Journals starting with 3dui

3DUI12 * *3D User Interfaces
* 3D Marking menu selection with freehand gestures
* approach to development of adaptive 3D user interfaces, An
* AR-based social presence enhancement in video-chat communication
* Augmented textual data viewing in 3D visualizations using tablets
* Beyond the Tunnels: Advanced 3D graphical modulation
* Brush, lasso, or magic wand? Picking the right tool for large-scale multiple object selection tasks
* Collaborative exploration in a multi-scale shared virtual environment
* Collaborative navigation in virtual search and rescue
* Comparing isometric and elastic surfboard interfaces for leaning-based travel in 3D virtual environments
* Comparing vibro-tactile feedback modes for collision proximity feedback in USAR virtual robot teleoperation
* Comparison of a two-handed interface to a wand interface and a mouse interface for fundamental 3D tasks
* composite approach to evaluate two interaction techniques for a 3D pointing task, A
* Democratizing rendering for multiple viewers in surround VR systems
* Design and evaluation of 3D cursors and motion parallax for the exploration of desktop virtual environments
* Design considerations for fabric-based input for surface design
* Drag'n Go: Simple and fast navigation in virtual environment
* Escape from Meadwyn 4: A cross-platform environment for collaborative navigation tasks
* Evaluation of a 3D UI with different input technologies
* Force feedback and visual constraint for drawing on a terrain: Path type, view complexity, and pseudohaptic effect
* From virtual to actual mobility: Assessing the benefits of active locomotion through an immersive virtual environment using a motorized wheelchair
* Fwobble: Continuous audio-haptic feedback for balance control, The
* gaming interface using body gestures for collaborative navigation, A
* generalized God-object method for plausible finger-based interactions in virtual environments, A
* Head gesture 3D interface using a head mounted camera
* HeatMeUp: A 3DUI serious game to explore collaborative wayfinding
* Immersive 3DUI on one dollar a day
* Improving motor rehabilitation process through a natural interaction based system using Kinect sensor
* Integrating spatial sensing to an interactive mobile 3D map
* interactive augmented reality coloring book, An
* Investigating one-eyed and stereo cursors for 3D pointing tasks
* King-Kong Effects: Improving sensation of walking in VR with visual and tactile vibrations at each step, The
* LOP-cursor: Fast and precise interaction with tiled displays using one hand and levels of precision
* Manipulating virtual objects in hand-held augmented reality using stored snapshots
* Manipulation techniques of 3D objects represented as multi-viewpoint images in a 3D scene
* new device for virtual or augmented underwater diving, A
* PapARt: Interactive 3D graphics and multi-touch augmented paper for artistic creation
* Physically-based natural hand and tangible AR interaction for face-to-face collaboration on a tabletop
* Point and go: Exploring 3D virtual environments
* Predator-prey vision metaphor for multi-tasking virtual environments
* Proxy based 3D selection
* Redirected touching: The effect of warping space on task performance
* Simultaneous categorical and spatio-temporal 3D gestures using Kinect
* Spatial misregistration of virtual human audio: Implications of the precedence effect
* Survey of 3DUI applications and development challenges
* Virtual exertions: A user interface combining visual information, kinesthetics and biofeedback for virtual object manipulation
* Virtual interaction surface: Decoupling of interaction and view dimensions for flexible indirect 3D interaction
* Visual interpenetration tradeoffs in whole-hand virtual grasping
* Zooming interface using a 3D finger position for mobile devices
49 for 3DUI12

3DUI13 * *3D User Interfaces
* 3-Point++: A new technique for 3D manipulation of virtual objects
* 3D referencing for remote task assistance in augmented reality
* 3D sketching and flexible input for surface design: A case study
* ARWand for an augmuented world builder
* Auditory feedback of contact state during object manipulation
* Building worlds with strokes
* CaveCAD: Architectural design in the CAVE
* Collaborative adjustment of selection areas for polygonal modelling
* Comparing usability of a single versus dual interaction metaphor in a multitask healthcare simulation
* Creating a user-specific perspective view for mobile mixed reality systems on smartphones
* Depth and rate estimation for chest compression CPR with smartphone
* Design and implementation of an immersive virtual reality system based on a smartphone platform
* DIY World Builder: An immersive level-editing system
* effect of target size and force feedback on 3D selection within a co-located visual-haptic immersive virtual environment, The
* Effects and optimization of visual-proprioceptive discrepancy reduction for virtual grasping
* Effects of visual conflicts on 3D selection task performance in stereoscopic display environments
* evaluation of two simple methods for representing heaviness in immersive virtual environments, An
* Evolution and usability of ubiquitous immersive 3D interfaces
* Expressing animated performances through puppeteering
* Flexible spaces: Dynamic layout generation for infinite walking in virtual environments
* ForceExtension: Extending isotonic position-controlled multi-touch gestures with rate-controlled force sensing for 3D manipulation
* Gesture-based control of avatars for social TV
* god-finger method for improving 3D interaction with virtual objects through simulation of contact area, The
* Head motion transmission based on center of rotation
* Hook: Heuristics for selecting 3D moving objects in dense target environments
* Immersive 3D modeling with Blender and off-the-shelf hardware
