Index for mcdo

McDole, K.[Katie] Co Author Listing * Unsupervised Learning of Object-Centric Embeddings for Cell Instance Segmentation in Microscopy Images

McDonagh, J. Co Author Listing * AnimalWeb: A Large-Scale Hierarchical Dataset of Annotated Animal Faces
* Joint Face Detection and Alignment with a Deformable Hough Transform Model
* Synergy between Face Alignment and Tracking via Discriminative Global Consensus Optimization
Includes: McDonagh, J. McDonagh, J.[John]

McDonagh, S. Co Author Listing * 3-D Reconstruction in Canonical Co-Ordinate Space From Arbitrarily Oriented 2-D Images
* Context-Sensitive Super-Resolution for Fast Fetal Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* CroMo: Cross-Modal Learning for Monocular Depth Estimation
* CURL: Neural Curve Layers for Global Image Enhancement
* DeepLPF: Deep Local Parametric Filters for Image Enhancement
* Learning to Name Classes for Vision and Language Models
* Long-tail Recognition via Compositional Knowledge Transfer
* Low Light Video Enhancement Using Synthetic Data Produced with an Intermediate Domain Mapping
* Many-shot from Low-shot: Learning to Annotate Using Mixed Supervision for Object Detection
* MULAN: A Multi Layer Annotated Dataset for Controllable Text-to-Image Generation
* Multi-Hypothesis Approach to Color Constancy, A
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Perceptual Image Quality Assessment
* SteReFo: Efficient Image Refocusing with Stereo Vision
* Synthetic Prior Design for Real-Time Face Tracking
* Tunable Convolutions with Parametric Multi-Loss Optimization
Includes: McDonagh, S. McDonagh, S.[Steven]
15 for McDonagh, S.

McDonagh, S.G. Co Author Listing * PVR: Patch-to-Volume Reconstruction for Large Area Motion Correction of Fetal MRI

McDonald Maier, K. Co Author Listing * Image fusion using multivariate and multidimensional EMD
* VPR-Bench: An Open-Source Visual Place Recognition Evaluation Framework with Quantifiable Viewpoint and Appearance Change
Includes: McDonald Maier, K. McDonald-Maier, K. McDonald-Maier, K.[Klaus]

McDonald Maier, K.D.[Klaus D.] Co Author Listing * Algorithm for the Contextual Adaption of SURF Octave Selection With Good Matching Performance: Best Octaves, An
* Assessing Capsule Networks with Biased Data
* Assessing the performance bounds of local feature detectors: Taking inspiration from electronics design practices
* Automatic Selection of the Optimal Local Feature Detector
* Effects of Non-Driving Related Tasks During Self-Driving Mode
* Generic Framework for Assessing the Performance Bounds of Image Feature Detectors, A
* LEE: A Photorealistic Virtual Environment for Assessing Driver-Vehicle Interactions in Self-driving Mode
* Measuring the Coverage of Interest Point Detectors
* Memorable Maps: A Framework for Re-Defining Places in Visual Place Recognition
* Novel Hardware Algorithms for Row-Parallel Integral Image Calculation
* Performance characterization of image feature detectors in relation to the scene content utilizing a large image database
Includes: McDonald Maier, K.D.[Klaus D.] McDonald-Maier, K.D.[Klaus D.] McDonald-Maier, K.D.
11 for McDonald Maier, K.D.

McDonald, A.[Adrian] Co Author Listing * Delineating Polynya Area Using Active and Passive Microwave Sensors for the Western Ross Sea Sector of Antarctica
* Learning with dataset bias in latent subcategory models
* Long-Term Analysis of Sea Ice Drift in the Western Ross Sea, Antarctica, at High and Low Spatial Resolution
* Mapping Smallholder Wheat Yields and Sowing Dates Using Micro-Satellite Data
Includes: McDonald, A.[Adrian] McDonald, A.[Andrew]

McDonald, A.D.[Anthony D.] Co Author Listing * Modeling Driver Responses to Automation Failures With Active Inference
* Stress Detection During Motor Activity: Comparing Neurophysiological Indices in Older Adults

McDonald, B. Co Author Listing * silhouette based technique for locating and rendering foot movements over a plane, A

McDonald, B.W. Co Author Listing * Algorithm for Detection of Ground and Canopy Cover in Micropulse Photon-Counting Lidar Altimeter Data in Preparation for the ICESat-2 Mission

McDonald, C. Co Author Listing * Periocular biometric recognition using image sets
* Red-handed: collaborative gesture interaction with a projection table
* Robust Corner Tracking for Real-time Augmented Reality
Includes: McDonald, C. McDonald, C.[Chris]

McDonald, C.J. Co Author Listing * Automatic Tuberculosis Screening Using Chest Radiographs
* Lung Segmentation in Chest Radiographs Using Anatomical Atlases With Nonrigid Registration

McDonald, D.[David] Co Author Listing * Security identification system

McDonald, D.W.[David W.] Co Author Listing * Activity Recognition for the Digital Home

