Index for kurz

Kurz, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lv, Z.Y.: AdaNeRF: Adaptive Sampling for Real-Time Rendering of Neural...
     with: Neff, T.: AdaNeRF: Adaptive Sampling for Real-Time Rendering of Neural...
     with: Radl, L.: Analyzing the Internals of Neural Radiance Fields
     with: Radl, L.: LAENeRF: Local Appearance Editing for Neural Radiance Fields
     with: Steinberger, M.: AdaNeRF: Adaptive Sampling for Real-Time Rendering of...
     with: Steinberger, M.: Analyzing the Internals of Neural Radiance Fields
     with: Steinberger, M.: LAENeRF: Local Appearance Editing for Neural Radiance...
     with: Steiner, M.: Analyzing the Internals of Neural Radiance Fields
     with: Steiner, M.: LAENeRF: Local Appearance Editing for Neural Radiance Fie...
     with: Zollhofer, M.: AdaNeRF: Adaptive Sampling for Real-Time Rendering of N...
10 for Kurz, A.

Kurz, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jain, A.: Exploiting global connectivity constraints for reconstructio...
     with: Rosenhahn, B.: Exploiting Mutual Camera Visibility in Multi-camera Mot...
     with: Seidel, H.P.: Bundle Adjustment for Stereoscopic 3D
     with: Seidel, H.P.: Exploiting global connectivity constraints for reconstru...
     with: Seidel, H.P.: Exploiting Mutual Camera Visibility in Multi-camera Moti...
     with: Thormahlen, T.: Bundle Adjustment for Stereoscopic 3D
     with: Thormahlen, T.: Exploiting global connectivity constraints for reconst...
     with: Thormahlen, T.: Exploiting Mutual Camera Visibility in Multi-camera Mo...
8 for Kurz, C.

Kurz, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bimber, O.: Color invariant chroma keying and color spill neutralizati...
     with: Bimber, O.: Fast and robust CAMShift tracking
     with: Bruns, E.: Fast and robust CAMShift tracking
     with: Exner, D.: Fast and robust CAMShift tracking
     with: Grundhofer, A.: Color invariant chroma keying and color spill neutrali...
     with: Grundhofer, A.: Fast and robust CAMShift tracking
     with: Himane, S.B.: Inertial sensor-aligned visual feature descriptors
     with: Somanath, G.: HDR Environment Map Estimation for Real-Time Augmented R...
     with: Thiele, S.: Color invariant chroma keying and color spill neutralizati...
     with: Wang, Q.: Reconstructing Training Data from Diverse ML Models by Ensem...
10 for Kurz, D.