* Investigation on the peripheral visual field for information display with real and virtual wide field-of-view see-through HMDs
* Is the user trained? Assessing performance and cognitive resource demands in the Virtusphere
* Latency and avatars in Virtual Environments and the effects on gait for persons with mobility impairments
* Lifted road map view on windshield display
* Low-cost 3DUI using hand tracking and controllers
* MagicLensVS: Towards a flexible framework for quick setup of visual feedback in a virtual studio
* MakeVR: A 3D world-building interface
* Markerless fingertip-based 3D interaction for handheld augmented reality in a small workspace
* Navigating in virtual environments with 360deg omnidirectional rendering
* novel 3D carousel based on pseudo-haptic feedback and gestural interaction for virtual showcasing, A
* Observing change in crowded data sets in 3D space: Visualizing gene expression in human tissues
* Optimal 3D selection technique assignment using real-time contextual analysis
* Paving the way into virtual reality: A transition in five stages
* pilot study on stepwise 6-DoF manipulation of virtual 3D objects using smartphone in wearable augmented reality environment, A
* Portable integral photography input/output system using tablet PC and fly's eye lenses
* Prototyping natural interactions in virtual studio environments by demonstration by: Combining spatial mapping with gesture following
* Punching ducks for post-stroke neurorehabilitation: System design and initial exploratory feasibility study
* Puppetooner: A puppet-based system to interconnect real and virtual spaces for 3D animations
* Real time hand pose recognition with depth sensors for mixed reality interfaces
* Real-time gesture detection for multi-touch devices
* Real-time markerless kinect based finger tracking and hand gesture recognition for HCI
* Redirected Touching: Training and adaptation in warped virtual spaces
* Say it to see it: A speech based immersive model retrieval system
* SculptUp: A rapid, immersive 3D modeling environment
* Spatial Augmented Reality user interface techniques for room size modeling tasks
* Tactile flow on seat pan modulates perceived forward velocity
* Tapping-In-Place: Increasing the naturalness of immersive walking-in-place locomotion through novel gestural input
* three dimensional interface device by the wire tip position measurement using two linear image sensors and a rotary encoder, A
* Touch & Detach: Ungrouping and observation methods for complex virtual objects using an elastic metaphor
* User-defined gestural interaction: A study on gesture memorization
* Using the whole body for multi-channel gestural interface
* Virtual archery with tangible interaction
* Virtual reality interaction using mobile devices
* Volume Cracker: A bimanual 3D interaction technique for analysis of raw volumetric data
* wearable augmented reality system with haptic feedback and its performance in virtual assembly tasks, A
* Wonderland Builder: Using storytelling to guide dream-like interaction, The
63 for 3DUI13

3DUI14 * *3D User Interfaces
* 3D sound memory in virtual environments
* 3DintEx: A tool to explore interactively the structural and behavioral aspects of system models in 3D environments
* Amplitude test for input devices for system control in immersive virtual environment
* Analysis of direct selection in head-mounted display environments
* Applying Kanban to healthcare via immersive 3D virtual reality
* Applying tactile languages for 3D navigation
* Automatic termination and route guide for 3D scanning based on area limitation
* Bi-manual gesture interaction for 3D cloud point selection and annotation using COTS
* Bimanual design of deformable objects thanks to the multi-tool visual metaphor
* BrainTrek: An immersive environment for investigating neuronal tissue
* comparative study of metaphors for investigating augmented reality artifacts, A
* comparison of different methods for reducing the unintended positional drift accompanying walking-in-place locomotion, A
* Design and development of a virtual reality system for vocational rehabilitation of individuals with disabilities
* Design and evaluation of mouse cursors in a stereoscopic desktop environment
* Designing effective travel techniques with bare-hand interaction
* Dynamic adaptation of 3D selection techniques for suitability across diverse scenarios
* Evaluating dynamic-adjustment of stereo view parameters in a multi-scale virtual environment
* Evaluation of a smart tablet's interface for 3D interaction
* evaluation of a smart-phone-based menu system for immersive virtual environments, An
* Evaluation of immersive visualization techniques for 3D object retrieval
* Exploring 3D volumetric medical data using mobile devices
* Exploring the integrality and separability of the Leap Motion Controller for direct manipulation 3D interaction
* Feet movement in desktop 3D interaction
* Game cane: An assistive 3DUI for rehabilitation games
* Go'Then'Tag: A 3-D point cloud annotation technique
* Guided tour creation in immersive virtual environments
* How wrong can you be: Perception of static orientation errors in mixed reality
* HybridSpace: Integrating 3D freehand input and stereo viewing into traditional desktop applications
* Immersive point cloud virtual environments
* Integration of a haptic rendering algorithm based on voxelized and point-sampled structures into the physics engine Bullet
* Interaction-free calibration for optical see-through head-mounted displays based on 3D Eye localization
* Interactive breadboard activity simulation (IBAS) for psychomotor skills education in electrical circuitry
* Investigating viewpoint visualizations for click & go navigation
* Keynote speaker: Interacting in spatial augmented reality
* Kinect-based automatic scoring system for spasmodic torticollis
* Mid-air interactions above stereoscopic interactive tables
