Index for base

Basedow, S.L.[Sunnje L.] * 2023: Estimating Surface Concentrations of Calanus finmarchicus Using Standardised Satellite-Derived Enhanced RGB Imagery
Includes: Basedow, S.L.[Sunnje L.] Basedow, S.L.[Sünnje L.]

Baselice, F. * 2012: Urban Digital Elevation Model Reconstruction Using Very High Resolution Multichannel InSAR Data
* 2014: Contextual Information-Based Multichannel Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry: Addressing DEM reconstruction using contextual information
* 2014: Edge Detection Using Real and Imaginary Decomposition of SAR Data
* 2017: Extended Kalman Filter for Multichannel InSAR Height Reconstruction
* 2019: Phase Linearity Measurement: A Novel Index for Brain Functional Connectivity
* 2024: Intra voxel analysis in magnetic resonance imaging via deep learning
Includes: Baselice, F. Baselice, F.[Fabio]

Baselizadeh, S.[Soroosh] * 2021: Multiresolution Knowledge Distillation for Anomaly Detection
* 2021: Neural Response Interpretation through the Lens of Critical Pathways

Baselli, G. * 2013: Transcranial Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Image Fusion With Virtual Navigator

Basener, A.[Abigail] * 2023: Gaussian Process and Deep Learning Atmospheric Correction

Basener, B. * 2011: Spatially Adaptive Hyperspectral Unmixing
* 2023: Gaussian Process and Deep Learning Atmospheric Correction
Includes: Basener, B. Basener, B.[Bill]

Baser, V.[Volkan] * 2020: Effectiveness of School Site Decisions on Land Use Policy in the Planning Process

Baseri, R. * 1994: Region-based coding of images using a spline model

Baseri, Y.[Yaser] * 2024: Evaluation Framework for Electric Vehicle Security Risk Assessment

Baseski, E.[Emre] * 2007: Scene Representation Based on Multi-Modal 2D and 3D Features, A
* 2008: Semantic Reasoning for Scene Interpretation
* 2009: Dissimilarity between two skeletal trees in a context
* 2009: Learning Objects and Grasp Affordances through Autonomous Exploration
* 2010: Using multi-modal 3D contours and their relations for vision and robotics
* 2011: Multi-spectral False Color Shadow Detection
Includes: Baseski, E.[Emre] Baseski, E.

Basevi, H.[Hector] * 2016: Towards Categorization and Pose Estimation of Sets of Occluded Objects in Cluttered Scenes from Depth Data and Generic Object Models Using Joint Parsing
* 2018: Answering Visual What-If Questions: From Actions to Predicted Scene Descriptions
* 2020: PointPoseNet: Point Pose Network for Robust 6D Object Pose Estimation
* 2021: Quantifying the Use of Domain Randomization
* 2024: Image Denoising and the Generative Accumulation of Photons
Includes: Basevi, H.[Hector] Basevi, H.

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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