Index for sull

Sull, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahuja, N.: Estimation and segmentation of displacement field using mul...
     with: Ahuja, N.: Estimation of Motion and Structure of Planar Surfaces from ...
     with: Ahuja, N.: Integrated 3-D Analysis and Analysis-Guided Synthesis of Fl...
     with: Ahuja, N.: Integrated 3D Analysis of Flight Image Sequences
     with: Ahuja, N.: Integrated 3D Recovery and Visualization of Flight Image Se...
     with: Ahuja, N.: Integrated Matching and Segmentation of Multiple Features i...
     with: Ahuja, N.: Segmentation, Matching and Estimation of Structure and Moti...
     with: Chang, H.: Perception-based Image Transcoding for Universal Multimedia...
     with: Choi, H.: Perception-based Image Transcoding for Universal Multimedia ...
     with: Chun, S.: Perception-based Image Transcoding for Universal Multimedia ...
     with: Jung, S.: Efficient Lane Detection Based on Spatiotemporal Images
     with: Lee, K.: Perception-based Image Transcoding for Universal Multimedia A...
     with: Sridhar, B.: Model-based obstacle detection from image sequences
     with: Yoon, S.: GAMIN: Generative Adversarial Multiple Imputation Network fo...
     with: Youn, J.: Efficient Lane Detection Based on Spatiotemporal Images
15 for Sull, S.

Sull, S.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cha, S.W.: Efficient Method for Text Detection in Video Based on Strok...
     with: Chang, H.S.: Efficient Subtree Pruning Scheme in Tree-Structured Hiera...
     with: Chang, H.S.: Efficient video indexing scheme for content-based retrieval
     with: Choi, T.: Depth estimation from stereo cameras through a curved transp...
     with: Chun, S.S.: Coarse-to-Fine Classification for Image-Based Face Detection
     with: Chun, S.S.: Efficient Method for Text Detection in Video Based on Stro...
     with: Chun, S.S.: Flicker Reduction in Intra Coded Frames of H.264/AVC
     with: Chun, S.S.: Real-Time Video Indexing System for Live Digital Broadcast...
     with: Chung, M.G.: Relevance Feedback Reinforced with Semantics Accumulation
     with: Chung, T.Y.: Frame loss concealment for stereoscopic video based on in...
     with: Dinh, V.C.: Efficient Method for Text Detection in Video Based on Stro...
     with: Kim, C.: Weakly Supervised Segmentation of Small Buildings with Point ...
     with: Kim, C.S.: Frame loss concealment for stereoscopic video based on inte...
     with: Kim, C.S.: Progressive 3D mesh compression using MOG-based Bayesian en...
     with: Kim, H.: Real-Time Video Indexing System for Live Digital Broadcast TV...
     with: Kim, J.R.: Efficient Subtree Pruning Scheme in Tree-Structured Hierarchy
     with: Kim, J.R.: Real-Time Video Indexing System for Live Digital Broadcast ...
     with: Lee, D.Y.: Progressive 3D mesh compression using MOG-based Bayesian en...
     with: Lee, H.: Image Enhancement for Reducing LCD Backlight Power Based on H...
     with: Lee, H.J.: Adaptive parallax control based on 3D scene change detection
     with: Lee, H.J.: Efficient Viewer-Centric Depth Adjustment Based on Virtual ...
     with: Lee, J.H.: Regression Tree CNN for Estimation of Ground Sampling Dista...
     with: Lee, J.H.: Weakly Supervised Segmentation of Small Buildings with Poin...
     with: Lee, M.S.: Automatic Video Parsing Using Shot Boundary Detection and C...
     with: Lee, S.J.: Image Enhancement for Reducing LCD Backlight Power Based on...
     with: Lee, S.U.: Efficient Subtree Pruning Scheme in Tree-Structured Hierarchy
     with: Lee, S.U.: Efficient video indexing scheme for content-based retrieval
     with: Lee, S.U.: Relevance Graph-Based Image Retrieval
     with: Lee, S.W.: Automatic Video Parsing Using Shot Boundary Detection and C...
     with: Oh, J.: Relevance Graph-Based Image Retrieval
     with: Oh, S.W.: Relevance Feedback Reinforced with Semantics Accumulation
     with: Oh, S.W.: Relevance Graph-Based Image Retrieval
     with: Park, H.: Adaptive parallax control based on 3D scene change detection
     with: Park, H.: Efficient Viewer-Centric Depth Adjustment Based on Virtual F...
     with: Ryu, H.J.: Coarse-to-Fine Classification for Image-Based Face Detection
     with: Ryu, H.J.: Efficient Method for Text Detection in Video Based on Strok...
     with: Ryu, H.J.: Flicker Reduction in Intra Coded Frames of H.264/AVC
     with: Song, S.M.H.: Relevance Graph-Based Image Retrieval
     with: Sridhar, B.: Runway Obstacle Detection by Controlled Spatiomatic Image...
     with: Yang, Y.M.: Automatic Video Parsing Using Shot Boundary Detection and ...
     with: Yoon, J.C.: Coarse-to-Fine Classification for Image-Based Face Detection
     with: Yoon, J.C.: Real-Time Video Indexing System for Live Digital Broadcast...
     with: Yoon, S.: Depth estimation from stereo cameras through a curved transp...
43 for Sull, S.H.

Sulla Menashe, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Carvalho, L.: parametric model for classifying land cover and evaluati...
     with: Friedl, M.A.: parametric model for classifying land cover and evaluati...
     with: Glanz, H.: parametric model for classifying land cover and evaluating ...

Sullins, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ballard, D.H.: Connectionist Model of Extrapersonal Space, A
     with: Bandyopadhyay, A.: Connectionist Model of Extrapersonal Space, A
     with: Canavan, S.: Recognizing face sketches by a large number of human subj...
     with: Ellyson, S.: Recognizing face sketches by a large number of human subj...
     with: Gangam, P.: Recognizing face sketches by a large number of human subje...
     with: McCullough, C.: Recognizing face sketches by a large number of human s...
     with: Tanaka, H.: Connectionist Model of Extrapersonal Space, A
     with: Yin, L.J.: Recognizing face sketches by a large number of human subjec...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Recognizing face sketches by a large number of human subjec...
     with: Zone, A.: Recognizing face sketches by a large number of human subject...
10 for Sullins, J.

Sullins, J.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adkins Hill, J.P.: biometric database with rotating head videos and ha...
     with: Adkins Hill, J.P.: empirical comparison of high definition video and r...
     with: Canavan, S.: biometric database with rotating head videos and hand-dra...
     with: Canavan, S.: Evaluation of Multi-frame Fusion Based Face Classificatio...
     with: Canavan, S.J.: Face Recognition by Multi-Frame Fusion of Rotating Head...
     with: Fortunato, J.M.: empirical comparison of high definition video and reg...
     with: Goldgof, D.B.: Face Recognition by Multi-Frame Fusion of Rotating Head...
     with: Johnson, B.: Evaluation of Multi-frame Fusion Based Face Classificatio...
     with: Kozak, M.P.: Face Recognition by Multi-Frame Fusion of Rotating Heads ...
     with: McCullough, C.: biometric database with rotating head videos and hand-...
     with: McCullough, C.: Hand-Drawn Face Sketch Recognition by Humans and a PCA...
     with: McCullough, C.: Human and Computer Evaluations of Face Sketches with I...
     with: Nizami, H.: biometric database with rotating head videos and hand-draw...
     with: Reale, M.: Evaluation of Multi-frame Fusion Based Face Classification ...
     with: Ross, C.R.: Hand-Drawn Face Sketch Recognition by Humans and a PCA-Bas...
     with: Ross, C.R.: Human and Computer Evaluations of Face Sketches with Impli...
     with: Shreve, M.A.: Face Recognition by Multi-Frame Fusion of Rotating Heads...
     with: Yin, L.J.: biometric database with rotating head videos and hand-drawn...
     with: Yin, L.J.: Evaluation of Multi-frame Fusion Based Face Classification ...
     with: Zhang, Y.: biometric database with rotating head videos and hand-drawn...
     with: Zhang, Y.: empirical comparison of high definition video and regular v...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Evaluation of Multi-frame Fusion Based Face Classification ...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Face Recognition by Multi-Frame Fusion of Rotating Heads in...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Hand-Drawn Face Sketch Recognition by Humans and a PCA-Base...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Human and Computer Evaluations of Face Sketches with Implic...
25 for Sullins, J.R.