Kurz, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdi, G.: Pose Estimation Of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Based On A Visio...
     with: Alonso, K.: DLR HySU: A Benchmark Dataset for Spectral Unmixing
     with: Azimi, S.M.: Automatic Object Segmentation to Support Crisis Managemen...
     with: Azimi, S.M.: Citywide Estimation of Parking Space Using Aerial Imagery...
     with: Azimi, S.M.: Deep Learning Segmentation and 3D Reconstruction of Road ...
     with: Azimi, S.M.: EAGLE: Large-Scale Vehicle Detection Dataset in Real-Worl...
     with: Azimi, S.M.: Real-time Aerial Imagery for Crisis Management: Lessons L...
     with: Azimi, S.M.: Vetra: A Dataset for Vehicle Tracking in Aerial Imagery: ...
     with: Bachleitner, M.: Automatic Traffic Monitoring with Airborne Wide-Angle...
     with: Bahmanyar, R.: Automatic Object Segmentation to Support Crisis Managem...
     with: Bahmanyar, R.: EAGLE: Large-Scale Vehicle Detection Dataset in Real-Wo...
     with: Bahmanyar, R.: Vetra: A Dataset for Vehicle Tracking in Aerial Imagery...
     with: Barthel, C.: Real-time Aerial Imagery for Crisis Management: Lessons L...
     with: Carmona, E.: DLR HySU: A Benchmark Dataset for Spectral Unmixing
     with: Cerra, D.: 2D/3D multimodal data simulation approach with applications...
     with: Cerra, D.: DLR HySU: A Benchmark Dataset for Spectral Unmixing
     with: Cerra, D.: Long-term Tracking Of A Specific Vehicle Using Airborne Opt...
     with: Charmette, B.: Automatic Traffic Monitoring from an Airborne Wide Angl...
     with: Charmette, B.: Automatic Traffic Monitoring with Airborne Wide-Angle D...
     with: d'Angelo, P.: 2D/3D multimodal data simulation approach with applicati...
     with: d'Angelo, P.: Aircraft Based Real Time Bundle Adjustment and Digital S...
     with: d'Angelo, P.: Deep Learning Segmentation and 3D Reconstruction of Road...
     with: d'Angelo, P.: Local Versus Global Variational Approaches to Enhance Wa...
     with: d'Angelo, P.: Precise Aerial Image Orientation Using SAR Ground Contro...
     with: d'Angelo, P.: Real-time Aerial Imagery for Crisis Management: Lessons ...
     with: d'Angelo, P.: TUM-DLR Multimodal Earth Observation Evaluation Benchmar...
     with: de los Reyes, R.: DLR HySU: A Benchmark Dataset for Spectral Unmixing
     with: Diaz, M.L.: Parking space inventory from above: Detection on aerial im...
     with: Fraundorfer, F.: Automatic Annotation of Airborne Images by Label Prop...
     with: Fraundorfer, F.: Automatic UAV Image Geo-Registration by Matching UAV ...
     with: Fraundorfer, F.: Optimization of OpenStreetMap Building Footprints Bas...
     with: Fraundorfer, F.: TUM-DLR Multimodal Earth Observation Evaluation Bench...
     with: Fuentes Reyes, M.: 2D/3D multimodal data simulation approach with appl...
     with: Gstaiger, V.: 2D vs. 3D Change Detection Using Aerial Imagery to Suppo...
     with: Gstaiger, V.: Automatic Object Segmentation to Support Crisis Manageme...
     with: Gstaiger, V.: Real-time Aerial Imagery for Crisis Management: Lessons ...
     with: Heinrichs, M.: Parking space inventory from above: Detection on aerial...
     with: Hellekes, J.: Citywide Estimation of Parking Space Using Aerial Imager...
     with: Hellekes, J.: Parking space inventory from above: Detection on aerial ...
     with: Hellekes, J.: Vetra: A Dataset for Vehicle Tracking in Aerial Imagery:...
     with: Henkel, F.: Using Airborne Remote Sensing To Increase Situational Awar...
     with: Henry, C.: Automatic Object Segmentation to Support Crisis Management ...
     with: Henry, C.: Citywide Estimation of Parking Space Using Aerial Imagery a...
     with: Henry, C.: EAGLE: Large-Scale Vehicle Detection Dataset in Real-World ...
     with: Henry, C.: Parking space inventory from above: Detection on aerial ima...
     with: Hinz, S.: Spatio-Temporal Matching of Moving Objects in Optical and SA...
     with: Kehlbacher, A.: Parking space inventory from above: Detection on aeria...
     with: Kempf, C.: Local Versus Global Variational Approaches to Enhance Water...
