Index for kaya

Kaya, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bain, J.A.: Shallow Arc Detection in Disk Surface Images for Disk Fore...
     with: Berkvens, R.: Self-Calibration and Collaborative Localization for UWB ...
     with: Cakmak, H.B.: Designing a Pattern Stabilization Method Using Scleral B...
     with: Can, A.B.: Combining 2D and 3D deep models for action recognition with...
     with: Can, A.B.: Depth features to recognise dyadic interactions
     with: Can, A.B.: Designing a Pattern Stabilization Method Using Scleral Bloo...
     with: Can, A.B.: eFis: A Fuzzy Inference Method for Predicting Malignancy of...
     with: de Poorter, E.: Self-Calibration and Collaborative Localization for UW...
     with: Er, M.: Integration of an InSAR and ANN for Sinkhole Susceptibility Ma...
     with: Ertugrul, G.: Integration of an InSAR and ANN for Sinkhole Susceptibil...
     with: Joseph, W.: Self-Calibration and Collaborative Localization for UWB Po...
     with: Keceli, A.S.: Combining 2D and 3D deep models for action recognition w...
     with: Keceli, A.S.: Depth features to recognise dyadic interactions
     with: Kocaman, S.: Integration of an InSAR and ANN for Sinkhole Susceptibili...
     with: Nefeslioglu, H.A.: Integration of an InSAR and ANN for Sinkhole Suscep...
     with: Ozdemir, A.: Integration of an InSAR and ANN for Sinkhole Susceptibili...
     with: Ridolfi, M.: Self-Calibration and Collaborative Localization for UWB P...
     with: Tavus, B.: Integration of an InSAR and ANN for Sinkhole Susceptibility...
     with: Vijaya Kumar, B.V.K.: Shallow Arc Detection in Disk Surface Images for...
     with: Weyn, M.: Self-Calibration and Collaborative Localization for UWB Posi...
     with: Xie, J.: Shallow Arc Detection in Disk Surface Images for Disk Forensics
21 for Kaya, A.

Kaya, A.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Altinel, F.: Spectral Transfer Guided Active Domain Adaptation For The...
     with: Ayerden, E.C.: Spectral Transfer Guided Active Domain Adaptation For T...
     with: Ustun, B.: Spectral Transfer Guided Active Domain Adaptation For Therm...

Kaya, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akar, G.B.: EndNet: Sparse AutoEncoder Network for Endmember Extractio...
     with: Can, Y.B.: Towards Spectral Estimation from a Single RGB Image in the ...
     with: Cinar, N.: novel convolutional neural network-based approach for brain...
     with: Ferrari, V.: Multi-View Photometric Stereo Revisited
     with: Ferrari, V.: Neural Architecture Search for Efficient Uncalibrated Dee...
     with: Ferrari, V.: Neural Radiance Fields Approach to Deep Multi-View Photom...
     with: Ferrari, V.: Uncalibrated Neural Inverse Rendering for Photometric Ste...
     with: Ferrari, V.: Uncertainty-Aware Deep Multi-View Photometric Stereo
     with: Huang, Z.W.: Neural Architecture Search for Efficient Uncalibrated Dee...
     with: Kaya, M.: novel convolutional neural network-based approach for brain ...
     with: Kumar, S.: Multi-View Photometric Stereo Revisited
     with: Kumar, S.: Neural Architecture Search for Efficient Uncalibrated Deep ...
     with: Kumar, S.: Neural Radiance Fields Approach to Deep Multi-View Photomet...
     with: Kumar, S.: Uncalibrated Neural Inverse Rendering for Photometric Stere...
     with: Kumar, S.: Uncertainty-Aware Deep Multi-View Photometric Stereo
     with: Oliveira, C.: Multi-View Photometric Stereo Revisited
     with: Oliveira, C.: Uncalibrated Neural Inverse Rendering for Photometric St...
     with: Oliveira, C.: Uncertainty-Aware Deep Multi-View Photometric Stereo
     with: Onal, M.: CNN transfer learning-based approach for segmentation and cl...
     with: Ozkan, S.: EndNet: Sparse AutoEncoder Network for Endmember Extraction...
     with: Sarno, F.: Neural Architecture Search for Efficient Uncalibrated Deep ...
     with: Sarno, F.: Neural Radiance Fields Approach to Deep Multi-View Photomet...
     with: Timofte, R.: Self-Supervised 2D Image to 3D Shape Translation with Dis...
     with: Timofte, R.: Towards Spectral Estimation from a Single RGB Image in th...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Multi-View Photometric Stereo Revisited
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Neural Architecture Search for Efficient Uncalibrated ...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Neural Radiance Fields Approach to Deep Multi-View Pho...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Uncalibrated Neural Inverse Rendering for Photometric ...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Uncertainty-Aware Deep Multi-View Photometric Stereo
29 for Kaya, B.