Sullivan, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abbott, L.: PointMotionNet: Point-Wise Motion Learning for Large-Scale...
     with: Beilina, L.: Quantitative Image Recovery From Measured Blind Backscatt...
     with: Chen, S.: PointMotionNet: Point-Wise Motion Learning for Large-Scale L...
     with: Chen, S.: Unsupervised Joint 3D Object Model Learning and 6D Pose Esti...
     with: Cherian, A.: InSeGAN: A Generative Approach to Segmenting Identical In...
     with: Cherian, A.: Sem-GAN: Semantically-Consistent Image-to-Image Translation
     with: Cherian, A.: Unsupervised Joint 3D Object Model Learning and 6D Pose E...
     with: Feng, C.: Unsupervised Joint 3D Object Model Learning and 6D Pose Esti...
     with: Fiddy, M.A.: Quantitative Image Recovery From Measured Blind Backscatt...
     with: Gaunaurd, G.: Detection of buried objects using GPR change detection i...
     with: Jain, S.: InSeGAN: A Generative Approach to Segmenting Identical Insta...
     with: Klibanov, M.V.: Quantitative Image Recovery From Measured Blind Backsc...
     with: Kuzhuget, A.V.: Quantitative Image Recovery From Measured Blind Backsc...
     with: Li, X.L.: PointMotionNet: Point-Wise Motion Learning for Large-Scale L...
     with: Marks, T.: Unsupervised Joint 3D Object Model Learning and 6D Pose Est...
     with: Marks, T.K.: InSeGAN: A Generative Approach to Segmenting Identical In...
     with: Nguyen, L.: Quantitative Image Recovery From Measured Blind Backscatte...
     with: Pais, G.D.: InSeGAN: A Generative Approach to Segmenting Identical Ins...
     with: Sadjadi, F.: Detection of buried objects using GPR change detection in...
     with: Wang, G.: Towards Learning Affine-Invariant Representations via Data-E...
     with: Wang, G.: Unsupervised Joint 3D Object Model Learning and 6D Pose Esti...
     with: Wang, J.: PointMotionNet: Point-Wise Motion Learning for Large-Scale L...
     with: Wu, Y.: Unsupervised Joint 3D Object Model Learning and 6D Pose Estima...
     with: Xu, W.: Towards Learning Affine-Invariant Representations via Data-Eff...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Towards Learning Affine-Invariant Representations via Data-...
25 for Sullivan, A.

Sullivan, A.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Khoa, V.A.: Through-the-Wall Nonlinear SAR Imaging
     with: Klibanov, M.V.: Through-the-Wall Nonlinear SAR Imaging
     with: Nguyen, L.H.: Through-the-Wall Nonlinear SAR Imaging
     with: Smirnov, A.V.: Through-the-Wall Nonlinear SAR Imaging

Sullivan, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abrams, P.: Linking Past and Present Land-Use Histories in Southern Am...
     with: Cutler, A.: Linking Past and Present Land-Use Histories in Southern Am...
     with: Damen, D.: EPIC-Tent: An Egocentric Video Dataset for Camping Tent Ass...
     with: Diaz, A.J.R.: Linking Past and Present Land-Use Histories in Southern ...
     with: Gilchrist, I.: EPIC-Tent: An Egocentric Video Dataset for Camping Tent...
     with: Han, J.: Linking Past and Present Land-Use Histories in Southern Amazo...
     with: Jang, Y.: EPIC-Tent: An Egocentric Video Dataset for Camping Tent Asse...
     with: Johansen, K.: Mapping Banana Plants from High Spatial Resolution Ortho...
     with: Ludwig, C.: EPIC-Tent: An Egocentric Video Dataset for Camping Tent As...
     with: Mayol Cuevas, W.: EPIC-Tent: An Egocentric Video Dataset for Camping T...
     with: Peasley, D.: Mapping Banana Plants from High Spatial Resolution Orthop...
     with: Phinn, S.: Mapping Banana Plants from High Spatial Resolution Orthopho...
     with: Plekhov, D.: Linking Past and Present Land-Use Histories in Southern A...
     with: Sohlbach, M.: Mapping Banana Plants from High Spatial Resolution Ortho...
     with: Stringer, S.: Mapping Banana Plants from High Spatial Resolution Ortho...
     with: VanValkenburgh, P.: Linking Past and Present Land-Use Histories in Sou...
     with: Wernke, S.: Linking Past and Present Land-Use Histories in Southern Am...
17 for Sullivan, B.

Sullivan, B.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ansari, R.: Effects of image preprocessing/resizing on diagnostic qual...
     with: Ansari, R.: Relative effects of resolution and quantization on the qua...
     with: Giger, M.L.: Effects of image preprocessing/resizing on diagnostic qua...
     with: Giger, M.L.: Relative effects of resolution and quantization on the qu...
     with: MacMahon, H.: Effects of image preprocessing/resizing on diagnostic qu...
     with: MacMahon, H.: Relative effects of resolution and quantization on the q...

Sullivan, C.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Attwood, C.I.: Recognising Cortical Sulci and Gyri in MR Images
     with: Baker, K.D.: Recognising Cortical Sulci and Gyri in MR Images

Sullivan, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adams, J.: Emergent Challenges for Science sUAS Data Management: Fairn...
     with: Barbieri, L.: Emergent Challenges for Science sUAS Data Management: Fa...
     with: Bell, T.: Emergent Challenges for Science sUAS Data Management: Fairne...
     with: Chakraborty, D.P.: Breast tissue density quantification via digitized ...
     with: Conant, E.F.: Breast tissue density quantification via digitized mammo...
     with: Crosby, C.: Emergent Challenges for Science sUAS Data Management: Fair...
     with: Klump, J.: Emergent Challenges for Science sUAS Data Management: Fairn...
     with: Parr, C.: Emergent Challenges for Science sUAS Data Management: Fairne...
     with: Saha, P.K.: Breast tissue density quantification via digitized mammogr...
     with: Shrestha, S.R.: Emergent Challenges for Science sUAS Data Management: ...
     with: Thomer, A.: Emergent Challenges for Science sUAS Data Management: Fair...
     with: Udupa, J.K.: Breast tissue density quantification via digitized mammog...
     with: Wyngaard, J.: Emergent Challenges for Science sUAS Data Management: Fa...
13 for Sullivan, D.