     with: Kiefl, R.: 2D vs. 3D Change Detection Using Aerial Imagery to Support ...
     with: Kiefl, R.: Automatic Object Segmentation to Support Crisis Management ...
     with: Kiefl, R.: Using Airborne Remote Sensing To Increase Situational Aware...
     with: Kippnich, U.: Real-time Aerial Imagery for Crisis Management: Lessons ...
     with: Kippnich, U.: Using Airborne Remote Sensing To Increase Situational Aw...
     with: Koch, T.: Automatic UAV Image Geo-Registration by Matching UAV Images ...
     with: Koch, T.: TUM-DLR Multimodal Earth Observation Evaluation Benchmark, The
     with: Kohler, C.: DLR HySU: A Benchmark Dataset for Spectral Unmixing
     with: Kohn, A.: Automatic Building Extraction And Roof Reconstruction In 3k ...
     with: Korner, M.: TUM-DLR Multimodal Earth Observation Evaluation Benchmark,...
     with: Krauß, T.: Precise Aerial Image Orientation Using SAR Ground Control P...
     with: Leitloff, J.: Efficient image data processing based on an airborne dis...
     with: Leitloff, J.: Low-cost optical Camera Systems for real-time Mapping Ap...
     with: Leitloff, J.: Near real time airborne monitoring system for disaster a...
     with: Leitloff, J.: Operational System for Estimating Road Traffic Informati...
     with: Leonhardt, A.: Automatic Traffic Monitoring with Airborne Wide-Angle D...
     with: Mattyus, G.: Long-term Tracking Of A Specific Vehicle Using Airborne O...
     with: Mattyus, G.: Performance of a real-time sensor and processing system o...
     with: Merkle, N.: Automatic Object Segmentation to Support Crisis Management...
     with: Merkle, N.: Citywide Estimation of Parking Space Using Aerial Imagery ...
     with: Merkle, N.: Parking space inventory from above: Detection on aerial im...
     with: Merkle, N.: Real-time Aerial Imagery for Crisis Management: Lessons Le...
     with: Meynberg, O.: Efficient image data processing based on an airborne dis...
     with: Meynberg, O.: Low-cost Optical Camera System for Disaster Monitoring
     with: Meynberg, O.: Low-cost optical Camera Systems for real-time Mapping Ap...
     with: Meynberg, O.: Operational System for Estimating Road Traffic Informati...
     with: Meynberg, O.: Performance of a real-time sensor and processing system ...
     with: Muhlhaus, M.: Vetra: A Dataset for Vehicle Tracking in Aerial Imagery:...
     with: Muller, R.: DLR HySU: A Benchmark Dataset for Spectral Unmixing
     with: Muller, R.: Relative Pose Estimation From Airborne Image Sequences
     with: Nippold, R.: Using Airborne Remote Sensing To Increase Situational Awa...
     with: Palubinskas, G.: Near real time airborne monitoring system for disaste...
     with: Palubinskas, G.: Traffic Congestion Parameters Estimation in Time Seri...
     with: Pato, M.: DLR HySU: A Benchmark Dataset for Spectral Unmixing
     with: Reinartz, P.: Automatic Annotation of Airborne Images by Label Propaga...
     with: Reinartz, P.: Automatic Traffic Monitoring from an Airborne Wide Angle...
     with: Reinartz, P.: Automatic Traffic Monitoring with Airborne Wide-Angle Di...
     with: Reinartz, P.: Automatic UAV Image Geo-Registration by Matching UAV Ima...
     with: Reinartz, P.: DLR HySU: A Benchmark Dataset for Spectral Unmixing
     with: Reinartz, P.: Fusion of Multi-View and Multi-Scale Aerial Imagery for ...
     with: Reinartz, P.: Local Versus Global Variational Approaches to Enhance Wa...
     with: Reinartz, P.: Long-term Tracking Of A Specific Vehicle Using Airborne ...
     with: Reinartz, P.: Low-cost Optical Camera System for Disaster Monitoring
     with: Reinartz, P.: Low-cost optical Camera Systems for real-time Mapping Ap...
     with: Reinartz, P.: Near real time airborne monitoring system for disaster a...
     with: Reinartz, P.: new software/hardware architecture for real time image p...
     with: Reinartz, P.: Operational System for Estimating Road Traffic Informati...
     with: Reinartz, P.: Optimization of OpenStreetMap Building Footprints Based ...
     with: Reinartz, P.: Performance of a real-time sensor and processing system ...
     with: Reinartz, P.: Traffic Congestion Parameters Estimation in Time Series ...
