Index for behn

Behn, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: van Dongen, R.: Investigating The Dynamics of Wandoo Crown Decline Wit...
     with: Zdunic, K.: Investigating The Dynamics of Wandoo Crown Decline With Ti...

Behn, G.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Coote, M.: Hydroperiod Classification Of Cervantes Coolimba Coastal We...
     with: Setiawan, H.: Hydroperiod Classification Of Cervantes Coolimba Coastal...
     with: Shanahan, A.: Hydroperiod Classification Of Cervantes Coolimba Coastal...
     with: van Dongen, R.J.: Hydroperiod Classification Of Cervantes Coolimba Coa...

Behnad, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Plataniotis, K.N.: hidden Markov model-based methodology for intra-fie...
     with: Plataniotis, Konstantinos.N.: Directional image interpolation with ANO...
     with: Wu, X.L.: Directional image interpolation with ANOVA methodology
     with: Wu, X.L.: hidden Markov model-based methodology for intra-field video ...

Behnam, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Afrakhteh, S.: fast and high frame rate adaptive beamforming using DCT...
     with: Cherloo, M.N.: Novel approach for automatic mid-diastole frame detecti...
     with: Faraji, M.: Novel approach for automatic mid-diastole frame detection ...
     with: Gifani, P.: CarpNet: Transformer for mitral valve disease classificati...
     with: Hosseinpour, M.: Compressive sensing theory and neighborhood spatial-t...
     with: Hosseinsabet, A.: CarpNet: Transformer for mitral valve disease classi...
     with: Kozegar, E.: Mass Segmentation in Automated 3-D Breast Ultrasound Usin...
     with: Salamati, M.: Mass Segmentation in Automated 3-D Breast Ultrasound Usi...
     with: Shojaeifard, M.: Compressive sensing theory and neighborhood spatial-t...
     with: Shojaeifard, M.: Novel approach for automatic mid-diastole frame detec...
     with: Soryani, M.: Mass Segmentation in Automated 3-D Breast Ultrasound Usin...
     with: Tan, T.: Mass Segmentation in Automated 3-D Breast Ultrasound Using Ad...
     with: Vafaeezadeh, M.: CarpNet: Transformer for mitral valve disease classif...
13 for Behnam, H.

Behnamfar, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ghasemzadeh, A.: Cloud-based Geospatial Platform In Support of Sustain...
     with: Hajibagheri, R.: Cloud-based Geospatial Platform In Support of Sustain...
     with: Jokar, M.: Cloud-based Geospatial Platform In Support of Sustainable D...
     with: Li, J.: Cloud-based Geospatial Platform In Support of Sustainable Deve...
     with: Liu, G.: Cloud-based Geospatial Platform In Support of Sustainable Dev...
     with: Pirasteh, S.: Cloud-based Geospatial Platform In Support of Sustainabl...
     with: Shamsipour, G.: Cloud-based Geospatial Platform In Support of Sustaina...
     with: Zarbakhsh, H.: Cloud-based Geospatial Platform In Support of Sustainab...
8 for Behnamfar, F.

Behnamfar, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Karimi, N.: Segmentation of DNA microarray images using an adaptive gr...
     with: Samavi, S.: Segmentation of DNA microarray images using an adaptive gr...
     with: Shirani, S.: Segmentation of DNA microarray images using an adaptive g...

Behnami, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdi, A.H.: Cardiac Phase Detection in Echocardiograms With Densely Ga...
     with: Abolmaesumi, P.: Cardiac Phase Detection in Echocardiograms With Dense...
     with: Dezaki, F.T.: Cardiac Phase Detection in Echocardiograms With Densely ...
     with: Dhungel, N.: Cardiac Phase Detection in Echocardiograms With Densely G...
     with: Gin, K.: Cardiac Phase Detection in Echocardiograms With Densely Gated...
     with: Girgis, H.: Cardiac Phase Detection in Echocardiograms With Densely Ga...
     with: Liao, Z.: Cardiac Phase Detection in Echocardiograms With Densely Gate...
     with: Luong, C.: Cardiac Phase Detection in Echocardiograms With Densely Gat...
     with: Rohling, R.: Cardiac Phase Detection in Echocardiograms With Densely G...
     with: Tsang, T.: Cardiac Phase Detection in Echocardiograms With Densely Gat...
10 for Behnami, D.

