Index for graz

Grazaitis, P.[Peter] * 2019: Emergency Response Using HoloLens for Building Evacuation

Graziani, D.[Daniele] * 2010: Formal Gamma-Convergence Approach For The Detection of Points in 2-D Images, A
* 2012: Formal Gamma-Convergence Approach For The Detection of Points in 2-D Images, A

Graziani, M.[Mara] * 2017: Semi-automatic Training of an Object Recognition System in Scene Camera Data Using Gaze Tracking and Accelerometers
* 2019: Interpreting Intentionally Flawed Models with Linear Probes
* 2019: Interpreting Intentionally Flawed Models with Linear Probes
* 2023: Disentangling Neuron Representations with Concept Vectors
Includes: Graziani, M.[Mara] Graziani, M.

Graziano, A. * 2013: Tartaglia-Pascal's triangle: a historical perspective with applications
* 2016: improvement of the state-of-the-art covariance-based methods for statistical anomaly detection algorithms, An
* 2018: Effects of Augmented Reality on the Performance of Teleoperated Industrial Assembly Tasks in a Robotic Embodiment
* 2024: Controllable Image Synthesis of Industrial Data using Stable Diffusion
Includes: Graziano, A. Graziano, A.[Antonio] Graziano, A.[Antonino]

Graziano, M. * 2012: Multistandard Digital HD/SD Audio Multiplexer With Modular Ancillary Packet Substitution, A
* 2016: Integrating Multiple Spatial Datasets to Assess Protected Areas: Lessons Learnt from the Digital Observatory for Protected Area (DOPA)
* 2017: Integrating Multiple Spatial Datasets to Assess Protected Areas: Lessons Learnt from the Digital Observatory for Protected Area (DOPA)
Includes: Graziano, M. Graziano, M.[Mariagrazia]

Graziano, M.D.[Maria Daniela] * 2016: Wake Component Detection in X-Band SAR Images for Ship Heading and Velocity Estimation
* 2017: Performance Analysis of Ship Wake Detection on Sentinel-1 SAR Images
* 2019: Integration of Automatic Identification System (AIS) Data and Single-Channel Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Images by SAR-Based Ship Velocity Estimation for Maritime Situational Awareness
* 2019: PRF Selection in Formation-Flying SAR: Experimental Verification on Sentinel-1 Monostatic Repeat-Pass Data
* 2019: Segmentation of Marine SAR Images by Sublook Analysis and Application to Sea Traffic Monitoring
* 2020: Preliminary Results of Ship Detection Technique by Wake Pattern Recognition in SAR Images
* 2021: First Results on Wake Detection in SAR Images by Deep Learning
* 2021: Towards Automatic Recognition of Wakes Generated by Dark Vessels in Sentinel-1 Images
* 2023: Unified Framework for Ship Detection in Multi-Frequency SAR Images: A Demonstration with COSMO-SkyMed, Sentinel-1, and SAOCOM Data
Includes: Graziano, M.D.[Maria Daniela] Graziano, M.D.
9 for Graziano, M.D.

Grazioli, F. * 2018: Learning to Generate Facial Depth Maps

Grazioli, J. * 2014: Improved Estimation of the Specific Differential Phase Shift Using a Compilation of Kalman Filter Ensembles

Grazioli, R. * 2010: Watershed segmentation of medical volumes with paint drop marking

Graziosi, D.B.[Danillo B.] * 2009: Improving multiscale recurrent pattern image coding with least-squares prediction mode
* 2014: novel trilateral filter technique for depth map processing in 3D video coding, A
* 2019: Video-Based Point-Cloud-Compression Standard in MPEG: From Evidence Collection to Committee Draft
* 2020: Video-Based Coding Of Volumetric Data
* 2021: Video-Based Dynamic Mesh Coding
Includes: Graziosi, D.B.[Danillo B.] Graziosi, D.B. Graziosi, D.B.[Danillo Bracco]

Graziosi, F. * 2006: Communication Control and Driving Assistance to a Platoon of Vehicles in Heavy Traffic and Scarce Visibility

Grazioso, G.[Giovanni] * 2019: Learning to Rank Food Images

Grazioso, S.[Stanislao] * 2023: ROAD: The Road Event Awareness Dataset for Autonomous Driving

Grazzini, J. * 2001: Analysis of Cloudy Structures Evolution on Meteorological Satellite Acquisitions
* 2002: Entropy estimation and multiscale processing in meteorological satellite images
* 2005: Presegmentation of High-Resolution Satellite Images with a Multifractal Reconstruction Scheme Based on an Entropy Criterium
* 2007: Extraction of River Networks from Satellite Images by Combining Mathematical Morphology and Hydrology
* 2007: Improved Morphological Interpolation of Elevation Contour Data with Generalised Geodesic Propagations
* 2008: Adaptive Morphological Filtering Using Similarities Based on Geodesic Time
* 2008: Advances in Constrained Connectivity
* 2009: Constrained Connectivity and Transition Regions
* 2009: Edge-preserving smoothing using a similarity measure in adaptive geodesic neighbourhoods
* 2010: Iterative Ramp Sharpening for Structure/Signature-Preserving Simplification of Images
* 2010: Multichannel Image Regularisation Using Anisotropic Geodesic Filtering
* 2010: Region and Edge-Adaptive Sampling and Boundary Completion for Segmentation
Includes: Grazzini, J. Grazzini, J.[Jacopo]
12 for Grazzini, J.

Grazzini, M. * 2000: Radar fusion to detect dim targets
* 2002: Radar fusion to detect targets: Part II

Index for "g"

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