Abid, A.[Abubakar]
Co Author Listing * Clustering Plotted Data by Image Segmentation
Abid, M.[Mohamed]
Co Author Listing * Accordion Representation Based Multi-Scale Covariance Descriptor for Multi-shot Person Re-Identification
* Assessing Meteorological and Agricultural Drought in Chitral Kabul River Basin Using Multiple Drought Indices
* Automated Segmentation of Brain Tumor Using Optimal Texture Features and Support Vector Machine Classifier
* CMDM-VAC: Improving A Perceptual Quality Metric for 3D Graphics by Integrating a Visual Attention Complexity Measure
* Design of New Optimized Architecture Processor for DWT
* fast multi-scale covariance descriptor for object re-identification, A
* Feature Extraction from Contours Shape for Tumor Analyzing in Mammographic Images
* FPGA-based accelerator for Fourier Descriptors computing for color object recognition using SVM, An
* Generative Adversarial Networks for Face Generation: A Survey
* HW/SW Interface Impact on an Adaptive Multimedia System Performance: Case study
* Image denoising by adaptive lifting schemes
* improvement of multi-scale covariance descriptor for embedded system, An
* Influence of Viewpoint on Visual Saliency Models for Volumetric Content
* Interacting with Digital Signage Using Hand Gestures
* Learning Discriminating Features for Gender Recognition of Real World Faces
* Lossless image compression using gradient based space filling curves (G-SFC)
* New Accordion based video compression approach
* New Non Predictive Wavelet Based Video Coder: Performances Analysis
* Optimized Parallel Model of Covariance Based Person Detection
* Robust decoding of a 3D-ESCOT bitstream transmitted over a noisy channel
* System-Level Performance Evaluation of Very High Complexity Media Applications: A H264/AVC Encoder Case Study
* Towards Visual Saliency Computation on 3D Graphical Contents for Interactive Visualization
Includes: Abid, M.[Mohamed] Abid, M.[Muhammad] Abid, M.[Mona] Abid, M.[Mohmed] Abid, M.
22 for Abid, M.
Abid, M.M.N.[Mian Muhammad Naeem]
Co Author Listing * Brain tumor segmentation and multiview multiscale-based radiomic model for patient's overall survival prediction
Abid, M.N.[Muhammad Naeem]
Co Author Listing * Multi-level dilated convolutional neural network for brain tumour segmentation and multi-view-based radiomics for overall survival prediction
Abid, N.[Nosheen]
Co Author Listing * Burnt Forest Estimation from Sentinel-2 Imagery of Australia using Unsupervised Deep Learning
* Creating and Leveraging a Synthetic Dataset of Cloud Optical Thickness Measures for Cloud Detection in MSI
* improvement of multi-scale covariance descriptor for embedded system, An
* Optimized Parallel Model of Covariance Based Person Detection
* Sensitivity of Actual Evapotranspiration Estimation Using The Sebs Model to Variation of Input Parameters (lst, Dssf, Aerodynamics Parameters, Lai, Fvc)
Includes: Abid, N.[Nosheen] Abid, N.[Nesrine] Abid, N.
Abid, R.[Riadh]
Co Author Listing * automatic breast computer-aided diagnosis scheme based on a weighted fusion of relevant features and a deep CNN classifier, An
* LBPV descriptors-based automatic ACR/BIRADS classification approach
Includes: Abid, R.[Riadh] Abid, R.[Riad]
Abid, S.B.[Saad Bin]
Co Author Listing * 3D Visualisation to Enhance Cognition in Software Product Line Engineering, A
Abida, K.
Co Author Listing * Driving Behavior Analysis through CAN Bus Data in an Uncontrolled Environment
Abidi, A.[Ali]
Co Author Listing * Towards Searchable Digital Urdu Libraries: A Word Spotting Based Retrieval Approach
* Unconstrained Benchmark Urdu Handwritten Sentence Database with Automatic Line Segmentation, An
* Word Spotting Based Retrieval of Urdu Handwritten Documents
Abidi, B.R.[Besma R.]