Sullivan, E.O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gecer, B.: Towards a Complete 3D Morphable Model of the Human Head
     with: Moschoglou, S.: Towards a Complete 3D Morphable Model of the Human Head
     with: Pears, N.: Towards a Complete 3D Morphable Model of the Human Head
     with: Ploumpis, S.: Towards a Complete 3D Morphable Model of the Human Head
     with: Smith, W.A.P.: Towards a Complete 3D Morphable Model of the Human Head
     with: Ververas, E.: Towards a Complete 3D Morphable Model of the Human Head
     with: Wang, H.Y.: Towards a Complete 3D Morphable Model of the Human Head
     with: Zafeiriou, S.: 3D Landmark Localization in Point Clouds for the Human ...
     with: Zafeiriou, S.P.: Towards a Complete 3D Morphable Model of the Human Head
9 for Sullivan, E.O.

Sullivan, E.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adalsteinsson, E.: Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping by Inversion of...
     with: Adeli, E.: Representation Learning with Statistical Independence to Mi...
     with: Fei Fei, L.: Representation Learning with Statistical Independence to ...
     with: Jenkinson, M.: Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping by Inversion of a P...
     with: Niebles, J.C.: Representation Learning with Statistical Independence t...
     with: Pfefferbaum, A.: Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping by Inversion of a...
     with: Pfefferbaum, A.: Representation Learning with Statistical Independence...
     with: Pohl, K.M.: Representation Learning with Statistical Independence to M...
     with: Poynton, C.B.: Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping by Inversion of a P...
     with: Wells, W.M.: Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping by Inversion of a Per...
     with: Zhao, Q.Y.: Representation Learning with Statistical Independence to M...
11 for Sullivan, E.V.

Sullivan, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: del Greco, J.: Determining Subarctic Peatland Vegetation Using an Unma...
     with: Finnell, D.: Determining Subarctic Peatland Vegetation Using an Unmann...
     with: Garnello, A.J.: Determining Subarctic Peatland Vegetation Using an Unm...
     with: Herrick, C.: Determining Subarctic Peatland Vegetation Using an Unmann...
     with: McArthur, K.: Determining Subarctic Peatland Vegetation Using an Unman...
     with: McCalley, C.: Determining Subarctic Peatland Vegetation Using an Unman...
     with: Palace, M.: Determining Subarctic Peatland Vegetation Using an Unmanne...
     with: Varner, R.K.: Determining Subarctic Peatland Vegetation Using an Unman...
8 for Sullivan, F.

Sullivan, F.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Basler, D.: Tree Species Traits Determine the Success of LiDAR-Based C...
     with: Braswell, B.H.: Automated method for measuring the extent of selective...
     with: Delgado, G.M.: Automated method for measuring the extent of selective ...
     with: Ducey, M.J.: Tree Species Traits Determine the Success of LiDAR-Based ...
     with: Ellis, P.: Automated method for measuring the extent of selective logg...
     with: Hagen, S.C.: Automated method for measuring the extent of selective lo...
     with: Hanson, M.A.: Automated method for measuring the extent of selective l...
     with: Hastings, J.H.: Tree Species Traits Determine the Success of LiDAR-Bas...
     with: Hunsaker, A.G.: Evaluating the Effects of UAS Flight Speed on Lidar Sn...
     with: Jacobs, J.M.: Evaluating the Effects of UAS Flight Speed on Lidar Snow...
     with: Klassen, A.W.: Automated method for measuring the extent of selective ...
     with: Kustiyo: Automated method for measuring the extent of selective loggin...
     with: Melendy, L.: Automated method for measuring the extent of selective lo...
     with: Ollinger, S.V.: Tree Species Traits Determine the Success of LiDAR-Bas...
     with: Orwig, D.A.: Tree Species Traits Determine the Success of LiDAR-Based ...
     with: Ouimette, A.P.: Tree Species Traits Determine the Success of LiDAR-Bas...
     with: Palace, M.W.: Automated method for measuring the extent of selective l...
     with: Palace, M.W.: Evaluating the Effects of UAS Flight Speed on Lidar Snow...
     with: Palace, M.W.: Tree Species Traits Determine the Success of LiDAR-Based...
     with: Pearson, T.R.H.: Automated method for measuring the extent of selectiv...
     with: Roswintiarti, O.: Automated method for measuring the extent of selecti...
     with: Sambodo, A.K.: Automated method for measuring the extent of selective ...
     with: Sanders DeMott, R.: Tree Species Traits Determine the Success of LiDAR...
     with: Walker, S.M.: Automated method for measuring the extent of selective l...
24 for Sullivan, F.B.

Sullivan, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Frossard, P.: Introduction to the special section on 3D representation...
     with: Lee, S.: Introduction to the special section on 3D representation, com...
     with: Mueller, K.: Introduction to the special section on 3D representation,...
     with: Ohm, J.R.: Introduction to the special section on 3D representation, c...
     with: Vetro, A.: Introduction to the special section on 3D representation, c...