* Modeling insertion point for general purpose haptic device simulations for minimally invasive surgeries
* Planning redirection techniques for optimal free walking experience using model predictive control
* point walker multi-label approach, The
* Ramps are better than stairs to reduce cybersickness in applications based on a HMD and a Gamepad
* Rapid development of natural user interaction using kinect sensors and VRPN
* Reorientation in virtual environments using interactive portals
* Slice-n-Swipe: A free-hand gesture user interface for 3D point cloud annotation
* Slicing techniques for handheld augmented reality
* Stretch n cut: Method for observing and ungrouping complex virtual objects in 3D space using elastic band metaphor
* study of street-level navigation techniques in 3D digital cities on mobile touch devices, A
* Superhumans: A 3DUI design metaphor
* Touching the Cloud: Bimanual annotation of immersive point clouds
* Towards supporting situational awareness using tactile feedback
* Understanding of spatial gestural motor space: A study on cursorless absolute freehand pointing on large displays
* Virtual Mitten: A novel interaction paradigm for visuo-haptic manipulation of objects using grip force, The
* Visual feedback for virtual grasping
* Wearable input device for smart glasses based on a wristband-type motion-aware touch panel
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3DUI15 * *3D User Interfaces
* 3D virtual hand pointing with EMS and vibration feedback
* 3D visualization to mitigate weather hazards in the flight deck: Findings from a user study
* 3DUIdol: 6th annual 3DUI contest
* Aughanded Virtuality: The hands in the virtual environment
* Bema: A multimodal interface for expert experiential analysis of political assemblies at the Pnyx in ancient Greece
* Buyers satisfaction in a virtual fitting room scenario based on realism of avatar
* Carryover effects of calibration to visual and proprioceptive information on near field distance judgments in 3D user interaction
* Characterizing embodied interaction in First and Third Person Perspective viewpoints
* ChromaChord: A virtual musical instrument
* Cirque des bouteilles: The art of blowing on bottles
* Comparing indirect and direct touch in a stereoscopic interaction task
* Comparing the performance of natural, semi-natural, and non-natural locomotion techniques in virtual reality
* Conflict resolution models on usefulness within multi-user collaborative virtual environments
* Creating an impression of virtual liquid by modeling Japanese sake bottle vibrations
* Crosscale: A 3D virtual musical instrument interface
* Dealing with frame cancellation for stereoscopic displays in 3D user interfaces
* Design and evaluation of a visual acclimation aid for a semi-natural locomotion device
* digital Intonarumori, The
* Distance perception during cooperative virtual locomotion
* Encountered haptic Augmented Reality interface for remote examination
* Evaluating stereo vision and user tracking in mixed reality tasks!
* Evaluation of 3D virtual cursor offset techniques for navigation tasks in a multi-display virtual environment
* Evaluation of a bimanual simultaneous 7DOF interaction technique in virtual environments
* Exact interactions executed with new technique estimating positions of virtual objects by using human body movements
* Finger-based manipulation in immersive spaces and the real world
* Framework for remote collaborative interaction in virtual environments based on proximity
* Freehand vs. micro gestures in the car: Driving performance and user experience
* Hacking HTML5 canvas to create a stereo 3D renderer
* Handymenu: Integrating menu selection into a multifunction smartphone-based VR controller
* Haptic ChairIO: A system to study the effect of wind and floor vibration feedback on spatial orientation in VEs
* IDS: The intent driven selection method for natural user interfaces
* Immersive ROS-integrated framework for robot teleoperation
* Impact of annotation dimensionality under variable task complexity in remote guidance
* INSPECT: Extending plane-casting for 6-DOF control
* Integrated view-input interaction method for mobile AR
* interactive web-based tool for breast reduction surgery simulation, An
* Interval Player: Designing a virtual musical instrument using in-air gestures
* LazyNav: 3D ground navigation with non-critical body parts
* Learning from rehabilitation: A bi-manual interface approach
* Mapping 2D input to 3D immersive spatial augmented reality
* March-and-Reach: A realistic ladder climbing technique
* Methods to reduce cybersickness and enhance presence for in-place navigation techniques
* multi-touch finger gesture based low-fatigue VR travel framework, A
* novel 3D user interface for the immersive design review, A
* Penetra3D: A penetrable, interactive, 360-degree viewable display
* Practical chirocentric 3DUI platform for immersive environments
* robust inside-out approach for 3D interaction with large displays, A
* spatial partitioning heuristic for automatic adjustment of the 3D navigation speed in multiscale virtual environments, A
* Spatially-multiplexed MIMO markers
* Tangible virtual kitchen for the rehabilitation of Alzheimer's patients
* Towards interactive authoring tools for composing spatialization
* Utilization of variation in stereoscopic depth for encoding aspects of non-spatial data
* virtual reality simulator for training endodontics procedures using manual files, A
* VisuaLift Studio: Study on motion platform using elevator
* Volumetric calibration and registration of multiple RGBD-sensors into a joint coordinate system
* Wedge: A musical interface for building and playing composition-appropriate immersive environments
57 for 3DUI15

Index for "3"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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