Co Author Listing * 3D Target Scale Estimation and Motion Segmentation for Size Preserving Tracking in PTZ Video
* 3D Target Scale Estimation and Target Feature Separation for Size Preserving Tracking in PTZ Video
* 3D Target Scale Estimation for Size Preserving in PTZ Video Tracking
* Auto-focusing in Extreme Zoom Surveillance: A System Approach with Application to Faces
* Automated Scene-Specific Selection of Feature Detectors for 3D Face Reconstruction
* Automatic face region tracking for highly accurate face recognition in unconstrained environments
* Camera handoff and placement for automated tracking systems with multiple omnidirectional cameras
* Camera handoff with adaptive resource management for multi-camera multi-object tracking
* Camera Handoff with Adaptive Resource Management for Multi-camera Multi-target Surveillance
* Can You See Me Now? Sensor Positioning for Automated and Persistent Surveillance
* Color active shape models for tracking non-rigid objects
* Combinational Approach to the Fusion, De-noising and Enhancement of Dual-Energy X-Ray Luggage Images, A
* Constrained Optimization Approach for Image Gradient Enhancement, A
* Digital Imaging with Extreme Zoom: System Design and Image Restoration
* Efficient BP stereo with automatic paramemeter estimation
* Face Biometrics for Personal Identification: Multi-Sensory Multi-Modal Systems
* Fusion of Omnidirectional and PTZ Cameras for Accurate Cooperative Tracking
* Fusion of Visible and Infrared Images using Empirical Mode Decomposition to Improve Face Recognition
* Fusion of Visual and Thermal Signatures with Eyeglass Removal for Robust Face Recognition
* Gaussian energy functions for registration without correspondences
* Gaussian fields: a new criterion for 3D rigid registration
* Gray-Level Grouping (GLG): An Automatic Method for Optimized Image Contrast Enhancement -- Part I: The Basic Method
* Gray-Level Grouping (GLG): An Automatic Method for Optimized Image Contrast Enhancement -- Part II: The Variations
* Heterogeneous Fusion of Omnidirectional and PTZ Cameras for Multiple Object Tracking
* Hierarchical approach to enhanced active shape model for color video tracking
* Improving long range and high magnification face recognition: Database acquisition, evaluation, and enhancement
* Improving Weapon Detection in Single Energy X-Ray Images Through Pseudocoloring
* Indoor and Outdoor, Multimodal, Multispectral and Multi-Illuminant Database for Face Recognition, An
* Multiscale Fusion of Visible and Thermal IR Images for Illumination-Invariant Face Recognition
* Objective Image Quality Evaluation for JPEG, JPEG 2000, and Vidware VisionTM
* Optical flow-based real-time object tracking using non-prior training active feature model
* Overview of Color Constancy Algorithms, An
* Physics-based Fusion of Multispectral Data for Improved Face Recognition
* Recent advances in visual and infrared face recognition: A review
* Screener Evaluation of Pseudo-Colored Single Energy X-ray Luggage Images
* Sensor planning for automated and persistent object tracking with multiple cameras
* Sensor planning for PTZ cameras using the probability of camera overload
* Shape analysis algorithm based on information theory
* Spectral range selection for face recognition under various illuminations
* Stereo-based 3D Face Modeling using Annealing in Local Energy Minimization
* Survey and analysis of multimodal sensor planning and integration for wide area surveillance
* Universal Camera Calibration with Automatic Distortion Model Selection
* Vision system for on-line characterization of paper slurry
Includes: Abidi, B.R.[Besma R.] Abidi, B.R. Abidi, B.R.[B. Roui]
43 for Abidi, B.R.
Abidi, L.E.A.E.
Co Author Listing * Smooth Filters for Improving Prony's Method in Labview Environment
Abidi, M.[Mongi]
Co Author Listing * Mapping Vegetation at Species Level with High-Resolution Multispectral and Lidar Data Over a Large Spatial Area: A Case Study with Kudzu
* Multilinear Sparse Decomposition for Best Spectral Bands Selection
* NIR and Visible Image Fusion for Improving Face Recognition at Long Distance
* Robust penalty-weighted deblurring via kernel adaption using single image
Abidi, M.A.[Mongi A.]
