Index for gabb

Gabbard, J.L. Co Author Listing * Behind the Glass: Driver Challenges and Opportunities for AR Automotive Applications

Gabbasova, I.[Ilyusya] Co Author Listing * Soil Nutrient Digital Mapping for Precision Agriculture Cases in the Trans-Ural Steppe Zone of Russia Using Topographic Attributes, The

Gabbay, A.[Aviv] Co Author Listing * Scaling-up Disentanglement for Image Translation

Gabbay, J.[Jonathan] Co Author Listing * Modeling targets for electromagnetic induction sensing applications

Gabbay, J.E. Co Author Listing * Wideband Models for the Electromagnetic Induction Signatures of Thin Conducting Shells

Gabbianelli, G.[Giovanni] Co Author Listing * Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) for High-Resolution Reconstruction of Topography: The Structure from Motion Approach on Coastal Environments

Gabbiani, F. Co Author Listing * Elementary Computation of Object Approach by a Wide-Field Visual Neuron

Gabbouj, M. Co Author Listing * Acceleration Approaches for Big Data Analysis
* Adaptive DCT Based Depth Map Resampling for Depth Enhanced Multiview Video Coding
* Adaptive Inference Using Hierarchical Convolutional Bag-of-Features for Low-Power Embedded Platforms
* Adaptive interpolation with flexible filter structures for video coding
* Adaptive sampling for compressed sensing based image compression
* Asymmetrie luminance based filtering for stereoscopic video compression
* Automated tree detection and density calculation using unmanned aerial vehicles
* Automatic Object Extraction Over Multiscale Edge Field for Multimedia Retrieval
* Automatic Object Segmentation by Quantum Cuts
* Backward compatible enhancement of chroma format in HEVC
* Bag of Color Features for Color Constancy
* Benchmark database for fine-grained image classification of benthic macroinvertebrates
* Big Media Data Analysis
* Block-based Ordinal Co-occurrence Matrices for Texture Similarity Evaluation
* BM3D VS 2-Layer ONN
* CasQNet: Intrinsic Image Decomposition Based on Cascaded Quotient Network
* Category independent object proposals using quantum superposition
* Channel-Wise Feature Decorrelation for Enhanced Learned Image Compression
* Class-Based Variational Representation Learning For Robust Image Retrieval
* Classification of Polarimetric SAR Images Using Evolutionary RBF Networks
* Coding of faded scene transitions
* Coding of mixed-resolution multiview video in 3D video application
* Collective Network of Binary Classifier Framework for Polarimetric SAR Image Classification: An Evolutionary Approach
* Combining multi-class maximum margin classification with linear discriminant analysis for human action recognition
* Complete processing chain for 3D video generation using Kinect sensor
* Complexity Analysis Of Next-Generation VVC Encoding And Decoding
* Comprehensive Automated 3D Urban Environment Modelling Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Cloud
* Compression effects on color and texture based multimedia indexing and retrieval
* Congestion-aware transmission rate control using Medium Grain Scalability of Scalable Video Coding
* Constrained Directed Graph Clustering and Segmentation Propagation for Multiple Foregrounds Cosegmentation
* Cross-asymmetric mixed-resolution 3D video compression
* Data Enrichment in Fine-Grained Classification of Aquatic Macroinvertebrates
* Data Normalization for Bilinear Structures in High-Frequency Financial Time-series
* Data Set for Camera-Independent Color Constancy, A
* Dedicated Hardware System for a Class of Nonlinear Order Statistics Rational Hybrid Filters with Applications to Image Processing, A
* Deep multi-resolution color constancy
* Depth-aware 3D video filtering targetting multiview video plus depth compression
* Differential Coding Using Enhanced Inter-Layer Reference Picture for the Scalable Extension of H.265/HEVC Video Codec
* Distortion Rectification From Static to Dynamic: A Distortion Sequence Construction Perspective
* Downward spatially-scalable image reconstruction based on compressed sensing
* DR-GAN: Automatic Radial Distortion Rectification Using Conditional GAN in Real-Time
* Dual and Single Polarized SAR Image Classification Using Compact Convolutional Neural Networks
* Dynamic Content-Based Indexing Method for Multimedia Databases: Hierarchical Cellular Tree, A
* Efficient Adaptive Binary Range Coder and Its VLSI Architecture, An
* Efficient adaptive inference for deep convolutional neural networks using hierarchical early exits
* efficient multiplication-free and look-up table-free adaptive binary arithmetic coder, An
* Efficient video resolution adaptation using scalable H.265/HEVC
* Efficient Watershed Segmentation Algorithm Suitable for Parallel Implementation, An
* error concealment feature in the h.26l test model, The
* Error Resilient Coding and Error Concealment in Scalable Video Coding
* Error Resilient Video Coding Using Unequally Protected Key Pictures
* Estimation of subjective quality for mixed-resolution stereoscopic video
* Evaluation of depth compression and view synthesis distortions in multiview-video-plus-depth coding systems
* Evaluation of Depth-Based Super Resolution on Compressed Mixed Resolution 3D Video
* Face segmentation in thumbnail images by data-adaptive convolutional segmentation networks
* Fast Watershed Algorithms: Analysis and Extensions
* Feature Dimensionality Reduction with Graph Embedding and Generalized Hamming Distance
