Index for bend

Bendada, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akhloufi, M.: Hand and Wrist Physiological Features Extraction for nea...
     with: Akhloufi, M.A.: Multispectral Face Recognition in Texture Space
     with: Akhloufi, M.A.: Thermal Faceprint: A New Thermal Face Signature Extrac...
     with: Arandjelovic, O.D.: Infrared face recognition: A comprehensive review ...
     with: Ghiass, R.S.: Infrared face recognition: A comprehensive review of met...
     with: Maldague, X.: Infrared face recognition: A comprehensive review of met...

Bendahan, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abad, F.: Spatially sensitive statistical shape analysis for pedestria...
     with: Bougnoux, S.: 3D parking assistant system
     with: Bulzomi, H.: Object Detection for Embedded Systems Using Tiny Spiking ...
     with: Fintzel, K.: 3D parking assistant system
     with: Fujita, T.: Object Detection for Embedded Systems Using Tiny Spiking N...
     with: Gruel, A.: Object Detection for Embedded Systems Using Tiny Spiking Ne...
     with: Kakinami, T.: 3D parking assistant system
     with: Martinet, J.: Object Detection for Embedded Systems Using Tiny Spiking...
     with: Nakano, Y.: Object Detection for Embedded Systems Using Tiny Spiking N...
     with: Pratikakis, I.: Spatially sensitive statistical shape analysis for ped...
     with: Savelonas, M.A.: Spatially sensitive statistical shape analysis for pe...
     with: Thanellas, G.: Spatially sensitive statistical shape analysis for pede...
     with: Theoharis, T.: Spatially sensitive statistical shape analysis for pede...
     with: Vestri, C.: 3D parking assistant system
14 for Bendahan, R.

Bendahmane, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Karoui, A.: Spatial Adaptation of the Time Delay Neural Network for So...
     with: Zemzemi, N.: Spatial Adaptation of the Time Delay Neural Network for S...

Bendak, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Boer, E.R.: strategy for satellite data archival. Low noise variable-r...
     with: Ramanathan, V.: strategy for satellite data archival. Low noise variab...
     with: Thyagarajan, K.S.: strategy for satellite data archival. Low noise var...

Bendale, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Boult, T.E.: Predicting biometric facial recognition failure with simi...
     with: Boult, T.E.: Reliable Posterior Probability Estimation for Streaming F...
     with: Boult, T.E.: Towards Open Set Deep Networks
     with: Boult, T.E.: Towards Open World Recognition
     with: Boult, T.E.: What Do You Do When You Know That You Don't Know?
     with: Scheirer, W.J.: Predicting biometric facial recognition failure with s...

Bendale, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kingsbury, N.: Multiscale Keypoint Analysis based on Complex Wavelets
     with: Triggs, B.: Epipolar Constraints for Multiscale Matching
     with: Triggs, B.: Multiscale Keypoint Analysis based on Complex Wavelets

Bendaoudi, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ben Tahar, H.: Flexible architectures for retinal blood vessel segment...
     with: Cheriet, F.: Flexible architectures for retinal blood vessel segmentat...
     with: Cheriet, F.: Memory efficient Multi-Scale Line Detector architecture f...
     with: Langlois, J.M.P.: Flexible architectures for retinal blood vessel segm...
     with: Langlois, J.M.P.: Memory efficient Multi-Scale Line Detector architect...
     with: Manraj, A.: Flexible architectures for retinal blood vessel segmentati...

Bendea, I.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cina, A.: Debris Flow and Rockslide Analysis with Advanced Photogramme...
     with: Giordan, D.: Debris Flow and Rockslide Analysis with Advanced Photogra...
     with: Manzino, A.: Debris Flow and Rockslide Analysis with Advanced Photogra...
     with: Maschio, P.: Debris Flow and Rockslide Analysis with Advanced Photogra...
     with: Notti, D.: Debris Flow and Rockslide Analysis with Advanced Photogramm...

Bendel, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Backhaus, A.: Detection of Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus 1 and 3...
     with: Backhaus, A.: Detection of Two Different Grapevine Yellows in Vitis vi...
     with: Biancu, S.: Detection of Two Different Grapevine Yellows in Vitis vini...
     with: Bleser, E.: Detection of Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus 1 and 3 i...
     with: Jarausch, B.: Detection of Two Different Grapevine Yellows in Vitis vi...
     with: Kicherer, A.: Detection of Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus 1 and 3...
     with: Kicherer, A.: Detection of Two Different Grapevine Yellows in Vitis vi...
     with: Kluck, H.C.: Detection of Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus 1 and 3 ...
     with: Kluck, H.C.: Detection of Two Different Grapevine Yellows in Vitis vin...
     with: Kockerling, J.: Detection of Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus 1 and...
     with: Kockerling, J.: Detection of Two Different Grapevine Yellows in Vitis ...
     with: Maixner, M.: Detection of Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus 1 and 3 ...
     with: Maixner, M.: Detection of Two Different Grapevine Yellows in Vitis vin...
     with: Seiffert, U.: Detection of Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus 1 and 3...
     with: Seiffert, U.: Detection of Two Different Grapevine Yellows in Vitis vi...
     with: Topfer, R.: Detection of Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus 1 and 3 i...
     with: Topfer, R.: Detection of Two Different Grapevine Yellows in Vitis vini...
     with: Voegele, R.T.: Detection of Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus 1 and ...
     with: Voegele, R.T.: Detection of Two Different Grapevine Yellows in Vitis v...
19 for Bendel, N.

Bender, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agamennoni, G.: Unsupervised Approach for Inferring Driver Behavior Fr...
     with: Konrad, S.G.: Flexible System Architecture for Acquisition and Storage...
     with: Masson, F.: Flexible System Architecture for Acquisition and Storage o...
     with: Moreyra, M.L.: Flexible System Architecture for Acquisition and Storag...
     with: Nebot, E.M.: Flexible System Architecture for Acquisition and Storage ...
     with: Nebot, E.M.: Unsupervised Approach for Inferring Driver Behavior From ...
     with: Ward, J.R.: Flexible System Architecture for Acquisition and Storage o...
     with: Ward, J.R.: Unsupervised Approach for Inferring Driver Behavior From N...
     with: Worrall, S.: Flexible System Architecture for Acquisition and Storage ...
     with: Worrall, S.: Unsupervised Approach for Inferring Driver Behavior From ...
10 for Bender, A.