Co Author Listing * 3-D object representation from multi-view range data applying deformable superquadrics
* 3D Imaging for Safety and Security
* 3D reconstruction of indoor and outdoor scenes using a mobile range scanner
* 3D Target Scale Estimation and Motion Segmentation for Size Preserving Tracking in PTZ Video
* 3D Target Scale Estimation and Target Feature Separation for Size Preserving Tracking in PTZ Video
* 3D Target Scale Estimation for Size Preserving in PTZ Video Tracking
* Adaptive Focal Connectivity Algorithm for Multifocus Fusion, An
* Adaptive online camera coordination for multi-camera multi-target surveillance
* Auto-focusing in Extreme Zoom Surveillance: A System Approach with Application to Faces
* Automated Scene-Specific Selection of Feature Detectors for 3D Face Reconstruction
* Automatic face region tracking for highly accurate face recognition in unconstrained environments
* Automatic Registration of 3D Datasets using Gaussian Fields
* Autonomous Robotic Inspection and Manipulation Using Multisensor Feedback
* Bilateral kernel-based Region Detector
* Camera handoff and placement for automated tracking systems with multiple omnidirectional cameras
* Camera handoff with adaptive resource management for multi-camera multi-object tracking
* Camera Handoff with Adaptive Resource Management for Multi-camera Multi-target Surveillance
* Can You See Me Now? Sensor Positioning for Automated and Persistent Surveillance
* Color active shape models for tracking non-rigid objects
* Color Edge Detection and Surface Reconstruction Through Regularization
* Combinational Approach to the Fusion, De-noising and Enhancement of Dual-Energy X-Ray Luggage Images, A
* Constrained Optimization Approach for Image Gradient Enhancement, A
* Continuous camera placement using multiple objective optimisation process
* Contrast-dependent saturation adjustment for outdoor image enhancement
* Cooperative mapping of multiple PTZ cameras in automated surveillance systems
* Data Fusion in Robotics and Machine Intelligence
* Depth Map Enhancement Using Adaptive Steering Kernel Regression Based on Distance Transform
* Developing Robotic Systems with Multiple Sensors
* Developing Sensor-Driven Robots for Hazardous Environments
* Digital Color Image Processing
* Digital Imaging with Extreme Zoom: System Design and Image Restoration
* direct use of curvelets in multifocus fusion, The
* Efficient BP stereo with automatic paramemeter estimation
* Efficient Techniques for Wide-Angle Stereo Vision Using Surface Projection Models
* Estimating 3D camera motion without correspondences using a search for the best structure
* Estimating Illumination Chromaticity via Kernel Regression
* Experimental evaluation of hypercube-based range analysis tools
* Extending depth of field by intrinsic mode image fusion
* Face Biometrics for Personal Identification: Multi-Sensory Multi-Modal Systems
* Fast Superresolution for Image Sequences Using Motion Adaptive Relaxation Parameters
* Finding Objects in a 3d Environment by Combining Distance Measurement and Color Indexing
* Fusing continuous spectral images for face recognition under indoor and outdoor illuminants
* Fusing continuous spectral images for face recognition under indoor and outdoor illuminants
* Fusion of Edge Maps in Color Images
* Fusion of Omnidirectional and PTZ Cameras for Accurate Cooperative Tracking
* Fusion of Visible and Infrared Images using Empirical Mode Decomposition to Improve Face Recognition
* Fusion of Visual and Thermal Signatures with Eyeglass Removal for Robust Face Recognition
* Gaussian energy functions for registration without correspondences
* Gaussian fields: a new criterion for 3D rigid registration
* Genetic algorithms for 3d reconstruction with supershapes
* Geometry Refinement of 3D Surfaces Using Kriging
* Gray-Level Grouping (GLG): An Automatic Method for Optimized Image Contrast Enhancement -- Part I: The Basic Method
* Gray-Level Grouping (GLG): An Automatic Method for Optimized Image Contrast Enhancement -- Part II: The Variations
* Harmonic Shape Decomposition
* Heterogeneous Fusion of Omnidirectional and PTZ Cameras for Multiple Object Tracking
* Hierarchical approach to enhanced active shape model for color video tracking
* Image Fusion and Enhancement via Empirical Mode Decomposition
* Improving long range and high magnification face recognition: Database acquisition, evaluation, and enhancement
* Improving Weapon Detection in Single Energy X-Ray Images Through Pseudocoloring
* Indoor and Outdoor, Multimodal, Multispectral and Multi-Illuminant Database for Face Recognition, An
* Learning structurally discriminant features in 3D faces
* Linking Feature Lines on 3D Triangle Meshes with Artificial Potential Fields
