Roca Pardinas, J.
Standard Author Listing
with: Cabo, C.: Influence of the Number and Spatial Distribution of Ground C...
with: Ordonez, C.: Influence of the Number and Spatial Distribution of Groun...
with: Sanz Ablanedo, E.: Influence of the Number and Spatial Distribution of...
Roca, A.
Standard Author Listing
with: Bejar, G.: UAV-Based Quantification of Dynamic Lahar Channel Morpholog...
with: Delp, E.J.: Modulo-PCM based encoding for high speed video cameras
with: Johnson, J.B.: UAV-Based Quantification of Dynamic Lahar Channel Morph...
with: Mock, J.C.: UAV-Based Quantification of Dynamic Lahar Channel Morpholo...
with: Morbee, M.: Improved Pixel-Based Rate Allocation for Pixel-Domain Dist...
with: Morbee, M.: Reduced decoder complexity and latency in pixel-domain Wyn...
with: Philips, W.: Improved Pixel-Based Rate Allocation for Pixel-Domain Dis...
with: Philips, W.: Reduced decoder complexity and latency in pixel-domain Wy...
with: Pineda, A.: UAV-Based Quantification of Dynamic Lahar Channel Morpholo...
with: Pizurica, A.: Improved Pixel-Based Rate Allocation for Pixel-Domain Di...
with: Pizurica, A.: Reduced decoder complexity and latency in pixel-domain W...
with: Prades Nebot, J.: Improved Pixel-Based Rate Allocation for Pixel-Domai...
with: Prades Nebot, J.: Modulo-PCM based encoding for high speed video cameras
with: Prades Nebot, J.: Reduced decoder complexity and latency in pixel-doma...
14 for Roca, A.
Roca, D.
Standard Author Listing
with: Armesto, J.: Lidar-equipped UAV for building information modelling
with: Diaz Vilarino, L.: Lidar-equipped UAV for building information modelling
with: Laguela, S.: Lidar-equipped UAV for building information modelling
Roca, F.X.
Standard Author Listing
with: Al Haj, M.: Reactive Object Tracking with a Single PTZ Camera
with: Al Haj, M.: Robust and Efficient Multipose Face Detection Using Skin C...
with: Ardakani, P.B.: Catastrophic Interference in Disguised Face Recognition
with: Bagdanov, A.D.: Automatic Key Pose Selection for 3D Human Action Recog...
with: Bagdanov, A.D.: Efficient discriminative multiresolution cascade for r...
with: Bagdanov, A.D.: Reactive Object Tracking with a Single PTZ Camera
with: Bagdanov, A.D.: Robust and Efficient Multipose Face Detection Using Sk...
with: Baiget, P.: Augmenting video surveillance footage with virtual agents ...
with: Baiget, P.: Automatic Learning of Conceptual Knowledge in Image Sequen...
with: Baiget, P.: Autonomous Virtual Agents for Performance Evaluation of Tr...
with: Baiget, P.: Interpretation of complex situations in a semantic-based s...
with: Barbulescu, A.: 3D human pose estimation using 2D body part detectors
with: Chakraborty, B.: Large scale continuous visual event recognition using...
with: Chakraborty, B.: selective spatio-temporal interest point detector for...
with: Cucurull, G.: Age and gender recognition in the wild with deep attention
with: Cucurull, G.: Attend and Rectify: A Gated Attention Mechanism for Fine...
with: Cucurull, G.: Deep Pain: Exploiting Long Short-Term Memory Networks fo...
with: Cucurull, G.: Pay Attention to the Activations: A Modular Attention Me...
with: Elfiky, N.M.: Compact and adaptive spatial pyramids for scene recognit...
with: Escalera, S.: Multi-part body segmentation based on depth maps for sof...
with: Fernandez, C.: Augmenting video surveillance footage with virtual agen...
with: Fernandez, C.: Automatic Learning of Background Semantics in Generic S...
with: Fernandez, C.: Automatic Learning of Conceptual Knowledge in Image Seq...
