Index for kott

Kotta, I.[Ilmar] * 2022: Model-Based Assessment of Canopy-Scale Primary Productivity for the Baltic Sea Benthic Vegetation Using Environmental Variables and Spectral Indices, A

Kotta, J.[Jonne] * 2020: Detecting Long Time Changes in Benthic Macroalgal Cover Using Landsat Image Archive
* 2022: Model-Based Assessment of Canopy-Scale Primary Productivity for the Baltic Sea Benthic Vegetation Using Environmental Variables and Spectral Indices, A

Kotta, M.[Mihkel] * 2022: Model-Based Assessment of Canopy-Scale Primary Productivity for the Baltic Sea Benthic Vegetation Using Environmental Variables and Spectral Indices, A

Kottas, B.L. * 1980: Minimal Conditions for the Visual Detection of Structure and Motion in Three Dimensions

Kottayil, A.[Ajil] * 2016: Evaluating the Diurnal Cycle of Upper Tropospheric Humidity in Two Different Climate Models Using Satellite Observations

Kottayil, N.K.[Navaneeth K.] * 2016: color intensity invariant low-level feature optimization framework for image quality assessment, A
* 2018: Blind Quality Estimation by Disentangling Perceptual and Noisy Features in High Dynamic Range Images
* 2018: Blind Quality Estimation by Disentangling Perceptual and Noisy Features in High Dynamic Range Images
* 2019: CNN-Based Real-Time Parameter Tuning for Optimizing Denoising Filter Performance
* 2020: DeepInSAR: A Deep Learning Framework for SAR Interferometric Phase Restoration and Coherence Estimation
Includes: Kottayil, N.K.[Navaneeth K.] Kottayil, N.K. Kottayil, N.K.[Navaneeth Kamballur]

Kotte, A.N.T.J. * 2010: Label Fusion in Atlas-Based Segmentation Using a Selective and Iterative Method for Performance Level Estimation (SIMPLE)
* 2013: Free-form image registration regularized by a statistical shape model: application to organ segmentation in cervical MR
* 2015: Improving label fusion in multi-atlas based segmentation by locally combining atlas selection and performance estimation
Includes: Kotte, A.N.T.J. Kotte, A.N.T.J.[Alexis N.T.J.]

Kotteeswaran, M.[Mrinalni] * 2015: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land Cover Database for India

Kotter, T.[Theo] * 2022: Framework for Scaling Urban Transformative Resilience through Utilizing Volunteered Geographic Information, A
Includes: Kotter, T.[Theo] Kötter, T.[Theo] (Maybe also Koetter, T.)

Kotteri, K.A. * 2006: Multiplierless Filter Bank Design: Structures That Improve Both Hardware and Image Compression Performance

Kottermair, M.[Maria] * 2020: Inundation Exposure Assessment for Majuro Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands Using A High-Accuracy Digital Elevation Model

Kotthaus, H.[Helena] * 2022: Surrogate Model-Based Explainability Methods for Point Cloud NNs
* 2023: Explainability-Aware One Point Attack for Point Cloud Neural Networks

Kotthaus, S.[Simone] * 2014: Derivation of an urban materials spectral library through emittance and reflectance spectroscopy
* 2020: Tailored Algorithms for the Detection of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height from Common Automatic Lidars and Ceilometers (ALC)

Kotti, M. * 2008: Audio-Assisted Movie Dialogue Detection
* 2008: Gender classification in two Emotional Speech databases
* 2020: Variational Denoising Autoencoders and Least-Squares Policy Iteration for Statistical Dialogue Managers
Includes: Kotti, M. Kotti, M.[Margarita]

Kottinger, J.[Justin] * 2024: Temporal segmentation in multi agent path finding with applications to explainability

Kottke, D. * 1997: Systolic Array for Acceleration of Template Based ATR
* 2021: Multi-Annotator Probabilistic Active Learning
* 2021: Separation of Aleatoric and Epistemic Uncertainty in Deterministic Deep Neural Networks
Includes: Kottke, D. Kottke, D.[Daniel]

Kottke, D.P. * 1994: Motion Estimation Via Cluster Matching

Kottler, B.[Benedikt] * 2016: Energy minimization of discrete functions with higher-order potentials for depth map generation
* 2016: Improving semantic orthophotos by a fast method based on harmonic inpainting
* 2020: Towards Detection of Thermal Anomalies In Large Urban Areas Using Simulation
* 2021: Quantifying the Impact of Urban Infill on the Urban Heat Island Effect: A Case Study for An Alternative Medium Density Model
Includes: Kottler, B.[Benedikt] Kottler, B.

Kottow, D. * 2000: Neural-based Architectures for the Segmentation of Textures
* 2003: Temporal Dynamical Interactions between Multiple Layers of Local Image Features for Event Detection in Video Sequences
* 2004: Background Maintenance Model in the Spatial-Range Domain, A
* 2004: Robust skin segmentation using neighborhood information
* 2004: Skin detection using neighborhood information
* 2005: Skin Detection in Videos in the Spatial-Range Domain
Includes: Kottow, D. Kottow, D.[Daniel]

Kottur, S.[Satwik] * 2015: Traffic flow from a low frame rate city camera
* 2016: VisualWord2Vec (Vis-W2V): Learning Visually Grounded Word Embeddings Using Abstract Scenes
* 2017: Learning Cooperative Visual Dialog Agents with Deep Reinforcement Learning
* 2017: Visual Dialog
* 2018: Visual Coreference Resolution in Visual Dialog Using Neural Module Networks
* 2019: Visual Dialog
* 2022: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
* 2023: Hierarchical Video-Moment Retrieval and Step-Captioning
Includes: Kottur, S.[Satwik] Kottur, S.
8 for Kottur, S.

Kotturi, D. * 1995: Vanishing Point Detection by Line Clustering

Kottursamy, K.[Kottilingam] * 2022: Blockchain-Integrated Multiagent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Securing Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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