Index for boui

Boui, M. * 2016: New approach for human detection in spherical images

Bouida, D. * 2020: Remote health monitoring system of elderly based on Fog to Cloud (F2C) computing

Bouikhalene, B. * 2016: Comparative Study of Handwritten Mathematical Symbols Recognition, A
* 2016: Evaluation of Semantic Similarity Using Vector Space Model Based on Textual Corpus
* 2016: Recognition of 3D Objects Using Heat Diffusion Equations and Random Forests
* 2016: Roads Detection from Satellite Images Based on Active Contour Model and Distance Transform
* 2020: New Set of Non-separable Orthogonal Invariant Moments for Image Recognition
Includes: Bouikhalene, B. Bouikhalene, B.[Belaid]

Bouillant, S. * 2003: SVM approximation for real-time image segmentation by using an improved hyperrectangles-based method

Bouillet, E. * 2015: Methodology for Denoising and Generating Bus Infrastructure Data, A

Bouillon, A.[Aurelie] * 2006: SPOT 5 HRS geometric performances: Using block adjustment as a key issue to improve quality of DEM generation
Includes: Bouillon, A.[Aurelie] Bouillon, A.[Aurélie]

Bouillon, M. * 2013: Using Confusion Reject to Improve (User and) System (Cross) Learning of Gesture Commands
* 2014: Supervision Strategies for the Online Learning of an Evolving Classifier for Gesture Commands
* 2017: Multi-criteria handwriting quality analysis with online fuzzy models
* 2018: Are You Tampering with My Data?
* 2019: Grayification: A meaningful grayscale conversion to improve handwritten historical documents analysis
* 2020: Ten-Year Assessment of IASI Radiance and Temperature
Includes: Bouillon, M. Bouillon, M.[Manuel] Bouillon, M.[Marie]

Bouindour, S.[Samir] * 2021: G2D: Generate to Detect Anomaly

Bouix, S.[Sylvain] * 1999: Hamilton-Jacobi Skeleton, The
* 2000: Divergence-Based Medial Surfaces
* 2002: Angle-preserving mappings for the visualization of multi-branched vessels
* 2002: Hamilton-Jacobi Skeletons
* 2003: Flux driven fly throughs
* 2005: Retrieving Articulated 3-D Models Using Medial Surfaces and Their Graph Spectra
* 2006: Characterizing the Shape of Anatomical Structures With Poisson's Equation
* 2007: Hierarchical Algorithm for MR Brain Image Parcellation, A
* 2008: Orientation distribution estimation for Q-ball imaging
* 2008: Retrieving articulated 3-D models using medial surfaces
* 2012: Filtering in the Diffeomorphism Group and the Registration of Point Sets
* 2012: Statistical Shape Analysis for Population Studies via Level-Set Based Shape Morphing
* 2013: Sparse Texture Active Contour
* 2014: Statistical Shape Analysis of Neuroanatomical Structures via Level-Set-based Shape Morphing
* 2015: Kalman Filtering Perspective for Multiatlas Segmentation, A
* 2023: GradICON: Approximate Diffeomorphisms via Gradient Inverse Consistency
Includes: Bouix, S.[Sylvain] Bouix, S.
16 for Bouix, S.

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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