Bender, C.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kowalski, B.R.: orthogonal feature selection method, An

Bender, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cremers, D.: Graph Based Bundle Adjustment for INS-Camera Calibration, A
     with: Schikora, M.: Graph Based Bundle Adjustment for INS-Camera Calibration...
     with: Sturm, J.: Graph Based Bundle Adjustment for INS-Camera Calibration, A

Bender, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akin, B.: Discovering Multi-Hardware Mobile Models via Architecture Se...
     with: Akin, B.: MobileDets: Searching for Object Detection Architectures for...
     with: Arikan, O.: Discovering Multi-Hardware Mobile Models via Architecture ...
     with: Brighton, A.: Discovering Multi-Hardware Mobile Models via Architectur...
     with: Chen, B.: Can Weight Sharing Outperform Random Architecture Search? An...
     with: Chen, B.: MobileDets: Searching for Object Detection Architectures for...
     with: Chen, Y.R.: Neural Predictor for Neural Architecture Search
     with: Cheng, S.: Can Weight Sharing Outperform Random Architecture Search? A...
     with: Chu, G.: Can Weight Sharing Outperform Random Architecture Search? An ...
     with: Chu, G.: Discovering Multi-Hardware Mobile Models via Architecture Sea...
     with: Chu, G.: Multi-path Neural Networks for On-device Multi-domain Visual ...
     with: Gilbert, J.: Multi-path Neural Networks for On-device Multi-domain Vis...
     with: Go, A.: Multi-path Neural Networks for On-device Multi-domain Visual C...
     with: Greaves, J.: Multi-path Neural Networks for On-device Multi-domain Vis...
     with: Gupta, S.: Discovering Multi-Hardware Mobile Models via Architecture S...
     with: Gupta, S.: MobileDets: Searching for Object Detection Architectures fo...
     with: Howard, A.: Discovering Multi-Hardware Mobile Models via Architecture ...
     with: Howard, A.: Multi-path Neural Networks for On-device Multi-domain Visu...
     with: Huang, T.: Bignas: Scaling up Neural Architecture Search with Big Sing...
     with: Jin, P.C.: Bignas: Scaling up Neural Architecture Search with Big Sing...
     with: Ke, J.J.: Multi-path Neural Networks for On-device Multi-domain Visual...
     with: Kindermans, P.: Can Weight Sharing Outperform Random Architecture Sear...
     with: Kindermans, P.J.: Bignas: Scaling up Neural Architecture Search with B...
     with: Kindermans, P.J.: Discovering Multi-Hardware Mobile Models via Archite...
     with: Kindermans, P.J.: MobileDets: Searching for Object Detection Architect...
     with: Kindermans, P.J.: Neural Predictor for Neural Architecture Search
     with: Le, Q.: Bignas: Scaling up Neural Architecture Search with Big Single-...
     with: Le, Q.V.: Can Weight Sharing Outperform Random Architecture Search? An...
     with: Li, H.: Neural Predictor for Neural Architecture Search
     with: Liu, H.: Can Weight Sharing Outperform Random Architecture Search? An ...
     with: Liu, H.X.: Bignas: Scaling up Neural Architecture Search with Big Sing...
     with: Liu, H.X.: Discovering Multi-Hardware Mobile Models via Architecture S...
     with: Liu, H.X.: MobileDets: Searching for Object Detection Architectures fo...
     with: Liu, H.X.: Neural Predictor for Neural Architecture Search
     with: Milanfar, P.: Multi-path Neural Networks for On-device Multi-domain Vi...
     with: Pang, R.M.: Bignas: Scaling up Neural Architecture Search with Big Sin...
     with: Sbaiz, L.: Multi-path Neural Networks for On-device Multi-domain Visua...
     with: Singh, V.: MobileDets: Searching for Object Detection Architectures fo...
     with: Song, X.D.: Bignas: Scaling up Neural Architecture Search with Big Sin...
     with: Tan, M.X.: Bignas: Scaling up Neural Architecture Search with Big Sing...
     with: Tan, M.X.: MobileDets: Searching for Object Detection Architectures fo...
     with: Wang, Q.F.: Multi-path Neural Networks for On-device Multi-domain Visu...
     with: Wang, W.J.: Discovering Multi-Hardware Mobile Models via Architecture ...
     with: Wang, Y.Z.: MobileDets: Searching for Object Detection Architectures f...
     with: Wen, W.: Neural Predictor for Neural Architecture Search
     with: Xiong, Y.Y.: MobileDets: Searching for Object Detection Architectures ...
     with: Yang, F.: Multi-path Neural Networks for On-device Multi-domain Visual...
     with: Yang, M.H.: Multi-path Neural Networks for On-device Multi-domain Visu...
     with: Yu, J.H.: Bignas: Scaling up Neural Architecture Search with Big Singl...
49 for Bender, G.

Bender, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Basic, T.: Estimating Vertical Land Motion from Remote Sensing and In-...
     with: Cornelis, J.: optimized source term formulation for incompressible SPH...
     with: Gissler, C.: optimized source term formulation for incompressible SPH,...
     with: Grgic, M.: Estimating Vertical Land Motion from Remote Sensing and In-...
     with: Ihmsen, M.: optimized source term formulation for incompressible SPH, An
     with: Teschner, M.: optimized source term formulation for incompressible SPH...

Bender, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aubry, M.: Spatially-Consistent Feature Matching and Learning for Heri...
     with: Benevent, C.: Spatially-Consistent Feature Matching and Learning for H...
     with: Bougard, F.: Spatially-Consistent Feature Matching and Learning for He...
     with: Bounou, O.: Spatially-Consistent Feature Matching and Learning for Her...
     with: Champenois, R.: Spatially-Consistent Feature Matching and Learning for...
     with: Efros, A.A.: Spatially-Consistent Feature Matching and Learning for He...
     with: Gidaris, S.: Spatially-Consistent Feature Matching and Learning for He...
     with: Ginosar, S.: Spatially-Consistent Feature Matching and Learning for He...
     with: Honig, E.: Spatially-Consistent Feature Matching and Learning for Heri...
     with: Joyeux Prunel, B.: Spatially-Consistent Feature Matching and Learning ...
     with: Limon, M.F.: Spatially-Consistent Feature Matching and Learning for He...
     with: Monnier, T.: Spatially-Consistent Feature Matching and Learning for He...
     with: Pastrolin, I.: Spatially-Consistent Feature Matching and Learning for ...
     with: Poncet, O.: Spatially-Consistent Feature Matching and Learning for Her...
     with: Raverdy, P.G.: Spatially-Consistent Feature Matching and Learning for ...
     with: Rousselot, M.: Spatially-Consistent Feature Matching and Learning for ...
     with: Shen, X.: Spatially-Consistent Feature Matching and Learning for Herit...
     with: Smith, M.: Spatially-Consistent Feature Matching and Learning for Heri...
18 for Bender, K.