Kaya, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Acikgoz, I.S.: Benefits And Challenges Of Having An Open And Free Basi...
     with: Atil, I.: Benefits And Challenges Of Having An Open And Free Basis Sat...
     with: Avenoglu, B.: Benefits And Challenges Of Having An Open And Free Basis...
     with: Berke, E.: Benefits And Challenges Of Having An Open And Free Basis Sa...
     with: Demirhan, I.H.: Benefits And Challenges Of Having An Open And Free Bas...
     with: Demirkesen, C.: Benefits And Challenges Of Having An Open And Free Bas...
     with: Deveci, H.S.: Benefits And Challenges Of Having An Open And Free Basis...
     with: Efendioglu, M.: Benefits And Challenges Of Having An Open And Free Bas...
     with: Ersoz, E.: Benefits And Challenges Of Having An Open And Free Basis Sa...
     with: Gurbuz, S.Z.: Benefits And Challenges Of Having An Open And Free Basis...
     with: Koru, A.: Benefits And Challenges Of Having An Open And Free Basis Sat...
     with: Kozal, A.O.: Benefits And Challenges Of Having An Open And Free Basis ...
     with: Kupcu, R.: Benefits And Challenges Of Having An Open And Free Basis Sa...
     with: Ozen, H.: Benefits And Challenges Of Having An Open And Free Basis Sat...
     with: Oztoprak, A.F.: Benefits And Challenges Of Having An Open And Free Bas...
     with: Sakarya, U.: Benefits And Challenges Of Having An Open And Free Basis ...
     with: Simsek, F.F.: Benefits And Challenges Of Having An Open And Free Basis...
     with: Teke, M.: Benefits And Challenges Of Having An Open And Free Basis Sat...
     with: Tevrizoglu, I.: Benefits And Challenges Of Having An Open And Free Bas...
     with: Ucmak, P.: Benefits And Challenges Of Having An Open And Free Basis Sa...
20 for Kaya, D.

Kaya, D.I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Borgers, A.: Visitor Flows at a Large-Scale Cultural Event: GPS Tracki...
     with: Dane, G.: Visitor Flows at a Large-Scale Cultural Event: GPS Tracking ...
     with: Feng, T.: Visitor Flows at a Large-Scale Cultural Event: GPS Tracking ...

Kaya, E.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alatan, A.A.: Improving Proposal-Based Object Detection Using Convolut...
     with: Schwarz, S.: Refining the Bounding Volumes for Lossless Compression of...
     with: Tabus, I.: Refining the Bounding Volumes for Lossless Compression of V...

Kaya, G.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ersoy, O.K.: Change detection in very high resolution imagery based on...
     with: Ersoy, O.K.: Support Vector Selection and Adaptation for Remote Sensin...
     with: Kamasak, M.E.: Support Vector Selection and Adaptation for Remote Sens...
     with: Kaya, H.: Change detection in very high resolution imagery based on dy...