Behnamian, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Banks, S.: Contributions of Actual and Simulated Satellite SAR Data fo...
     with: Banks, S.: InSAR Monitoring of Arctic Landfast Sea Ice Deformation Usi...
     with: Banks, S.: Multi-Source EO for Dynamic Wetland Mapping and Monitoring ...
     with: Banks, S.: Semi-Automated Surface Water Detection with Synthetic Apert...
     with: Banks, S.: Using Growing-Season Time Series Coherence for Improved Pea...
     with: Banks, S.: Wetland Classification with Multi-Angle/Temporal SAR Using ...
     with: Battaglia, M.: Semi-Automated Surface Water Detection with Synthetic A...
     with: Battaglia, M.J.: Multi-Source EO for Dynamic Wetland Mapping and Monit...
     with: Bourgeau Chavez, L.: Multi-Source EO for Dynamic Wetland Mapping and M...
     with: Bourgeau Chavez, L.: Semi-Automated Surface Water Detection with Synth...
     with: Brisco, B.: Multi-Source EO for Dynamic Wetland Mapping and Monitoring...
     with: Brisco, B.: Semi-Automated Surface Water Detection with Synthetic Aper...
     with: Brisco, B.: Wetland Classification with Multi-Angle/Temporal SAR Using...
     with: Charbonneau, F.: Contributions of Actual and Simulated Satellite SAR D...
     with: Chen, Z.H.: Contributions of Actual and Simulated Satellite SAR Data f...
     with: Chen, Z.H.: InSAR Monitoring of Arctic Landfast Sea Ice Deformation Us...
     with: Chen, Z.H.: Multi-Source EO for Dynamic Wetland Mapping and Monitoring...
     with: Chen, Z.H.: Semi-Automated Surface Water Detection with Synthetic Aper...
     with: Chen, Z.H.: Wetland Classification with Multi-Angle/Temporal SAR Using...
     with: Corcoran, J.: Multi-Source EO for Dynamic Wetland Mapping and Monitori...
     with: Duffe, J.: Contributions of Actual and Simulated Satellite SAR Data fo...
     with: Duffe, J.: InSAR Monitoring of Arctic Landfast Sea Ice Deformation Usi...
     with: Duffe, J.: Semi-Automated Surface Water Detection with Synthetic Apert...
     with: Duffe, J.: Wetland Classification with Multi-Angle/Temporal SAR Using ...
     with: Huberty, B.: Multi-Source EO for Dynamic Wetland Mapping and Monitorin...
     with: Kirby, P.: Using Growing-Season Time Series Coherence for Improved Pea...
     with: Klassen, J.: Multi-Source EO for Dynamic Wetland Mapping and Monitorin...
     with: Knight, J.: Multi-Source EO for Dynamic Wetland Mapping and Monitoring...
     with: Milard, K.: Semi-Automated Surface Water Detection with Synthetic Aper...
     with: Millard, K.: Contributions of Actual and Simulated Satellite SAR Data ...
     with: Millard, K.: Using Growing-Season Time Series Coherence for Improved P...
     with: Montpetit, B.: InSAR Monitoring of Arctic Landfast Sea Ice Deformation...
     with: Montpetit, B.: Wetland Classification with Multi-Angle/Temporal SAR Us...
     with: Morin, P.: Multi-Source EO for Dynamic Wetland Mapping and Monitoring ...
     with: Murnaghan, K.: Multi-Source EO for Dynamic Wetland Mapping and Monitor...
     with: Nandlall, S.: Using Growing-Season Time Series Coherence for Improved ...
     with: Pacini, F.: Using Growing-Season Time Series Coherence for Improved Pe...
     with: Pasher, J.: Contributions of Actual and Simulated Satellite SAR Data f...
     with: Pasher, J.: InSAR Monitoring of Arctic Landfast Sea Ice Deformation Us...
     with: Pasher, J.: Semi-Automated Surface Water Detection with Synthetic Aper...
     with: Pasher, J.: Wetland Classification with Multi-Angle/Temporal SAR Using...
     with: Pelletier, K.: Multi-Source EO for Dynamic Wetland Mapping and Monitor...
     with: Ullmann, T.: Contributions of Actual and Simulated Satellite SAR Data ...
     with: Wang, H.: Contributions of Actual and Simulated Satellite SAR Data for...
     with: White, L.: Contributions of Actual and Simulated Satellite SAR Data fo...
     with: White, L.: InSAR Monitoring of Arctic Landfast Sea Ice Deformation Usi...
     with: White, L.: Multi-Source EO for Dynamic Wetland Mapping and Monitoring ...
     with: White, L.: Semi-Automated Surface Water Detection with Synthetic Apert...
     with: White, L.: Wetland Classification with Multi-Angle/Temporal SAR Using ...
49 for Behnamian, A.

Behnamifard, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmady, H.: Factors Affecting Citizens' Intention to Continue Using th...
     with: Shokri, H.: Factors Affecting Citizens' Intention to Continue Using th...