     with: Reinartz, P.: TUM-DLR Multimodal Earth Observation Evaluation Benchmar...
     with: Reize, T.: Relative Pose Estimation From Airborne Image Sequences
     with: Richter, R.: DLR HySU: A Benchmark Dataset for Spectral Unmixing
     with: Romer, H.: Using Airborne Remote Sensing To Increase Situational Aware...
     with: Rosenbaum, D.: Automatic Object Segmentation to Support Crisis Managem...
     with: Rosenbaum, D.: Automatic Traffic Monitoring from an Airborne Wide Angl...
     with: Rosenbaum, D.: Automatic Traffic Monitoring with Airborne Wide-Angle D...
     with: Rosenbaum, D.: Efficient image data processing based on an airborne di...
     with: Rosenbaum, D.: Long-term Tracking Of A Specific Vehicle Using Airborne...
     with: Rosenbaum, D.: Low-cost Optical Camera System for Disaster Monitoring
     with: Rosenbaum, D.: Low-cost optical Camera Systems for real-time Mapping A...
     with: Rosenbaum, D.: Near real time airborne monitoring system for disaster ...
     with: Rosenbaum, D.: new software/hardware architecture for real time image ...
     with: Rosenbaum, D.: Operational System for Estimating Road Traffic Informat...
     with: Rosenbaum, D.: Performance of a real-time sensor and processing system...
     with: Rosenbaum, D.: Precise Aerial Image Orientation Using SAR Ground Contr...
     with: Runge, H.: Long-term Tracking Of A Specific Vehicle Using Airborne Opt...
     with: Runge, H.: Low-cost optical Camera Systems for real-time Mapping Appli...
     with: Runge, H.: Precise Aerial Image Orientation Using SAR Ground Control P...
     with: Samadzadegan, F.: Pose Estimation Of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Based On...
     with: Schneider, M.: DLR HySU: A Benchmark Dataset for Spectral Unmixing
     with: Schroeder, M.: Low-cost Optical Camera System for Disaster Monitoring
     with: Schroter, E.: Real-time Aerial Imagery for Crisis Management: Lessons ...
     with: Sheu, C.Y.: Deep Learning Segmentation and 3D Reconstruction of Road M...
     with: Spangler, M.: Automatic Traffic Monitoring with Airborne Wide-Angle Di...
     with: Statter, R.: Automatic Traffic Monitoring with Airborne Wide-Angle Dig...
     with: Suchandt, S.: Spatio-Temporal Matching of Moving Objects in Optical an...
     with: Suri, S.: Automatic Traffic Monitoring from an Airborne Wide Angle Cam...
     with: Suri, S.: Automatic Traffic Monitoring with Airborne Wide-Angle Digita...
     with: Suri, S.: new software/hardware architecture for real time image proce...
     with: Thomas, U.: Automatic Traffic Monitoring from an Airborne Wide Angle C...
     with: Thomas, U.: Efficient image data processing based on an airborne distr...
     with: Thomas, U.: Near real time airborne monitoring system for disaster and...
     with: Thomas, U.: new software/hardware architecture for real time image pro...
     with: Tian, J.: Automatic Building Extraction And Roof Reconstruction In 3k ...
     with: Tian, J.: Local Versus Global Variational Approaches to Enhance Waters...
     with: Tian, J.J.: 2D vs. 3D Change Detection Using Aerial Imagery to Support...
     with: Tian, J.J.: 2D/3D multimodal data simulation approach with application...
     with: Turmer, S.: Low-cost Optical Camera System for Disaster Monitoring
     with: Turmer, S.: Low-cost optical Camera Systems for real-time Mapping Appl...
     with: Weihing, D.: Spatio-Temporal Matching of Moving Objects in Optical and...
     with: Wenxi, C.: Using Airborne Remote Sensing To Increase Situational Aware...
     with: Xie, Y.X.: 2D/3D multimodal data simulation approach with applications...
     with: Yuan, X.T.: 2D/3D multimodal data simulation approach with application...
     with: Zeller, K.: Near real time airborne monitoring system for disaster and...
     with: Zhuo, X.: Fusion of Multi-View and Multi-Scale Aerial Imagery for Real...
     with: Zhuo, X.Y.: Automatic Annotation of Airborne Images by Label Propagati...
     with: Zhuo, X.Y.: Automatic UAV Image Geo-Registration by Matching UAV Image...
     with: Zhuo, X.Y.: Optimization of OpenStreetMap Building Footprints Based on...
147 for Kurz, F.