Kaya, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ayache, S.: Modeling, Recognizing, and Explaining Apparent Personality...
     with: Baki, P.: Multimodal Approach for Mania Level Prediction in Bipolar Di...
     with: Baro, X.: Modeling, Recognizing, and Explaining Apparent Personality F...
     with: Bruzzone, L.: Feature Selection Based on High Dimensional Model Repres...
     with: Ciftci, E.: Multimodal Approach for Mania Level Prediction in Bipolar ...
     with: Dibeklioglu, H.: Kernel ELM and CNN Based Facial Age Estimation
     with: Dresvyanskiy, D.: Multi-modal Arousal and Valence Estimation under Noi...
     with: Ersoy, O.K.: Change detection in very high resolution imagery based on...
     with: Escalante, H.J.: Modeling, Recognizing, and Explaining Apparent Person...
     with: Escalera, S.: Modeling, Recognizing, and Explaining Apparent Personali...
     with: Guclu, U.: Modeling, Recognizing, and Explaining Apparent Personality ...
     with: Gucluturk, Y.: Modeling, Recognizing, and Explaining Apparent Personal...
     with: Gulec, H.: Multimodal Approach for Mania Level Prediction in Bipolar D...
     with: Gurgen, F.: Random Discriminative Projection Based Feature Selection w...
     with: Gurpinar, F.: Combining Deep Facial and Ambient Features for First Imp...
     with: Gurpinar, F.: Kernel ELM and CNN Based Facial Age Estimation
     with: Gurpinar, F.: Modeling, Recognizing, and Explaining Apparent Personali...
     with: Gurpinar, F.: Multi-modal Score Fusion and Decision Trees for Explaina...
     with: Gurpinar, F.: Multimodal fusion of audio, scene, and face features for...
     with: Gurpinar, F.: Video-based emotion recognition in the wild using deep t...
     with: Guyon, I.: Modeling, Recognizing, and Explaining Apparent Personality ...
     with: Junior, J.C.S.J.: Modeling, Recognizing, and Explaining Apparent Perso...
     with: Karpov, A.: Multi-modal Arousal and Valence Estimation under Noisy Con...
     with: Karpov, A.: Zero-Shot Audio-Visual Compound Expression Recognition Met...
     with: Kaya, G.T.: Change detection in very high resolution imagery based on ...
     with: Liem, C.C.S.: Modeling, Recognizing, and Explaining Apparent Personali...
     with: Madadi, M.: Modeling, Recognizing, and Explaining Apparent Personality...
     with: Markitantov, M.: Multi-modal Arousal and Valence Estimation under Nois...
     with: Markitantov, M.: Zero-Shot Audio-Visual Compound Expression Recognitio...
     with: Ozkaptan, T.: Random Discriminative Projection Based Feature Selection...
     with: Ryumin, D.: Zero-Shot Audio-Visual Compound Expression Recognition Met...
     with: Ryumina, E.: Zero-Shot Audio-Visual Compound Expression Recognition Me...
     with: Salah, A.A.: Combining Deep Facial and Ambient Features for First Impr...
     with: Salah, A.A.: Kernel ELM and CNN Based Facial Age Estimation
     with: Salah, A.A.: Modeling, Recognizing, and Explaining Apparent Personalit...
     with: Salah, A.A.: Multi-modal Score Fusion and Decision Trees for Explainab...
     with: Salah, A.A.: Multimodal Approach for Mania Level Prediction in Bipolar...
     with: Salah, A.A.: Multimodal fusion of audio, scene, and face features for ...
     with: Salah, A.A.: Random Discriminative Projection Based Feature Selection ...
     with: Salah, A.A.: Video-based emotion recognition in the wild using deep tr...
     with: Taskin, G.: Feature Selection Based on High Dimensional Model Represen...
     with: van Gerven, M.A.J.: Modeling, Recognizing, and Explaining Apparent Per...
     with: van Lier, R.: Modeling, Recognizing, and Explaining Apparent Personali...
     with: Viegas, E.: Modeling, Recognizing, and Explaining Apparent Personality...
     with: Wicaksana, A.S.: Modeling, Recognizing, and Explaining Apparent Person...
     with: Yu, J.W.: Multi-modal Arousal and Valence Estimation under Noisy Condi...
46 for Kaya, H.

Kaya, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cinar, N.: novel convolutional neural network-based approach for brain...
     with: Kaya, B.: novel convolutional neural network-based approach for brain ...

Kaya, O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alemdar, K.D.: Accessibility of Vaccination Centers in COVID-19 Outbre...
     with: Campisi, T.: Accessibility of Vaccination Centers in COVID-19 Outbreak...
     with: Codur, M.Y.: Accessibility of Vaccination Centers in COVID-19 Outbreak...
     with: Tesoriere, G.: Accessibility of Vaccination Centers in COVID-19 Outbre...