* Moving Object Tracked by A Mobile Robot with Real-Time Obstacles Avoidance Capacity, A
* MuFeSaC: Learning When to Use Which Feature Detector
* Multifocus Image Fusion by Establishing Focal Connectivity
* Multiresolution Analysis for Meshes with Appearance Attributes
* Multiscale Fusion of Visible and Thermal IR Images for Illumination-Invariant Face Recognition
* Multispectral visible and infrared imaging for face recognition
* new deformable model for analysis of X-ray CT images in preclinical studies of mice for polycystic kidney disease, A
* New Efficient and Direct Solution for Pose Estimation Using Quadrangular Targets: Algorithm and Evaluation, A
* New Method for Automatic 3D Face Registration, A
* new method for the registration of three-dimensional point-sets: The Gaussian Fields framework, A
* Next-Best-View System for Autonomous 3-D Object Reconstruction, A
* Normal Vector Voting: Crease Detection and Curvature Estimation on Large, Noisy Meshes
* Object Recognition and Pose Determination in Multi Sensor Robotic Systems
* Objective Image Quality Evaluation for JPEG, JPEG 2000, and Vidware VisionTM
* Occlusion filling in stereo: Theory and experiments
* On handling uncertainty in the fundamental matrix for scene and motion adaptive pose recovery
* Optical flow-based real-time object tracking using non-prior training active feature model
* Outdoor Scene Image Segmentation Based on Background Recognition and Perceptual Organization
* Outlier rejection by oriented tracks to aid pose estimation from video
* Overview of Color Constancy Algorithms, An
* Perception-based 3D triangle mesh segmentation using fast marching watersheds
* Physics-based Fusion of Multispectral Data for Improved Face Recognition
* Point fingerprint: A new 3-D object representation scheme
* Range Image Based Object Detection and Localization for HERMIES III Mobile Robot
* Recent advances in visual and infrared face recognition: A review
* Reliability Assessment Paradigm for Automated Video Tracking Systems, A
* Reliable Location and Regression Estimates with Application to Range Image Segmentation
* Robust Crease Detection and Curvature Estimation of Piecewise Smooth Surfaces from Triangle Mesh Approximations Using Normal Voting
* Scene image segmentation based on Perceptual Organization
* Screener Evaluation of Pseudo-Colored Single Energy X-ray Luggage Images
* Segmentation of Range Images Via Data Fusion and Morphological Watersheds
* Sensor planning for automated and persistent object tracking with multiple cameras
* Sensor planning for PTZ cameras using the probability of camera overload
* Shape analysis algorithm based on information theory
* Shape Measure for Identifying Perceptually Informative Parts of 3D Objects
* simple and efficient algorithm for part decomposition of 3-D triangulated models based on curvature analysis, A
* Simultaneous mesh simplification and noise smoothing of range images
* Spatial and Temporal Enhancement of Depth Images Captured by a Time-of-Flight Depth Sensor
* Spectral range selection for face recognition under various illuminations
* Stereo-based 3D Face Modeling using Annealing in Local Energy Minimization
* Supershape Recovery from 3D Data Sets
* Surface Matching by 3D Point's Fingerprint
* Survey and analysis of multimodal sensor planning and integration for wide area surveillance
* Towards understanding what makes 3D objects appear simple or complex
* Triangle mesh-based edge detection and its application to surface segmentation and adaptive surface smoothing
* Triangle mesh-based surface modeling using adaptive smoothing and implicit surface texture integration
* Uncertainty minimization in multi-sensor localization systems using model selection theory
* Universal Camera Calibration with Automatic Distortion Model Selection
* Use of Multisensor Data for Robotic Applications, The
Includes: Abidi, M.A.[Mongi A.] Abidi, M.A.
111 for Abidi, M.A.
Abidi, S.
Co Author Listing * Static action recognition by efficient greedy inference
Abidi, S.S.R.
Co Author Listing * Toward glaucoma classification with moment methods
Abidi, Y.[Yassine]
Co Author Listing * Maximal Conductaances Ionic Parameters Estimation in Cardiac Electrophysiology Multiscale Modelling
Abidin, F.A.[Febriyanti Azahra]
Co Author Listing * Comparison of ResNet50V2 and MobileNetV2 Models in Building Architectural Style Classification
Abidin, H.[Haryati]
Co Author Listing * Early Detection of Basal Stem Rot Disease in Oil Palm Tree Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Hyperspectral Imaging
Abidin, H.Z.
Co Author Listing * Long-Term Consecutive DInSAR for Volume Change Estimation of Land Deformation
Abidin, J.I.Z.[Jasbirizla Ilia Zainal]
Co Author Listing * EduNation Malaysia: Closing the Socio-Economic Educational Achievement Gap Through Free Online Tutoring Videos