McDonald, E. Co Author Listing * Determining Atmospheric Dust Concentrations During Strong Flow Perturbations Using a Digital-Optical Technique

McDonald, G.J. Co Author Listing * Real-Time Vehicle Identification Performance Using FPGA Correlator Hardware

McDonald, J.[John] Co Author Listing * 2.5D vehicle odometry estimation
* Analysis of Sign Language Gestures Using Size Functions and Principal Component Analysis
* Classification of Human Poses using a Vision based Technique
* Continuous recognition of motion based gestures in sign language
* Evaluation of threshold model HMMS and Conditional Random Fields for recognition of spatiotemporal gestures in sign language
* Improved feature extraction and matching in urban environments based on 3D viewpoint normalization
* Incorporating facial features into a multi-channel gesture recognition system for the interpretation of Irish Sign Language sequences
* person independent system for recognition of hand postures used in sign language, A
* Photo-realistic facial expression synthesis
* Recognizing Spatiotemporal Gestures and Movement Epenthesis in Sign Language
* Robust alignment of wide baseline terrestrial laser scans via 3D viewpoint normalization
* Robust Approximate Meshes from a Collection of Range Maps
* Robust feature correspondences from a large set of unsorted wide baseline images
* Robust Wide Baseline Scene Alignment Based on 3D Viewpoint Normalization
* Sampling Theorem for Deconvolution in Two Dimensions, A
* Surface modeling and display from range and color data
* system for teaching sign language using live gesture feedback, A
* Terrain visualization and data discovery using lunar high-resolution laser altimeter data sets
* Viewpoint invariant features from single images using 3D geometry
* Weakly Supervised Training of a Sign Language Recognition System Using Multiple Instance Learning Density Matrices
Includes: McDonald, J.[John] McDonald, J. McDonald, J.[Joseph]
20 for McDonald, J.

McDonald, J.A. Co Author Listing * Method for three-dimensional data registration from disparate imaging modalities in the NOGA myocardial viability trial

McDonald, J.B.[John B.] Co Author Listing * Automatic estimation of the dynamics of facial expression using a three-level model of intensity
* Estimation of the Temporal Dynamics of Posed and Spontaneous Facial Expression Formation Using LLE
* Investigating the Dynamics of Facial Expression
* Modelling the Manifold of Facial Expression Using Texture
* Non-Linear Approaches for the Classification of Facial Expressions at Varying Degrees of Intensity
* Reduction of speckle in digital holography by discrete Fourier filtering
* Segmentation of three-dimensional objects from background in digital holograms
* Speckle reduction using the discrete Fourier filtering technique
* System for Dense Monocular Mapping with a Fisheye Camera, A
Includes: McDonald, J.B.[John B.] McDonald, J.B.
9 for McDonald, J.B.

McDonald, J.J.[John J.] Co Author Listing * Imaging range finder and method

McDonald, J.P. Co Author Listing * Active Animate Stereo Vision
* Active Stereo Probe: Dynamic Video Feedback, The
* New Aproach to Active Illumination, A

McDonald, J.R. Co Author Listing * Using physics-based modeler outputs to train probabilistic neural networks for unexploded ordnance (UXO) classification in magnetometry surveys

McDonald, K.[Kyle] Co Author Listing * Assessing L-Band GNSS-Reflectometry and Imaging Radar for Detecting Sub-Canopy Inundation Dynamics in a Tropical Wetlands Complex
* Comparison of Score, Rank and Probability-Based Fusion Methods for Video Shot Retrieval, A
* Evaluation of ALOS PALSAR Data for High-Resolution Mapping of Vegetated Wetlands in Alaska
* Feasibility of Characterizing Snowpack and the Freeze-Thaw State of Underlying Soil Using Multifrequency Active/Passive Microwave Data
* Mapping of Maximum and Minimum Inundation Extents in the Amazon Basin 2014-2017 with ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 ScanSAR Time-Series Data
* Mapping Regional Inundation with Spaceborne L-Band SAR
Includes: McDonald, K.[Kyle] McDonald, K.[Kieran] McDonald, K.

McDonald, K.C. Co Author Listing * Characterizing Snowpack and the Freeze-Thaw State of Underlying Soil via Assimilation of Multifrequency Passive/Active Microwave Data: A Case Study (NASA CLPX 2003)
* Classification of Alaska Spring Thaw Characteristics Using Satellite L-Band Radar Remote Sensing
* Classifying Inundation in a Tropical Wetlands Complex with GNSS-R
* Development and Evaluation of a Multi-Year Fractional Surface Water Data Set Derived from Active/Passive Microwave Remote Sensing Data
* Evaluation of Approaches for Mapping Tidal Wetlands of the Chesapeake and Delaware Bays
* Fused Radar-Optical Approach for Mapping Wetlands and Deepwaters of the Mid-Atlantic and Gulf Coast Regions of the United States, A
* Multisensor Microwave Sensitivity to Freeze/Thaw Dynamics Across a Complex Boreal Landscape
Includes: McDonald, K.C. McDonald, K.C.[Kyle C.]
7 for McDonald, K.C.