Bender, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, H.: Gaussian process dynamic modeling of bat flapping flight
     with: Kurdila, A.: Gaussian process dynamic modeling of bat flapping flight
     with: Muller, R.: Gaussian process dynamic modeling of bat flapping flight
     with: Yang, X.: Gaussian process dynamic modeling of bat flapping flight

Bender, M.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abbott, A.L.: Optimal Threshold and LoG Based Feature Identification a...
     with: Chen, H.: Optimal Threshold and LoG Based Feature Identification and T...
     with: Lin, Y.: Optimal Threshold and LoG Based Feature Identification and Tr...
     with: Muller, R.: Optimal Threshold and LoG Based Feature Identification and...
     with: Xu, Y.: Optimal Threshold and LoG Based Feature Identification and Tra...

Bender, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anders, C.J.: Towards Fixing Clever-Hans Predictors with Counterfactua...
     with: Chormai, P.: Towards Fixing Clever-Hans Predictors with Counterfactual...
     with: Herrmann, J.: Towards Fixing Clever-Hans Predictors with Counterfactua...
     with: Jain, S.: Omnichannel Retail Customer Experience with Mixed-Reality Sh...
     with: Joseph, T.: Cycle-consistent World Models for Domain Independent Laten...
     with: Marxfeld, H.: Towards Fixing Clever-Hans Predictors with Counterfactua...
     with: Montavon, G.: Towards Fixing Clever-Hans Predictors with Counterfactua...
     with: Schweiss, T.: Omnichannel Retail Customer Experience with Mixed-Realit...
     with: Werth, D.: Omnichannel Retail Customer Experience with Mixed-Reality S...
     with: Zollner, J.M.: Cycle-consistent World Models for Domain Independent La...
10 for Bender, S.

Bender, S.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Atkins, W.H.: Modeling the MTI Electro-Optic System Sensitivity and Re...
     with: Ballard, M.: Modeling the MTI Electro-Optic System Sensitivity and Res...
     with: Borel, C.C.: Modeling the MTI Electro-Optic System Sensitivity and Res...
     with: Claassen, P.J.: Modeling the MTI Electro-Optic System Sensitivity and ...
     with: Clodius, W.B.: Modeling the MTI Electro-Optic System Sensitivity and R...
     with: Cooke, B.J.: Modeling the MTI Electro-Optic System Sensitivity and Res...
     with: Galbraith, A.E.: Modeling the MTI Electro-Optic System Sensitivity and...
     with: Godoy, S.E.: Model-Based Edge Detector for Spectral Imagery Using Spar...
     with: Hayat, M.M.: Model-Based Edge Detector for Spectral Imagery Using Spar...
     with: Jang, W.: Model-Based Edge Detector for Spectral Imagery Using Sparse ...
     with: Krishna, S.: Model-Based Edge Detector for Spectral Imagery Using Spar...
     with: Laubscher, B.E.: Modeling the MTI Electro-Optic System Sensitivity and...
     with: Lomheim, T.S.: Modeling the MTI Electro-Optic System Sensitivity and R...
     with: Paskaleva, B.S.: Model-Based Edge Detector for Spectral Imagery Using ...
     with: Rienstra, J.L.: Modeling the MTI Electro-Optic System Sensitivity and ...
     with: Smith, B.W.: Modeling the MTI Electro-Optic System Sensitivity and Res...
     with: Vampola, J.L.: Modeling the MTI Electro-Optic System Sensitivity and R...
     with: Weber, P.G.: Modeling the MTI Electro-Optic System Sensitivity and Res...
18 for Bender, S.C.

Bender, S.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Case, A.: new generation of the United States National Land Cover Data...
     with: Costello, C.: new generation of the United States National Land Cover ...
     with: Danielson, P.: new generation of the United States National Land Cover...
     with: Dewitz, J.: new generation of the United States National Land Cover Da...
     with: Fry, J.: new generation of the United States National Land Cover Datab...
     with: Funk, M.: new generation of the United States National Land Cover Data...
     with: Gass, L.: new generation of the United States National Land Cover Data...
     with: Granneman, B.: new generation of the United States National Land Cover...
     with: Homer, C.: new generation of the United States National Land Cover Dat...
     with: Jin, S.: new generation of the United States National Land Cover Datab...
     with: Liknes, G.C.: new generation of the United States National Land Cover ...
     with: Rigge, M.: new generation of the United States National Land Cover Dat...
     with: Xian, G.: new generation of the United States National Land Cover Data...
     with: Yang, L.M.: new generation of the United States National Land Cover Da...
14 for Bender, S.M.

Bender, W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Teodosio, L.: Salient Video Stills: Content and Context Preserved

Benderius, O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Berger, C.: Best Rated Human-Machine Interface Design for Autonomous V...
     with: Berger, C.: Formally Robust and Safe Trajectory Planning and Tracking ...
     with: Kang, Y.: Formally Robust and Safe Trajectory Planning and Tracking fo...
     with: Lundgren, V.M.: Best Rated Human-Machine Interface Design for Autonomo...
     with: Shan, D.: Formally Robust and Safe Trajectory Planning and Tracking fo...
     with: Yu, Y.S.: Formally Robust and Safe Trajectory Planning and Tracking fo...

Benders, M.J.N.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: de Vries, L.S.: Automatic Segmentation of MR Brain Images With a Convo...
     with: Isgum, I.: Automatic Segmentation of MR Brain Images With a Convolutio...
     with: Mendrik, A.M.: Automatic Segmentation of MR Brain Images With a Convol...
     with: Moeskops, P.: Automatic Segmentation of MR Brain Images With a Convolu...
     with: Viergever, M.A.: Automatic Segmentation of MR Brain Images With a Conv...