with: Fernandez, C.: Autonomous Virtual Agents for Performance Evaluation of...
with: Fernandez, C.: Interpretation of complex situations in a semantic-base...
with: Gevers, T.: Edge classification using photo-geometric features
with: Gijsenij, A.: Edge classification using photo-geometric features
with: Gonfaus, J.M.: Age and gender recognition in the wild with deep attent...
with: Gonfaus, J.M.: Attend and Rectify: A Gated Attention Mechanism for Fin...
with: Gonfaus, J.M.: Catastrophic Interference in Disguised Face Recognition
with: Gonfaus, J.M.: Deep Pain: Exploiting Long Short-Term Memory Networks f...
with: Gonfaus, J.M.: Edge classification using photo-geometric features
with: Gonfaus, J.M.: Factorized appearances for object detection
with: Gonfaus, J.M.: Pay Attention to the Activations: A Modular Attention M...
with: Gong, W.J.: 3D human pose estimation using 2D body part detectors
with: Gong, W.J.: Automatic Key Pose Selection for 3D Human Action Recognition
with: Gong, W.J.: On Importance of Interactions and Context in Human Action ...
with: Gonzalez, J.: 3D Dynamic Model of Human Actions for Probabilistic Imag...
with: Gonzalez, J.: 3D Human Motion Sequences Synchronization Using Dense Ma...
with: Gonzalez, J.: 3D human pose estimation using 2D body part detectors
with: Gonzalez, J.: Action-specific motion prior for efficient Bayesian 3D h...
with: Gonzalez, J.: Age and gender recognition in the wild with deep attention
with: Gonzalez, J.: Analysis of Human Walking Based on aSpaces
with: Gonzalez, J.: aSpaces: Action Spaces for Recognition and Synthesis of ...
with: Gonzalez, J.: Attend and Rectify: A Gated Attention Mechanism for Fine...
with: Gonzalez, J.: Augmenting video surveillance footage with virtual agent...
with: Gonzalez, J.: Automatic Key Pose Selection for 3D Human Action Recogni...
with: Gonzalez, J.: Automatic Learning of Background Semantics in Generic Su...
with: Gonzalez, J.: Automatic Learning of Conceptual Knowledge in Image Sequ...
with: Gonzalez, J.: Autonomous Virtual Agents for Performance Evaluation of ...
with: Gonzalez, J.: Catastrophic Interference in Disguised Face Recognition
with: Gonzalez, J.: coarse-to-fine approach for fast deformable object detec...
with: Gonzalez, J.: Compact and adaptive spatial pyramids for scene recognit...
with: Gonzalez, J.: Comparison Framework for Walking Performances using aSpa...
with: Gonzalez, J.: Confidence assessment on eyelid and eyebrow expression r...
with: Gonzalez, J.: Deep Pain: Exploiting Long Short-Term Memory Networks fo...
with: Gonzalez, J.: Deterministic and Stochastic Methods for Gaze Tracking i...
with: Gonzalez, J.: Edge classification using photo-geometric features
with: Gonzalez, J.: Efficient discriminative multiresolution cascade for rea...
with: Gonzalez, J.: Factorized appearances for object detection
with: Gonzalez, J.: Hierarchical Eyelid and Face Tracking
with: Gonzalez, J.: Interpretation of complex situations in a semantic-based...
with: Gonzalez, J.: iTrack: Image-based Probabilistic Tracking of People
with: Gonzalez, J.: Large scale continuous visual event recognition using ma...
with: Gonzalez, J.: Multi-part body segmentation based on depth maps for sof...
with: Gonzalez, J.: On Importance of Interactions and Context in Human Actio...
with: Gonzalez, J.: Pay Attention to the Activations: A Modular Attention Me...
with: Gonzalez, J.: Probabilistic Image-Based Tracking: Improving Particle F...
with: Gonzalez, J.: Reactive Object Tracking with a Single PTZ Camera
with: Gonzalez, J.: Real-time gaze tracking with appearance-based models
with: Gonzalez, J.: Robust and Efficient Multipose Face Detection Using Skin...