Kurz, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gilitschenski, I.: Unscented von Mises: Fisher Filtering
     with: Hanebeck, U.D.: Unscented von Mises: Fisher Filtering

Kurz, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Burkhardt, H.: Self-learning Segmentation and Classification of Cell-N...
     with: Fehr, J.: Self-learning Segmentation and Classification of Cell-Nuclei...
     with: Ronneberger, O.: Self-learning Segmentation and Classification of Cell...

Kurz, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Geiger, A.: Realistic Modeling of Water Droplets for Monocular Adheren...
     with: Roser, M.: Realistic Modeling of Water Droplets for Monocular Adherent...

Kurz, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Behar, D.: Contrast Techniques for Line Detection in a Correlated Nois...
     with: Benteftifa, M.H.: Feature Detection via Linear Contrast Techniques
     with: Benteftifa, M.H.: Two-Dimensional Object Detection in Correlated Noise
     with: Chang, E.S.H.: Object Detection and Experimental Designs
     with: Chang, E.S.H.: Trajectory Detection and Experimental Designs
     with: Cheung, J.: Contrast Techniques for Line Detection in a Correlated Noi...
     with: Cheung, J.: On Classification of Multispectral Infrared Image Data
     with: Cheung, J.F.Y.: Statistical Theory for Optimal Detection of Moving Obj...
     with: Ferris, D.: On Classification of Multispectral Infrared Image Data
     with: Genello, G.J.: Statistical Theory for Optimal Detection of Moving Obje...
     with: Haberstroh, R.: Line Detection in Noisy and Structured Backgrounds Usi...
     with: Kadar, I.: Class of Robust Edge Detectors Based on Latin Squares, A
     with: Kadar, I.: Class of Three-Dimensional Recursive Parallelpiped Masks, A
     with: Mohwinkel, C.: Computer Picture Processing and Enhancement by Localize...
     with: Park, J.: Image enhancement using the modified ICM method
     with: Stern, D.: Edge Detection in Correlated Noise Using Latin Square Masks
     with: Trivedi, Y.C.: Class of Robust Image-Processors, A
     with: Wicks, M.C.: Statistical Theory for Optimal Detection of Moving Object...
18 for Kurz, L.

Kurz, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bailer, W.: Taylor: Impersonation of AI for Audiovisual Content Docume...
     with: Batlogg, M.: Taylor: Impersonation of AI for Audiovisual Content Docum...
     with: Bauer, C.: Taylor: Impersonation of AI for Audiovisual Content Documen...
     with: Boucher, M.: Taylor: Impersonation of AI for Audiovisual Content Docum...
     with: de Jesus Oliveira, V.A.: Taylor: Impersonation of AI for Audiovisual C...
     with: Frank, J.: Taylor: Impersonation of AI for Audiovisual Content Documen...
     with: Froschl, G.: Taylor: Impersonation of AI for Audiovisual Content Docum...
     with: Großbacher, S.: Taylor: Impersonation of AI for Audiovisual Content Do...
     with: Judmaier, P.: Taylor: Impersonation of AI for Audiovisual Content Docu...
     with: Rottermanner, G.: Taylor: Impersonation of AI for Audiovisual Content ...
     with: Thallinger, G.: Taylor: Impersonation of AI for Audiovisual Content Do...
11 for Kurz, T.

Kurz, T.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Buckley, S.: Integration of terrestrial laserscanning, digital photogr...
     with: Buckley, S.J.: Close Range Hyperspectral Imaging Integrated With Terre...
     with: Buckley, S.J.: Review Of Hyperspectral Imaging In Close Range Applicat...
     with: Buckley, S.J.: Semi-automatic Integration of Panoramic Hyperspectral I...
     with: Enge, H.D.: Integration of terrestrial laserscanning, digital photogra...
     with: Howell, J.A.: Close Range Hyperspectral Imaging Integrated With Terres...
     with: Howell, J.A.: Integration of terrestrial laserscanning, digital photog...
     with: Leren, B.L.S.: Integration of terrestrial laserscanning, digital photo...
     with: Schneider, D.: Semi-automatic Integration of Panoramic Hyperspectral I...
     with: Sima, A.: Semi-automatic Integration of Panoramic Hyperspectral Imager...
10 for Kurz, T.H.