Benderskaya, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jawaid, M.M.: Assessment of stenosis introduced flow resistance in CCT...
     with: Liatsis, P.: Assessment of stenosis introduced flow resistance in CCTA...
     with: Rajani, R.: Assessment of stenosis introduced flow resistance in CCTA-...
     with: Uus, A.: Assessment of stenosis introduced flow resistance in CCTA-rec...

Bendes, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aslantas, V.: New optimised region-based multi-scale image fusion meth...
     with: Kurban, R.: New optimised region-based multi-scale image fusion method...
     with: Toprak, A.N.: New optimised region-based multi-scale image fusion meth...

Bendevis, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Vrscay, E.R.: Structural Similarity-Based Approximation over Orthogona...

Bendiab, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Germanos, G.: Autonomous Vehicles Security: Challenges and Solutions U...
     with: Hameurlaine, A.: Autonomous Vehicles Security: Challenges and Solution...
     with: Kolokotronis, N.: Autonomous Vehicles Security: Challenges and Solutio...
     with: Shiaeles, S.: Autonomous Vehicles Security: Challenges and Solutions U...

Bendich, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cabello, S.: point calculus for interlevel set homology, A
     with: Edelsbrunner, H.: point calculus for interlevel set homology, A

Bendicks, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Al Hamadi, A.: Multiple Camera Approach for SLAM Based Ultrasonic Tank...
     with: Al Hamadi, A.: Tracking of a Handheld Ultrasonic Sensor for Corrosion ...
     with: Freye, C.: Multiple Camera Approach for SLAM Based Ultrasonic Tank Roo...
     with: Freye, C.: Tracking of a Handheld Ultrasonic Sensor for Corrosion Cont...
     with: Lilienblum, E.: Multiple Camera Approach for SLAM Based Ultrasonic Tan...
     with: Lilienblum, E.: Tracking of a Handheld Ultrasonic Sensor for Corrosion...
     with: Michaelis, B.: Use of Coloured Tracers in Gas Flow Experiments for a L...
     with: Tarlet, D.: Use of Coloured Tracers in Gas Flow Experiments for a Lagr...
     with: Thevenin, D.: Use of Coloured Tracers in Gas Flow Experiments for a La...
     with: Wunderlich, B.: Use of Coloured Tracers in Gas Flow Experiments for a ...
10 for Bendicks, C.

Bendidi, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bollot, G.: Comparison of Semi-supervised Learning Methods for High Co...
     with: Cohen, E.: Comparison of Semi-supervised Learning Methods for High Con...
     with: Genovesio, A.: Comparison of Semi-supervised Learning Methods for High...
     with: Masud, U.: Comparison of Semi-supervised Learning Methods for High Con...

Bendig, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aasen, H.: Comparison of UAV- and TLS-derived Plant Height for Crop Mo...
     with: Aasen, H.: Introduction and preliminary results of a calibration for f...
     with: Aasen, H.: Low-weight and UAV-based Hyperspectral Full-frame Cameras f...
     with: Arthur, A.M.: Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)-Based Methods for Solar In...
     with: Bareth, G.: Comparison of UAV- and TLS-derived Plant Height for Crop M...
     with: Bareth, G.: Estimating Biomass of Barley Using Crop Surface Models (CS...
     with: Bareth, G.: Introducing A Low-cost Mini-uav For Thermal- And Multispec...
     with: Bareth, G.: Introduction and preliminary results of a calibration for ...
     with: Bareth, G.: Low-weight and UAV-based Hyperspectral Full-frame Cameras ...
     with: Bareth, G.: UAV-based Imaging for Multi-Temporal, very high Resolution...
     with: Bareth, G.: Very high resolution crop surface models (CSMs) from UAV-b...
     with: Bennertz, S.: Estimating Biomass of Barley Using Crop Surface Models (...
     with: Bennertz, S.: Introduction and preliminary results of a calibration fo...
     with: Bennertz, S.: Very high resolution crop surface models (CSMs) from UAV...
     with: Bolten, A.: Comparison of UAV- and TLS-derived Plant Height for Crop M...
     with: Bolten, A.: Estimating Biomass of Barley Using Crop Surface Models (CS...
     with: Bolten, A.: Introducing A Low-cost Mini-uav For Thermal- And Multispec...
     with: Bolten, A.: Introduction and preliminary results of a calibration for ...
     with: Bolten, A.: Low-weight and UAV-based Hyperspectral Full-frame Cameras ...
     with: Bolten, A.: UAV-based Imaging for Multi-Temporal, very high Resolution...
     with: Broscheit, J.: Estimating Biomass of Barley Using Crop Surface Models ...
     with: Burkart, A.: Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)-Based Methods for Solar Ind...
     with: Celesti, M.: Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)-Based Methods for Solar Ind...
     with: Chakhvashvili, E.: Retrieval of Crop Variables from Proximal Multispec...
     with: Eichfuss, S.: Estimating Biomass of Barley Using Crop Surface Models (...
     with: Gautam, D.: Footprint Determination of a Spectroradiometer Mounted on ...
     with: Gautam, D.: Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measured From an Un...
     with: Gnyp, M.L.: Low-weight and UAV-based Hyperspectral Full-frame Cameras ...
     with: Gnyp, M.L.: Very high resolution crop surface models (CSMs) from UAV-b...
     with: Hoffmeister, D.: Comparison of UAV- and TLS-derived Plant Height for C...
     with: Julitta, T.: Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)-Based Methods for Solar Ind...
     with: Jung, A.: Low-weight and UAV-based Hyperspectral Full-frame Cameras fo...
     with: Kraska, T.: Retrieval of Crop Variables from Proximal Multispectral UA...
     with: Kraska, T.: Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)-Based Methods for Solar Indu...
     with: Lenz Wiedemann, V.I.S.: Very high resolution crop surface models (CSMs...
     with: Lucieer, A.: Footprint Determination of a Spectroradiometer Mounted on...
     with: Lucieer, A.: Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measured From an U...
     with: Malenovsky, Z.: Footprint Determination of a Spectroradiometer Mounted...
     with: Malenovsky, Z.: Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measured From a...
     with: Maseyk, K.: Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)-Based Methods for Solar Indu...
     with: Miao, Y.: Very high resolution crop surface models (CSMs) from UAV-bas...
     with: Michels, R.: Low-weight and UAV-based Hyperspectral Full-frame Cameras...
     with: Muller, O.: Retrieval of Crop Variables from Proximal Multispectral UA...
     with: Muller, O.: Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)-Based Methods for Solar Indu...
     with: Qiang, C.: Very high resolution crop surface models (CSMs) from UAV-ba...
     with: Rascher, U.: Retrieval of Crop Variables from Proximal Multispectral U...
     with: Rascher, U.: Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)-Based Methods for Solar Ind...
     with: Rossini, M.: Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)-Based Methods for Solar Ind...
     with: Schuttemeyer, D.: Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)-Based Methods for Sola...
     with: Siegmann, B.: Retrieval of Crop Variables from Proximal Multispectral ...
     with: Siegmann, B.: Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)-Based Methods for Solar In...
     with: Soukkamaki, J.: Low-weight and UAV-based Hyperspectral Full-frame Came...
     with: Thomas, R.: Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)-Based Methods for Solar Indu...
     with: Tilly, N.: Comparison of UAV- and TLS-derived Plant Height for Crop Mo...
     with: Tilly, N.: Very high resolution crop surface models (CSMs) from UAV-ba...
     with: Vargas, J.Q.: Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)-Based Methods for Solar In...
     with: Verrelst, J.: Retrieval of Crop Variables from Proximal Multispectral ...
     with: Willkomm, M.: Introduction and preliminary results of a calibration fo...
     with: Willkomm, M.: Very high resolution crop surface models (CSMs) from UAV...
59 for Bendig, J.