with: Gonzalez, J.: selective spatio-temporal interest point detector for hu...
with: Gonzalez, J.: Toward Real-Time Pedestrian Detection Based on a Deforma...
with: Gonzalez, J.: Trinocular stereo matching with composite disparity spac...
with: Gonzalez, J.: Understanding dynamic scenes based on human sequence eva...
with: Holte, M.B.: selective spatio-temporal interest point detector for hum...
with: Hu, X.: Toward Real-Time Pedestrian Detection Based on a Deformable Te...
with: Lumbreras, F.: Multi-part body segmentation based on depth maps for so...
with: Madadi, M.: Multi-part body segmentation based on depth maps for soft ...
with: Moeslund, T.B.: 3D human pose estimation using 2D body part detectors
with: Moeslund, T.B.: Deep Pain: Exploiting Long Short-Term Memory Networks ...
with: Moeslund, T.B.: selective spatio-temporal interest point detector for ...
with: Mozerov, M.G.: 3D Human Motion Sequences Synchronization Using Dense M...
with: Mozerov, M.G.: Trinocular stereo matching with composite disparity spa...
with: Nasrollahi, K.: Deep Pain: Exploiting Long Short-Term Memory Networks ...
with: Orozco, J.: Confidence assessment on eyelid and eyebrow expression rec...
with: Orozco, J.: Deterministic and Stochastic Methods for Gaze Tracking in ...
with: Orozco, J.: Hierarchical Eyelid and Face Tracking
with: Orozco, J.: Real-time gaze tracking with appearance-based models
with: Pedersoli, M.: coarse-to-fine approach for fast deformable object dete...
with: Pedersoli, M.: Efficient discriminative multiresolution cascade for re...
with: Pedersoli, M.: Factorized appearances for object detection
with: Pedersoli, M.: On Importance of Interactions and Context in Human Acti...
with: Pedersoli, M.: Toward Real-Time Pedestrian Detection Based on a Deform...
with: Ponsa, D.: Novel Approach to Generate Multiple Shape Models for Tracki...
with: Rius, I.: 3D Dynamic Model of Human Actions for Probabilistic Image Tr...
with: Rius, I.: 3D Human Motion Sequences Synchronization Using Dense Matchi...
with: Rius, I.: Action-specific motion prior for efficient Bayesian 3D human...
with: Rius, I.: Hierarchical Eyelid and Face Tracking
with: Rius, I.: Probabilistic Image-Based Tracking: Improving Particle Filte...
with: Rodriguez, P.: Age and gender recognition in the wild with deep attent...
with: Rodriguez, P.: Attend and Rectify: A Gated Attention Mechanism for Fin...
with: Rodriguez, P.: Catastrophic Interference in Disguised Face Recognition
with: Rodriguez, P.: Deep Pain: Exploiting Long Short-Term Memory Networks f...
with: Rodriguez, P.: Pay Attention to the Activations: A Modular Attention M...
with: Rowe, D.: 3D Dynamic Model of Human Actions for Probabilistic Image Tr...
with: Rowe, D.: Probabilistic Image-Based Tracking: Improving Particle Filte...
with: Rowe, D.: Understanding dynamic scenes based on human sequence evaluat...
with: Rudovic, O.: Confidence assessment on eyelid and eyebrow expression re...
with: Shapovalova, N.: On Importance of Interactions and Context in Human Ac...
with: Varona, J.: Action-specific motion prior for efficient Bayesian 3D hum...
with: Varona, J.: Analysis of Human Walking Based on aSpaces
with: Varona, J.: aSpaces: Action Spaces for Recognition and Synthesis of Hu...
with: Varona, J.: Comparison Framework for Walking Performances using aSpace...
with: Varona, J.: iTrack: Image-based Probabilistic Tracking of People
with: Varona, J.: Understanding dynamic scenes based on human sequence evalu...
with: Vedaldi, A.: coarse-to-fine approach for fast deformable object detect...