Behnert, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Boucher, Y.: Preliminary Results Of The Comparison Of Satellite Imager...
     with: Deadman, A.: Preliminary Results Of The Comparison Of Satellite Imager...
     with: Fox, N.: Preliminary Results Of The Comparison Of Satellite Imagers Us...
     with: Griffith, D.: Preliminary Results Of The Comparison Of Satellite Image...
     with: Gurbuz, S.Z.: Preliminary Results Of The Comparison Of Satellite Image...
     with: Harris, P.: Preliminary Results Of The Comparison Of Satellite Imagers...
     with: Helder, D.: Preliminary Results Of The Comparison Of Satellite Imagers...
     with: Henry, P.: Preliminary Results Of The Comparison Of Satellite Imagers ...
     with: Kaewmanee, M.: Preliminary Results Of The Comparison Of Satellite Imag...
     with: Knaeps, E.: Preliminary Results Of The Comparison Of Satellite Imagers...
     with: Lee, D.: Preliminary Results Of The Comparison Of Satellite Imagers Us...
     with: Lee, Y.: Preliminary Results Of The Comparison Of Satellite Imagers Us...
     with: Leigh, L.: Preliminary Results Of The Comparison Of Satellite Imagers ...
     with: Musana, C.: Preliminary Results Of The Comparison Of Satellite Imagers...
     with: Ozen, H.: Preliminary Results Of The Comparison Of Satellite Imagers U...
     with: Ponzoni, F.: Preliminary Results Of The Comparison Of Satellite Imager...
     with: Prakobya, A.: Preliminary Results Of The Comparison Of Satellite Image...
     with: Raeymaekers, D.: Preliminary Results Of The Comparison Of Satellite Im...
     with: Rolland, P.: Preliminary Results Of The Comparison Of Satellite Imager...
     with: Sterckx, S.: Preliminary Results Of The Comparison Of Satellite Imager...
     with: Thome, K.: Preliminary Results Of The Comparison Of Satellite Imagers ...
     with: Viallefont, F.: Preliminary Results Of The Comparison Of Satellite Ima...
     with: Yua, L.: Preliminary Results Of The Comparison Of Satellite Imagers Us...
23 for Behnert, I.

Behnia, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akhaee, M.A.: Data Hiding Robust to Mobile Communication Vocoders
     with: Amiri, R.: Approximate ML Estimator for Moving Target Localization in ...
     with: Amiri, R.: Asymptotically Efficient Target Localization From Bistatic ...
     with: Amiri, R.: Efficient Weighted Least Squares Estimator for Elliptic Loc...
     with: Kazemi, R.: Data Hiding Robust to Mobile Communication Vocoders
     with: Kazemi, S.A.R.: Approximate ML Estimator for Moving Target Localizatio...
     with: Perez Gonzalez, F.: Data Hiding Robust to Mobile Communication Vocoders
     with: Zamani, H.: Asymptotically Efficient Target Localization From Bistatic...
8 for Behnia, F.

Behnia, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Erfanifard, Y.: Tree Crown Delineation on VHR Aerial Imagery with SVM ...
     with: Moosavi, V.: Tree Crown Delineation on VHR Aerial Imagery with SVM Cla...

Behnisch, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bacao, F.: Spatial Data Science
     with: Hartmann, A.: Workflow for Automatic Quantification of Structure and D...
     with: Hecht, R.: Geospatial Modeling Approaches to Historical Settlement and...
     with: Hecht, R.: Mapping Long-Term Dynamics of Population and Dwellings Base...
     with: Hecht, R.: Workflow for Automatic Quantification of Structure and Dyna...
     with: Herold, H.: Geospatial Modeling Approaches to Historical Settlement an...
     with: Herold, H.: Mapping Long-Term Dynamics of Population and Dwellings Bas...
     with: Jehling, M.: Mapping Long-Term Dynamics of Population and Dwellings Ba...
     with: Kruger, T.: Soil Sealing and the Complex Bundle of Influential Factors...
     with: Leyk, S.: Geospatial Modeling Approaches to Historical Settlement and ...
     with: Meinel, G.: Workflow for Automatic Quantification of Structure and Dyn...
     with: Poglitsch, H.: Soil Sealing and the Complex Bundle of Influential Fact...
     with: Santos, M.Y.: Spatial Data Science
13 for Behnisch, M.

Behnke, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kazienko, P.: Ethical Considerations and Checklist for Affective Resea...
     with: Kunc, D.: Ethical Considerations and Checklist for Affective Research ...
     with: Saganowski, S.: Ethical Considerations and Checklist for Affective Res...