Bendig, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Schuster, R.: Self-Superflow: Self-Supervised Scene Flow Prediction in...
     with: Stricker, D.: Self-Superflow: Self-Supervised Scene Flow Prediction in...

Bendig, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Brown, S.T.: Development of an On-Board Wide-Band Processor for Radio ...
     with: Brown, S.T.: TEMPEST-D Radiometer: Instrument Description and Prelaunc...
     with: Cofield, R.: TEMPEST-D Radiometer: Instrument Description and Prelaunc...
     with: Felten, C.: Development of an On-Board Wide-Band Processor for Radio F...
     with: Gaier, T.C.: TEMPEST-D Radiometer: Instrument Description and Prelaunc...
     with: Jarnot, R.: Development of an On-Board Wide-Band Processor for Radio F...
     with: Johnson, J.T.: Development of an On-Board Wide-Band Processor for Radi...
     with: Kocz, J.: Development of an On-Board Wide-Band Processor for Radio Fre...
     with: Lim, B.H.: TEMPEST-D Radiometer: Instrument Description and Prelaunch ...
     with: Misra, S.: Development of an On-Board Wide-Band Processor for Radio Fr...
     with: Padmanabhan, S.: TEMPEST-D Radiometer: Instrument Description and Prel...
     with: Reising, S.C.: TEMPEST-D Radiometer: Instrument Description and Prelau...
     with: Stachnik, R.: TEMPEST-D Radiometer: Instrument Description and Prelaun...
     with: Tanner, A.B.: TEMPEST-D Radiometer: Instrument Description and Prelaun...
14 for Bendig, R.

Bendiksen, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Camurri, A.: Ghost in the Cave: An Interactive Collaborative Game Usin...
     with: Cirotteau, D.: Ghost in the Cave: An Interactive Collaborative Game Us...
     with: Dahl, S.: Ghost in the Cave: An Interactive Collaborative Game Using N...
     with: Friberg, A.: Ghost in the Cave: An Interactive Collaborative Game Usin...
     with: Kjellmo, I.: Ghost in the Cave: An Interactive Collaborative Game Usin...
     with: Mazzarino, B.: Ghost in the Cave: An Interactive Collaborative Game Us...
     with: Rinman, M.L.: Ghost in the Cave: An Interactive Collaborative Game Usi...
7 for Bendiksen, B.

Bendini, H.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fonseca, L.: Simple Nonlinear Iterative Temporal Clustering
     with: Fonseca, L.M.G.: Combining Environmental and Landsat Analysis Ready Da...
     with: Fonseca, L.M.G.: Pattern Recognition and Remote Sensing techniques app...
     with: Fonseca, L.M.G.: Using Landsat 8 Image Time Series For Crop Mapping In...
     with: Formaggio, A.R.: Using Landsat 8 Image Time Series For Crop Mapping In...
     with: Girolamo Neto, C.D.: Pattern Recognition and Remote Sensing techniques...
     with: Hostert, P.: Combining Environmental and Landsat Analysis Ready Data f...
     with: Korting, T.: Simple Nonlinear Iterative Temporal Clustering
     with: Korting, T.S.: Combining Environmental and Landsat Analysis Ready Data...
     with: Korting, T.S.: Pattern Recognition and Remote Sensing techniques appli...
     with: Korting, T.S.: Using Landsat 8 Image Time Series For Crop Mapping In A...
     with: Koumrouyan, A.: Combining Environmental and Landsat Analysis Ready Dat...
     with: Luiz, A.J.B.: Using Landsat 8 Image Time Series For Crop Mapping In A ...
     with: Maretto, R.V.: Pattern Recognition and Remote Sensing techniques appli...
     with: Neves, A.K.: Pattern Recognition and Remote Sensing techniques applied...
     with: Rufin, P.: Combining Environmental and Landsat Analysis Ready Data for...
     with: Sanches, I.D.: Using Landsat 8 Image Time Series For Crop Mapping In A...
     with: Schwieder, M.: Combining Environmental and Landsat Analysis Ready Data...
     with: Soares, A.: Simple Nonlinear Iterative Temporal Clustering
     with: Soares, A.R.: Pattern Recognition and Remote Sensing techniques applie...
     with: Taquary, E.C.: Pattern Recognition and Remote Sensing techniques appli...
22 for Bendini, H.D.

