Index for suca

Sucahyo, H.R.[Hetty Rahmawati] * 2022: Application of Improved MODIS-Based Potential Evapotranspiration Estimates in a Humid Tropic Brantas Watershed: Implications for Agricultural Water Management, An

Sucar, E. * 2017: Probabilistic Global Scale Estimation for MonoSLAM Based on Generic Object Detection
* 2020: MoreFusion: Multi-object Reasoning for 6D Pose Estimation from Volumetric Fusion
* 2020: NodeSLAM: Neural Object Descriptors for Multi-View Shape Reconstruction
* 2021: iMAP: Implicit Mapping and Positioning in Real-Time
Includes: Sucar, E. Sucar, E.[Edgar]

Sucar, L.E. * 1994: Probabilistic Reasoning in High-Level Vision
* 2000: Human Silhouette Recognition with Fourier Descriptors
* 2000: Probabilistic Estimation of Local Scale
* 2000: Translation, Rotation, and Scale-Invariant Object Recognition
* 2002: Continuous activity recognition with missing data
* 2006: Context-Based Gesture Recognition
* 2006: Decision-Theoretic Video Conference System Based on Gesture Recognition, A
* 2006: Learning an Optimal Naive Bayes Classifier
* 2006: Learning an Optimal Naive Bayes Classifier
* 2006: Visual Recognition of Similar Gestures
* 2007: Automatic Image Annotation Using a Semi-supervised Ensemble of Classifiers
* 2007: Markov Random Fields and Spatial Information to Improve Automatic Image Annotation
* 2007: Word Co-occurrence and Markov Random Fields for Improving Automatic Image Annotation
* 2008: Qualification of arm gestures using hidden Markov models
* 2008: Real-time face recognition for human-robot interaction
* 2010: Object Tracking Based on Covariance Descriptors and On-Line Naive Bayes Nearest Neighbor Classifier
* 2010: segmented and annotated IAPR TC-12 benchmark, The
* 2011: energy-based model for region-labeling, An
* 2013: FPGA-based detection of SIFT interest keypoints
* 2013: Hierarchical Ray Tracing for Fast Volumetric Next-Best-View Planning
* 2013: Improving Image Segmentation for Boosting Image Annotation with Irregular Pyramids
* 2013: Object Recognition Model Based on Visual Grammars and Bayesian Networks, An
* 2013: Posture Based Detection of Attention in Human Computer Interaction
* 2014: Multi-label classification with Bayesian network-based chain classifiers
* 2014: Partial Shape Matching and Retrieval under Occlusion and Noise
* 2014: Recognizing Visual Categories with Symbol-Relational Grammars and Bayesian Networks
* 2015: Assessing the Distinctiveness and Representativeness of Visual Vocabularies
* 2016: Efficient video face recognition by using Fisher Vector encoding of binary features
* 2016: foveation technique applied to face de-identification, A
* 2016: naïve Bayes baseline for early gesture recognition, A
* 2017: Pathline-Based Background Subtraction Algorithm, A
* 2018: Fast Algorithm for Robot Localization Using Multiple Sensing Units, A
* 2018: On Fisher vector encoding of binary features for video face recognition
* 2018: Toward More Realistic Face Recognition Evaluation Protocols for the YouTube Faces Database
* 2020: Supervised learning of the next-best-view for 3d object reconstruction
* 2020: Unobtrusive Inference of Affective States in Virtual Rehabilitation from Upper Limb Motions: A Feasibility Study
* 2020: What the Appearance Channel from Two-stream Architectures for Activity Recognition Is Learning?
* 2021: Perceptual and Pixel-Wise Information for Visual Novelty Detection
* 2022: Multi-Label and Multimodal Classifier for Affective States Recognition in Virtual Rehabilitation
Includes: Sucar, L.E. Sucar, L.E.[Luis Enrique] Sucar, L.E.[L. Enrique]
39 for Sucar, L.E.

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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