McDonald, K.K.[Kristian K.] Co Author Listing * Weekly Small Uncrewed Aerial System Surveys, Structure from Motion, and Empirical Orthogonal Function Analyses Reveal Unique Modes of Sediment Exchange Generated by Seasonal and Episodic Phenomena: Waikiki, Hawaii

McDonald, M. Co Author Listing * Can drivers' eye movements be used to monitor their performance? a case study
* Cooperative vehicle-infrastructure systems for improving driver information services: an analysis of COOPERS test results
* Does gender make a difference to performing in-vehicle tasks?
* Global Analysis of the Relationship between Reconstructed Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) and Gross Primary Production (GPP)
Includes: McDonald, M. McDonald, M.[Morag]

McDonald, M.J. Co Author Listing * Box-Filtering Techniques

McDonald, M.R.[Mary Ruth] Co Author Listing * Human vs. Machine, the Eyes Have It. Assessment of Stemphylium Leaf Blight on Onion Using Aerial Photographs from an NIR Camera

McDonald, R. Co Author Listing * Flexible Web document analysis for delivery to narrow-bandwidth devices

McDonald, R.A.[Ross A.] Co Author Listing * mean subjective utility score, a novel metric for cost-sensitive classifier evaluation, The

McDonald, T.[Trevor] Co Author Listing * Regional High-Resolution Benthic Habitat Data from Planet Dove Imagery for Conservation Decision-Making and Marine Planning

McDonald, W.[Walter] Co Author Listing * Evaluating the Variability of Urban Land Surface Temperatures Using Drone Observations

McDonald, W.E. Co Author Listing * Adaptive Pattern Analysis System for Isolating EMI, An
* Improved Adaptive Pattern Analysis Algorithm for Isolating EMI, An
Includes: McDonald, W.E. McDonald, Jr., W.E.

McDonnell, J.D. Co Author Listing * Postprocessing of Transform Coded Images via Histogram Based Edge Classification

McDonnell, K.T.[Kevin T.] Co Author Listing * Virtual Clay: Haptics-Based Deformable Solids of Arbitrary Topology

McDonnell, M.D.[Mark D.] Co Author Listing * Impact of Pan-Sharpening and Spectral Resolution on Vineyard Segmentation through Machine Learning, The
* Track Everything: Limiting Prior Knowledge in Online Multi-Object Recognition
* Understanding Data Augmentation for Classification: When to Warp?
Includes: McDonnell, M.D.[Mark D.] McDonnell, M.D.

McDonnell, M.J. Co Author Listing * Preprocessing of Degraded Images to Augment Existing Restoration Methods
* Restoration of VOYAGER 1 Image of Io

McDonnell, R.[Rachel] Co Author Listing * Smiling in the Face and Voice of Avatars and Robots: Evidence for a Smiling McGurk Effect
* Speech driven video editing via an audio-conditioned diffusion model

McDonough, S.M. Co Author Listing * Vision Based Games for Upper-Limb Stroke Rehabilitation

McDorman, S.T.[Sam T.] Co Author Listing * Snowvision: Segmenting, Identifying, and Discovering Stamped Curve Patterns from Fragments of Pottery

McDougall, A.[Alistair] Co Author Listing * LiCSAR: An Automatic InSAR Tool for Measuring and Monitoring Tectonic and Volcanic Activity

McDougall, K. Co Author Listing * Characterisation of Network Objects in Natural and Anthropic Environments
* Comparison Of Multi-scale Digital Elevation Models For Defining Waterways And Catchments Over Large Areas
* Exploring the Application of Volunteered Geographic Information to Catchment Management: A Survey Approach
* Mapping Erosion Hotspots: Coherent Change Detection in the Quilpie Region, Queensland, Australia
* Relevance Assessment of Crowdsourced Data (CSD) Using Semantics and Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR) Techniques
* Semantic Location Extraction From Crowdsourced Data
* Use Of LIDAR and Volunteered Geographic Information To Map Flood Extents And Inundation, The
Includes: McDougall, K. Mcdougall, K. McDougall, K.[Kevin]
7 for McDougall, K.

McDougall, R. Co Author Listing * Early Experience Toward Developing Computer Aided Diagnosis for Gram-Stained Smears Images, An

McDowall, I.E.[Ian E.] Co Author Listing * Multi-Use Light Engine: Fast Projection

McDowell, L. Co Author Listing * Real-time Fixation, Mosaic Construction, and Moving Object Detection from a Moving Camera
* Real-time Stereo Processing, Obstacle Detection and Terrain Reconstruction from a Vehicle-mounted Moving Stereo Pair of Cameras

McDowell, L.K.[Lucas Kelsey] Co Author Listing * Apparatus and method for removing blank areas from real-time stabilized images by inserting background information

McDowell, M.L.[Meryl L.] Co Author Listing * Enhanced Compositional Mapping through Integrated Full-Range Spectral Analysis

McDowell, P. Co Author Listing * Memory-Based In Situ Learning for Unmanned Vehicles

McDowell, R. Co Author Listing * Comparing and Improving Algorithms for Iris Recognition

Index for "m"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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