Kaya, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alganci, U.: Separating Built-Up Areas from Bare Land in Mediterranean...
     with: Alsalman, A.: Paradigm of Geological Mapping of the Adiyaman Fault Zon...
     with: Bashir, B.: Paradigm of Geological Mapping of the Adiyaman Fault Zone ...
     with: Bayraktar, M.: Noise Sensitive Trajectory Planning for MR Guided TAVI
     with: Cakir, Z.: Paradigm of Geological Mapping of the Adiyaman Fault Zone o...
     with: Curran, P.J.: Use of Semivariograms to Identify Earthquake Damage in a...
     with: Henaish, A.: Paradigm of Geological Mapping of the Adiyaman Fault Zone...
     with: Iqbal, K.: Noise Sensitive Trajectory Planning for MR Guided TAVI
     with: Kavzoglu, T.: Assessment Of Fire Severity And Post-fire Regeneration B...
     with: Khalifa, A.: Paradigm of Geological Mapping of the Adiyaman Fault Zone...
     with: Kutoglu, S.H.: Monitoring The Surface Heat Island (SHI) Effects of Ind...
     with: Lawhorn, S.: Noise Sensitive Trajectory Planning for MR Guided TAVI
     with: Marangoz, A.M.: Monitoring The Surface Heat Island (SHI) Effects of In...
     with: Osgouei, P.E.: Separating Built-Up Areas from Bare Land in Mediterrane...
     with: Sekertekin, A.: Monitoring The Surface Heat Island (SHI) Effects of In...
     with: Sertel, E.: Separating Built-Up Areas from Bare Land in Mediterranean ...
     with: Sertel, E.: Use of Semivariograms to Identify Earthquake Damage in an ...
     with: Sunar, F.: Assessment of the Geometric Accuracy of Remotely-Sensed Ima...
     with: Tonbul, H.: Assessment Of Fire Severity And Post-fire Regeneration Bas...
     with: Tsekos, N.V.: Noise Sensitive Trajectory Planning for MR Guided TAVI
     with: Vural, E.: Learning Multi-Modal Nonlinear Embeddings: Performance Boun...
     with: Vural, E.: Multi-Modal Learning With Generalizable Nonlinear Dimension...
     with: Yeniaras, E.: Noise Sensitive Trajectory Planning for MR Guided TAVI
23 for Kaya, S.

Kaya, T.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Firat, E.: Comparison of Facial Alignment Techniques: With Test Result...
     with: Firat, E.: Multi-view Face Detection with One Classifier for Video Ana...

Kaya, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baskaraca, A.P.: Importance of Digital Methods in Preservation of Cult...
     with: Baskaraca, A.P.: Selimiye Mosque of Edirne, Turkey: An Immersive And I...
     with: Buyuksalih, G.: Importance of Digital Methods in Preservation of Cultu...
     with: Buyuksalih, G.: Selimiye Mosque of Edirne, Turkey: An Immersive And In...
     with: Deggim, S.: Selimiye Mosque of Edirne, Turkey: An Immersive And Intera...
     with: Ertugrul, O.F.: Gender classification from facial images using gray re...
     with: Kan, T.: Importance of Digital Methods in Preservation of Cultural Her...
     with: Kan, T.: Selimiye Mosque of Edirne, Turkey: An Immersive And Interacti...
     with: Kayci, L.: Application of artificial neural network for automatic dete...
     with: Kersten, T.P.: Selimiye Mosque of Edirne, Turkey: An Immersive And Int...
     with: Kobayasaki, K.: Basic Study on Human Face Recognition, A
     with: Tschirschwitz, F.: Selimiye Mosque of Edirne, Turkey: An Immersive And...
12 for Kaya, Y.

Kaya, Z.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cetin, A.E.: Microscale Image Enhancement Via PCA and Well-Exposedness...
     with: Dura, U.: Microscale Image Enhancement Via PCA and Well-Exposedness Maps
     with: Turkan, M.: Microscale Image Enhancement Via PCA and Well-Exposedness ...
     with: Yayci, Z.O.: Microscale Image Enhancement Via PCA and Well-Exposedness...

Kayaalp, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jain, R.: Scanning Electron Microscope-Based Stereo Analysis
     with: Rao, A.R.: Scanning Electron Microscope-Based Stereo Analysis

Kayaalp, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Sayed, A.H.: Detection of Malicious Agents in Social Learning
     with: Shumovskaia, V.: Detection of Malicious Agents in Social Learning

Kayaba, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kokumai, Y.: Non-contact Full Field Vibration Measurement Based on Pha...