Bendix, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Asam, S.: Validation of AVHRR Land Surface Temperature with MODIS and ...
     with: Bachmann, M.: Validation of AVHRR Land Surface Temperature with MODIS ...
     with: Ballari, D.: Satellite Earth Observation for Essential Climate Variabl...
     with: Budel, B.: Estimating Net Photosynthesis of Biological Soil Crusts in ...
     with: Carrillo Rojas, G.: Dynamic Mapping of Evapotranspiration Using an Ene...
     with: Celleri, R.: Assessment of Native Radar Reflectivity and Radar Rainfal...
     with: Celleri, R.: Clustering of Rainfall Types Using Micro Rain Radar and L...
     with: Celleri, R.: Coastal El Nino Event of 2017 in Ecuador and Peru: A Weat...
     with: Celleri, R.: Dynamic Mapping of Evapotranspiration Using an Energy Bal...
     with: Celleri, R.: Optimization of X-Band Radar Rainfall Retrieval in the So...
     with: Celleri, R.: Precipitation Characteristics at Two Locations in the Tro...
     with: Chang, S.C.: Frequency of Low Clouds in Taiwan Retrieved from MODIS Da...
     with: Contreras, P.: Assessment of Native Radar Reflectivity and Radar Rainf...
     with: Cordova, M.: Dynamic Mapping of Evapotranspiration Using an Energy Bal...
     with: Dashpurev, B.: Monitoring Oil Exploitation Infrastructure and Dirt Roa...
     with: Dronner, J.: Fast Cloud Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
     with: Egli, S.: Fast Cloud Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
     with: Egli, S.: Harmonization of Meteosat First and Second Generation Datase...
     with: Egli, S.: Hybrid Approach for Fog Retrieval Based on a Combination of ...
     with: Egli, S.: Precipitation Retrieval over the Tibetan Plateau from the Ge...
     with: Fernandez, C.: Precipitation Characteristics at Two Locations in the T...
     with: Fernandez, G.F.C.: Land Cover Change in the Andes of Southern Ecuador:...
     with: Fierli, F.: Five Guiding Principles to Make Jupyter Notebooks Fit for ...
     with: Figueroa, R.: Precipitation Characteristics at Two Locations in the Tr...
     with: Freisleben, B.: Fast Cloud Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Net...
     with: Frey, C.: Validation of AVHRR Land Surface Temperature with MODIS and ...
     with: Fries, A.: AGB Estimation in a Tropical Mountain Forest (TMF) by Means...
     with: Fries, A.: Coastal El Nino Event of 2017 in Ecuador and Peru: A Weathe...
     with: Fries, A.: Estimation of Above Ground Biomass in a Tropical Mountain F...
     with: Gaurav, S.: Harmonization of Meteosat First and Second Generation Data...
     with: Gerique, A.: Land Cover Change in the Andes of Southern Ecuador: Patte...
     with: Gonzalez Jaramillo, V.: AGB Estimation in a Tropical Mountain Forest (...
     with: Gonzalez Jaramillo, V.: Estimation of Above Ground Biomass in a Tropic...
     with: Gottsche, F.M.: Validation of AVHRR Land Surface Temperature with MODI...
     with: Graw, V.: Satellite Earth Observation for Essential Climate Variables ...
     with: Groos, A.: Frequency of Low Clouds in Taiwan Retrieved from MODIS Data...
     with: Guallpa, M.: Coastal El Nino Event of 2017 in Ecuador and Peru: A Weat...
     with: Holzwarth, S.: Validation of AVHRR Land Surface Temperature with MODIS...
     with: Homeier, J.: Estimation of Above Ground Biomass in a Tropical Mountain...
     with: Huggel, C.: Precipitation Characteristics at Two Locations in the Trop...
     with: Jung, P.: Estimating Net Photosynthesis of Biological Soil Crusts in t...
     with: Kolbe, C.: Precipitation Retrieval over the Tibetan Plateau from the G...
     with: Kolbe, C.: Precipitation Retrieval over the Tibetan Plateau from the G...
     with: Korfhage, N.: Fast Cloud Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Netwo...
     with: Kuenzer, C.: Validation of AVHRR Land Surface Temperature with MODIS a...
     with: Lehnert, L.: Precipitation Retrieval over the Tibetan Plateau from the...
     with: Lehnert, L.W.: Estimating Net Photosynthesis of Biological Soil Crusts...
     with: Lehnert, L.W.: Land Cover Change in the Andes of Southern Ecuador: Pat...
     with: Lehnert, L.W.: Monitoring Oil Exploitation Infrastructure and Dirt Roa...
     with: Li, C.F.: Frequency of Low Clouds in Taiwan Retrieved from MODIS Data ...
     with: Liu, Z.Y.: Precipitation Retrieval over the Tibetan Plateau from the G...
     with: Mantovani, S.: Five Guiding Principles to Make Jupyter Notebooks Fit f...
     with: Muhling, M.: Fast Cloud Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
     with: Muller, R.: Novel Approach for the Short-Term Forecast of the Effectiv...
     with: Muller, R.: Seamless Solar Radiation (SESORA) Forecast for Solar Surfa...
     with: Munoz, P.: Assessment of Native Radar Reflectivity and Radar Rainfall ...
     with: Obermeier, W.A.: Estimating Net Photosynthesis of Biological Soil Crus...
     with: Obermeier, W.A.: Land Cover Change in the Andes of Southern Ecuador: P...
     with: Ochoa Sanchez, A.E.: Satellite Earth Observation for Essential Climate...
     with: Orellana Alvear, J.: Assessment of Native Radar Reflectivity and Radar...
     with: Orellana Alvear, J.: Clustering of Rainfall Types Using Micro Rain Rad...
     with: Orellana Alvear, J.: Coastal El Nino Event of 2017 in Ecuador and Peru...
     with: Orellana Alvear, J.: Optimization of X-Band Radar Rainfall Retrieval i...
     with: Orellana Alvear, J.: Precipitation Characteristics at Two Locations in...
     with: Orellana Samaniego, M.L.: Satellite Earth Observation for Essential Cl...
     with: Paladines Benitez, J.: Estimation of Above Ground Biomass in a Tropica...
     with: Pucha Cofrep, F.: Coastal El Nino Event of 2017 in Ecuador and Peru: A...
     with: Reiners, P.: Validation of AVHRR Land Surface Temperature with MODIS a...
     with: Rodriguez, R.: Coastal El Nino Event of 2017 in Ecuador and Peru: A We...
     with: Rollenbeck, R.: Assessment of Native Radar Reflectivity and Radar Rain...
     with: Rollenbeck, R.: Coastal El Nino Event of 2017 in Ecuador and Peru: A W...
     with: Rollenbeck, R.: Optimization of X-Band Radar Rainfall Retrieval in the...
     with: Salgado Castillo, F.: Satellite Earth Observation for Essential Climat...
     with: Sandoval, M.F.L.: Land Cover Change in the Andes of Southern Ecuador: ...
     with: Schulz, H.M.: Precipitation Retrieval over the Tibetan Plateau from th...
     with: Schulz, M.: Frequency of Low Clouds in Taiwan Retrieved from MODIS Dat...
     with: Seeger, B.: Fast Cloud Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
     with: Seeger, B.: Five Guiding Principles to Make Jupyter Notebooks Fit for ...
     with: Seidel, J.: Precipitation Characteristics at Two Locations in the Trop...
     with: Shi, X.M.: Optical Thickness and Effective Radius Retrievals of Low St...
     with: Siemen, S.: Five Guiding Principles to Make Jupyter Notebooks Fit for ...
     with: Silva, B.: Dynamic Mapping of Evapotranspiration Using an Energy Balan...
     with: Sobrino, J.: Validation of AVHRR Land Surface Temperature with MODIS a...
     with: Thies, B.: Estimating High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Rainfall from MS...
     with: Thies, B.: Fast Cloud Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
     with: Thies, B.: Frequency of Low Clouds in Taiwan Retrieved from MODIS Data...
     with: Thies, B.: Harmonization of Meteosat First and Second Generation Datas...
     with: Thies, B.: Hybrid Approach for Fog Retrieval Based on a Combination of...
     with: Thies, B.: Land Cover Change in the Andes of Southern Ecuador: Pattern...
     with: Thies, B.: Optical Thickness and Effective Radius Retrievals of Low St...
     with: Thies, B.: Precipitation Retrieval over the Tibetan Plateau from the G...
     with: Thies, B.: Precipitation Retrieval over the Tibetan Plateau from the G...
     with: Trachte, K.: Clustering of Rainfall Types Using Micro Rain Radar and L...
     with: Trachte, K.: Precipitation Characteristics at Two Locations in the Tro...
     with: Turini, N.: Estimating High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Rainfall from M...
     with: Turini, N.: Precipitation Retrieval over the Tibetan Plateau from the ...
     with: Turini, N.: Satellite Earth Observation for Essential Climate Variable...
     with: Urbich, I.: Novel Approach for the Short-Term Forecast of the Effectiv...
     with: Urbich, I.: Seamless Solar Radiation (SESORA) Forecast for Solar Surfa...
     with: Urgiles, G.: Clustering of Rainfall Types Using Micro Rain Radar and L...
     with: Vilches Blazquez, L.M.: Satellite Earth Observation for Essential Clim...
     with: Wagemann, J.: Five Guiding Principles to Make Jupyter Notebooks Fit fo...
     with: Yi, L.: Optical Thickness and Effective Radius Retrievals of Low Strat...
     with: Zeilinger, J.: Estimation of Above Ground Biomass in a Tropical Mounta...
     with: Zhang, S.: Optical Thickness and Effective Radius Retrievals of Low St...
109 for Bendix, J.

