Index for abu_

Abu Aisheh, Z.[Zeina] * 2015: Graph Database Repository and Performance Evaluation Metrics for Graph Edit Distance, A
* 2016: Anytime and Distributed Approaches for Graph Matching
* 2016: Anytime graph matching
* 2016: Exact Graph Edit Distance Computation Using a Binary Linear Program
* 2017: Fast Nearest Neighbors Search in Graph Space Based on a Branch-and-Bound Strategy
* 2017: Graph edit distance contest: Results and future challenges
* 2017: New binary linear programming formulation to compute the graph edit distance
* 2020: Efficient k-nearest neighbors search in graph space
Includes: Abu Aisheh, Z.[Zeina] Abu-Aisheh, Z.[Zeina]
8 for Abu Aisheh, Z.

Abu Ali, N.[Najah] * 2022: Robust Data-Driven Framework for Driver Behavior Profiling Using Supervised Machine Learning
* 2022: Robust Environment-Aware Driver Profiling Framework Using Ensemble Supervised Learning, A
Includes: Abu Ali, N.[Najah] Abu-Ali, N.[Najah]

Abu Alqumsan, M. * 2011: Mobile Visual Location Recognition
Includes: Abu Alqumsan, M. Abu-Alqumsan, M.

Abu Anbar, M.[Mohamed] * 2023: Multisensor Satellite Data and Field Studies for Unravelling the Structural Evolution and Gold Metallogeny of the Gerf Ophiolitic Nappe, Eastern Desert, Egypt

Abu Bakar, M.A. * 2016: Estimation of Aerodynamic Roughness and Zero Plane Displacement Using Medium Density of Airborne Lidar Data

Abu Bakar, S.A.R. * 2003: Accurate real-time object tracking with linear prediction method
* 2013: Human emotion recognition from videos using spatio-temporal and audio features
* 2013: License plate localization based on edge-geometrical features using morphological approach
* 2014: Enhanced Rotational Feature Points Matching using Orientation Correction
* 2019: Advances in human action recognition: an updated survey
Includes: Abu Bakar, S.A.R. Abu-Bakar, S.A.R. Abu-Bakar, S.A.R.[Syed A.R] Abu-Bakar, S.A.R.[Syed A. Rahman] Abu-Bakar, S.A.R.[Syed A.R.]

Abu Baker, A. * 2007: Automatic segmentation of cells from microscopic imagery using ellipse detection
Includes: Abu Baker, A. Abu-Baker, A.

Abu Dayya, A.[Adnan] * 2013: Joint energy-distortion aware algorithms for cooperative video streaming over LTE networks
Includes: Abu Dayya, A.[Adnan] Abu-Dayya, A.[Adnan]

Abu El Ghar, M.[Mohamed] * 2017: Accurate Lungs Segmentation on CT Chest Images by Adaptive Appearance-Guided Shape Modeling
Includes: Abu El Ghar, M.[Mohamed] Abu El-Ghar, M.[Mohamed]

Abu El Haija, S.[Sami] * 2016: Detecting Events and Key Actors in Multi-person Videos
* 2016: YouTube-8M: A Large-Scale Video Classification Benchmark
* 2017: Large-Scale Content-Only Video Recommendation
* 2020: End-to-End Learning of Compressible Features
Includes: Abu El Haija, S.[Sami] Abu-El-Haija, S.[Sami] Abu-El-Haija, S.

Abu Elyazeed, M.F.[Mohamed F.] * 2018: Fast matching pursuit for sparse representation-based face recognition
* 2021: Efficient high-speed framework for sparse representation-based iris recognition
Includes: Abu Elyazeed, M.F.[Mohamed F.] Abu-Elyazeed, M.F.[Mohamed F.]

Abu Farha, Y. * 2019: Uncertainty-Aware Anticipation of Activities
* 2021: Temporal Action Segmentation from Timestamp Supervision
Includes: Abu Farha, Y. Abu Farha, Y.[Yazan]

Abu Gharbieh, R. * 2001: Flame Front Matching and Tracking in PLIF Images Using Geodesic Paths and Level Sets
* 2003: Level Set Curve Matching and Particle Image Velocimetry for Resolving Chemistry and Turbulence Interactions in Propagating Flames
* 2006: Characterizing fMRI Activations within Regions of Interest (ROIs) Using 3D Moment Invariants
* 2008: Image segmentation using an efficient rotationally invariant 3D region-based hidden Markov model
* 2009: Adaptive Contextual Energy Parameterization for Automated Image Segmentation
* 2009: Spatial Characterization of fMRI Activation Maps Using Invariant 3-D Moment Descriptors
* 2010: Adaptive Regularization for Image Segmentation Using Local Image Curvature Cues
* 2010: Novel Rotationally Invariant Region-Based Hidden Markov Model for Efficient 3-D Image Segmentation, A
* 2010: Spotlight: Automated Confidence-Based User Guidance for Increasing Efficiency in Interactive 3D Image Segmentation
Includes: Abu Gharbieh, R. Abu-Gharbieh, R. Abu-Gharbieh, R.[Rafeef] Abu Gharbieh, R.[Rafeef]
9 for Abu Gharbieh, R.

