Index for lafa

Laface, P. * 1977: syntactic procedure for the recognition of glottal pulses in continuous speech, A
* 2010: Parallel implementation of Artificial Neural Network training for speech recognition

Lafarge, F.[Florent] * 2005: Parametric Model for Automatic 3D Building Reconstruction from High Resolution Satellite Images, A
* 2005: Textural Kernel for SVM Classification in Remote Sensing: Application to Forest Fire Detection and Urban Area Extraction
* 2006: Automatic Building Reconstruction Method: A Structural Approach using High Resolution Satellite Images, An
* 2007: 3D City Modeling Based on Hidden Markov Model
* 2007: Rectangular Road Marking Detection with Marked Point Processes
* 2008: Automatic Building Extraction from DEMs Using an Object Approach and Application to the 3D-City Modeling
* 2008: Building reconstruction from a single DEM
* 2008: Geometric Primitive Extraction Process for Remote Sensing Problems, A
* 2008: New Computationally Efficient Stochastic Approach for Building Reconstruction from Satellite Data, A
* 2008: Texture Representation by Geometric Objects using a Jump-Diffusion Process
* 2009: Combining meshes and geometric primitives for accurate and semantic modeling
* 2009: Lidar waveform modeling using a marked point process
* 2009: stochastic approach for modelling airborne lidar waveforms, A
* 2010: Geometric Feature Extraction by a Multimarked Point Process
* 2010: Hybrid multi-view reconstruction by Jump-Diffusion
* 2010: Insertion of 3-D-Primitives in Mesh-Based Representations: Towards Compact Models Preserving the Details
* 2010: Marked Point Process for Modeling Lidar Waveforms, A
* 2010: Structural Approach for Building Reconstruction from a Single DSM
* 2011: Building large urban environments from unstructured point data
* 2011: Generating compact meshes under planar constraints: An automatic approach for modeling buildings from aerial LiDAR
* 2012: Creating Large-Scale City Models from 3D-Point Clouds: A Robust Approach with Hybrid Representation
* 2012: Efficient Monte Carlo Sampler for Detecting Parametric Objects in Large Scenes
* 2013: Hybrid Multiview Stereo Algorithm for Modeling Urban Scenes, A
* 2013: Recovering Line-Networks in Images by Junction-Point Processes
* 2014: Detecting parametric objects in large scenes by Monte Carlo sampling
* 2014: Indoor scene reconstruction using feature sensitive primitive extraction and graph-cut
* 2015: Image partitioning into convex polygons
* 2015: Line drawing interpretation in a multi-view context
* 2016: Towards Large-Scale City Reconstruction from Satellites
* 2017: Forest point processes for the automatic extraction of networks in raster data
* 2017: Semantic segmentation of 3D textured meshes for urban scene analysis
* 2018: Forward to the theme issue on point cloud processing
* 2018: KIPPI: KInetic Polygonal Partitioning of Images
* 2018: Planar Shape Detection at Structural Scales
* 2019: Low-Power Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation of Satellite Images
* 2019: Pyramid scene parsing network in 3D: Improving semantic segmentation of point clouds with multi-scale contextual information
* 2020: Approximating shapes in images with low-complexity polygons
* 2020: Connect-and-Slice: An Hybrid Approach for Reconstructing 3D Objects
* 2020: Extracting Geometric Structures in Images with Delaunay Point Processes
* 2020: Preface: the 2020 Edition of the XXIVth ISPRS Congress
* 2020: Preface: the 2020 Edition of the XXIVth ISPRS Congress
* 2020: Preface: the 2020 Edition of the XXIVth ISPRS Congress
* 2020: Preface: the 2020 Edition of the XXIVth ISPRS Congress
* 2020: Preface: the 2020 Edition of the XXIVth ISPRS Congress
* 2021: Efficient Representation of 3d Buildings: Application to The Evaluation of City Models, An
* 2021: Floorplan generation from 3D point clouds: A space partitioning approach
* 2022: Finding Good Configurations of Planar Primitives in Unorganized Point Clouds
* 2022: Repairing geometric errors in 3D urban models with kinetic data structures
* 2022: Single-Shot End-to-end Road Graph Extraction
Includes: Lafarge, F.[Florent] Lafarge, F.
49 for Lafarge, F.

Lafarge, M.W. * 2020: Progressively Trained Convolutional Neural Networks for Deformable Image Registration

Lafay, J.F. * 2013: Shared Steering Control Between a Driver and an Automation: Stability in the Presence of Driver Behavior Uncertainty

Lafaye, J.[Julien] * 2007: On the Complexity of Obtaining Optimal Watermarking Schemes
* 2012: Blind and squaring-resistant watermarking of vectorial building layers

Lafaye, M. * 2012: Remote Sensing In A Changing Climate and Environment: The Rift Valley Fever Case

Lafaysse, M.[Matthieu] * 2018: Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Snowpack Simulations in Complex Alpine Terrain Using Satellite and In Situ Observations
* 2019: Evaluation of Sub-Kilometric Numerical Simulations of C-Band Radar Backscatter over the French Alps against Sentinel-1 Observations

Lafazani, P. * 2012: Shallow-water Bathymetry Over Variable Bottom Types Using Multispectral Worldview-2 Image

Index for "l"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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