Bendjador, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Deffieux, T.: SVD Beamformer: Physical Principles and Application to U...
     with: Tanter, M.: SVD Beamformer: Physical Principles and Application to Ult...

Bendjebbour, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Delignon, Y.: Multisensor image segmentation using Dempster-Shafer fus...
     with: Fouque, L.: Multisensor image segmentation using Dempster-Shafer fusio...
     with: Pieczynski, W.: Multisensor image segmentation using Dempster-Shafer f...
     with: Samson, V.: Multisensor image segmentation using Dempster-Shafer fusio...

Bendl, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hoess, A.: Virtual Simulation In Radiotherapy Planning
     with: Schlegel, W.: Virtual Simulation In Radiotherapy Planning

Bendlin, B.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adluru, N.: Canonical Correlation Analysis on Riemannian Manifolds and...
     with: Adluru, N.: Coupled Harmonic Bases for Longitudinal Characterization o...
     with: Adluru, N.: Multivariate General Linear Models (MGLM) on Riemannian Ma...
     with: Chakraborty, R.: Dilated Convolutional Neural Networks for Sequential ...
     with: Chung, M.K.: Multivariate General Linear Models (MGLM) on Riemannian M...
     with: Chung, M.K.: Statistical inference models for image datasets with syst...
     with: Collins, M.D.: Coupled Harmonic Bases for Longitudinal Characterizatio...
     with: Collins, M.D.: Multivariate General Linear Models (MGLM) on Riemannian...
     with: Davidson, R.J.: Multivariate General Linear Models (MGLM) on Riemannia...
     with: Hwang, S.J.: Coupled Harmonic Bases for Longitudinal Characterization ...
     with: Johnson, S.C.: Canonical Correlation Analysis on Riemannian Manifolds ...
     with: Johnson, S.C.: Coupled Harmonic Bases for Longitudinal Characterizatio...
     with: Johnson, S.C.: Multivariate General Linear Models (MGLM) on Riemannian...
     with: Johnson, S.C.: Statistical inference models for image datasets with sy...
     with: Kim, H.W.J.: Canonical Correlation Analysis on Riemannian Manifolds an...
     with: Kim, H.W.J.: Multivariate General Linear Models (MGLM) on Riemannian M...
     with: Kim, W.H.: Coupled Harmonic Bases for Longitudinal Characterization of...
     with: Kim, W.H.: Statistical inference models for image datasets with system...
     with: Ravi, S.N.: Coupled Harmonic Bases for Longitudinal Characterization o...
     with: Singh, V.: Canonical Correlation Analysis on Riemannian Manifolds and ...
     with: Singh, V.: Coupled Harmonic Bases for Longitudinal Characterization of...
     with: Singh, V.: Dilated Convolutional Neural Networks for Sequential Manifo...
     with: Singh, V.: Multivariate General Linear Models (MGLM) on Riemannian Man...
     with: Singh, V.: Statistical inference models for image datasets with system...
     with: Vemuri, B.C.: Canonical Correlation Analysis on Riemannian Manifolds a...
     with: Vogt, N.: Dilated Convolutional Neural Networks for Sequential Manifol...
     with: Zhen, X.: Dilated Convolutional Neural Networks for Sequential Manifol...
29 for Bendlin, B.B.

