Update Dates 0900

0900 * *GPU4Vision
* *MSRC Stereo Vision C# SDK, The
* *NEC Animal Dataset
* Adapted Windows Detection Of Moving Objects In Video Scenes
* Advances in Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing: Methods and Applications
* Affine Skeletons and Monge-Ampere Equations
* Augmented Vision Perception in Infrared Algorithms and Applied Systems
* Brain Connectivity Mapping Using Riemannian Geometry, Control Theory, and PDEs
* Characterization and Analysis of Edges Using the Continuous Shearlet Transform
* Classification Via Minimum Incremental Coding Length
* collection of outdoor robotic datasets with centimeter-accuracy ground truth, A
* Completion Of Visible Contours
* Computer simulation of reconstructed image for computer-generated holograms
* Computer vision for microscopy diagnosis of malaria
* Curvilinear Search Method For P-Harmonic Flows On Spheres, A
* Denoising and dimensionality reduction of hyperspectral imagery using wavelet packets, neighbour shrinking and principal component analysis
* Diffusion Interpretation Of Nonlocal Neighborhood Filters For Signal Denoising
* Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB(R), 2nd Edition
* Edge-avoiding wavelets and their applications
* Edge-based image coarsening
* Efficient Beltrami Image Filtering Via Vector Extrapolation Methods
* Embedded Computer Vision
* Expectation-Maximization Algorithm With Local Adaptivity
* Exposure fusion: A simple and practical alternative to high dynamic range photography
* Fast Algorithm For Edge-Preserving Variational Multichannel Image Restoration, A
* Fast Hand Detection Using Posture Invariant Constraints
* Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm For Linear Inverse Problems, A
* Field Fluctuations, Imaging With Backscattered Waves, A Generalized Energy Theorem, and the Optical Theorem
* Generalized Intrinsic Symmetry Detection
* Generalized Newton-Type Methods For Energy Formulations In Image Processing
* Generic Elastic Models for 2D Pose Synthesis and Face Recognition
* Global Compartmental Pharmacokinetic Models For Spatiotemporal SPECT and PET Imaging
* Guide to Biometric Reference Systems and Performance Evaluation
* Handbook of Remote Biometrics for Surveillance and Security
* Histopathological Image Analysis: A Review
* Image Deconvolution Using A General Ridgelet And Curvelet Domain
* Image Processing for Computer Graphics and Vision
* Imaging by Modification: Numerical Reconstruction of Local Conductivities from Corresponding Power Density Measurements
* Incompressible, Quasi-Isometric Deformations Of 2-Dimensional Domains
* Linearized Bregman Iterations For Frame-Based Image Deblurring
* Medial Representations
* Multimedia Content Analysis: Theory and Applications
* Multiscale Image Representation Using Novel Integro-Differential Equations
* Nested Iterative Algorithms For Convex Constrained Image Recovery Problems
* New Total Variation Method For Multiplicative Noise Removal, A
* Nonlinear Elastic Shape Averaging Approach, A
* Nonlinear Inverse Scale Space Methods For Total Variation Blind Deconvolution
* On SAR Imaging Through The Earth'S Ionosphere
* On The Nonlinear Statistics of Range Image Patches
* On the Use of Start-Stop Approximation for Spaceborne SAR Imaging
* Passive Sensor Imaging Using Cross Correlations of Noisy Signals in a Scattering Medium
* Pattern Classification Using Ensemble Methods
* Pose Estimation Based on Geometric Algebra
* Principles of Digital Image Processing: Core Algorithms
* Progress in Computer Vision and Image Analysis
* Protecting Privacy in Video Surveillance
* Real time tracking using an active pan-tilt-zoom network camera
* Regularized Visibility-Based Approach to Astronomical Imaging Spectroscopy, A
* Self-Referenced DLR 3D-Modeler, The
* Sharing a Vision: Systems and Algorithms for Collaboratively-Teleoperated Robotic Cameras
* Smoothing Directional Vector Fields Using Dual Norms
* Solar Image Analysis and Visualization
* Split Bregman Method for L1-Regularized Problems, The
* Static and Space-Time Visual Saliency Detection by Self-Resemblance
* Statistical Approach to the Matching of Local Features, A
* Synthetic Aperture Imaging Of Multiple Point Targets In Rician Fading Media
* Three-dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display
* Time-multiplexed dual-focal plane head-mounted display with a fast liquid lens
* Unexploded Ordnance Detection and Mitigation
* Variational Methods in Imaging
* Wavelet Theory Approach to Pattern Recognition
* Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing, A
73 for 0900

Index for "0"

Last update:28-Sep-24 19:15:41
Use price@usc.edu for comments.