Kayabasi, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akagunduz, E.: Detecting Driver Drowsiness as an Anomaly Using Lstm Au...
     with: Tufekci, G.: Detecting Driver Drowsiness as an Anomaly Using Lstm Auto...
     with: Tufekci, G.: Elimination of Non-Novel Segments at Multi-Scale for Few-...
     with: Ulusoy, I.: Detecting Driver Drowsiness as an Anomaly Using Lstm Autoe...
     with: Ulusoy, I.: Elimination of Non-Novel Segments at Multi-Scale for Few-S...

Kayabol, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Argueso, F.: Bayesian MAP detection of extragalactic point sources in ...
     with: Bedini, L.: Fast MCMC separation for MRF modelled astrophysical compon...
     with: Cigla, C.: Sompt22: A Surveillance Oriented Multi-pedestrian Tracking ...
     with: Gunsel, B.: SAR image classification with normalized gamma process mix...
     with: Herranz, D.: Adaptive Langevin Sampler for Separation of t-Distributio...
     with: Herranz, D.: Bayesian MAP detection of extragalactic point sources in ...
     with: Kuruoglu, E.E.: Adaptive Langevin Sampler for Separation of t-Distribu...
     with: Kuruoglu, E.E.: Bayesian MAP detection of extragalactic point sources ...
     with: Kuruoglu, E.E.: Bayesian Separation of Images Modeled With MRFs Using ...
     with: Kuruoglu, E.E.: Fast MCMC separation for MRF modelled astrophysical co...
     with: Salerno, E.: Adaptive Langevin Sampler for Separation of t-Distributio...
     with: Salerno, E.: Bayesian MAP detection of extragalactic point sources in ...
     with: Salerno, E.: Fast MCMC separation for MRF modelled astrophysical compo...
     with: Sankur, B.: Adaptive Langevin Sampler for Separation of t-Distribution...
     with: Sankur, B.: Bayesian Separation of Images Modeled With MRFs Using MCMC
     with: Sankur, B.: Fast MCMC separation for MRF modelled astrophysical compon...
     with: Sanz, J.L.: Adaptive Langevin Sampler for Separation of t-Distribution...
     with: Simsek, F.E.: Sompt22: A Surveillance Oriented Multi-pedestrian Tracki...
     with: Voisin, A.: SAR image classification with non-stationary Multinomial L...
     with: Zerubia, J.B.: SAR image classification with non-stationary Multinomia...
     with: Zerubia, J.B.: Unsupervised Amplitude and Texture Classification of SA...
21 for Kayabol, K.

Kayacan, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Duan, R.: Recommended keypoint-aware tracker: Adaptive real-time visua...
     with: Fu, C.: Recommended keypoint-aware tracker: Adaptive real-time visual ...
     with: Paudel, D.P.: Recommended keypoint-aware tracker: Adaptive real-time v...

Kayad, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gatto, S.: Monitoring Within-Field Variability of Corn Yield using Sen...
     with: Marinello, F.: Monitoring Within-Field Variability of Corn Yield using...
     with: Pirotti, F.: Monitoring Within-Field Variability of Corn Yield using S...
     with: Sozzi, M.: Monitoring Within-Field Variability of Corn Yield using Sen...

Kayafas, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alexandropoulos, T.: block-based clustering technique for real time ob...
     with: Alexandropoulos, T.: Real-time change detection for surveillance in pu...
     with: Alexandropoulos, T.: template-guided approach to vehicle surveillance ...
     with: Alexandropoulos, T.: Template-guided inspection of arbitrarily oriente...
     with: Anagnostopoulos, C.N.E.: License Plate Recognition From Still Images a...
     with: Anagnostopoulos, C.N.E.: License Plate-Recognition Algorithm for Intel...
     with: Anagnostopoulos, C.N.E.: Operator context scanning to support high seg...
     with: Anagnostopoulos, C.N.E.: template-guided approach to vehicle surveilla...
     with: Anagnostopoulos, C.N.E.: Vehicle Logo Recognition Using a SIFT-Based E...
     with: Anagnostopoulos, I.E.: License Plate Recognition From Still Images and...
     with: Anagnostopoulos, I.E.: License Plate-Recognition Algorithm for Intelli...
     with: Boutas, S.: Real-time change detection for surveillance in public tran...
     with: Boutas, S.: template-guided approach to vehicle surveillance and acces...
     with: Boutas, S.: Template-guided inspection of arbitrarily oriented targets
     with: Giannoukos, I.: Operator context scanning to support high segmentation...
     with: Loumos, V.: block-based clustering technique for real time object dete...
     with: Loumos, V.: License Plate Recognition From Still Images and Video Sequ...
     with: Loumos, V.: License Plate-Recognition Algorithm for Intelligent Transp...
     with: Loumos, V.: Operator context scanning to support high segmentation rat...
     with: Loumos, V.: Real-time change detection for surveillance in public tran...
     with: Loumos, V.: template-guided approach to vehicle surveillance and acces...
     with: Loumos, V.: Template-guided inspection of arbitrarily oriented targets
     with: Psoroulas, I.D.: License Plate Recognition From Still Images and Video...
     with: Psyllos, A.P.: Vehicle Logo Recognition Using a SIFT-Based Enhanced Ma...
24 for Kayafas, E.