with: Vedaldi, A.: Factorized appearances for object detection
with: Velazquez, D.: Catastrophic Interference in Disguised Face Recognition
with: Velazquez, D.: Pay Attention to the Activations: A Modular Attention M...
with: Villanueva, J.J.: Analysis of Human Walking Based on aSpaces
with: Villanueva, J.J.: aSpaces: Action Spaces for Recognition and Synthesis...
with: Villanueva, J.J.: Comparison Framework for Walking Performances using ...
with: Villanueva, J.J.: iTrack: Image-based Probabilistic Tracking of People
with: Villanueva, J.J.: Probabilistic Image-Based Tracking: Improving Partic...
with: Villanueva, J.J.: Trinocular stereo matching with composite disparity ...
129 for Roca, F.X.
Roca, J.
Standard Author Listing
with: Alhaddad, B.: Defining Densities For Urban Residential Texture, Throug...
with: Alhaddad, B.: Remote Sensing Efficiency For Urban Analysis Of Mecca An...
with: Alhaddad, B.: Urban Detection, Delimitation And Morphology: Comparativ...
with: Antunes, A.P.: Cellular Automata Model for Integrated Simulation of La...
with: Arellano, B.: Extraction of Urbanized Areas Through Images of High Res...
with: Arellano, B.: Landscapes Impacted By Light
with: Arellano, B.: Remote Sensing and Night Time Urban Heat Island
with: Arellano, B.E.: Urban Detection, Delimitation And Morphology: Comparat...
with: Burns, M.: Defining Densities For Urban Residential Texture, Through L...
with: Colaninno, N.: Defining Densities For Urban Residential Texture, Throu...
with: Donaire, J.G.: Evaluation of an iterative algorithm for three dimensio...
with: Garcia, I.: Evaluation of an iterative algorithm for three dimensional...
with: Imam, A.: Remote Sensing Efficiency For Urban Analysis Of Mecca And Su...
with: Pinto, N.: Cellular Automata Model for Integrated Simulation of Land U...
14 for Roca, J.
Roca, M.
Standard Author Listing
with: Abdalla, S.: Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evolution ...
with: Baker, S.: REAPER: Reprocessing 12 Years of ERS-1 and ERS-2 Altimeters...
with: Berge Nguyen, M.: Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evolu...
with: Bernardez, P.: Use of the Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 Satellites for Wate...
with: Bonnefond, P.: Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evolutio...
with: Bouffard, J.: Roll Calibration for CryoSat-2: A Comprehensive Approach
with: Brockley, D.: Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evolution...
with: Brockley, D.J.: REAPER: Reprocessing 12 Years of ERS-1 and ERS-2 Altim...
with: Bruniquel, J.: Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evolutio...
with: Caballero, I.: Monitoring Sand Spit Variability Using Sentinel-2 and G...
with: Caballero, I.: Use of the Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 Satellites for Wate...
with: Caballero, I.: Water Quality and Flooding Impact of the Record-Breakin...
with: Cadier, E.: Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evolution o...
with: Cancet, M.: Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evolution o...
with: Cretaux, J.F.: Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evolutio...
with: de la Cruz, A.F.: Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evolu...
with: Dunbar, M.B.: Water Quality and Flooding Impact of the Record-Breaking...
with: Escorihuela, M.J.: Analysis of Retrackers' Performances and Water Leve...
with: Escorihuela, M.J.: Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evol...
with: Femenias, P.: REAPER: Reprocessing 12 Years of ERS-1 and ERS-2 Altimet...
with: Femenias, P.: Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evolution...
with: Fleury, S.: Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evolution o...
with: Frery, M.L.: Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evolution ...
with: Gao, Q.: Analysis of Retrackers' Performances and Water Level Retrieva...
with: Gao, Q.: Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evolution of S...
with: Garcia Mondejar, A.: Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Ev...
with: Garcia Mondejar, A.: Roll Calibration for CryoSat-2: A Comprehensive A...
with: Garcia Sanabria, J.: Monitoring Sand Spit Variability Using Sentinel-2...