Behnke, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Araslanov, N.: Efficient Single-View 3D Co-segmentation Using Shape Si...
     with: Behley, J.: SemanticKITTI: A Dataset for Semantic Scene Understanding ...
     with: Berner, A.: Combining contour and shape primitives for object detectio...
     with: Droeschel, D.: Omnidirectional Perception for Lightweight MAVs using a...
     with: Droeschel, D.: Omnidirectional Perception for Lightweight UAVS Using a...
     with: Droeschel, D.: Towards Multimodal Omnidirectional Obstacle Detection f...
     with: Frintrop, S.: Semantic segmentation priors for object discovery
     with: Gall, J.: Efficient Single-View 3D Co-segmentation Using Shape Similar...
     with: Gall, J.: SemanticKITTI: A Dataset for Semantic Scene Understanding of...
     with: Garbade, M.: SemanticKITTI: A Dataset for Semantic Scene Understanding...
     with: Garcia, G.M.: Semantic segmentation priors for object discovery
     with: Gindele, T.: Interpretable and Fine-Grained Visual Explanations for Co...
     with: Hetzel, L.: Interpretable and Fine-Grained Visual Explanations for Con...
     with: Holz, D.: Combining contour and shape primitives for object detection ...
     with: Holz, D.: Omnidirectional Perception for Lightweight MAVs using a Cont...
     with: Holz, D.: Towards Multimodal Omnidirectional Obstacle Detection for Au...
     with: Horn, J.: Robust Skeletonization for Plant Root Structure Reconstructi...
     with: Husain, F.: Semantic segmentation priors for object discovery
     with: Klein, R.: Combining contour and shape primitives for object detection...
     with: Kohler, J.M.: Interpretable and Fine-Grained Visual Explanations for C...
     with: Koo, S.Y.: Efficient Single-View 3D Co-segmentation Using Shape Simila...
     with: Landl, M.: Robust Skeletonization for Plant Root Structure Reconstruct...
     with: Li, J.: Combining contour and shape primitives for object detection an...
     with: Linder, T.: Efficient Transmission and Rendering of RGB-D Views
     with: Milioto, A.: SemanticKITTI: A Dataset for Semantic Scene Understanding...
     with: Nam, G.: Neural Strands: Learning Hair Geometry and Appearance from Mu...
     with: Nieuwenhuisen, M.: Predictive Potential Field-Based Collision Avoidanc...
     with: Nieuwenhuisen, M.: Towards Multimodal Omnidirectional Obstacle Detecti...
     with: Quenzel, J.: SemanticKITTI: A Dataset for Semantic Scene Understanding...
     with: Quenzel, J.: Semi-supervised Semantic Mapping Through Label Propagatio...
     with: Riaz, Z.: Efficient Transmission and Rendering of RGB-D Views
     with: Rosu, R.A.: Neural Strands: Learning Hair Geometry and Appearance from...
     with: Rosu, R.A.: PermutoSDF: Fast Multi-View Reconstruction with Implicit S...
     with: Rosu, R.A.: Semi-supervised Semantic Mapping Through Label Propagation...
     with: Saito, S.: Neural Strands: Learning Hair Geometry and Appearance from ...
     with: Schadler, M.: Predictive Potential Field-Based Collision Avoidance for...
     with: Schnepf, A.: Robust Skeletonization for Plant Root Structure Reconstru...
     with: Schreiber, M.: Omnidirectional Perception for Lightweight UAVS Using a...
     with: Schreiber, M.: Towards Multimodal Omnidirectional Obstacle Detection f...
     with: Schulz, H.: Dense real-time mapping of object-class semantics from RGB...
     with: Schulz, H.: Semantic segmentation priors for object discovery
     with: Stachniss, C.: SemanticKITTI: A Dataset for Semantic Scene Understandi...
     with: Stuckler, J.: Combining contour and shape primitives for object detect...
     with: Stuckler, J.: Dense real-time mapping of object-class semantics from R...
     with: Stuckler, J.: Efficient Dense 3D Rigid-Body Motion Segmentation in RGB...
     with: Stuckler, J.: Efficient Dense Rigid-Body Motion Segmentation and Estim...
     with: Stuckler, J.: Multi-resolution surfel maps for efficient dense 3D mode...
     with: Surmann, H.: Efficient Transmission and Rendering of RGB-D Views
     with: Torras, C.: Semantic segmentation priors for object discovery
     with: Villar Corrales, A.: Object-Centric Video Prediction Via Decoupling of...
     with: Wagner, J.: Interpretable and Fine-Grained Visual Explanations for Con...
     with: Wahdan, I.: Object-Centric Video Prediction Via Decoupling of Object D...
     with: Waldvogel, B.: Dense real-time mapping of object-class semantics from ...
     with: Wandel, N.: Robust Skeletonization for Plant Root Structure Reconstruc...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Neural Strands: Learning Hair Geometry and Appearance from...
     with: Wiedemer, J.T.: Interpretable and Fine-Grained Visual Explanations for...
     with: Worst, R.: Efficient Transmission and Rendering of RGB-D Views
     with: Wu, C.L.: Neural Strands: Learning Hair Geometry and Appearance from M...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Robust Skeletonization for Plant Root Structure Reconstructi...
60 for Behnke, S.

Index for "b"

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