Index for autho

author identification by automatic learning
author Identification Using Compression Models
author Topic Model-Based Collaborative Filtering for Personalized POI Recommendations
author's reply to comments
author's reply to comments
author's Reply to MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classification Challenge
author, Journal, Keyword, KWIC
authors reply Sharing secrets in stego images with authentication
authors' Reply
authors' Reply
authors' Reply
Boosting gender identification using author preference
Brushstroke based sparse hybrid convolutional neural networks for author classification of Chinese ink-wash paintings
Computer assistance for Digital Libraries: Contributions to Middle-ages and authors' Manuscripts exploitation and enrichment
Contrastive author-aware text clustering
Location of title and author regions in document images based on the Delaunay triangulation
New Document author Representation for Authorship Attribution, A
Offline scripting-free author identification based on speeded-up robust features
On the Development of Digital Signatures for author Identification
On the role of syntactic dependencies and discourse relations for author and gender identification
Recognition of Chinese artists via windowed and entropy balanced fusion in classification of their authored ink and wash paintings (IWPs)
Semantic Annotation of Satellite Images Using author-Genre-Topic Model
Source code author identification with unsupervised feature learning
supervised algorithm with a new differentiated-weighting scheme for identifying the author of a handwritten text, A
Travel Recommendation via author Topic Model Based Collaborative Filtering
Young author award special issue
26 for author

Advanced Documents authoring Tool
AniCode: authoring coded artifacts for network-free personalized animations
authoring multisensorial content
BiodivAR: A Cartographic authoring Tool for the Visualization of Geolocated Media in Augmented Reality
Casual Stereoscopic Photo authoring
Content authoring Using Single Image in Urban Environments for Augmented Reality
Digital Storytelling Tool for Education: An Analysis of Comic authoring Environments
Easy-to-use authoring system for Noh (Japanese traditional) dance animation and its evaluation
Generation and authoring of Augmented Reality Terrains Through Real-Time Analysis of Map Images
interactive authoring system for video object segmentation and annotation, An
Method for automatically classifying images into events in a multimedia authoring application
Multimedia authoring Tool for Real-Time Facial Animation
Rendition-based video editing for public contents authoring
Scenarizing CADastre Exquisse: A Crossover between Snoezeling in Hospitals/Domes, and authoring/Experiencing Soundful Comic Strips
Semantic Pathfinder: Using an authoring Metaphor for Generic Multimedia Indexing, The
Sketch-Based Annotation and Visualization in Video authoring
Special Effects authoring Using 2-D Mesh Models
Towards interactive authoring tools for composing spatialization
Visual Mapping and Multi-modal Localisation for Anywhere AR authoring
19 for authoring

authoritative and Volunteered Geographical Information in a Developing Country: A Comparative Case Study of Road Datasets in Nairobi, Kenya
Combining Social Media and authoritative Data for Crisis Mapping: A Case Study of a Wildfire Reaching Croatian City of Split
Creation of a Multimodal Urban Transportation Network through Spatial Data Integration from authoritative and Crowdsourced Data
Detecting Topic authoritative Social Media Users: A Multilayer Network Approach
Integration of authoritative and Volunteered Geographic Information For Updating Urban Mapping: Challenges and Potentials
Precise Ortho Imagery As The Source For authoritative Airport Mapping
Quality Evaluation of VGI Using authoritative Data: A Comparison with Land Use Data in Southern Germany
Towards an authoritative OpenStreetMap: Conflating OSM and OS OpenData National Maps' Road Network
Using Geometric Properties to Evaluate Possible Integration of authoritative and Volunteered Geographic Information
9 for authoritative

DeCOVER: Developing a methodology to update land cover data for public authorities in Germany
Exploring the Strategy Goals and Strategy Drivers of National Mapping, Cadastral, and Land Registry authorities
Privacy-Preserving Certificate Linkage/Revocation in VANETs Without Linkage authorities

Adaptive authority Allocation Approach for Shared Steering Control System
authority-shift clustering: Hierarchical clustering by authority seeking on graphs
authority-shift clustering: Hierarchical clustering by authority seeking on graphs
Bargaining Game-Based Human-Machine Shared Driving Control authority Allocation Strategy, A
Developing GIS-based Disaster Management System for Local authority: Case Study in Malaysia
Driving authority Allocation Strategy Based on Driving Authority Real-Time Allocation Domain
Driving authority Allocation Strategy Based on Driving Authority Real-Time Allocation Domain
Quantitative Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics using Geoinformatics Techniques: A Case Study on Kolkata Metropolitan Development authority (KMDA) in West Bengal, India
Robot authority in Human-Machine Teams: Effects of Human-Like Appearance on Compliance
SDABS: A Flexible and Efficient Multi-authority Hybrid Attribute-Based Signature Scheme in Edge Environment
Test-Bed for Integrated Ground Control Station Experimentation and Rehearsal: Crew Performance and authority Pathway Concept Development
Train-Centric Communication-Based New Movement authority Proposal for ETCS-2, A
TRAMS: A Secure Vehicular Crowdsensing Scheme Based on Multi-authority Attribute-Based Signature
13 for authority

black-box reversible adversarial example for authorizable recognition to shared images, A

Domain Specified Optimization for Deployment authorization
Framework for Composition and Enforcement of Privacy-Aware and Context-Driven authorization Mechanism for Multimedia Big Data, A
Hierarchical authorization of Convolutional Neural Networks for Multi-User
Secure Data Sharing With Flexible Cross-Domain authorization in Autonomous Vehicle Systems
System and method of animal identification and animal transaction authorization using iris patterns
URL-based system model for web service unified ID authorization, A
User authorization based on hand geometry without special equipment
Video streaming protocol extension for session control and authorization
8 for authorization

Accessing the authorship Confidence of Handwritten Items
authorship analysis based on data compression
authorship Attribution of Scientific Abstracts
authorship Attribution Using Word Sequences
authorship Issues
CNN-LSTM framework for authorship classification of paintings, A
Efficient authorship Protection Scheme for Shared Multimedia Content, An
Epistle to Cangrande Through the Lens of Computational authorship Verification, The
Forensic Analysis of Manuscript authorship: An Optimized Computational Approach Based on Texture Descriptors
Large-Scale Micro-Blog authorship Attribution: Beyond Simple Feature Engineering
Learning Stylometric Representations for authorship Analysis
Multi-level Modeling of Manuscripts for authorship Identification with Collective Decision Systems
New Document Author Representation for authorship Attribution, A
On authorship Attribution via Markov Chains and Sequence Kernels
Particle Swarm Model Selection for authorship Verification
Seeing Behind the Camera: Identifying the authorship of a Photograph
Who is the Film's Director? authorship Recognition Based on Shot Features
17 for authorship

Index for "a"

Last update:27-Apr-24 12:10:16
Use for comments.