with: Garcia, P.: Analysis of Retrackers' Performances and Water Level Retri...
with: Garcia, P.N.: Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evolution...
with: Gourmelen, N.: Roll Calibration for CryoSat-2: A Comprehensive Approach
with: Laurain, O.: Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evolution ...
with: Lucas, B.: Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evolution of...
with: Makhoul, E.: Analysis of Retrackers' Performances and Water Level Retr...
with: Martinez, B.: REAPER: Reprocessing 12 Years of ERS-1 and ERS-2 Altimet...
with: Massmann, F.H.: REAPER: Reprocessing 12 Years of ERS-1 and ERS-2 Altim...
with: McMillan, M.: Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evolution...
with: Muir, A.: Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evolution of ...
with: Navarro, G.: Monitoring Sand Spit Variability Using Sentinel-2 and Goo...
with: Navarro, G.: Use of the Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 Satellites for Water ...
with: Navarro, G.: Water Quality and Flooding Impact of the Record-Breaking ...
with: Nencioli, F.: Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evolution...
with: Otten, M.: REAPER: Reprocessing 12 Years of ERS-1 and ERS-2 Altimeters...
with: Paul, F.: REAPER: Reprocessing 12 Years of ERS-1 and ERS-2 Altimeters ...
with: Picard, B.: REAPER: Reprocessing 12 Years of ERS-1 and ERS-2 Altimeter...
with: Prandi, P.: REAPER: Reprocessing 12 Years of ERS-1 and ERS-2 Altimeter...
with: Quartly, G.D.: Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evolutio...
with: Raynal, M.: Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evolution o...
with: Rudenko, S.: REAPER: Reprocessing 12 Years of ERS-1 and ERS-2 Altimete...
with: Santos Echeandia, J.: Use of the Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 Satellites f...
with: Scagliola, M.: Roll Calibration for CryoSat-2: A Comprehensive Approach
with: Scharroo, R.: REAPER: Reprocessing 12 Years of ERS-1 and ERS-2 Altimet...
with: Segui, P.Q.: Analysis of Retrackers' Performances and Water Level Retr...
with: Taburet, N.: Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evolution ...
with: Visser, P.: REAPER: Reprocessing 12 Years of ERS-1 and ERS-2 Altimeter...
with: Zribi, M.: Analysis of Retrackers' Performances and Water Level Retrie...
56 for Roca, M.
Roca, O.F.
Standard Author Listing
with: Alcalde, G.: Anatomy of an Optical Biopsy Semantic Retrieval System, The
with: Delgado, J.: Anatomy of an Optical Biopsy Semantic Retrieval System, The
with: Goetz, M.: Anatomy of an Optical Biopsy Semantic Retrieval System, The
with: Toran, P.: Anatomy of an Optical Biopsy Semantic Retrieval System, The
with: Tous, R.: Anatomy of an Optical Biopsy Semantic Retrieval System, The
with: Zinkl, T.: Anatomy of an Optical Biopsy Semantic Retrieval System, The
Roca, R.
Standard Author Listing
with: Bouniol, D.: Homogenization of Geostationary Infrared Imager Channels ...
with: Cloche, S.: Homogenization of Geostationary Infrared Imager Channels f...
with: Fiolleau, T.: Algorithm for the Detection and Tracking of Tropical Mes...
with: Fiolleau, T.: Homogenization of Geostationary Infrared Imager Channels...
with: Oliveira, R.A.J.: Simple Statistical Model of the Uncertainty Distribu...
with: Raberanto, P.: Homogenization of Geostationary Infrared Imager Channel...
Roca, V.
Standard Author Listing
with: Arias, A.P.: Calibrating dynamic pedestrian route choice with an Exten...
with: Bouabdallah, A.: On-the-Fly Erasure Coding for Real-Time Video Applica...
with: Friedberger, S.: Calibrating dynamic pedestrian route choice with an E...
with: Hanebeck, U.D.: Calibrating dynamic pedestrian route choice with an Ex...
with: Hengst, S.: Calibrating dynamic pedestrian route choice with an Extend...
with: Kretz, T.: Calibrating dynamic pedestrian route choice with an Extende...
with: Lacan, J.: On-the-Fly Erasure Coding for Real-Time Video Applications
with: Lochin, E.: On-the-Fly Erasure Coding for Real-Time Video Applications
with: Tournoux, P.U.: On-the-Fly Erasure Coding for Real-Time Video Applicat...