Kurz, W.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gonsamo, A.: Spatially Continuous Mapping of Forest Canopy Height in C...
     with: Lourenco, R.B.: Spatially Continuous Mapping of Forest Canopy Height i...
     with: Snider, J.: Spatially Continuous Mapping of Forest Canopy Height in Ca...
     with: Sothe, C.: Spatially Continuous Mapping of Forest Canopy Height in Can...

Kurzejamski, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Czarnota, K.: SConE: Siamese Constellation Embedding Descriptor for Im...
     with: Czarnota, K.: SupernCN: Neighbourhood Consensus Network for Robust Out...
     with: Dabala, L.: SConE: Siamese Constellation Embedding Descriptor for Imag...
     with: Dabala, L.: SupernCN: Neighbourhood Consensus Network for Robust Outdo...
     with: Iwanowski, M.: Selective and Simple Graph Structures for Better Descri...
     with: Komorowski, J.: BallTrack: Football ball tracking for real-time CCTV s...
     with: Komorowski, J.: SConE: Siamese Constellation Embedding Descriptor for ...
     with: Komorowski, J.: SupernCN: Neighbourhood Consensus Network for Robust O...
     with: Lynen, S.: SConE: Siamese Constellation Embedding Descriptor for Image...
     with: Lynen, S.: SupernCN: Neighbourhood Consensus Network for Robust Outdoo...
     with: Sarwas, G.: BallTrack: Football ball tracking for real-time CCTV systems
     with: Trzcinski, T.: SConE: Siamese Constellation Embedding Descriptor for I...
     with: Trzcinski, T.: SupernCN: Neighbourhood Consensus Network for Robust Ou...
13 for Kurzejamski, G.

Kurzendorfer, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akata, Z.: Audio-Visual Generalized Zero-Shot Learning using Pre-Train...
     with: Koepke, A.S.: Audio-Visual Generalized Zero-Shot Learning using Pre-Tr...
     with: Mercea, O.B.: Audio-Visual Generalized Zero-Shot Learning using Pre-Tr...

Kurzendorfer, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Breininger, K.: Myocardial Scar Segmentation in LGE-MRI using Fractal ...
     with: Brost, A.: Cryo-Balloon Catheter Localization Based on a Support-Vecto...
     with: Brost, A.: Myocardial Scar Segmentation in LGE-MRI using Fractal Analy...
     with: Brost, A.: Random Forest Based Left Ventricle Segmentation in LGE-MRI
     with: Forman, C.: Myocardial Scar Segmentation in LGE-MRI using Fractal Anal...
     with: Forman, C.: Random Forest Based Left Ventricle Segmentation in LGE-MRI
     with: Maier, A.: Cryo-Balloon Catheter Localization Based on a Support-Vecto...
     with: Maier, A.: Myocardial Scar Segmentation in LGE-MRI using Fractal Analy...
     with: Maier, A.: Random Forest Based Left Ventricle Segmentation in LGE-MRI
     with: Mewes, P.W.: Cryo-Balloon Catheter Localization Based on a Support-Vec...
     with: Steidl, S.: Myocardial Scar Segmentation in LGE-MRI using Fractal Anal...
     with: Strobel, N.: Cryo-Balloon Catheter Localization Based on a Support-Vec...
12 for Kurzendorfer, T.

Kurzhals, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Heimerl, F.: Visual Movie Analytics
     with: John, M.: Visual Movie Analytics
     with: Kuznecov, P.: Visual Movie Analytics
     with: Weiskopf, D.: Visual Movie Analytics

Kurzidem, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gunnemann, S.: Towards Engineered Safe AI with Modular Concept Models
     with: Heidemann, L.: Towards Engineered Safe AI with Modular Concept Models
     with: Monnet, M.: Towards Engineered Safe AI with Modular Concept Models
     with: Roscher, K.: Towards Engineered Safe AI with Modular Concept Models