Abu Ghazaleh, N.[Nael] * 2023: Jedi: Entropy-Based Localization and Removal of Adversarial Patches
Includes: Abu Ghazaleh, N.[Nael] Abu-Ghazaleh, N.[Nael]

Abu Haiba, I.S.I. * 1994: Straight-Line Approximation and 1D Representation of Off-Line Handwritten Text
* 1995: Fuzzy State Machines to Recognize Totally Unconstructed Handwritten Strokes
* 1996: Processing of Binary Images of Handwritten Text Documents

Abu Hussein, S.[Shady] * 2022: Image Restoration by Deep Projected GSURE
* 2022: Unsupervised Domain Generalization by Learning a Bridge Across Domains
Includes: Abu Hussein, S.[Shady] Abu-Hussein, S.[Shady]

Abu Jamous, B. * 2013: Linking Brain Responses to Naturalistic Music Through Analysis of Ongoing EEG and Stimulus Features
Includes: Abu Jamous, B. Abu-Jamous, B.

Abu Khalaf, J.[Jumana] * 2021: Indoor Semantic Scene Understanding Using 2D-3D Fusion
* 2021: Multi-species Seagrass Detection Using Semi-supervised Learning
* 2021: Overlapping Cell Nuclei Segmentation in Digital Histology Images using Intensity-based Contours
* 2021: Seagrass Detection from Underwater Digital Images using Faster R-CNN with NASNet
Includes: Abu Khalaf, J.[Jumana] Abu-Khalaf, J.[Jumana]

Abu Khalifeh, H. * 2023: Automated Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Using Deep Learning-Based Whole Slide Image Analysis of Molecular Biomarkers

Abu Lebdeh, G.[Ghassan] * 2019: Projected state-wide traffic forecast parameters using artificial neural networks
Includes: Abu Lebdeh, G.[Ghassan] Abu-Lebdeh, G.[Ghassan]

Abu Mostafa, Y.[Yaser] * 2005: Pruning Training Sets for Learning of Object Categories
Includes: Abu Mostafa, Y.[Yaser] Abu-Mostafa, Y.[Yaser]

Abu Mostafa, Y.S. * 1984: Recognitive Aspects of Moment Invariants
* 1985: Image Normalization by Complex Moments
* 1988: Capacity of a Multilevel Threshold Functions, The
Includes: Abu Mostafa, Y.S. Abu-Mostafa, Y.S.

Abu Naser, A. * 1997: Impulse Restoration-Based Template-Matching Using the Expectation-Maximization Algorithm
* 1998: Object Recognition Based on Impulse Restoration with Use of the Expectation-Maximization Algorithm
* 2002: Ml and bayesian impulse restoration based object recognition in photon limited noise
* 2005: Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test Based Algorithms for Object Recognition in Photon-Limited Images
Includes: Abu Naser, A. Abu-Naser, A.

Abu Qasmieh, I.[Isam] * 2018: Unrestricted LR detection for biomedical applications using coarse-to-fine hierarchical approach
Includes: Abu Qasmieh, I.[Isam] Abu-Qasmieh, I.[Isam]

Abu Rezq, A.N. * 2000: Combined Classifiers for Invariant Face Recognition
Includes: Abu Rezq, A.N. Abu-Rezq, A.N.

Abu Seman, D.A.L. * 2019: Proposal to Implement Integrated GIS System in Disseminating Spatial Information for Malaysia Development Approval (stakeholders And Applicants) - a Concept Paper, A

Abu, A. * 2020: Enhanced Fuzzy-Based Local Information Algorithm for Sonar Image Segmentation
* 2023: Underwater object classification combining SAS and transferred optical-to-SAS Imagery
* 2024: FedFSLAR: A Federated Learning Framework for Few-shot Action Recognition
Includes: Abu, A. Abu, A.[Avi] Abu, A.[Assanali]

Abu, P.A.R.[Patricia Angela R.] * 2020: Ensemble Convolutional Neural Networks for the Detection of Microscopic Fusarium Oxysporum
* 2021: Patch-Based Convolutional Neural Networks for TCGA-BRCA Breast Cancer Classification

Index for "a"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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