Index for basr

Basra, A.[Anshul] * 2022: Acoustic Modality Based Hybrid Deep 1D CNN-BiLSTM Algorithm for Moving Vehicle Classification

Basri, C. * 2020: Review on Indoor Localization with Internet of Things, A

Basri, H.[Hassan] * 2009: Recyclable Waste Paper Sorting Using Template Matching

Basri, M.A.A.[Muhamad Afdal Ahmad] * 2021: Regionalization of Rainfall Regimes Using Hybrid RF-Bs Couple with Multivariate Approaches

Basri, R. * 1988: Alignment of Objects with Smooth Surfaces, The
* 1988: Alignment of Objects with Smooth Surfaces, The
* 1989: Recognition by Linear Combinations of Models
* 1991: Alignment of Objects with Smooth Surfaces: Error Analysis of the Curvature Method, The
* 1991: On the Uniqueness of Correspondence under Orthographic and Perspective Projections
* 1991: Recognition by Linear Combinations of Models
* 1992: Alignment of Objects with Smooth Surfaces: Error Analysis of the Curvature Method, The
* 1992: Distance Metric between 3D Models and 2D Images for Recognition and Classification
* 1992: Localization and Positioning Using Combinations of Model Views
* 1992: On the Uniqueness of Correspondence under Orthographic and Perspective Projections
* 1992: Recognition by Prototypes
* 1993: Alignment of Objects with Smooth Surfaces, The
* 1993: Distance Metric between 3D Models and 2D Images for Recognition and Classification
* 1993: Localization and Positioning Using Combinations of Model Views
* 1993: Localization Using Combinations of Model Views
* 1993: Recognition by Prototypes
* 1994: Navigation Based on a Network of 2D Images
* 1994: Paraperspective = Affine
* 1994: Recognition Using Region Correspondences
* 1995: Determining the Similarity of Deformable Shapes
* 1995: Extracting Salient Curves from Images: An Analysis of the Saliency Network
* 1995: Localization and Homing Using Combinations of Model Views
* 1995: Recognition Using Region Correspondences
* 1996: Distance Metric between 3D Models and 2D Images for Recognition and Classification
* 1996: Efficient determination of shape from multiple images containing partial information
* 1996: Extracting Salient Curves from Images: An Analysis of the Saliency Network
* 1996: Paraperspective = Affine
* 1996: Recognition by Prototypes
* 1997: 3D to 2D Recognition with Regions
* 1997: Completion Energies and Scale
* 1997: Constancy and Similarity
* 1997: Recognition Using Region Correspondences
* 1997: Viewer-Centered Representations in Object Recognition: A Computational Approach
* 1998: Clustering Appearances of 3D Objects
* 1998: Comparing Images Under Variable Illumination
* 1998: Efficient determination of shape from multiple images containing partial information
* 1998: Extracting Salient Curves from Images: An Analysis of the Saliency Network
* 1998: Separation of Transparent Layers using Focus
* 1998: Visual Homing: Surfing on the Epipoles
* 1998: When is it Possible to Identify 3D Objects From Single Images Using Class Constraints?
* 1999: 3-D to 2-D Pose Determination with Regions
* 1999: Geometric Interpretation of Weak-Perspective Motion, A
* 1999: Projective Alignment with Regions
* 1999: Visual Homing: Surfing on the Epipoles
* 1999: When is it Possible to Identify 3D Objects From Single Images Using Class Constraints?
* 2000: Completion Energies and Scale
* 2000: Fast Multiscale Image Segmentation
* 2000: Separation of Transparent Layers using Focus
* 2001: Lambertian Reflectance and Linear Subspaces
* 2001: Photometric Stereo with General, Unknown Lighting
* 2001: Projective Alignment with Regions
* 2001: Segmentation and Boundary Detection Using Multiscale Intensity Measurements
* 2003: Dense shape reconstruction of a moving object under arbitrary, unknown lighting
* 2003: Inferring region salience from binary and gray-level images
* 2003: Lambertian Reflectance and Linear Subspaces