Kurzidim, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bourier, F.: Constrained Registration for Motion Compensation in Atria...
     with: Bourier, F.: Cryo-balloon reconstruction from two views
     with: Bourier, F.: Electrophysiology Catheter Detection and Reconstruction F...
     with: Brost, A.: Constrained Registration for Motion Compensation in Atrial ...
     with: Brost, A.: Cryo-balloon reconstruction from two views
     with: Brost, A.: Electrophysiology Catheter Detection and Reconstruction Fro...
     with: Hoffmann, M.: Electrophysiology Catheter Detection and Reconstruction ...
     with: Hornegger, J.: Constrained Registration for Motion Compensation in Atr...
     with: Hornegger, J.: Cryo-balloon reconstruction from two views
     with: Hornegger, J.: Electrophysiology Catheter Detection and Reconstruction...
     with: Kleinoeder, A.: Cryo-balloon reconstruction from two views
     with: Koch, M.: Constrained Registration for Motion Compensation in Atrial F...
     with: Koch, M.: Cryo-balloon reconstruction from two views
     with: Koch, M.: Electrophysiology Catheter Detection and Reconstruction From...
     with: Liao, R.: Constrained Registration for Motion Compensation in Atrial F...
     with: Maier, A.: Electrophysiology Catheter Detection and Reconstruction Fro...
     with: Strobel, N.: Constrained Registration for Motion Compensation in Atria...
     with: Strobel, N.: Cryo-balloon reconstruction from two views
     with: Strobel, N.: Electrophysiology Catheter Detection and Reconstruction F...
     with: Wimmer, A.: Constrained Registration for Motion Compensation in Atrial...
20 for Kurzidim, K.

Kurzman, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Laradji, I.: Class-Based Styling: Real-Time Localized Style Transfer w...
     with: Laradji, I.: Weakly Supervised Consistency-based Learning Method for C...
     with: Law, M.: Weakly Supervised Consistency-based Learning Method for COVID...
     with: Lensink, K.: Weakly Supervised Consistency-based Learning Method for C...
     with: Manas, O.: Weakly Supervised Consistency-based Learning Method for COV...
     with: Nowrouzezahrai, D.: Weakly Supervised Consistency-based Learning Metho...
     with: Parker, W.: Weakly Supervised Consistency-based Learning Method for CO...
     with: Rodriguez, P.: Weakly Supervised Consistency-based Learning Method for...
     with: Vazquez, D.: Class-Based Styling: Real-Time Localized Style Transfer w...
     with: Vazquez, D.: Weakly Supervised Consistency-based Learning Method for C...
10 for Kurzman, L.

Kurzweg, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ernst, M.O.: Survey on Haptic Feedback through Sensory Illusions in In...
     with: Schmidt, A.: Survey on Haptic Feedback through Sensory Illusions in In...
     with: Weiss, Y.: Survey on Haptic Feedback through Sensory Illusions in Inte...
     with: Wolf, K.: Survey on Haptic Feedback through Sensory Illusions in Inter...

Kurzyk, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Borowska Stefanska, M.: Changes in Urban Mobility Related to the Publi...
     with: Borowska Stefanska, M.: Spatial Dimension of Transport Exclusion Relat...
     with: Kowalski, M.: Changes in Urban Mobility Related to the Public Bike Sys...
     with: Kowalski, M.: Spatial Dimension of Transport Exclusion Related to Stat...
     with: Mikusova, M.: Changes in Urban Mobility Related to the Public Bike Sys...
     with: Wisniewski, S.: Changes in Urban Mobility Related to the Public Bike S...
     with: Wisniewski, S.: Spatial Dimension of Transport Exclusion Related to St...
7 for Kurzyk, P.

Kurzynski, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Sas, J.: Combining Character Level Classifier and Probabilistic Lexico...
     with: Trajdos, P.: Dynamic Classifier Chains for Multi-label Learning
     with: Trajdos, P.: Weighting scheme for a pairwise multi-label classifier ba...
     with: Woloszynski, T.: Measure of Competence Based on Randomized Reference C...
     with: Woloszynski, T.: On a New Measure of Classifier Competence Applied to ...
     with: Woloszynski, T.: probabilistic model of classifier competence for dyna...
     with: Wozniak, M.: Computer Recognition Systems 3
7 for Kurzynski, M.

Kurzynski, M.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Blinowska, A.: branch-and-bound algorithm for optimization of multiper...
     with: Puchala, E.: Algorithms of the multiperspective pattern recognition
     with: Puchala, E.: branch-and-bound algorithm for optimization of multipersp...

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
Use for comments.