Kayahara, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kimura, F.: Machine and human recognition of segmented characters from...
     with: Miyake, Y.: Machine and human recognition of segmented characters from...
     with: Shridhar, M.: Machine and human recognition of segmented characters fr...

Kayal, E.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bakhshi, S.: Segmentation of osteosarcoma tumor using diffusion weight...
     with: Kandasamy, D.: Segmentation of osteosarcoma tumor using diffusion weig...
     with: Mehndiratta, A.: Segmentation of osteosarcoma tumor using diffusion we...
     with: Sharma, R.: Segmentation of osteosarcoma tumor using diffusion weighte...

Kayalar, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alacam, S.: Organising Crowd-Sourced Media Content via a Tangible Desk...
     with: Balaban, O.: Organising Crowd-Sourced Media Content via a Tangible Des...
     with: Ipek, Y.: Organising Crowd-Sourced Media Content via a Tangible Deskto...

Kayaligil, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Inkaya, T.: adaptive neighbourhood construction algorithm based on den...
     with: Ozdemirel, N.E.: adaptive neighbourhood construction algorithm based o...

Kayalvizhi, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Banu, A.F.S.: Dental cyst diagnosis using texture analysis
     with: Banumathi, A.: Dental cyst diagnosis using texture analysis
     with: Ulaganathan, G.: Dental cyst diagnosis using texture analysis
     with: Vijayakumari, B.: Dental cyst diagnosis using texture analysis

Kayama, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Eguchi, I.: Road Observation and Information Providing System for Supp...
     with: Fujiyoshi, H.: Road Observation and Information Providing System for S...
     with: Komura, T.: Road Observation and Information Providing System for Supp...

Kayama, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ikekawa, M.: Performance Evaluation of the AV CODEC on a Low-Power SPX...
     with: Kumagiri, K.: Performance Evaluation of the AV CODEC on a Low-Power SP...
     with: Kumura, T.: Performance Evaluation of the AV CODEC on a Low-Power SPXK...
     with: Kuroda, I.: Performance Evaluation of the AV CODEC on a Low-Power SPXK...
     with: Kusano, T.: Performance Evaluation of the AV CODEC on a Low-Power SPXK...
     with: Nishitani, T.: Performance Evaluation of the AV CODEC on a Low-Power S...
     with: Shionoya, S.: Performance Evaluation of the AV CODEC on a Low-Power SP...
     with: Yoshida, M.: Performance Evaluation of the AV CODEC on a Low-Power SPX...
8 for Kayama, N.