Bendory, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Boumal, N.: Heterogeneous Multireference Alignment for Images With App...
     with: Boumal, N.: Toward Single Particle Reconstruction without Particle Pic...
     with: Eldar, Y.C.: On the Uniqueness of FROG Methods
     with: Eldar, Y.C.: Recovery of Sparse Positive Signals on the Sphere from Lo...
     with: Elser, V.: Benchmark Problems for Phase Retrieval
     with: Hadi, I.: Compactification of the Rigid Motions Group in Image Process...
     with: Kreymer, S.: Approximate Expectation-Maximization for Two-Dimensional ...
     with: Lan, T.: Benchmark Problems for Phase Retrieval
     with: Leeb, W.: Toward Single Particle Reconstruction without Particle Picki...
     with: Levin, E.: Toward Single Particle Reconstruction without Particle Pick...
     with: Ma, C.: Heterogeneous Multireference Alignment for Images With Applica...
     with: Sharon, N.: Compactification of the Rigid Motions Group in Image Proce...
     with: Sidorenko, P.: On the Uniqueness of FROG Methods
     with: Sigworth, F.: Heterogeneous Multireference Alignment for Images With A...
     with: Singer, A.: Approximate Expectation-Maximization for Two-Dimensional M...
     with: Singer, A.: Heterogeneous Multireference Alignment for Images With App...
     with: Singer, A.: Toward Single Particle Reconstruction without Particle Pic...
17 for Bendory, T.

Bendoukha, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Korayem, R.: gradient descent implementation of the adaptive robust na...

Bendoula, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gorretta, N.: Mapping of Foliar Content Using Radiative Transfer Model...
     with: Hadoux, X.: Mapping of Foliar Content Using Radiative Transfer Modelin...
     with: Jay, S.: Mapping of Foliar Content Using Radiative Transfer Modeling a...

Bendoumi, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: He, M.: Hyperspectral Image Resolution Enhancement Using High-Resoluti...
     with: Mei, S.: Hyperspectral Image Resolution Enhancement Using High-Resolut...

Bendoumi, M.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: He, M.Y.: Unmixing approach for hyperspectral data resolution enhancem...
     with: Mei, S.H.: Unmixing approach for hyperspectral data resolution enhance...
     with: Zhang, Y.F.: Unmixing approach for hyperspectral data resolution enhan...

Bendraou, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmed, S.: Shot boundary detection via adaptive low rank and svd-updat...
     with: Ahmed, S.: Video Cut Detector via Adaptive Features using the Frobeniu...
     with: Driss, A.: Shot boundary detection via adaptive low rank and svd-updat...
     with: Driss, A.: Video Cut Detector via Adaptive Features using the Frobeniu...
     with: Fedwa, E.: Shot boundary detection via adaptive low rank and svd-updat...
     with: Fedwa, E.: Video Cut Detector via Adaptive Features using the Frobeniu...

Bendre, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Desai, K.: Generalized Zero-Shot Learning Using Multimodal Variational...
     with: Najafirad, P.: Generalized Zero-Shot Learning Using Multimodal Variati...

Bendriem, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Comtat, C.: Iterative crystal efficiency calculation in fully 3-D PET
     with: Deruyver, A.: Temporal image fusion
     with: Ferreira, N.C.: Iterative crystal efficiency calculation in fully 3-D ...
     with: Gregoire, M.C.: Iterative crystal efficiency calculation in fully 3-D ...
     with: Hode, Y.: Temporal image fusion
     with: Trebossen, R.: Iterative crystal efficiency calculation in fully 3-D PET
     with: Volkow, N.: Temporal image fusion
7 for Bendriem, B.

Bendris, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Becerra, J.C.: Design and Experimental Evaluation of an Aerial Solutio...

Bendschus, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bell, P.: One-Shot Object Detection in Heterogeneous Artwork Datasets
     with: Christlein, V.: One-Shot Object Detection in Heterogeneous Artwork Dat...
     with: Kosti, R.: One-Shot Object Detection in Heterogeneous Artwork Datasets
     with: Madhu, P.: One-Shot Object Detection in Heterogeneous Artwork Datasets
     with: Maier, A.: One-Shot Object Detection in Heterogeneous Artwork Datasets
     with: Meyer, A.: One-Shot Object Detection in Heterogeneous Artwork Datasets
     with: Muhrenberg, L.: One-Shot Object Detection in Heterogeneous Artwork Dat...
     with: Reinhardt, C.: One-Shot Object Detection in Heterogeneous Artwork Data...
     with: Suckow, D.: One-Shot Object Detection in Heterogeneous Artwork Datasets
     with: Verstegen, U.: One-Shot Object Detection in Heterogeneous Artwork Data...
     with: Zinnen, M.: One-Shot Object Detection in Heterogeneous Artwork Datasets
11 for Bendschus, T.

Bendtsen, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aerts, H.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images using a...
     with: Brown, M.: Phenotypic Profiling of High Throughput Imaging Screens wit...
     with: Chen, H.M.: Phenotypic Profiling of High Throughput Imaging Screens wi...
     with: Dekker, A.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images using ...
     with: Dorval, T.: Phenotypic Profiling of High Throughput Imaging Screens wi...
     with: Gatenby, R.A.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images usi...
     with: Gillies, R.J.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images usi...
     with: Goldgof, D.B.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images usi...
     with: Gu, Y.H.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images using a ...
     with: Hall, L.O.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images using ...
     with: Jackson, P.T.: Phenotypic Profiling of High Throughput Imaging Screens...
     with: Knight, S.: Phenotypic Profiling of High Throughput Imaging Screens wi...
     with: Korn, R.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images using a ...
     with: Kumar, V.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images using a...
     with: Lambin, P.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images using ...
     with: Li, C.Y.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images using a ...
     with: Li, X.L.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images using a ...
     with: Obara, B.: Phenotypic Profiling of High Throughput Imaging Screens wit...
     with: Tian, J.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images using a ...
     with: Velazquez, E.R.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images u...
     with: Wang, Y.: Phenotypic Profiling of High Throughput Imaging Screens with...
21 for Bendtsen, C.

Bendure, W.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anderson, F.W.: Method and apparatus for registering color separation ...
     with: Hutchison, V.E.: Method and apparatus for registering color separation...
     with: Wilson, M.R.: Method and apparatus for registering color separation fi...

Index for "b"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:22:45
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