Sullivan, G.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anderson, J.A.D.W.: Model: A Poplog Package to Support Model-Based Vis...
     with: Anderson, J.A.D.W.: Use of Multiple Difference-of-Gaussian Filters to ...
     with: Attwood, C.I.: Model Construction from a single perspective view using...
     with: Attwood, C.I.: Model-based interpretation of anatomical structures in ...
     with: Attwood, C.I.: Model-based Vehicle Detection and Classification using ...
     with: Baker, K.D.: 3D Grouping by Viewpoint Consistency Ascent
     with: Baker, K.D.: 3D Structure and Motion Estimation from 2D Image Sequences
     with: Baker, K.D.: Active contours in medical image processing using a netwo...
     with: Baker, K.D.: Active Contours Using Finite Elements to Control Local Sc...
     with: Baker, K.D.: Advances in Model Based Traffic Vision
     with: Baker, K.D.: Automatic Construction of a View-Independent Relational M...
     with: Baker, K.D.: Closed-Form Algorithms for Object Pose and Scale Recovery...
     with: Baker, K.D.: Consistent Labelling of Image Features Using an Assumptio...
     with: Baker, K.D.: Efficient Image Gradient-Based Object Localization and Re...
     with: Baker, K.D.: Experiments on the Use of the ATMS to Lagel Features for ...
     with: Baker, K.D.: Fast Algorithms for Object Orientation Determination
     with: Baker, K.D.: Fast Vehicle Localization and Recognition without Line E...
     with: Baker, K.D.: Generic Deformable Model for Vehicle Recognition, A
     with: Baker, K.D.: Kalman Filters in Constrained Model Based Tracking
     with: Baker, K.D.: Linear Algorithms for Multi-Frame Structure from Constrai...
     with: Baker, K.D.: Linear Algorithms for Object Pose Estimation
     with: Baker, K.D.: Model based 3D grouping by using 2D cues
     with: Baker, K.D.: Model Based Perspective Inversion
     with: Baker, K.D.: Model Construction from a single perspective view using ...
     with: Baker, K.D.: model-based approach to the reconstruction of three dimen...
     with: Baker, K.D.: Model-based interpretation of anatomical structures in cr...
     with: Baker, K.D.: Model-Based Localization and Recognition of Road Vehicles
     with: Baker, K.D.: Model-based Tracking
     with: Baker, K.D.: Model-based Vehicle Detection and Classification using Or...
     with: Baker, K.D.: Model-Independent Recovery of Object Orientations
     with: Baker, K.D.: Model: A Poplog Package to Support Model-Based Vision
     with: Baker, K.D.: Modelling Data Complexity for Model-based Vision
     with: Baker, K.D.: On Computing the Perspective Transformation Matrix and C...
     with: Baker, K.D.: On Evidence Assessment for Model-based Recognition
     with: Baker, K.D.: Parabolic and hermite cubic finite elements: a flexible t...
     with: Baker, K.D.: Performance Assessment of Model-Based Tracking
     with: Baker, K.D.: Pose and Structure Recovery using Active Models
     with: Baker, K.D.: Pose Determination and Recognition of Vehicles in Traffic...
     with: Baker, K.D.: Pose Refinement of Active Models Using Forces in 3D
     with: Baker, K.D.: Quantitative Analysis of the Viewpoint Consistency Constr...
     with: Baker, K.D.: Recognising Objects on the Ground Plane
     with: Baker, K.D.: Recognizing Objects on the Ground-Plane
     with: Baker, K.D.: Recovery of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Camera Parameters usi...
     with: Baker, K.D.: Relational Model Construction and 3D Object Recognition f...
     with: Baker, K.D.: Roll Angle Consistency Constraint
     with: Baker, K.D.: Simple, Intuitive Camera Calibration Tool for Natural Ima...
     with: Baker, K.D.: Structure from Constrained Motion Using Point Corresponde...
     with: Baker, K.D.: Structure from Motion Using Ground Plane Constraint
     with: Baker, K.D.: Use of Multiple Difference-of-Gaussian Filters to Verify ...
     with: Baker, K.D.: Using Automatically Constructed View-Independent Relation...
     with: Bodington, R.M.: Consistent Labelling of Image Features Using an Assum...
     with: Bodington, R.M.: Experiments on the Use of the ATMS to Lagel Features ...
     with: Colchester, A.C.F.: Model-based interpretation of anatomical structure...
     with: Du, L.: 3D Grouping by Viewpoint Consistency Ascent
     with: Du, L.: Model based 3D grouping by using 2D cues
     with: Du, L.: Modelling Data Complexity for Model-based Vision
     with: Du, L.: On Evidence Assessment for Model-based Recognition
     with: Du, L.: Quantitative Analysis of the Viewpoint Consistency Constraint ...
     with: Ferryman, J.M.: Generic Deformable Model for Vehicle Recognition, A
     with: Ferryman, J.M.: Pose and Structure Recovery using Active Models
     with: Ferryman, J.M.: Visual Object Recognition Using Deformable Models of V...
     with: Hockney, R.W.: Active contours in medical image processing using a net...
     with: Karaolani, P.: Active Contours Using Finite Elements to Control Local ...
     with: Karaolani, P.: Parabolic and hermite cubic finite elements: a flexible...
     with: Marslin, R.F.: Kalman Filters in Constrained Model Based Tracking
     with: Marslin, R.F.: Model-based Tracking
     with: Maybank, S.J.: Filter for Car Tracking Based on Acceleration and Steer...
     with: Maybank, S.J.: Filter for Visual Tracking Based on a Stochastic Model ...
     with: Rake, S.T.: model-based approach to the reconstruction of three dimens...
     with: Remagnino, P.M.: Model-based Vehicle Detection and Classification usin...
     with: Richards, K.: Colour and Texture in Cloud Identification: An Experimen...
     with: Richards, K.: Estimation of Cloud Cover Using Colour and Texture
     with: Robinson, G.P.: Model-based interpretation of anatomical structures in...
     with: Tan, T.N.: 3D Structure and Motion Estimation from 2D Image Sequences
     with: Tan, T.N.: Closed-Form Algorithms for Object Pose and Scale Recovery i...
     with: Tan, T.N.: Efficient Image Gradient-Based Object Localization and Reco...
     with: Tan, T.N.: Fast Algorithms for Object Orientation Determination
     with: Tan, T.N.: Fast Vehicle Localization and Recognition without Line Ext...
     with: Tan, T.N.: Linear Algorithms for Multi-Frame Structure from Constraine...
     with: Tan, T.N.: Linear Algorithms for Object Pose Estimation
     with: Tan, T.N.: Model-Based Localization and Recognition of Road Vehicles
     with: Tan, T.N.: Model-Independent Recovery of Object Orientations
     with: Tan, T.N.: On Computing the Perspective Transformation Matrix and Cam...
     with: Tan, T.N.: Pose Determination and Recognition of Vehicles in Traffic S...
     with: Tan, T.N.: Recognising Objects on the Ground Plane
     with: Tan, T.N.: Recognizing Objects on the Ground-Plane
     with: Tan, T.N.: Recovery of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Camera Parameters using...
     with: Tan, T.N.: Structure from Constrained Motion Using Point Correspondences
     with: Tan, T.N.: Structure from Motion Using Ground Plane Constraint
     with: Worrall, A.D.: Active contours in medical image processing using a net...
     with: Worrall, A.D.: Advances in Model Based Traffic Vision
     with: Worrall, A.D.: Filter for Car Tracking Based on Acceleration and Steer...
     with: Worrall, A.D.: Filter for Visual Tracking Based on a Stochastic Model ...
     with: Worrall, A.D.: Generic Deformable Model for Vehicle Recognition, A
     with: Worrall, A.D.: Model Based Perspective Inversion
     with: Worrall, A.D.: Model-based Tracking
     with: Worrall, A.D.: Model-based Vehicle Detection and Classification using ...
     with: Worrall, A.D.: Pose and Structure Recovery using Active Models
     with: Worrall, A.D.: Pose Refinement of Active Models Using Forces in 3D
     with: Worrall, A.D.: Roll Angle Consistency Constraint
     with: Worrall, A.D.: Simple, Intuitive Camera Calibration Tool for Natural I...
     with: Worrall, A.D.: Visual Object Recognition Using Deformable Models of Ve...
     with: Zhang, S.: Automatic Construction of a View-Independent Relational Mod...
     with: Zhang, S.: Relational Model Construction and 3D Object Recognition fro...
     with: Zhang, S.: Using Automatically Constructed View-Independent Relational...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Model based 3D grouping by using 2D cues
116 for Sullivan, G.D.