9 for Roca, V.
Roca, X.
Standard Author Listing
with: Vanrell, M.: Multidimensional-Scaling Approach to Explore the Behavior...
with: Vitria, J.: Multidimensional-Scaling Approach to Explore the Behavior ...
Rocadenbosch, F.
Standard Author Listing
with: Araujo da Silva, M.P.: Assessing Obukhov Length and Friction Velocity ...
with: Araujo da Silva, M.P.: On the Retrieval of Surface-Layer Parameters fr...
with: Araujo da Silva, M.P.: Unified Formulation for the Computation of the ...
with: Baldasano Recio, J.M.: Climatology of the Aerosol Extinction-to-Backsc...
with: Barragan, R.: Calibration of Raman Lidar Water Vapor Mixing Ratio Meas...
with: Barragan, R.: Ceilometer-Based Rain-Rate Estimation: A Case-Study Comp...
with: Barragan, R.: Synergy of Raman Lidar and Modeled Temperature for Relat...
with: Comeron, A.: Calibration of Raman Lidar Water Vapor Mixing Ratio Measu...
with: Comeron, A.: Synergy of Raman Lidar and Modeled Temperature for Relati...
with: Crewell, S.: Adaptive Estimation of the Stable Boundary Layer Height U...
with: Dawson, D.T.: Ceilometer-Based Rain-Rate Estimation: A Case-Study Comp...
with: Estelles, V.: Climatology of the Aerosol Extinction-to-Backscatter Rat...
with: Farre Guarne, J.: Assessing Obukhov Length and Friction Velocity from ...
with: Farre Guarne, J.: Unified Formulation for the Computation of the Six-D...
with: Frasier, S.: Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height Estimation Using a Kalm...
with: Frasier, S.J.: Ceilometer-Based Rain-Rate Estimation: A Case-Study Com...
with: Garcia Vizcaino, D.: Calibration of Raman Lidar Water Vapor Mixing Rat...
with: Garcia Vizcaino, D.: Synergy of Raman Lidar and Modeled Temperature fo...
with: Gomez Amo, J.L.: Climatology of the Aerosol Extinction-to-Backscatter ...
with: Gonzalez Marco, D.: Assessing Obukhov Length and Friction Velocity fro...
with: Granados Munoz, M.J.: Calibration of Raman Lidar Water Vapor Mixing Ra...
with: Granados Munoz, M.J.: Synergy of Raman Lidar and Modeled Temperature f...
with: Gutierrez Antunano, M.A.: Estimation of the Motion-Induced Horizontal-...
with: Lange, D.: Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height Estimation Using a Kalman...
with: Lange, D.: Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height Monitoring Using a Kalman...
with: Martinez Lozano, J.A.: Climatology of the Aerosol Extinction-to-Backsc...
with: Munoz Porcar, C.: Calibration of Raman Lidar Water Vapor Mixing Ratio ...
with: Munoz Porcar, C.: Synergy of Raman Lidar and Modeled Temperature for R...
with: Pedros, R.: Climatology of the Aerosol Extinction-to-Backscatter Ratio...
with: Pena, A.: Assessing Obukhov Length and Friction Velocity from Floating...
with: Pena, A.: On the Retrieval of Surface-Layer Parameters from Lidar Wind...
with: Perez, C.: Climatology of the Aerosol Extinction-to-Backscatter Ratio ...
with: Rodriguez Gomez, A.: Calibration of Raman Lidar Water Vapor Mixing Rat...
with: Rodriguez Gomez, A.: Synergy of Raman Lidar and Modeled Temperature fo...
