Index for zano

Zanoguera, F. * 1999: Video Object Generation Tool Allowing Friendly User Interaction, A

Zanoguera, M.F.[M. Francisca] * 1999: Toolbox for Interactive Segmentation Based on Nested Partitions, A

Zanoletti, S. * 1972: Bandwidth Reduction via Movement Compensation on a Model of the Random Video Process

Zanoli, A.[Adriano] * 2008: People Detection and Tracking with TOF Sensor

Zanoli, S.M. * 1998: Robust Real Time Detection of an Underwater Pipeline

Zanon, P.[Patrick] * 2003: Recognition of Musical Gestures in Known Pieces and in Improvisations

Zanon, V.[Vittorio] * 2009: GIS-based method for the environmental vulnerability assessment to volcanic ashfall at Etna Volcano

Zanoni, V.M.[Vicki M.] * 2003: new direction in Earth observations from space: IKONOS, A
* 2003: Radiometric characterization of IKONOS multispectral imagery

Zanotta, D.C.[Daniel C.] * 2012: Gradual land cover change detection based on multitemporal fraction images
* 2014: Linear Spectral Mixing Model for Identifying Potential Missing Endmembers in Spectral Mixture Analysis
* 2015: Adaptive Semisupervised Approach to the Detection of User-Defined Recurrent Changes in Image Time Series, An
* 2015: On the Use of Shortwave Infrared for Tree Species Discrimination in Tropical Semideciduous Forest
* 2018: supervised approach for simultaneous segmentation and classification of remote sensing images, A
* 2022: Digital Outcrop Model Generation from Hybrid UAV and Panoramic Imaging Systems
Includes: Zanotta, D.C.[Daniel C.] Zanotta, D.C. Zanotta, D.C.[Daniel Capella]

Zanotti, A.[Alain] * 2016: Feature covariance for human action recognition
* 2016: Using the conflict in Dempster-Shafer evidence theory as a rejection criterion in classifier output combination for 3D human action recognition

Zanotti, C.[Chiara] * 2020: 3D Geodatabase for Urban Underground Infrastructures: Implementation and Application to Groundwater Management in Milan Metropolitan Area, A

Zanotti, G. * 2002: Analysis of secondary structure elements of proteins using indexing techniques

Zanotti, M.[Marisa] * 2022: Decision-Support System for Safety and Security Assessment and Management in Smart Cities

Zanotto, D. * 2017: Emotion Rendering in Plantar Vibro-Tactile Simulations of Imagined Walking Styles

Zanotto, M. * 2010: Collaborative particle filters for group tracking
* 2012: Decentralized particle filter for joint individual-group tracking
* 2012: Online Bayesian Non-parametrics for Social Group Detection
* 2013: Dirichlet Process Mixtures of Multinomials for Data Mining in Mice Behaviour Analysis
* 2014: Location recognition on lifelog images via a discriminative combination of generative models
* 2015: Joint Individual-Group Modeling for Tracking
* 2016: Unsupervised mouse behavior analysis: A data-driven study of mice interactions
Includes: Zanotto, M. Zanotto, M.[Matteo]
7 for Zanotto, M.

Zanovello, L.[Luca] * 2020: Adaptive transitions for automation in cars, trucks, buses and motorcycles

Index for "z"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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