* Feature selection for content-based image retrieval
* Fisheye video coding using elastic motion compensated reference frames
* Generalized Multi-View Embedding for Visual Recognition and Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Generalized Tensor Summation Compressive Sensing Network (GTSNET): An Easy to Learn Compressive Sensing Operation
* Generic content-based audio indexing and retrieval framework
* Generic Shape/Texture Descriptor Over Multiscale Edge Field: 2-D Walking Ant Histogram, A
* Global Scale Integral Volumes
* Graph-embedded subspace support vector data description
* Hierarchical class-specific kernel discriminant analysis for face verification
* Human Action Recognition Using Recurrent Bag-of-features Pooling
* Human experts vs. machines in taxa recognition
* Hybrid Approach for Near-Range Video Stabilization, A
* Hybrid Modeling of Intra-DCT Coefficients for Real-Time Video Encoding
* Image Interpolation Based on Non-local Geometric Similarities and Directional Gradients
* Impact of downsampling ratio in mixed-resolution stereoscopic video
* Improved Error Concealment Using Scene Information
* Improved weighted prediction based color gamut scalability in SHVC
* Improving image quality assessment with modeling visual attention
* Impulse noise removal in highly corrupted color images
* Incremental evolution of collective network of binary classifier for polarimetric SAR image classification
* Incremental Fast Subclass Discriminant Analysis
* Incremental Learning with Support Vector Data Description
* Inter-view motion vector prediction in multiview HEVC
* Isolated regions in video coding
* Joint depth and texture filtering targeting MVD compression
* Joint K-Means quantization for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
* Joint Video Stitching and Stabilization From Moving Cameras
* Knowledge Transfer for Face Verification Using Heterogeneous Generalized Operational Perceptrons
* L-M-S Filters for Image Restoration Applications
* Learned vs. engineered features for fine-grained classification of aquatic macroinvertebrates
* Learning graph affinities for spectral graph-based salient object detection
* Learning to rank salient segments extracted by multispectral Quantum Cuts
* Lossless compression of subaperture images using context modeling
* Low-Complexity Bit-Plane Entropy Coding and Rate Control for 3-D DWT Based Video Coding, A
* MAMIQA: No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Based on Multiscale Attention Mechanism With Natural Scene Statistics
* Median-rational hybrid filters
* Mind the Structure: Adopting Structural Information for Deep Neural Network Compression
* MTJND: Multi-Task Deep Learning Framework for Improved JND Prediction
* Multi-class Support Vector Machine classifiers using intrinsic and penalty graphs
* Multi-dimensional evolutionary feature synthesis for content-based image retrieval
* Multi-modal subspace learning with dropout regularization for cross-modal recognition and retrieval
* Multi-View Nonparametric Discriminant Analysis for Image Retrieval and Recognition
* Multidimensional particle swarm optimization and applications in data clustering and image retrieval
* Multilinear class-specific discriminant analysis
* Multimodal subspace support vector data description
* Multiview-Video-Plus-Depth Coding Based on the Advanced Video Coding Standard
* Network of evolutionary binary classifiers for classification and retrieval in macroinvertebrate databases
* Neural class-specific regression for face verification
* Neural texture transfer assisted video coding with adaptive up-sampling
* New Block-Based Method for HEVC Intra Coding, A
* New Image Similarity Measure Based on Ordinal Correlation, A
* New R-D Optimization Criterion for Fast Mode Decision Algorithms in Video Coding and Transrating
* Noise-Robust Texture Description Using Local Contrast Patterns via Global Measures
* Non-Local Color Compensation Network for Intrinsic Image Decomposition
* Nonlinear Depth Map Resampling for Depth-Enhanced 3-D Video Coding
* Nonlinear interpolators for old movie restoration
* Not all domains are equally complex: Adaptive Multi-Domain Learning
* Novel multimedia retrieval technique: progressive query (why wait?)
* Nyström-based approximate kernel subspace learning
* Object proposals using CNN-based edge filtering
* Object Recognition in 3D Point Cloud of Urban Street Scene
* objective video quality metric based on spatiotemporal distortion, An
* On the kernel Extreme Learning Machine speedup
* Order-Statistics Learning Vector Quantizer
* Ordinal Co-occurrence Matrix Framework for Texture Retrieval, An
* Ordinal-Measure Based Shape Correspondence
* Osegnet: Operational Segmentation Network for Covid-19 Detection Using Chest X-Ray Images
* Parallel Encoding: Decoding Operation for Multiview Video Coding with High Coding Efficiency
* Parallel Image Component Labeling with Watershed Transformation
* Parallel Marker Based Watershed Transformation, A
* Perception aware coding of stereoscopic video
* Perceptual color descriptor based on spatial distribution: A top-down approach
* Perceptual-based quality assessment for audio-visual services: A survey
* Perceptually adaptive filtering for stereoscopic video compression
* Picture-level adaptive filter for asymmetric stereoscopic video
* Planar representation for intra coding of depth maps
* Prediction Based on Boolean Filters for Multiresolution Lossless Image Compression
