slot-selectable operation
* Evolutionary segmentation of texture image using genetic algorithms towards automatic decision of optimum number of segmentation areas
* Extracting Curved Text Lines Using Local Linearity of Text Line
* Extracting Decision Trees from Trained Neural Networks
* Extraction of Bankcheck Items by Mathematical Morphology
* fast and stable snake algorithm for medical images, A
* Fast Embedded Compression for Video
* fast recurring two-dimensional entropic thresholding algorithm, A
* Feature correspondence and motion recovery in vehicle planar navigation
* Fingerprint analyzing and encoding system
* Function approximation from noisy data by an incremental RBF network
* Fuzzy feature selection
* generalized approach to real-time pattern recognition in sensed data, A
* Highly accurate recognition of printed Korean characters through an improved two-stage classification method
* Image and Video Compression for Multimedia Engineering
* Image Compression via Joint Statistical Characterization in the Wavelet Domain
* Image Representations Using Multiscale Differential Operators
* Image Subband Coding Using Context-Based Classification and Adaptive Quantization
* Improved boosting algorithms using confidence-rated predictions
* Interpolation method for binary image
* Landmark recognition using invariant features
* Lattice Boltzmann Models for Anisotropic Diffusion of Images
* Learned Models for Estimation of Rigid and Articulated Human Motion from Stationary or Moving Camera
* Lighting direction affects recognition of untextured faces in photographic positive and negative
* Linear Differential Algorithm for Motion Recovery: A Geometric Approach
* Local Application of Optic Flow to Analyse Rigid versus Non-Rigid Motion
* Local reference lines for handwritten phrase recognition
* LP Norm Design of Stack Filters
* Matching Hierarchical Structures Using Association Graphs
* Meta Analysis of Classification Algorithms for Pattern Recognition
* Method and apparatus for determining the configuration of a workpiece
* Methodology for Empirical Performance Evaluation of Page Segmentation Algorithms, A
* Mobile system for indoor 3-D mapping and creating virtual environments
* Moment-Based Approach for Deskewing Rotationally Symmetric Shapes, A
* new approach to photometric stereo, A
* New radiance-based method for AVHRR thermal channel nonlinearity corrections
* novel stroke-based feature extraction for handwritten Chinese character recognition, A
* Object Classification in 3-D Images Using Alpha-Trimmed Mean Radial Basis Function Network
* Offline Cursive Script Word Recognition: A Survey
* On Computing the Exact Euclidean Distance Transform on Rectangular and Hexagonal Grids
* On the Representation of Image Structures via Scale Space Entropy Conditions
* Optimum Fiducials Under Weak Perspective Projection
* Performance prediction of vehicle detection algorithms
* Picture image forming apparatus
* Probabilistic 3D Object Recognition
* RANSAC-Based DARCES: A New Approach to Fast Automatic Registration of Partially Overlapping Range Images
* Real-Time Restoration of Images Degraded by Uniform Motion Blur in Foveal Active Vision Systems
* Recognition of radiopaque markers in X-ray images using a neural network as nonlinear filter
* Recognition without Correspondence using Multidimensional Receptive Field Histograms
* Recognizing 3D Objects Using Tactile Sensing and Curve Invariants
* Reliable Determination of Object Pose from Line Features by Hypothesis Testing
* Reliable Location and Regression Estimates with Application to Range Image Segmentation
* Review of the Fractal Image Coding Literature, A
* Robust Line Fitting in a Noisy Image by the Method of Moments
* Scale-Space Medialness Transform Based on Boundary Concordance Voting, A
* Script and Language Identification for Handwritten Document Images
* Segmentation-based method for motion-compensated frame interpolation
* Shift Detection by Restoration
* significance of border training patterns in classification by a feedforward neural network using back propagation learning, The
* simple edge-preserving filtering technique for constructing multi-resolution systems of images, A
* Simultaneous Motion Estimation and Filtering of Image Sequences
* Smoothness-Constrained Quantization for Wavelet Image Compression
* Some Topological Properties of Surfaces in Z3
* Spatial Color Indexing and Applications
* Statistical Region Snake-Based Segmentation Adapted to Different Physical Noise Models
* Statistical Theory for Optimal Detection of Moving Objects in Variable Corruptive Noise, A
* Stochastic Jump-Diffusion Process for Computing Medial Axes in Markov Random Fields
* study on the dual vanishing point property, A
* System for searching a corpus of document images by user specified document layout components
* Temporal compression and decompression for video
* TextFinder: An Automatic System to Detect and Recognize Text in Images
* Tracking Human Motion in Structured Environments Using a Distributed-Camera System
* Tri-State Median Filter for Image Denoising
* Universal Trellis Coded Quantization
* Using Diagram Generation Software to Improve Diagram Recognition: A Case Study of Music Notation
* Vector assignment for video image motion compensation
* Video correction apparatus for camcorder
* Virtual Postman: Real-Time, Interactive Virtual Video
* Visually Guided Coordination for Distributed Precision Assembly
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