Sullivan, G.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Andersson, K.: General Video Coding Technology in Responses to the Joi...
     with: Baker, R.L.: Efficient Quadtree Coding of Images and Video
     with: Baker, R.L.: Recursive optimal pruning with applications to tree struc...
     with: Baroncini, V.: Video Quality Evaluation Methodology and Verification T...
     with: Bjontegaard, G.: Overview of the H.264/AVC video coding standard
     with: Blaser, M.: General Video Coding Technology in Responses to the Joint ...
     with: Boyce, J.M.: Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on th...
     with: Boyce, J.M.: Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on th...
     with: Boyce, J.M.: High-Level Syntax of the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Sta...
     with: Bross, B.: General Video Coding Technology in Responses to the Joint C...
     with: Bross, B.: Overview of the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Standard and i...
     with: Budagavi, M.: Introduction to the Special Issue on HEVC Extensions and...
     with: Chao, Y.H.: Overview of the Screen Content Support in VVC: Application...
     with: Chen, J.L.: Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on the...
     with: Chen, J.L.: Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on the...
     with: Chen, J.L.: Joint Exploration Model (JEM) for Video Compression With C...
     with: Chen, J.L.: Overview of the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Standard and ...
     with: Chiu, C.Y.: Recursive optimal pruning with applications to tree struct...
     with: Choi, B.: High-Level Syntax of the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Standa...
     with: Choi, K.: Joint Exploration Model (JEM) for Video Compression With Cap...
     with: Dai, Q.: Complexity Reduction and Performance Improvement for Geometry...
     with: Deshpande, S.: High-Level Syntax of the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) S...
     with: Drugeon, V.: General Video Coding Technology in Responses to the Joint...
     with: Drugeon, V.: High-Level Syntax of the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Sta...
     with: Han, K.H.: Improved Lossless Intra Coding for H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
     with: Han, W.J.: Overview of the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Standard
     with: Han, W.J.: Special Section on the Joint Call for Proposals on High Eff...
     with: Hannuksela, M.M.: High-Level Syntax of the Versatile Video Coding (VVC...
     with: Hendry: High-Level Syntax of the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Standard...
     with: Henry, F.: Overview of the Screen Content Support in VVC: Applications...
     with: Huang, Y.W.: Joint Exploration Model (JEM) for Video Compression With ...
     with: Ji, X.: Complexity Reduction and Performance Improvement for Geometry ...
     with: Joch, A.: Performance Comparison of Video Coding Standards Using Lagra...
     with: Joch, A.: Rate-Constrained Coder Control and Comparison of Video Codin...
     with: Joshi, R.: Special Section on the Joint Call for Proposals on High Eff...
     with: Karczewicz, M.: Joint Exploration Model (JEM) for Video Compression Wi...
     with: Karczewicz, M.: Overview of the Screen Content Support in VVC: Applica...
     with: Kiang, S.Z.: Recursive optimal pruning with applications to tree struc...
     with: Kim, S.: General Video Coding Technology in Responses to the Joint Cal...
     with: Kossentini, F.: Performance Comparison of Video Coding Standards Using...
     with: Kossentini, F.: Rate-Constrained Coder Control and Comparison of Video...
     with: Lainema, J.: General Video Coding Technology in Responses to the Joint...
     with: Lee, Y.L.: Improved Lossless Intra Coding for H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
     with: Lee, Y.L.: New Standardized Extensions of MPEG4-AVC/H.264 for Professi...
     with: Li, J.: Complexity Reduction and Performance Improvement for Geometry ...
     with: Li, J.: General Video Coding Technology in Responses to the Joint Call...
     with: Li, J.: Reduced-complexity search for video coding geometry partitions...
     with: Liao, R.L.: Overview of the Screen Content Support in VVC: Application...
     with: Liu, S.: General Video Coding Technology in Responses to the Joint Cal...
     with: Liu, S.: Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on the VV...
     with: Liu, S.: Overview of the Screen Content Support in VVC: Applications, ...
     with: Liu, S.: Overview of the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Standard and its...
     with: Luthra, A.: Draft ITU-T recommendation and final draft international s...
     with: Luthra, A.: Introduction to the Special Issue on the H.264/AVC Video C...
     with: Luthra, A.: Overview of the H.264/AVC video coding standard
     with: Luthra, A.K.: Introduction to the Special Issue on Scalable Video Codi...
     with: Marpe, D.: Overview of the Screen Content Support in VVC: Applications...
     with: Mrak, M.: Video Quality Evaluation Methodology and Verification Testin...
     with: Nguyen, T.: Overview of the Screen Content Support in VVC: Application...
     with: Ohm, J.: General Video Coding Technology in Responses to the Joint Cal...
     with: Ohm, J.: Introduction to the Special Issue on HEVC Extensions and Effi...
     with: Ohm, J.: Video Quality Evaluation Methodology and Verification Testing...
     with: Ohm, J.R.: Comparison of the Coding Efficiency of Video Coding Standar...
     with: Ohm, J.R.: Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on the ...
     with: Ohm, J.R.: Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on the ...
     with: Ohm, J.R.: High Efficiency Video Coding: The Next Frontier in Video Co...
     with: Ohm, J.R.: Introduction to the Special Issue on Scalable Video Coding:...
     with: Ohm, J.R.: Introduction to the Special Section on the HEVC Standard
     with: Ohm, J.R.: Joint Exploration Model (JEM) for Video Compression With Ca...
     with: Ohm, J.R.: Overview of the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Standard
     with: Ohm, J.R.: Overview of the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Standard and i...
     with: Ohm, J.R.: Special Section on the Joint Call for Proposals on High Eff...
     with: Orchard, M.T.: Methods of reduced-complexity overlapped block motion c...
     with: Orchard, M.T.: Overlapped block motion compensation: an estimation-the...
     with: Ramzan, N.: Video Quality Evaluation Methodology and Verification Test...
     with: Sanchez, Y.: High-Level Syntax of the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Sta...
     with: Sarwer, M.G.: Overview of the Screen Content Support in VVC: Applicati...
     with: Schwarz, H.: Comparison of the Coding Efficiency of Video Coding Stand...
     with: Schwarz, H.: Performance Comparison of Video Coding Standards Using La...
     with: Schwarz, H.: Rate-Constrained Coder Control and Comparison of Video Co...
     with: Segall, C.A.: New Standardized Extensions of MPEG4-AVC/H.264 for Profe...
     with: Segall, C.A.: Spatial Scalability Within the H.264/AVC Scalable Video ...
     with: Sekiguchi, S.I.: New Standardized Extensions of MPEG4-AVC/H.264 for Pr...
     with: Seregin, V.: High-Level Syntax of the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Sta...
     with: Sjoberg, R.: High-Level Syntax of the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Sta...
     with: Skupin, R.: High-Level Syntax of the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Stan...
     with: Stockhammer, T.: Using the Draft H.26l Video Coding Standard for Mobil...
     with: Sun, H.F.: New Standardized Extensions of MPEG4-AVC/H.264 for Professi...
     with: Sun, M.T.: Complexity Reduction and Performance Improvement for Geomet...
     with: Sun, M.T.: Reduced-complexity search for video coding geometry partiti...
     with: Suzuki, T.: New Standardized Extensions of MPEG4-AVC/H.264 for Profess...
     with: Sze, V.: Introduction to the Special Issue on HEVC Extensions and Effi...
     with: Tan, T.K.: Comparison of the Coding Efficiency of Video Coding Standar...
     with: Tan, T.K.: Special Section on the Joint Call for Proposals on High Eff...
     with: Tan, T.K.: Video Quality Evaluation Methodology and Verification Testi...
     with: Ugur, K.: Special Section on the Joint Call for Proposals on High Effi...
     with: Vetro, A.: Overview of the Stereo and Multiview Video Coding Extension...
     with: Wan, W.: High-Level Syntax of the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Standar...
     with: Wang, Q.: Complexity Reduction and Performance Improvement for Geometr...
     with: Wang, Q.F.: Reduced-complexity search for video coding geometry partit...
     with: Wang, Y.K.: High-Level Syntax of the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Stan...
     with: Wang, Y.K.: Overview of the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Standard and ...
     with: Wedi, T.: New Standardized Extensions of MPEG4-AVC/H.264 for Professio...
     with: Weerakkody, R.: Video Quality Evaluation Methodology and Verification ...
     with: Wiegand, T.: Comparison of the Coding Efficiency of Video Coding Stand...
     with: Wiegand, T.: Draft ITU-T recommendation and final draft international ...
     with: Wiegand, T.: Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on th...
     with: Wiegand, T.: Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on th...
     with: Wiegand, T.: Introduction to the Special Issue on HEVC Extensions and ...
     with: Wiegand, T.: Introduction to the Special Issue on Scalable Video Codin...
     with: Wiegand, T.: Introduction to the Special Issue on the H.264/AVC Video ...
     with: Wiegand, T.: Introduction to the Special Section on the HEVC Standard
     with: Wiegand, T.: Overview of the H.264/AVC video coding standard
     with: Wiegand, T.: Overview of the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Stand...
     with: Wiegand, T.: Overview of the Stereo and Multiview Video Coding Extensi...
     with: Wiegand, T.: Performance Comparison of Video Coding Standards Using La...
     with: Wiegand, T.: picturephone is here. Really, The
     with: Wiegand, T.: Rate-Constrained Coder Control and Comparison of Video Co...
     with: Wiegand, T.: Special Section on the Joint Call for Proposals on High E...
     with: Wiegand, T.: Using the Draft H.26l Video Coding Standard for Mobile Ap...
     with: Wiegand, T.: Video Compression: From Concepts to the H.264/AVC Standard
     with: Wittmann, S.: New Standardized Extensions of MPEG4-AVC/H.264 for Profe...
     with: Xu, J.Z.: Overview of the Screen Content Support in VVC: Applications,...
     with: Xu, X.Z.: Overview of the Screen Content Support in VVC: Applications,...
     with: Ye, Y.: Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on the Joi...
     with: Ye, Y.: Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on the VVC...
     with: Ye, Y.: Overview of the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Standard and its ...
     with: Yu, H.P.: New Standardized Extensions of MPEG4-AVC/H.264 for Professio...
     with: Yu, R.: General Video Coding Technology in Responses to the Joint Call...
     with: Zhu, W.W.: Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on the ...
131 for Sullivan, G.J.