with: Saeed, U.: Adaptive Estimation of the Stable Boundary Layer Height Usi...
with: Saeed, U.: Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height Monitoring Using a Kalman...
with: Salcedo Bosch, A.: Assessing Obukhov Length and Friction Velocity from...
with: Salcedo Bosch, A.: Enhanced Dual Filter for Floating Wind Lidar Motion...
with: Salcedo Bosch, A.: On the Retrieval of Surface-Layer Parameters from L...
with: Salcedo Bosch, A.: Robust Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter for Floatin...
with: Salcedo Bosch, A.: Unified Formulation for the Computation of the Six-...
with: Salcedo, A.: Estimation of the Motion-Induced Horizontal-Wind-Speed St...
with: Sicard, M.: Calibration of Raman Lidar Water Vapor Mixing Ratio Measur...
with: Sicard, M.: Climatology of the Aerosol Extinction-to-Backscatter Ratio...
with: Sicard, M.: Synergy of Raman Lidar and Modeled Temperature for Relativ...
with: Sospedra, J.: Enhanced Dual Filter for Floating Wind Lidar Motion Corr...
with: Sospedra, J.: Robust Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter for Floating Dop...
with: Tanamachi, R.L.: Ceilometer-Based Rain-Rate Estimation: A Case-Study C...
with: Tiana Alsina, J.: Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height Estimation Using a...
with: Tiana Alsina, J.: Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height Monitoring Using a...
with: Tiana Alsina, J.: Estimation of the Motion-Induced Horizontal-Wind-Spe...
with: Tomas, S.: Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height Monitoring Using a Kalman...
with: Turner, D.D.: Ceilometer-Based Rain-Rate Estimation: A Case-Study Comp...
with: Utrillas, M.P.: Climatology of the Aerosol Extinction-to-Backscatter R...
with: Waldinger, J.: Ceilometer-Based Rain-Rate Estimation: A Case-Study Com...
55 for Rocadenbosch, F.
Rocamora Garcia, P.
Standard Author Listing
with: Gallego, A.J.: Deep Approach for Volumetric Tractography Segmentation, A
with: Saval Calvo, M.: Deep Approach for Volumetric Tractography Segmentatio...
with: Villena Martinez, V.: Deep Approach for Volumetric Tractography Segmen...
Rocamora, G.
Standard Author Listing
with: Biscornet, L.: Predicting the Presence of Leptospires in Rodents from ...
with: Dellagi, K.: Predicting the Presence of Leptospires in Rodents from En...
with: Gomard, Y.: Predicting the Presence of Leptospires in Rodents from Env...
with: Guernier Cambert, V.: Predicting the Presence of Leptospires in Rodent...
with: Herbreteau, V.: Predicting the Presence of Leptospires in Rodents from...
with: Jego, S.: Predicting the Presence of Leptospires in Rodents from Envir...
with: Lagadec, E.: Predicting the Presence of Leptospires in Rodents from En...
with: Le Minter, G.: Predicting the Presence of Leptospires in Rodents from ...
with: Melade, J.: Predicting the Presence of Leptospires in Rodents from Env...
with: Revillion, C.: Predicting the Presence of Leptospires in Rodents from ...
with: Tortosa, P.: Predicting the Presence of Leptospires in Rodents from En...
11 for Rocamora, G.
Rocamora, M.
Standard Author Listing
with: Biscainho, L.W.P.: Modeling Onset Spectral Features for Discrimination...
with: Cancela, P.: Query by humming: Automatically building the database fro...
with: Fuentes, M.: Multimodal Approach for Percussion Music Transcription fr...
with: Gomez, A.: Multimodal Approach for Percussion Music Transcription from...
with: Lanzaro, F.: Multimodal Approach for Percussion Music Transcription fr...
with: Marenco, B.: Multimodal Approach for Percussion Music Transcription fr...
with: Pardo, A.: Query by humming: Automatically building the database from ...
with: Pardo, A.: Separation and Classification of Harmonic Sounds for Singin...
8 for Rocamora, M.