Index for sa__

Sa, A.[Asla] * 2005: Camera-Projector System for Real-Time 3D Video, A
* 2008: Lloyd's Algorithm on GPU
* 2008: Real-Time Video Processing for Multi-Object Chromatic Tracking
* 2019: Cross-Comparison and Methodological Improvement in GPS Tomography
Includes: Sa, A.[Asla] Sá, A.[Asla] Sa, A. Sá, A.[André]

Sa, A.C.L.[Ana C. L.] * 2016: Determining Fire Dates and Locating Ignition Points With Satellite Data
Includes: Sa, A.C.L.[Ana C. L.] Sá, A.C.L.[Ana C. L.]

Sa, B.A. * 2015: neural network based application for remote monitoring of human behaviour, A
Includes: Sa, B.A. Sá, B.A.

Sa, B.K.[Bijay Kumar] * 2024: Relevant edge probability-based adaptively weighted active contour for medical image segmentation

Sa, C.[Carolina] * 2021: Deriving Water Quality Parameters Using Sentinel-2 Imagery: A Case Study in the Sado Estuary, Portugal
* 2022: Contributions of Climatic and Anthropogenic Drivers to Net Primary Productivity of Vegetation in the Mongolian Plateau
* 2022: OC4-SO: A New Chlorophyll-a Algorithm for the Western Antarctic Peninsula Using Multi-Sensor Satellite Data
* 2023: Historical Evolution and Future Trends of Precipitation Based on Integrated Datasets and Model Simulations of Arid Central Asia
* 2023: Quantifying the Contribution of Driving Factors on Distribution and Change of Net Primary Productivity of Vegetation in the Mongolian Plateau
* 2023: Synergistic Change and Driving Mechanisms of Hydrological Processes and Ecosystem Quality in a Typical Arid and Semi-Arid Inland River Basin, China
Includes: Sa, C.[Carolina] Sá, C.[Carolina] Sa, C.[Chula]

Sa, I.[Inkyu] * 2018: WeedMap: A Large-Scale Semantic Weed Mapping Framework Using Aerial Multispectral Imaging and Deep Neural Network for Precision Farming

Sa, L.[Lucilene] * 2020: Spatial Modeling for Homicide Rates Estimation in Pernambuco State-Brazil
Includes: Sa, L.[Lucilene] Sá, L.[Lucilene]

Sa, P.[Paulo] * 2009: Image Classification to Improve Printing Quality of Mixed-Type Documents
Includes: Sa, P.[Paulo] Sá, P.[Paulo]

Sa, P.K.[Pankaj Kumar] * 2011: Adaptive edge preserving regularized image restoration
* 2011: Spatial variant motion deblurring of images
* 2013: Intensity Range Based Background Subtraction for Effective Object Detection
* 2014: Person Re-identification Using Clustering Ensemble Prototypes
* 2015: multi-view video synopsis framework, A
* 2016: MVS: A multi-view video synopsis framework
* 2019: Beyond estimating discrete directions of walk: a fuzzy approach
* 2019: Lip biometric template security framework using spatial steganography
* 2019: Multi-stage cascaded deconvolution for depth map and surface normal prediction from single image
* 2020: Person re-identification for smart cities: State-of-the-art and the path ahead
* 2020: Wavelet energy feature based source camera identification for ear biometric images
* 2021: Futuristic person re-identification over internet of biometrics things (IoBT): Technical potential versus practical reality
* 2021: Localization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Corridor Environments using Deep Learning
* 2021: Weakly-supervised Joint Anomaly Detection and Classification
* 2022: Person re-identification: A taxonomic survey and the path ahead
Includes: Sa, P.K.[Pankaj Kumar] Sa, P.K.[Pankaj K.] Sa, P.K.[Pankaj K]
15 for Sa, P.K.

Sa, R.[Rula] * 2023: Estimation of Forest Parameters in Boreal Artificial Coniferous Forests Using Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2A
* 2024: Inversion of Forest above Ground Biomass in Mountainous Region Based on PolSAR Data after Terrain Correction: A Case Study from Saihanba, China

Sa, V.R.d. * 2020: Exploring Multidimensional Measurements for Pain Evaluation using Facial Action Units

Sa, Y.[Yu] * 2017: Pattern recognition and classification of two cancer cell lines by diffraction imaging at multiple pixel distances

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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