Sullivan, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aghazadeh, O.: Estimating Attention in Exhibitions Using Wearable Came...
     with: Aghazadeh, O.: Mixture Component Identification and Learning for Visua...
     with: Aghazadeh, O.: Multi view registration for novelty/background separation
     with: Aghazadeh, O.: Novelty detection from an ego-centric perspective
     with: Argyros, A.A.: Shading models for illumination and reflectance invaria...
     with: Azizpour, H.: CNN Features Off-the-Shelf: An Astounding Baseline for R...
     with: Azizpour, H.: Explanation-based Weakly-supervised Learning of Visual R...
     with: Azizpour, H.: Factors of Transferability for a Generic ConvNet Represe...
     with: Azizpour, H.: From generic to specific deep representations for visual...
     with: Azizpour, H.: In Memoriam: Jan-Olof Eklundh
     with: Azizpour, H.: Mixture Component Identification and Learning for Visual...
     with: Azizpour, H.: Multi-view Body Part Recognition with Random Forests
     with: Azizpour, H.: Persistent Evidence of Local Image Properties in Generic...
     with: Baldassarre, F.: Explanation-based Weakly-supervised Learning of Visua...
     with: Bjorkman, M.: In Memoriam: Jan-Olof Eklundh
     with: Blake, A.: Bayesian Object Localisation in Images
     with: Blake, A.: Exploiting shadows in a visual, hand-driven user interface
     with: Blake, A.: Object Localization by Bayesian Correlation
     with: Blake, A.: Statistical Foreground Modelling for Object Localisation
     with: Burenius, M.: 3D Pictorial Structures for Multiple View Articulated Po...
     with: Burenius, M.: Human 3D Motion Computation from a Varying Number of Cam...
     with: Burenius, M.: Motion capture from dynamic orthographic cameras
     with: Burenius, M.: Multi-view Body Part Recognition with Random Forests
     with: Carlsson, S.: 3D Pictorial Structures for Multiple View Articulated Po...
     with: Carlsson, S.: Automatic learning and extraction of multi-local features
     with: Carlsson, S.: CNN Features Off-the-Shelf: An Astounding Baseline for R...
     with: Carlsson, S.: Estimating Attention in Exhibitions Using Wearable Cameras
     with: Carlsson, S.: Exploiting Part-Based Models and Edge Boundaries for Obj...
     with: Carlsson, S.: Factors of Transferability for a Generic ConvNet Represe...
     with: Carlsson, S.: From generic to specific deep representations for visual...
     with: Carlsson, S.: Human 3D Motion Computation from a Varying Number of Cam...
     with: Carlsson, S.: In Memoriam: Jan-Olof Eklundh
     with: Carlsson, S.: Mixture Component Identification and Learning for Visual...
     with: Carlsson, S.: Monocular 3D Reconstruction of Human Motion in Long Acti...
     with: Carlsson, S.: Motion capture from dynamic orthographic cameras
     with: Carlsson, S.: Multi view registration for novelty/background separation
     with: Carlsson, S.: Multi-Target Tracking: Linking Identities using Bayesian...
     with: Carlsson, S.: Novelty detection from an ego-centric perspective
     with: Carlsson, S.: Object Detection Using Multi-local Feature Manifolds
     with: Carlsson, S.: Persistent Evidence of Local Image Properties in Generic...
     with: Carlsson, S.: Pose-based clustering in action sequences
     with: Carlsson, S.: Recognition, Tracking, and Reconstruction of Human Motion
     with: Carlsson, S.: Recognizing and Tracking Human Action
     with: Danielsson, O.: Automatic learning and extraction of multi-local featu...
     with: Danielsson, O.: Exploiting Part-Based Models and Edge Boundaries for O...
     with: Danielsson, O.: Object Detection Using Multi-local Feature Manifolds
     with: Ek, C.H.: Persistent Evidence of Local Image Properties in Generic Con...
     with: Eriksson, M.: Monocular 3D Reconstruction of Human Motion in Long Acti...
     with: Eriksson, M.: Recognition, Tracking, and Reconstruction of Human Motion
     with: Halvorsen, K.: Human 3D Motion Computation from a Varying Number of Ca...
     with: Isard, M.: Bayesian Object Localisation in Images
     with: Isard, M.: Object Localization by Bayesian Correlation
     with: Jensfelt, P.: In Memoriam: Jan-Olof Eklundh
     with: Kazemi, V.: Face Alignment with Part-Based Modeling
     with: Kazemi, V.: Multi-view Body Part Recognition with Random Forests
     with: Kazemi, V.: One Millisecond Face Alignment with an Ensemble of Regress...
     with: Kazemi, V.: Using Richer Models for Articulated Pose Estimation of Foo...
     with: Kjellstrom, H.: In Memoriam: Jan-Olof Eklundh
     with: Kobetski, M.: Apprenticeship Learning: Transfer of Knowledge via Datas...
     with: Kobetski, M.: Discriminative tree-based feature mapping
     with: Kragic, D.: In Memoriam: Jan-Olof Eklundh
     with: Launila, A.: Contextual Features for Head Pose Estimation in Football ...
     with: Li, H.: Leveraging mid-level deep representations for predicting face ...
     with: Li, H.: Transferring from face recognition to face attribute predictio...
     with: Lindeberg, T.: In Memoriam: Jan-Olof Eklundh
     with: Loy, G.: Monocular 3D Reconstruction of Human Motion in Long Action Se...
     with: Loy, G.: Pose-based clustering in action sequences
     with: MacCormick, J.P.: Bayesian Object Localisation in Images
     with: MacCormick, J.P.: Object Localization by Bayesian Correlation
     with: Maki, A.: Factors of Transferability for a Generic ConvNet Representat...
     with: Maki, A.: From generic to specific deep representations for visual rec...
     with: Maki, A.: In Memoriam: Jan-Olof Eklundh
     with: Maki, A.: Persistent Evidence of Local Image Properties in Generic Con...
     with: Nillius, P.: Multi-Target Tracking: Linking Identities using Bayesian ...
     with: Nillius, P.: Shading models for illumination and reflectance invariant...
     with: Razavian, A.S.: CNN Features Off-the-Shelf: An Astounding Baseline for...
     with: Razavian, A.S.: Estimating Attention in Exhibitions Using Wearable Cam...
     with: Razavian, A.S.: Factors of Transferability for a Generic ConvNet Repre...
     with: Razavian, A.S.: From generic to specific deep representations for visu...
     with: Razavian, A.S.: Persistent Evidence of Local Image Properties in Gener...
     with: Rittscher, J.: Guiding Random Particles by Deterministic Search
     with: Rittscher, J.: Integral Criterion for Detecting Boundary Edges and Tex...
     with: Rittscher, J.: Statistical Foreground Modelling for Object Localisation
     with: Smith, K.: Explanation-based Weakly-supervised Learning of Visual Rela...
     with: Sundblad, Y.: In Memoriam: Jan-Olof Eklundh
     with: Zhong, Y.: Leveraging mid-level deep representations for predicting fa...
     with: Zhong, Y.: Transferring from face recognition to face attribute predic...
87 for Sullivan, J.