* Probabilistic Color Constancy
* Probabilistic saliency estimation
* Programmable hardware implementation for the median-rational hybrid filters
* Prototype-based class-specific nonlinear subspace learning for large-scale face verification
* Quantum mechanics in computer vision: Automatic object extraction
* Random access using isolated regions
* Rate adaptation for dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP in content distribution network
* Recurrent bag-of-features for visual information analysis
* Reducing redundancy in the bottleneck representation of autoencoders
* Region-Of-Interest Coding Schemes for HTTP Adaptive Streaming With VVC
* Relevance feedback for shape query refinement
* Reliable Covid-19 Detection using Chest X-Ray Images
* Rendering stereoscopic video for simultaneous 2D and 3D presentation
* Robust B-Spline Image Modeling with Application to Image Processing
* Robust B-spline image smoothing
* Root-Signal Sets of Morphological Filters and Their Use in Variable-Length BTC Image Coding
* Row-interleaved sampling for stereoscopic video coding targeting polarized displays
* Salient object segmentation based on linearly combined affinity graphs
* Sample-based regularization for support vector machine classification
* Scalable Bit Allocation Between Texture and Depth Views for 3-D Video Streaming Over Heterogeneous Networks
* Self-attention fusion for audiovisual emotion recognition with incomplete data
* Semantic Parsing of Street Scene Images Using 3D LiDAR Point Cloud
* Semi-Fuzzy Rate Controller for Variable Bit Rate Video
* Semi-Supervised Learning for Ill-Posed Polarimetric SAR Classification
* Sensor-Based Analysis of User Generated Video for Multi-camera Video Remixing
* Shared Coded Picture Technique for Tile-Based Viewport-Adaptive Streaming of Omnidirectional Video
* Simultaneous 2D and 3D perception for stereoscopic displays based on polarized or active shutter glasses
* Sparse/DCT (S/DCT) Two-Layered Representation of Prediction Residuals for Video Coding
* Spatiotemporal Saliency Estimation by Spectral Foreground Detection
* Special Issue on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services
* Special Issue On Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services: Part II
* Speed-up and multi-view extensions to subclass discriminant analysis
* Sport Type Classification of Mobile Videos
* SRL-SOA: Self-Representation Learning with Sparse 1D-Operational Autoencoder for Hyperspectral Image Band Selection
* Sub-picture: ROI coding and unequal error protection
* Subaperture image segmentation for lossless compression
* Subjective quality assessment of asymmetric stereoscopic 3D video
* Subjective study on compressed asymmetric stereoscopic video
* Subset Sampling for Progressive Neural Network Learning
* Subspace Support Vector Data Description
* SVM based approach for complexity control of HEVC intra coding
* System profiles in content-based image indexing and retrieval
* Temporal logistic neural Bag-of-Features for financial time series forecasting leveraging limit order book data
* Texture similarity evaluation using ordinal co-occurrence
* Training based optimal stack filter design under structural constraints
* Training Framework for Stack and Boolean Filtering: Fast Optimal-Design Procedures and Robustness Case-Study, A
* Unsupervised design of Artificial Neural Networks via multi-dimensional Particle Swarm Optimization
* Upsampled-view distortion optimization for mixed resolution 3D Video Coding
* Urban 3D segmentation and modelling from street view images and LiDAR point clouds
* Variance-preserving deep metric learning for content-based image retrieval
* vector quantization based k-NN approach for large-scale image classification, A
* Video Coding Using Spatially Varying Transform
* Video Coding With Low-Complexity Directional Adaptive Interpolation Filters
* Video Splicing and Fuzzy Rate Control in IP Multi-Protocol Encapsulator for Tune-In Time Reduction in IP Datacasting (IPDC) over DVB-H
* View synthesis quality mapping for depth-based super resolution on mixed resolution 3D video
* Viewport-dependent delivery schemes for stereoscopic panoramic video
* Visual Media Retrieval Using Transform-Based Layered Query Scheme
* Visual saliency by extended quantum cuts
* Wavelet-based corner detection technique using optimal scale
* Weighted Distance Approach to Relevance Feedback, A
* Weighted Linear Discriminant Analysis Based on Class Saliency Information
* Zero-Quantized Inter DCT Coefficient Prediction for Real-Time Video Coding
Includes: Gabbouj, M. Gabbouj, M.[Moncef]
196 for Gabbouj, M.

Gabbrielli, M.[Maurizio] Co Author Listing * Multimodal Side- Tuning for Document Classification

Gabbur, P.[Prasad] Co Author Listing * Cross Modal Disambiguation
* effects of segmentation and feature choice in a translation model of object recognition, The
* fast connected components labeling algorithm and its application to real-time pupil detection, A
* Hand tracking by binary quadratic programming and its application to retail activity recognition
* Relative Attributes for Large-Scale Abandoned Object Detection
* Soft margin keyframe comparison: Enhancing precision of fraud detection in retail surveillance
Includes: Gabbur, P.[Prasad] Gabbur, P.

Index for "g"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:13:19
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