* 2003: Texture segmentation by multiscale aggregation of filter responses and shape elements
* 2004: Accuracy of Spherical Harmonic Approximations for Images of Lambertian Objects under Far and Near Lighting
* 2004: Shape Representation and Classification Using the Poisson Equation
* 2005: Actions as Space-Time Shapes
* 2005: Indexing with Unknown Illumination and Pose
* 2005: Multiscale Segmentation by Combining Motion and Intensity Cues
* 2006: Example Based 3D Reconstruction from Single 2D Images
* 2006: Integrated Segmentation and Classification Approach Applied to Multiple Sclerosis Analysis, An
* 2006: Molding Face Shapes by Example
* 2006: Shape Representation and Classification Using the Poisson Equation
* 2007: Actions as Space-Time Shapes
* 2007: Approximate Nearest Subspace Search with Applications to Pattern Recognition
* 2007: Image Segmentation by Probabilistic Bottom-Up Aggregation and Cue Integration
* 2007: Multiscale Edge Detection and Fiber Enhancement Using Differences of Oriented Means
* 2007: Photometric Stereo with General, Unknown Lighting
* 2008: 3D shape reconstruction of Mooney faces
* 2008: two-frame theory of motion, lighting and shape, A
* 2009: Constructing implicit 3D shape models for pose estimation
* 2009: general framework for Approximate Nearest Subspace search, A
* 2009: Shape Based Detection and Top-Down Delineation Using Image Segments
* 2009: Visibility constraints on features of 3D objects
* 2010: Co-clustering of image segments using convex optimization applied to EM neuronal reconstruction
* 2010: Detecting Faint Curved Edges in Noisy Images
* 2011: 3D Face Reconstruction from a Single Image Using a Single Reference Face Shape
* 2011: Approximate Nearest Subspace Search
* 2011: Contour-based joint clustering of multiple segmentations
* 2011: High Resolution Segmentation of Neuronal Tissues from Low Depth-Resolution EM Imagery
* 2011: Viewpoint-aware object detection and pose estimation
* 2012: Global Motion Estimation from Point Matches
* 2012: Image Segmentation by Probabilistic Bottom-Up Aggregation and Cue Integration
* 2012: Viewpoint-aware object detection and continuous pose estimation
* 2015: Detection of Long Edges on a Computational Budget: A Sublinear Approach
* 2015: From Shading to Local Shape
* 2015: Global Approach for Solving Edge-Matching Puzzles, A
* 2015: Linear Elastic Force Optimization Model for Shape Matching, A
* 2015: Multiscale Variable-Grouping Framework for MRF Energy Minimization, A
* 2015: Stable Camera Motion Estimation Using Convex Programming
* 2015: Wide Baseline Stereo Matching with Convex Bounded Distortion Constraints
* 2016: Fast Detection of Curved Edges at Low SNR
* 2016: Guest Editorial: Special Section on CVPR 2014
* 2017: New Rank Constraint on Multi-view Fundamental Matrices, and Its Application to Camera Location Recovery, A
* 2018: Elasticity-based matching by minimising the symmetric difference of shapes
* 2018: Photometric Stereo by Hemispherical Metric Embedding
* 2018: Solving Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo Using Fewer Images by Jointly Optimizing Low-rank Matrix Completion and Integrability
* 2019: Algebraic Characterization of Essential Matrices and Their Averaging in Multiview Settings
* 2019: GPSfM: Global Projective SFM Using Algebraic Constraints on Multi-View Fundamental Matrices
* 2019: Resultant Based Incremental Recovery of Camera Pose From Pairwise Matches
* 2020: Averaging Essential and Fundamental Matrices in Collinear Camera Settings
* 2020: On Detection of Faint Edges in Noisy Images
* 2021: Deep Permutation Equivariant Structure from Motion
Includes: Basri, R. Basri, R.[Ronen]
105 for Basri, R.

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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