Sullivan, J.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Carson, R.E.: List-Mode PET Motion Correction Using Markerless Head Tr...
     with: Hojgaard, L.: List-Mode PET Motion Correction Using Markerless Head Tr...
     with: Larsen, R.: List-Mode PET Motion Correction Using Markerless Head Trac...
     with: Morris, E.D.: List-Mode PET Motion Correction Using Markerless Head Tr...
     with: Mulnix, T.: List-Mode PET Motion Correction Using Markerless Head Trac...
     with: Olesen, O.V.: List-Mode PET Motion Correction Using Markerless Head Tr...
     with: Paulsen, R.R.: List-Mode PET Motion Correction Using Markerless Head T...
     with: Roed, B.: List-Mode PET Motion Correction Using Markerless Head Tracki...
8 for Sullivan, J.M.

Sullivan, J.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dawson, B.M.: Image Processing Algorithms and Techniques III
     with: Miller, R.L.: Digital halftoning with minimum visual modulation patterns
     with: Rabbani, M.: Image Processing Algorithms and Techniques III
     with: Ray, L.A.: Digital halftoning with correlated minimum visual modulatio...
     with: Ray, L.A.: Image Modeling

Sullivan, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aggarwal, J.K.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval us...
     with: Atkins, C.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using ...
     with: Basharat, A.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval usin...
     with: Bekele, E.: Finding Anomalies with Generative Adversarial Networks for...
     with: Bi, Z.: Steganalysis of quantization index modulation data hiding
     with: Blue, R.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using be...
     with: Boeckel, B.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using...
     with: Chandrasekaran, S.: Determining Achievable Rates for Secure, Zero Dive...
     with: Chandrasekaran, S.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieva...
     with: Chandrasekaran, S.: Provably Secure Steganography: Achieving Zero K-L ...
     with: Chandrasekaran, S.: Statistical Restoration for Robust and Secure Steg...
     with: Chandrosekaran, S.: Steganalysis of quantization index modulation data...
     with: Chandrusekaran, S.: LLRT based detection of LSB hiding
     with: Chang, K.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using b...
     with: Chang, S.F.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using...
     with: Chen, C.C.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using ...
     with: Chen, T.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using be...
     with: Collins, R.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using...
     with: Cuntoor, N.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using...
     with: Dabeer, O.: LLRT based detection of LSB hiding
     with: Davis, L.S.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using...
     with: Desai, M.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using b...
     with: Drew, B.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using be...
     with: Fieldhouse, K.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval us...
     with: Greco, C.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using b...
     with: Hanson, D.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using ...
     with: Hiatt, L.: Detecting Anomalous Objects on Mobile Platforms
     with: Hoogs, A.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using b...
     with: Jain, A.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using be...
     with: Ji, Q.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using beha...
     with: Keefe, D.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using b...
     with: Khanwalkar, S.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval us...
     with: Kopaz, J.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using b...
     with: Kumar, A.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using b...
     with: Lawson, W.: Detecting Anomalous Objects on Mobile Platforms
     with: Lawson, W.: Finding Anomalies with Generative Adversarial Networks for...
     with: Lawson, W.: Improving superpixel boundaries using information beyond t...
     with: Liu, D.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using beh...
     with: Liu, J.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using beh...
     with: Luck, J.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using be...
     with: Madhow, U.: Determining Achievable Rates for Secure, Zero Divergence, ...
     with: Madhow, U.: LLRT based detection of LSB hiding
     with: Madhow, U.: Provably Secure Steganography: Achieving Zero K-L Divergen...
     with: Madhow, U.: Statistical Restoration for Robust and Secure Steganography
     with: Madhow, U.: Steganalysis of quantization index modulation data hiding
     with: Manjunath, B.S.: Determining Achievable Rates for Secure, Zero Diverge...
     with: Manjunath, B.S.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval u...
     with: Manjunath, B.S.: LLRT based detection of LSB hiding
     with: Manjunath, B.S.: Provably Secure Steganography: Achieving Zero K-L Div...
     with: Manjunath, B.S.: Statistical Restoration for Robust and Secure Stegano...
     with: Manjunath, B.S.: Steganalysis of quantization index modulation data hi...
     with: Perera, A.G.A.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval us...
     with: Reddy, K.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using b...
     with: Rowley, D.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using ...
     with: Roy Chowdhury, A.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval...
     with: Rude, T.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using be...
     with: Shah, M.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using be...
     with: Sherrill, L.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval usin...
     with: Sofge, D.: Improving superpixel boundaries using information beyond th...
     with: Solanki, K.: Determining Achievable Rates for Secure, Zero Divergence,...
     with: Solanki, K.: Provably Secure Steganography: Achieving Zero K-L Diverge...
     with: Solanki, K.: Statistical Restoration for Robust and Secure Steganography
     with: Song, B.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using be...
     with: Srivastava, A.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval us...
     with: Sun, Z.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using beh...
     with: Swears, E.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using ...
     with: Tesic, J.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using b...
     with: Wang, X.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using be...
     with: Woehlke, M.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using...
     with: Yacoob, Y.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using ...
70 for Sullivan, K.

Sullivan, K.P.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Pelecanos, J.: Revisiting Carl Bildt's Impostor: Would a Speaker Verif...

Sullivan, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anyamba, A.: Monitoring Global Croplands with Coarse Resolution Earth ...
     with: Becker Reshef, I.: Monitoring Global Croplands with Coarse Resolution ...
     with: Birkett, C.: Monitoring Global Croplands with Coarse Resolution Earth ...
     with: Couvignou, P.A.: Use of Active Deformable Models in Model-Based Roboti...
     with: Doorn, B.: Monitoring Global Croplands with Coarse Resolution Earth Ob...
     with: Hansen, M.: Monitoring Global Croplands with Coarse Resolution Earth O...
     with: Justice, C.: Monitoring Global Croplands with Coarse Resolution Earth ...
     with: Khosla, P.K.: Use of Active Deformable Models in Model-Based Robotic V...
     with: Masuoka, E.: Monitoring Global Croplands with Coarse Resolution Earth ...
     with: Pak, E.: Monitoring Global Croplands with Coarse Resolution Earth Obse...
     with: Papanikolopoulos, N.P.: Use of Active Deformable Models in Model-Based...
     with: Pittman, K.: Monitoring Global Croplands with Coarse Resolution Earth ...
     with: Reynolds, C.: Monitoring Global Croplands with Coarse Resolution Earth...
     with: Schmaltz, J.: Monitoring Global Croplands with Coarse Resolution Earth...
     with: Small, J.: Monitoring Global Croplands with Coarse Resolution Earth Ob...
     with: Tucker, C.: Monitoring Global Croplands with Coarse Resolution Earth O...
     with: Vermote, E.: Monitoring Global Croplands with Coarse Resolution Earth ...
     with: Williams, D.: Monitoring Global Croplands with Coarse Resolution Earth...
18 for Sullivan, M.

