Index for bede

Bede, B. * 2006: Max-Plus Algebra Based Wavelet Transform and its Application to Video Compression/Reconstruction
* 2007: Multichannel Image Decomposition by using Pseudo-Linear Haar Wavelets
Includes: Bede, B. Bede, B.[Barnabas]

Bedeau, C.[Caroline] * 2016: Weak Environmental Controls of Tropical Forest Canopy Height in the Guiana Shield
* 2019: Across Date Species Detection Using Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy
* 2020: Quantitative Airborne Inventories in Dense Tropical Forest Using Imaging Spectroscopy

Bedekar, A.S. * 1994: Bayesian corner detector, A
* 1994: Bayesian Corner Detector: Theory and Performance Evaluation, A
* 1994: Groundtruthing The RADIUS Model-Board Imagery
* 1994: Optimization Methods For Estimating 3D Object Parameters
* 1995: Bayesian method for triangulation and its application to finding corresponding points, A
* 1996: Finding Correspondence Points Based on Bayesian Triangulation
* 1997: Computer Vision Performance Characterization
* 1997: Groundtruthing The RADIUS Model-Board Imagery
Includes: Bedekar, A.S. Bedekar, A.S.[Anand S.]
8 for Bedekar, A.S.

Bedel, H.A.[Hasan A.] * 2023: Unsupervised Medical Image Translation With Adversarial Diffusion Models

Bedenas, J. * 2001: Segmenting Traffic Scenes from Grey Level and Motion Information

Beder, C.[Christian] * 2004: Fast Statistically Geometric Reasoning About Uncertain Line Segments in 2D- and 3D-Space
* 2005: Agglomerative Grouping of Observations by Bounding Entropy Variation
* 2006: Determining an Initial Image Pair for Fixing the Scale of a 3D Reconstruction from an Image Sequence
* 2006: Direct Solutions for Computing Cylinders from Minimal Sets of 3D Points
* 2007: Combined Approach for Estimating Patchlets from PMD Depth Images and Stereo Intensity Images, A
* 2007: Comparison of PMD-Cameras and Stereo-Vision for the Task of Surface Reconstruction using Patchlets, A
* 2007: Recursive Estimation with Implicit Constraints
* 2008: Calibration of a PMD-Camera Using a Planar Calibration Pattern Together with a Multi-Camera Setup
* 2008: Conjugate rotation: Parameterization and estimation from an affine feature correspondence
* 2008: Incremental estimation without specifying a-priori covariance matrices for the novel parameters
* 2008: Photoconsistent Relative Pose Estimation between a PMD 2D3D-Camera and Multiple Intensity Cameras
* 2008: Real-time Estimation of the Camera Path from a Sequence of Intrinsically Calibrated PMD Depth Images
* 2009: Optimal Parameter Estimation with Homogeneous Entities and Arbitrary Constraints
13 for Beder, C.

Bederna, C.[Christoph] * 2013: Predicting Aquaplaning Performance from Tyre Profile Images with Machine Learning

Bederson, B.B.[Benjamin B.] * 1992: Connectivity graphs for space-variant active vision
* 1992: Connectivity Graphs in Space-Variant Active Vision
* 1992: miniaturized active vision system, A
* 1992: Voice-Bandwidth Visual Communication Through Logmaps: The Telecortex
* 1994: Miniature Pan-Tilt Actuator: The Spherical Pointing Motor, A
* 1994: Space-Variant Image-Processing
* 1995: Miniaturized Space-Variant Active Vision System: Cortex-I, A
Includes: Bederson, B.B.[Benjamin B.] Bederson, B.B.
7 for Bederson, B.B.

Bedetti, A. * 2020: Extracting identifying contours for African elephants and humpback whales using a learned appearance model

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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