Kayan, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alexandropoulos, S.: Infinigen Indoors: Photorealistic Indoor Scenes u...
     with: Deng, J.: Infinigen Indoors: Photorealistic Indoor Scenes using Proced...
     with: Deng, J.: Infinite Photorealistic Worlds Using Procedural Generation
     with: Goyal, A.: Infinite Photorealistic Worlds Using Procedural Generation
     with: Han, B.: Infinigen Indoors: Photorealistic Indoor Scenes using Procedu...
     with: Han, B.: Infinite Photorealistic Worlds Using Procedural Generation
     with: Law, H.: Infinite Photorealistic Worlds Using Procedural Generation
     with: Lipson, L.: Infinigen Indoors: Photorealistic Indoor Scenes using Proc...
     with: Lipson, L.: Infinite Photorealistic Worlds Using Procedural Generation
     with: Ma, Z.: Infinigen Indoors: Photorealistic Indoor Scenes using Procedur...
     with: Ma, Z.: Infinite Photorealistic Worlds Using Procedural Generation
     with: Mei, L.J.: Infinigen Indoors: Photorealistic Indoor Scenes using Proce...
     with: Mei, L.J.: Infinite Photorealistic Worlds Using Procedural Generation
     with: Newell, A.: Infinite Photorealistic Worlds Using Procedural Generation
     with: Parakh, M.: Infinigen Indoors: Photorealistic Indoor Scenes using Proc...
     with: Raistrick, A.: Infinigen Indoors: Photorealistic Indoor Scenes using P...
     with: Raistrick, A.: Infinite Photorealistic Worlds Using Procedural Generat...
     with: Wang, M.Z.: Infinite Photorealistic Worlds Using Procedural Generation
     with: Wang, Y.: Infinite Photorealistic Worlds Using Procedural Generation
     with: Wen, H.Y.: Infinigen Indoors: Photorealistic Indoor Scenes using Proce...
     with: Wen, H.Y.: Infinite Photorealistic Worlds Using Procedural Generation
     with: Yan, D.: Infinigen Indoors: Photorealistic Indoor Scenes using Procedu...
     with: Yang, K.Y.: Infinite Photorealistic Worlds Using Procedural Generation
     with: Zuo, Y.M.: Infinigen Indoors: Photorealistic Indoor Scenes using Proce...
     with: Zuo, Y.M.: Infinite Photorealistic Worlds Using Procedural Generation
25 for Kayan, K.

Kayani, W.I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Guardiola, I.G.: Functional Data Analysis Approach to Traffic Volume F...
     with: Samaranayke, V.A.: Functional Data Analysis Approach to Traffic Volume...
     with: Wagner Muns, I.M.: Functional Data Analysis Approach to Traffic Volume...

Kayanuma, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kawanaka, A.: 3-D Model Alignment for Retrieval from Part of Model Con...
     with: Umeda, F.: 3-D Model Alignment for Retrieval from Part of Model Consid...

Kayaoglu, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dansman, K.: Embedded Fingerprint Authentication System Integrated wit...
     with: Erat, M.: Embedded Fingerprint Authentication System Integrated with a...
     with: Ergun, S.: Embedded Fingerprint Authentication System Integrated with ...
     with: Kanak, A.: Embedded Fingerprint Authentication System Integrated with ...
     with: Topcu, B.: Fingerprint matching utilizing non-distal phalanges
     with: Uludag, U.: Fingerprint matching utilizing non-distal phalanges
     with: Yildirim, M.K.: Fingerprint matching utilizing non-distal phalanges
7 for Kayaoglu, M.

Kayargadde, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Martens, J.B.: Estimation of Edge Parameters and Image Blur Using Poly...
     with: Martens, J.B.: Estimation of Perceived Image Blur Using Edge Features
     with: Martens, J.B.: Image quality prediction in a multidimensional perceptu...

Kayastha, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Banskota, A.: Investigating the Utility of Wavelet Transforms for Inve...
     with: Gastellu Etchegorry, J.P.: Investigating the Utility of Wavelet Transf...
     with: Serbin, S.P.: Investigating the Utility of Wavelet Transforms for Inve...
     with: Thomas, V.A.: Investigating the Utility of Wavelet Transforms for Inve...
     with: Townsend, P.A.: Investigating the Utility of Wavelet Transforms for In...
     with: Wynne, R.H.: Investigating the Utility of Wavelet Transforms for Inver...

Kayastha, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chhetri, S.K.: Manifestation of an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Mo...
     with: Dzialowski, A.R.: Effect of Time Window on Satellite and Ground-Based ...
     with: Mansaray, A.S.: Effect of Time Window on Satellite and Ground-Based Da...
     with: Stoodley, S.H.: Effect of Time Window on Satellite and Ground-Based Da...
     with: Wagner, K.L.: Effect of Time Window on Satellite and Ground-Based Data...

Kayatani, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chu, C.: Laughing Machine: Predicting Humor in Video, The
     with: Garcia, N.: Laughing Machine: Predicting Humor in Video, The
     with: Nakashima, Y.: Laughing Machine: Predicting Humor in Video, The
     with: Otani, M.: Laughing Machine: Predicting Humor in Video, The
     with: Takemura, H.: Laughing Machine: Predicting Humor in Video, The
     with: Yang, Z.K.: Laughing Machine: Predicting Humor in Video, The

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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