Sullivan, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Blasch, E.: Deep Learning Based Domain Adaptation with Data Fusion for...
     with: Blasch, E.: Trajectory-Based Pattern of Life Analysis
     with: Chen, G.: Trajectory-Based Pattern of Life Analysis
     with: Chen, G.S.: Deep Learning Based Domain Adaptation with Data Fusion for...
     with: Chen, H.M.: Deep Learning Based Domain Adaptation with Data Fusion for...
     with: Chen, H.M.: Trajectory-Based Pattern of Life Analysis
     with: Ilin, R.: Deep Learning Based Domain Adaptation with Data Fusion for A...
     with: Kozma, R.: Deep Learning Based Domain Adaptation with Data Fusion for ...
     with: Lu, J.Y.: Deep Learning Based Domain Adaptation with Data Fusion for A...
     with: Shen, D.: Deep Learning Based Domain Adaptation with Data Fusion for A...
     with: Yu, C.G.: Deep Learning Based Domain Adaptation with Data Fusion for A...
11 for Sullivan, N.

Sullivan, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chakrabarti, A.: Generating and Exploiting Probabilistic Monocular Dep...
     with: Xia, Z.: Generating and Exploiting Probabilistic Monocular Depth Estim...

Sullivan, P.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kopuri, A.: Constrained Regression Forests Solution to 3D Fetal Ultras...
     with: McCormick, K.: Constrained Regression Forests Solution to 3D Fetal Ult...
     with: Noble, J.A.: Constrained Regression Forests Solution to 3D Fetal Ultra...
     with: Rueda, S.: Constrained Regression Forests Solution to 3D Fetal Ultraso...
     with: Yaqub, M.: Constrained Regression Forests Solution to 3D Fetal Ultraso...

Sullivan, P.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Brown, R.A.: Apparatus and method for analyzing a golf swing and displ...
     with: Fonteneau, N.O.: Apparatus and method for analyzing a golf swing and d...
     with: Fonteneau, N.O.: Golf ball trajectory presentation system
     with: Gobush, W.: Apparatus and method for analyzing a golf swing and displa...
     with: Gobush, W.: Golf ball trajectory presentation system
     with: Gobush, W.: Golf club impact and golf ball launching monitoring system
     with: Gobush, W.: Monitoring system for measuring kinematic data of golf balls
     with: Haas, S.L.: Apparatus and method for analyzing a golf swing and displa...
     with: Haas, S.L.: Golf ball trajectory presentation system
     with: Hottel, H.C.: Apparatus and method for analyzing a golf swing and disp...
     with: Hottel, H.C.: Golf club impact and golf ball launching monitoring system
     with: Hottel, H.C.: Monitoring system for measuring kinematic data of golf b...
     with: Jepson, J.W.: Apparatus and method for analyzing a golf swing and disp...
     with: Jepson, J.W.: Golf ball trajectory presentation system
     with: Lynch, F.D.: Apparatus and method for analyzing a golf swing and displ...
     with: Lynch, F.D.: Golf ball trajectory presentation system
     with: Lynch, F.D.: Golf club impact and golf ball launching monitoring system
     with: Lynch, F.D.: Monitoring system for measuring kinematic data of golf ba...
     with: Moore, R.W.: Golf ball trajectory presentation system
     with: Moore, R.W.: Monitoring system for measuring kinematic data of golf ba...
     with: Pelletier, R.G.: Monitoring system for measuring kinematic data of gol...
21 for Sullivan, P.F.

Sullivan, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cukierman, F.: Parameterized Families of Polynomials for Bounded Algeb...
     with: Cukierman, F.: Parameterizing and Fitting Bounded Algebraic Curves and...
     with: Kriegman, D.J.: Parameterized Families of Polynomials for Bounded Alge...
     with: Kriegman, D.J.: Parameterizing and Fitting Bounded Algebraic Curves an...
     with: Noble, J.A.: On Reconstructing Curved Object Boundaries from Sparse Se...
     with: Ponce, J.: Automatic Model Construction and Pose Estimation from Photo...
     with: Ponce, J.: Automatic Model Construction, Pose Estimation, and Object R...
     with: Ponce, J.: On Reconstructing Curved Object Boundaries from Sparse Sets...
     with: Ponce, J.: On Using Geometric Distance Fits to Estimate 3D Object Shap...
     with: Ponce, J.: Parameterized Families of Polynomials for Bounded Algebraic...
     with: Ponce, J.: Parameterizing and Fitting Bounded Algebraic Curves and Sur...
     with: Ponce, J.: Using Geometric Distance Fits for 3-D Object Modeling and R...
     with: Sandford, L.: On Using Geometric Distance Fits to Estimate 3D Object S...
     with: Sandford, L.: Using Geometric Distance Fits for 3-D Object Modeling an...
     with: Taubin, G.: Parameterized Families of Polynomials for Bounded Algebrai...
     with: Taubin, G.: Parameterizing and Fitting Bounded Algebraic Curves and Su...
16 for Sullivan, S.

Sullivan, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Collier, E.: Examining the Utility of Visible Near-Infrared and Optica...
     with: Hughes, M.: Examining the Utility of Visible Near-Infrared and Optical...
     with: Keith, L.M.: Examining the Utility of Visible Near-Infrared and Optica...
     with: Kohler, L.: Automated Hyperspectral Feature Selection and Classificati...
     with: Low, G.: Examining the Utility of Visible Near-Infrared and Optical Re...
     with: McCraine, D.: Automated Hyperspectral Feature Selection and Classifica...
     with: Perroy, R.L.: Assessing the impacts of canopy openness and flight para...
     with: Perroy, R.L.: Examining the Utility of Visible Near-Infrared and Optic...
     with: Samiappan, S.: Automated Hyperspectral Feature Selection and Classific...
     with: Stephenson, N.: Assessing the impacts of canopy openness and flight pa...
     with: Will, D.J.: Automated Hyperspectral Feature Selection and Classificati...
11 for Sullivan, T.

Sullivan, T.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, R.H.: Validation of Permafrost Active Layer Estimates from Airbo...
     with: Clayton, L.K.: Validation of Permafrost Active Layer Estimates from Ai...
     with: Huang, L.: Validation of Permafrost Active Layer Estimates from Airbor...
     with: Michaelides, R.J.: Validation of Permafrost Active Layer Estimates fro...
     with: Moghaddam, M.: Validation of Permafrost Active Layer Estimates from Ai...
     with: Parsekian, A.D.: Validation of Permafrost Active Layer Estimates from ...
     with: Schaefer, K.: Validation of Permafrost Active Layer Estimates from Air...
     with: Wig, E.: Validation of Permafrost Active Layer Estimates from Airborne...
     with: Zebker, H.: Validation of Permafrost Active Layer Estimates from Airbo...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Validation of Permafrost Active Layer Estimates from Airborn...
10 for Sullivan, T.D.

Sullivan, T.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hege, H.C.: Geodesic Analysis in Kendall's Shape Space with Epidemiolo...
     with: Hege, H.C.: Geodesic Mixed Effects Model in Kendall's Shape Space, A
     with: Nava Yazdani, E.: Geodesic Analysis in Kendall's Shape Space with Epid...
     with: Nava Yazdani, E.: Geodesic Mixed Effects Model in Kendall's Shape Spac...
     with: von Tycowicz, C.: Geodesic Analysis in Kendall's Shape Space with Epid...
     with: von Tycowicz, C.: Geodesic Mixed Effects Model in Kendall's Shape Spac...

Index for "s"

Last update:28-Aug-24 17:02:43
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